Globe scanner
- any vpn connection
- zmap
- zgrab
- pip
- setuptools
Scanning the net block of every country for open ports 80,443,22,21,3384
Tested in ubuntu 16.04.
Run with the sudo previlige in ubuntu, so libzmap can run zmap and return results.
sudo python
- Connect to VPN
- Get CIDR list per country
- Scan countries for ports
- Save to disk
- Analyze results
- Report analysis
Requirements to workflow:
- VPN -> mullvad
a. no DNS leaks
b. long running VPN
c. moderate bandwidth - CIDR
a. update every scan b. optimize speed - Scan
a. maximize speed - Save
a. keep past results for 3+ years
b. maximize disk usage
c. Host, Country, DNS, Industry, Owner - Analyze
a. Change over time + current state
b. per host
c. per CIDR
d. Country
e. Global
f. React