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The code list is based on code list 4451 (Text subject code qualifier) of the United Trade Data Interchange Directory (UNTDID).

Code Name Description
AAA Goods item description [7002] Plain language description of the nature of a goods item sufficient to identify it for customs, statistical or transport purposes.
AAB Payment term [4276] Free form description of the conditions of payment between the parties to a transaction.
AAC Dangerous goods additional information [7488] Additional information concerning dangerous substances and/or article in a consignment.
AAD Dangerous goods technical name [7254] Proper shipping name, supplemented as necessary with the correct technical name, by which a dangerous substance or article may be correctly identified, or which is sufficiently informative to permit identification by reference to generally available literature.
AAE Acknowledgement description The content of an acknowledgement.
AAF Rate additional information Specific details applying to rates.
AAG Party instructions Indicates that the segment contains instructions to be passed on to the identified party.
AAI General information The text contains general information.
AAJ Additional conditions of sale/purchase Additional conditions specific to this order or project.
AAK Price conditions Information on the price conditions that are expected or given.
AAL Goods dimensions in characters Expression of a number in characters as length of ten meters.
AAM Equipment re-usage restrictions Technical or commercial reasons why a piece of equipment may not be re-used after the current transport terminates.
AAN Handling restriction Restrictions in handling depending on the technical characteristics of the piece of equipment or on the nature of the goods.
AAO Error description (free text) Error described by a free text.
AAP Response (free text) Free text of the response to a communication.
AAQ Package content's description A description of the contents of a package.
AAR Terms of delivery (4053) Free text of the non Incoterms terms of delivery. For Incoterms, use: 4053.
AAS Bill of lading remarks The remarks printed or to be printed on a bill of lading.
AAT Mode of settlement information Free text information on an IATA Air Waybill to indicate means by which account is to be settled.
AAU Consignment invoice information Information pertaining to the invoice covering the consignment.
AAV Clearance invoice information Information pertaining to the invoice covering clearance of the cargo.
AAW Letter of credit information Information pertaining to the letter of credit.
AAX License information Information pertaining to a license.
AAY Certification statements The text contains certification statements.
AAZ Additional export information The text contains additional export information.
ABA Tariff statements Description of parameters relating to a tariff.
ABB Medical history Historical details of a patients medical events.
ABC Conditions of sale or purchase (4490) (4372) Additional information regarding terms and conditions which apply to the transaction.
ABD Contract document type [4422] Textual representation of the type of contract.
ABE Additional terms and/or conditions (documentary credit) (4260) Additional terms and/or conditions to the documentary credit.
ABF Instructions or information about standby documentary credit Instruction or information about a standby documentary credit.
ABG Instructions or information about partial shipment(s) Instructions or information about partial shipment(s).
ABH Instructions or information about transhipment(s) Instructions or information about transhipment(s).
ABI Additional handling instructions documentary credit Additional handling instructions for a documentary credit.
ABJ Domestic routing information Information regarding the domestic routing.
ABK Chargeable category of equipment Equipment types are coded by category for financial purposes.
ABL Government information Information pertaining to government.
ABM Onward routing information The text contains onward routing information.
ABN Accounting information [4410] The text contains information related to accounting.
ABO Discrepancy information Free text or coded information to indicate a specific discrepancy.
ABP Confirmation instructions Documentary credit confirmation instructions.
ABQ Method of issuance Method of issuance of documentary credit.
ABR Documents delivery instructions Delivery instructions for documents required under a documentary credit.
ABS Additional conditions Additional conditions to the issuance of a documentary credit.
ABT Information/instructions about additional amounts covered Additional amounts information/instruction.
ABU Deferred payment termed additional Additional terms concerning deferred payment.
ABV Acceptance terms additional Additional terms concerning acceptance.
ABW Negotiation terms additional Additional terms concerning negotiation.
ABX Document name and documentary requirements Document name and documentary requirements.
ABZ Instructions/information about revolving documentary credit Instructions/information about a revolving documentary credit.
ACA Documentary requirements Specification of the documentary requirements.
ACB Additional information (4270) The text contains additional information.
ACC Factor assignment clause Assignment based on an agreement between seller and factor.
ACD Reason Reason for a request or response.
ACE Dispute A notice, usually from buyer to seller, that something was found wrong with goods delivered or the services rendered, or with the related invoice.
ACF Additional attribute information The text refers to information about an additional attribute not otherwise specified.
ACG Absence declaration A declaration on the reason of the absence.
ACH Aggregation statement A statement on the way a specific variable or set of variables has been aggregated.
ACI Compilation statement A statement on the compilation status of an array or other set of figures or calculations.
ACJ Definitional exception An exception to the agreed definition of a term, concept, formula or other object.
ACK Privacy statement A statement on the privacy or confidential nature of an object.
ACL Quality statement A statement on the quality of an object.
ACM Statistical description The description of a statistical object such as a value list, concept, or structure definition.
ACN Statistical definition The definition of a statistical object such as a value list, concept, or structure definition.
ACO Statistical name The name of a statistical object such as a value list, concept or structure definition.
ACP Statistical title The title of a statistical object such as a value list, concept, or structure definition.
ACQ Off-dimension information Information relating to differences between the actual transport dimensions and the normally applicable dimensions.
ACR Unexpected stops information Information relating to unexpected stops during a conveyance.
ACS Principles Text subject is principles section of the UN/EDIFACT rules for presentation of standardized message and directories documentation.
ACT Terms and definition Text subject is terms and definition section of the UN/EDIFACT rules for presentation of standardized message and directories documentation.
ACU Segment name Text subject is segment name.
ACV Simple data element name Text subject is name of simple data element.
ACW Scope Text subject is scope section of the UN/EDIFACT rules for presentation of standardized message and directories documentation.
ACX Message type name Text subject is name of message type.
ACY Introduction Text subject is introduction section of the UN/EDIFACT rules for presentation of standardized message and directories documentation.
ACZ Glossary Text subject is glossary section of the UN/EDIFACT rules for presentation of standardized message and directories documentation.
ADA Functional definition Text subject is functional definition section of the UN/EDIFACT rules for presentation of standardized message and directories documentation.
ADB Examples Text subject is examples as given in the example(s) section of the UN/EDIFACT rules for presentation of standardized message and directories documentation.
ADC Cover page Text subject is cover page of the UN/EDIFACT rules for presentation of standardized message and directories documentation.
ADD Dependency (syntax) notes Denotes that the associated text is a dependency (syntax) note.
ADE Code value name Text subject is name of code value.
ADF Code list name Text subject is name of code list.
ADG Clarification of usage Text subject is an explanation of the intended usage of a segment or segment group.
ADH Composite data element name Text subject is name of composite data element.
ADI Field of application Text subject is field of application of the UN/EDIFACT rules for presentation of standardized message and directories documentation.
ADJ Type of assets and liabilities Information describing the type of assets and liabilities.
ADK Promotion information The text contains information about a promotion.
ADL Meter condition Description of the condition of a meter.
ADM Meter reading information Information related to a particular reading of a meter.
ADN Type of transaction reason Information describing the type of the reason of transaction.
ADO Type of survey question Type of survey question.
ADP Carrier's agent counter information Information for use at the counter of the carrier's agent.
ADQ Description of work item on equipment Description or code for the operation to be executed on the equipment.
ADR Message definition Text subject is message definition.
ADS Booked item information Information pertaining to a booked item.
ADT Source of document Text subject is source of document.
ADU Note Text subject is note.
ADV Fixed part of segment clarification text Text subject is fixed part of segment clarification text.
ADW Characteristics of goods Description of the characteristic of goods in addition to the description of the goods.
ADX Additional discharge instructions Special discharge instructions concerning the goods.
ADY Container stripping instructions Instructions regarding the stripping of container(s).
ADZ CSC (Container Safety Convention) plate information Information on the CSC (Container Safety Convention) plate that is attached to the container.
AEA Cargo remarks Additional remarks concerning the cargo.
AEB Temperature control instructions Instruction regarding the temperature control of the cargo.
AEC Text refers to expected data Remarks refer to data that was expected.
AED Text refers to received data Remarks refer to data that was received.
AEE Section clarification text Text subject is section clarification text.
AEF Information to the beneficiary Information given to the beneficiary.
AEG Information to the applicant Information given to the applicant.
AEH Instructions to the beneficiary Instructions made to the beneficiary.
AEI Instructions to the applicant Instructions given to the applicant.
AEJ Controlled atmosphere Information about the controlled atmosphere.
AEK Take off annotation Additional information in plain text to support a take off annotation. Taking off is the process of assessing the quantity work from extracting the measurement from construction documentation.
AEL Price variation narrative Additional information in plain language to support a price variation.
AEM Documentary credit amendment instructions Documentary credit amendment instructions.
AEN Standard method narrative Additional information in plain language to support a standard method.
AEO Project narrative Additional information in plain language to support the project.
AEP Radioactive goods, additional information Additional information related to radioactive goods.
AEQ Bank-to-bank information Information given from one bank to another.
AER Reimbursement instructions Instructions given for reimbursement purposes.
AES Reason for amending a message Identification of the reason for amending a message.
AET Instructions to the paying and/or accepting and/or negotiating bank Instructions to the paying and/or accepting and/or negotiating bank.
AEU Interest instructions Instructions given about the interest.
AEV Agent commission Instructions about agent commission.
AEW Remitting bank instructions Instructions to the remitting bank.
AEX Instructions to the collecting bank Instructions to the bank, other than the remitting bank, involved in processing the collection.
AEY Collection amount instructions Instructions about the collection amount.
AEZ Internal auditing information Text relating to internal auditing information.
AFA Constraint Denotes that the associated text is a constraint.
AFB Comment Denotes that the associated text is a comment.
AFC Semantic note Denotes that the associated text is a semantic note.
AFD Help text Denotes that the associated text is an item of help text.
AFE Legend Denotes that the associated text is a legend.
AFF Batch code structure A description of the structure of a batch code.
AFG Product application A general description of the application of a product.
AFH Customer complaint Complaint of customer.
AFI Probable cause of fault The probable cause of fault.
AFJ Defect description Description of the defect.
AFK Repair description The description of the work performed during the repair.
AFL Review comments Comments relevant to a review.
AFM Title Denotes that the associated text is a title.
AFN Description of amount An amount description in clear text.
AFO Responsibilities Information describing the responsibilities.
AFP Supplier Information concerning suppliers.
AFQ Purchase region Information concerning the region(s) where purchases are made.
AFR Affiliation Information concerning an association of one party with another party(ies).
AFS Borrower Information concerning the borrower.
AFT Line of business Information concerning an entity's line of business.
AFU Financial institution Description of financial institution(s) used by an entity.
AFV Business founder Information about the business founder.
AFW Business history Description of the business history.
AFX Banking arrangements Information concerning the general banking arrangements.
AFY Business origin Description of the business origin.
AFZ Brand names' description Description of the entity's brands.
AGA Business financing details Details about the financing of the business.
AGB Competition Information concerning an entity's competition.
AGC Construction process details Details about the construction process.
AGD Construction specialty Information concerning the line of business of a construction entity.
AGE Contract information Details about contract(s).
AGF Corporate filing Details about a corporate filing.
AGG Customer information Description of customers.
AGH Copyright notice Information concerning the copyright notice.
AGI Contingent debt Details about the contingent debt.
AGJ Conviction details Details about the law or penal codes that resulted in conviction.
AGK Equipment Description of equipment.
AGL Workforce description Comments about the workforce.
AGM Exemption Description about exemptions.
AGN Future plans Information on future plans.
AGO Interviewee conversation information Information concerning the interviewee conversation.
AGP Intangible asset Description of intangible asset(s).
AGQ Inventory Description of the inventory.
AGR Investment Description of the investments.
AGS Intercompany relations information Description of the intercompany relations.
AGT Joint venture Description of the joint venture.
AGU Loan Description of a loan.
AGV Long term debt Description of the long term debt.
AGW Location Description of a location.
AGX Current legal structure Details on the current legal structure.
AGY Marital contract Details on a marital contract.
AGZ Marketing activities Information concerning marketing activities.
AHA Merger Description of a merger.
AHB Marketable securities Description of the marketable securities.
AHC Business debt Description of the business debt(s).
AHD Original legal structure Information concerning the original legal structure.
AHE Employee sharing arrangements Information describing how a company uses employees from another company.
AHF Organization details Description about the organization of a company.
AHG Public record details Information concerning public records.
AHH Price range Information concerning the price range of products made or sold.
AHI Qualifications Information on the accomplishments fitting a party for a position.
AHJ Registered activity Information concerning the registered activity.
AHK Criminal sentence Description of the sentence imposed in a criminal proceeding.
AHL Sales method Description of the selling means.
AHM Educational institution information Free form description relating to the school(s) attended.
AHN Status details Describes the status details.
AHO Sales Description of the sales.
AHP Spouse information Information about the spouse.
AHQ Educational degree information Details about the educational degree received from a school.
AHR Shareholding information General description of shareholding.
AHS Sales territory Information on the sales territory.
AHT Accountant's comments Comments made by an accountant regarding a financial statement.
AHU Exemption law location Description of the exemption provided to a location by a law.
AHV Share classifications Information about the classes or categories of shares.
AHW Forecast Description of a prediction.
AHX Event location Description of the location of an event.
AHY Facility occupancy Information related to occupancy of a facility.
AHZ Import and export details Specific information provided about the importation and exportation of goods.
AIA Additional facility information Additional information about a facility.
AIB Inventory value Description of the value of inventory.
AIC Education Description of the education of a person.
AID Event Description of a thing that happens or takes place.
AIE Agent Information about agents the entity uses.
AIF Domestically agreed financial statement details Details of domestically agreed financial statement.
AIG Other current asset description Description of other current asset.
AIH Other current liability description Description of other current liability.
AII Former business activity Description of the former line of business.
AIJ Trade name use Description of how a trading name is used.
AIK Signing authority Description of the authorized signatory.
AIL Guarantee [4376] Description of guarantee.
AIM Holding company operation Description of the operation of a holding company.
AIN Consignment routing Information on routing of the consignment.
AIO Letter of protest A letter citing any condition in dispute.
AIP Question A free text question.
AIQ Party information Free text information related to a party.
AIR Area boundaries description Description of the boundaries of a geographical area.
AIS Advertisement information The free text contains advertisement information.
AIT Financial statement details Details regarding the financial statement in free text.
AIU Access instructions Description of how to access an entity.
AIV Liquidity Description of an entity's liquidity.
AIW Credit line Description of the line of credit available to an entity.
AIX Warranty terms Text describing the terms of warranty which apply to a product or service.
AIY Division description Plain language description of a division of an entity.
AIZ Reporting instruction Instruction on how to report.
AJA Examination result The result of an examination.
AJB Laboratory result The result of a laboratory investigation.
ALC Allowance/charge information Information referring to allowance/charge.
ALD X-ray result The result of an X-ray examination.
ALE Pathology result The result of a pathology investigation.
ALF Intervention description Details of an intervention.
ALG Summary of admittance Summary description of admittance.
ALH Medical treatment course detail Details of a course of medical treatment.
ALI Prognosis Details of a prognosis.
ALJ Instruction to patient Instruction given to a patient.
ALK Instruction to physician Instruction given to a physician.
ALL All documents The note implies to all documents.
ALM Medicine treatment Details of medicine treatment.
ALN Medicine dosage and administration Details of medicine dosage and method of administration.
ALO Availability of patient Details of when and/or where the patient is available.
ALP Reason for service request Details of the reason for a requested service.
ALQ Purpose of service Details of the purpose of a service.
ARR Arrival conditions Conditions under which arrival takes place.
ARS Service requester's comment Comment by the requester of a service.
AUT Authentication (4130) (4136) (4426) Name, code, password etc. given for authentication purposes.
AUU Requested location description The description of the location requested.
AUV Medicine administration condition The event or condition that initiates the administration of a single dose of medicine or a period of treatment.
AUW Patient information Information concerning a patient.
AUX Precautionary measure Action to be taken to avert possible harmful affects.
AUY Service characteristic Free text description is related to a service characteristic.
AUZ Planned event comment Comment about an event that is planned.
AVA Expected delay comment Comment about the expected delay.
AVB Transport requirements comment Comment about the requirements for transport.
AVC Temporary approval condition The condition under which the approval is considered.
AVD Customs Valuation Information Information provided in this category will be used by the trader to make certain declarations in relation to Customs Valuation.
AVE Value Added Tax (VAT) margin scheme Description of the VAT margin scheme applied.
AVF Maritime Declaration of Health Information about Maritime Declaration of Health.
BAG Passenger baggage information Information related to baggage tendered by a passenger, such as odd size indication, tag.
BAH Maritime Declaration of Health Information about Maritime Declaration of Health.
BAI Additional product information address Address at which additional information on the product can be found.
BAJ Information to be printed on despatch advice Specification of free text information which is to be printed on a despatch advice.
BAK Missing goods remarks Remarks concerning missing goods.
BAL Non-acceptance information Information related to the non-acceptance of an order, goods or a consignment.
BAM Returns information Information related to the return of items.
BAN Sub-line item information Note contains information related to sub-line item data.
BAO Test information Information related to a test.
BAP External link The external link to a digital document (e.g.: URL).
BAQ VAT exemption reason Reason for Value Added Tax (VAT) exemption.
BAR Processing Instructions Instructions for processing.
BAS Relay Instructions Instructions for relaying.
BAT SIMA applicable Identifies that Special Import Measures Act applies
BAU Appeals program code Identifies information related to an appeals program.
BAV SIMA subject Identifies if the goods are subject to a Special Import Measures Act measure.
BAW Surtax applicable Identifies that surtax applies
BAX SIMA security bond Identifies that there is a security bond in hand that could theoretically be used to cover Special Import Measures Act charges
BAY Surtax subject Identifies if the goods are subject to a surtax measure
BAZ Safeguard applicable Identifies safeguard applies
BBA Safeguard applicable Identifies safeguard applies
BBB Safeguard subject Identifies if the goods are subject to a safeguard measure
BLC Transport contract document clause [4180] Clause on a transport document regarding the cargo being consigned. Synonym: Bill of Lading clause.
BLD Instruction to prepare the patient Instruction with the purpose of preparing the patient.
BLE Medicine treatment comment Comment about treatment with medicine.
BLF Examination result comment Comment about the result of an examination.
BLG Service request comment Comment about the requested service.
BLH Prescription reason Details of the reason for a prescription.
BLI Prescription comment Comment concerning a specified prescription.
BLJ Clinical investigation comment Comment concerning a clinical investigation.
BLK Medicinal specification comment Comment concerning the specification of a medicinal product.
BLL Economic contribution comment Comment concerning economic contribution.
BLM Status of a plan Comment about the status of a plan.
BLN Random sample test information Information regarding a random sample test.
BLO Period of time Text subject is a period of time.
BLP Legislation Information about legislation.
BLQ Security measures requested Text describing security measures that are requested to be executed (e.g. access controls, supervision of ship's stores).
BLR Transport contract document remark [4244] Remarks concerning the complete consignment to be printed on the transport document. Synonym: Bill of Lading remark.
BLS Previous port of call security information Text describing the security information as applicable at the port facility in the previous port where a ship/port interface was conducted.
BLT Security information Text describing security related information (e.g security measures currently in force on a vessel).
BLU Waste information Text describing waste related information.
BLV B2C marketing information, short description Consumer marketing information, short description.
BLW B2B marketing information, long description Trading partner marketing information, long description.
BLX B2C marketing information, long description Consumer marketing information, long description.
BLY Product ingredients Information on the ingredient make up of the product.
BLZ Location short name Short name of a location e.g. for display or printing purposes.
BMA Packaging material information The text contains a description of the material used for packaging.
BMB Filler material information Text contains information on the material used for stuffing.
BMC Ship-to-ship activity information Text contains information on ship-to-ship activities.
BMD Package material description A description of the type of material for packaging beyond the level covered by standards such as UN Recommendation 21.
BME Consumer level package marking Textual representation of the markings on a consumer level package.
BMF SIMA measure in force Identifies the specific Special Import Measures Act measure related to the goods
BMG Pre-CARM Identifiication of how the transmission should be processed regarding submissions transmitted prior to implementation of Canada Border Services Agency’s Assessment and Revenue Management (CARM) project
BMH SIMA measure type Identification of the type of Special Import Measures Act measure
CCI Customs clearance instructions Any coded or clear instruction agreed by customer and carrier regarding the declaration of the goods.
CCJ Sub Type Code Code which identifies a secondary form type
CCK SIMA information Additional information detailing Special Import Measures Act information
CCL Time limit end The date the goods exited the economy or warehouse
CCM Time limit start The date the goods entered the economy or warehouse
CCN Warehouse time limit The amount of time goods may remain in the warehouse
CCO Value for duty information Additional information detailing the basis on which the value for duty was determined
CEX Customs clearance instructions export Any coded or clear instruction agreed by customer and carrier regarding the export declaration of the goods.
CHG Change information Note contains change information.
CIP Customs clearance instruction import Any coded or clear instruction agreed by customer and carrier regarding the import declaration of the goods.
CLP Clearance place requested Name of the place where Customs clearance is asked to be executed as requested by the consignee/consignor.
CLR Loading remarks Instructions concerning the loading of the container.
COI Order information Additional information related to an order.
CUR Customer remarks Remarks from or for a supplier of goods or services.
CUS Customs declaration information (4034) Note contains customs declaration information.
DAR Damage remarks Remarks concerning damage on the cargo.
DCL Document issuer declaration [4020] Text of a declaration made by the issuer of a document.
DEL Delivery information Information about delivery.
DIN Delivery instructions [4492] Instructions regarding the delivery of the cargo.
DOC Documentation instructions Instructions pertaining to the documentation.
DUT Duty declaration The text contains a statement constituting a duty declaration.
EUR Effective used routing Physical route effectively used for the movement of the means of transport.
FBC First block to be printed on the transport contract The first block of text to be printed on the transport contract.
GBL Government bill of lading information Free text information on a transport document to indicate payment information by Government Bill of Lading.
GEN Entire transaction set Note is general in nature, applies to entire transaction segment.
GS7 Further information concerning GGVS par. 7 Special permission for road transport of certain goods in the German dangerous goods regulation for road transport.
HAN Consignment handling instruction [4078] Free form description of a set of handling instructions. For example how specified goods, packages or transport equipment (container) should be handled.
HAZ Hazard information Information pertaining to a hazard.
ICN Consignment information for consignee [4070] Any remarks given for the information of the consignee.
IIN Insurance instructions (4112) Instructions regarding the cargo insurance.
IMI Invoice mailing instructions Instructions as to which freight and charges components have to be mailed to whom.
IND Commercial invoice item description Free text describing goods on a commercial invoice line.
INS Insurance information Specific note contains insurance information.
INV Invoice instruction Note contains invoice instructions.
IRP Information for railway purpose Data entered by railway stations when required, e.g. specified trains, additional sheets for freight calculations, special measures, etc.
ITR Inland transport details Information concerning the pre-carriage to the port of discharge if by other means than a vessel.
ITS Testing instructions Instructions regarding the testing that is required to be carried out on the items in the transaction.
LAN Location Alias Alternative name for a location.
LIN Line item Note contains line item information.
LOI Loading instruction [4080] Instructions where specified packages or containers are to be loaded on a means of transport.
MCO Miscellaneous charge order Free text accounting information on an IATA Air Waybill to indicate payment information by Miscellaneous charge order.
MDH Maritime Declaration of Health Information about Maritime Declaration of Health.
MKS Additional marks/numbers information Additional information regarding the marks and numbers.
ORI Order instruction Free text contains order instructions.
OSI Other service information General information created by the sender of general or specific value.
PAC Packing/marking information Information regarding the packaging and/or marking of goods.
PAI Payment instructions information The free text contains payment instructions information relevant to the message.
PAY Payables information Note contains payables information.
PKG Packaging information Note contains packaging information.
PKT Packaging terms information The text contains packaging terms information.
PMD Payment detail/remittance information The free text contains payment details.
PMT Payment information (4438) Note contains payments information.
PRD Product information The text contains product information.
PRF Price calculation formula Additional information regarding the price formula used for calculating the item price.
PRI Priority information (4218) Note contains priority information.
PUR Purchasing information Note contains purchasing information.
QIN Quarantine instructions Instructions regarding quarantine, i.e. the period during which an arriving vessel, including its equipment, cargo, crew or passengers, suspected to carry or carrying a contagious disease is detained in strict isolation to prevent the spread of such a disease.
QQD Quality demands/requirements Specification of the quality/performance expectations or standards to which the items must conform.
QUT Quotation instruction/information Note contains quotation information.
RAH Risk and handling information Information concerning risks induced by the goods and/or handling instruction.
REG Regulatory information The free text contains information for regulatory authority.
RET Return to origin information Free text information on an IATA Air Waybill to indicate consignment returned because of non delivery.
REV Receivables The text contains receivables information.
RQR Consignment route [3050] Description of a route to be used for the transport of goods.
SAF Safety information The text contains safety information.
SIC Consignment documentary instruction [4284] Instructions given and declarations made by the sender to the carrier concerning Customs, insurance, and other formalities.
SIN Special instructions Special instructions like licence no, high value, handle with care, glass.
SLR Ship line requested Shipping line requested to be used for traffic between European continent and U.K. for Ireland.
SPA Special permission for transport, generally Statement that a special permission has been obtained for the transport (and/or routing) in general, and reference to such permission.
SPG Special permission concerning the goods to be transported Statement that a special permission has been obtained for the transport (and/or routing) of the goods specified, and reference to such permission.
SPH Special handling Note contains special handling information.
SPP Special permission concerning package Statement that a special permission has been obtained for the packaging, and reference to such permission.
SPT Special permission concerning transport means Statement that a special permission has been obtained for the use of the means transport, and reference to such permission.
SRN Subsidiary risk number (IATA/DGR) Number(s) of subsidiary risks, induced by the goods, according to the valid classification.
SSR Special service request Request for a special service concerning the transport of the goods.
SUR Supplier remarks Remarks from or for a supplier of goods or services.
TCA Consignment tariff [5430] Free text specification of tariff applied to a consignment.
TDT Consignment transport [8012] Transport information for commercial purposes (generic term).
TRA Transportation information General information regarding the transport of the cargo.
TRR Requested tariff Stipulation of the tariffs to be applied showing, where applicable, special agreement numbers or references.
TXD Tax declaration The text contains a statement constituting a tax declaration.
WHI Warehouse instruction/information Note contains warehouse information.
ZZZ Mutually defined Note contains information mutually defined by trading partners.


List of codes specifying the attribute measured.


The code list is based on code list 7143 (Item type identification code) of the United Trade Data Interchange Directory (UNTDID).

Code Name Description
AA Product version number Number assigned by manufacturer or seller to identify the release of a product.
AB Assembly The item number is that of an assembly.
AC HIBC (Health Industry Bar Code) Article identifier used within health sector to indicate data used conforms to HIBC.
AD Cold roll number Number assigned to a cold roll.
AE Hot roll number Number assigned to a hot roll.
AF Slab number Number assigned to a slab, which is produced in a particular production step.
AG Software revision number A number assigned to indicate a revision of software.
AH UPC (Universal Product Code) Consumer package code (1-5-5) An 11-digit code that uniquely identifies consumer packaging of a product; does not have a check digit.
AI UPC (Universal Product Code) Consumer package code (1-5-5-1) A 12-digit code that uniquely identifies the consumer packaging of a product, including a check digit.
AJ Sample number Number assigned to a sample.
AK Pack number Number assigned to a pack containing a stack of items put together (e.g. cold roll sheets (steel product)).
AL UPC (Universal Product Code) Shipping container code (1-2-5-5) A 13-digit code that uniquely identifies the manufacturer's shipping unit, including the packaging indicator.
AM UPC (Universal Product Code)/EAN (European article number) Shipping container code (1-2-5-5-1) A 14-digit code that uniquely identifies the manufacturer's shipping unit, including the packaging indicator and the check digit.
AN UPC (Universal Product Code) suffix A suffix used in conjunction with a higher level UPC (Universal product code) to define packing variations for a product.
AO State label code A code which specifies the codification of the state's labelling requirements.
AP Heat number Number assigned to the heat (also known as the iron charge) for the production of steel products.
AQ Coupon number A number identifying a coupon.
AR Resource number A number to identify a resource.
AS Work task number A number to identify a work task.
AT Price look up number Identification number on a product allowing a quick electronic retrieval of price information for that product.
AU NSN (North Atlantic Treaty Organization Stock Number) Number assigned under the NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) codification system to provide the identification of an approved item of supply.
AV Refined product code A code specifying the product refinement designation.
AW Exhibit A code indicating that the product is identified by an exhibit number.
AX End item A number specifying an end item.
AY Federal supply classification A code to specify a product's Federal supply classification.
AZ Engineering data list A code specifying the product's engineering data list.
BA Milestone event number A number to identify a milestone event.
BB Lot number A number indicating the lot number of a product.
BC National drug code 4-4-2 format A code identifying the product in national drug format 4-4-2.
BD National drug code 5-3-2 format A code identifying the product in national drug format 5-3-2.
BE National drug code 5-4-1 format A code identifying the product in national drug format 5-4-1.
BF National drug code 5-4-2 format A code identifying the product in national drug format 5-4-2.
BG National drug code A code specifying the national drug classification.
BH Part number A number indicating the part.
BI Local Stock Number (LSN) A local number assigned to an item of stock.
BJ Next higher assembly number A number specifying the next higher assembly or component into which the product is being incorporated.
BK Data category A code specifying a category of data.
BL Control number To specify the control number.
BM Special material identification code A number to identify the special material code.
BN Locally assigned control number A number assigned locally for control purposes.
BO Buyer's colour Colour assigned by buyer.
BP Buyer's part number Reference number assigned by the buyer to identify an article.
BQ Variable measure product code A code assigned to identify a variable measure item.
BR Financial phase To specify as an item, the financial phase.
BS Contract breakdown To specify as an item, the contract breakdown.
BT Technical phase To specify as an item, the technical phase.
BU Dye lot number Number identifying a dye lot.
BV Daily statement of activities A statement listing activities of one day.
BW Periodical statement of activities within a bilaterally agreed time period Periodical statement listing activities within a bilaterally agreed time period.
BX Calendar week statement of activities A statement listing activities of a calendar week.
BY Calendar month statement of activities A statement listing activities of a calendar month.
BZ Original equipment number Original equipment number allocated to spare parts by the manufacturer.
CC Industry commodity code The codes given to certain commodities by an industry.
CG Commodity grouping Code for a group of articles with common characteristics (e.g. used for statistical purposes).
CL Colour number Code for the colour of an article.
CR Contract number Reference number identifying a contract.
CV Customs article number Code defined by Customs authorities to an article or a group of articles for Customs purposes.
DR Drawing revision number Reference number indicating that a change or revision has been applied to a drawing.
DW Drawing Reference number identifying a drawing of an article.
EC Engineering change level Reference number indicating that a change or revision has been applied to an article's specification.
EF Material code Code defining the material's type, surface, geometric form plus various classifying characteristics.
EN International Article Numbering Association (EAN) Number assigned to a manufacturer's product according to the International Article Numbering Association.
FS Fish species Identification of fish species.
GB Buyer's internal product group code Product group code used within a buyer's internal systems.
GN National product group code National product group code. Administered by a national agency.
GS General specification number The item number is a general specification number.
HS Harmonised system The item number is part of, or is generated in the context of the Harmonised Commodity Description and Coding System (Harmonised System), as developed and maintained by the World Customs Organization (WCO).
IB ISBN (International Standard Book Number) A unique number identifying a book.
IN Buyer's item number The item number has been allocated by the buyer.
IS ISSN (International Standard Serial Number) A unique number identifying a serial publication.
IT Buyer's style number Number given by the buyer to a specific style or form of an article, especially used for garments.
IZ Buyer's size code Code given by the buyer to designate the size of an article in textile and shoe industry.
MA Machine number The item number is a machine number.
MF Manufacturer's (producer's) article number The number given to an article by its manufacturer.
MN Model number Reference number assigned by the manufacturer to differentiate variations in similar products in a class or group.
MP Product/service identification number Reference number identifying a product or service.
NB Batch number The item number is a batch number.
ON Customer order number Reference number of a customer's order.
PD Part number description Reference number identifying a description associated with a number ultimately used to identify an article.
PL Purchaser's order line number Reference number identifying a line entry in a customer's order for goods or services.
PO Purchase order number Reference number identifying a customer's order.
PV Promotional variant number The item number is a promotional variant number.
QS Buyer's qualifier for size The item number qualifies the size of the buyer.
RC Returnable container number Reference number identifying a returnable container.
RN Release number Reference number identifying a release from a buyer's purchase order.
RU Run number The item number identifies the production or manufacturing run or sequence in which the item was manufactured, processed or assembled.
RY Record keeping of model year The item number relates to the year in which the particular model was kept.
SA Supplier's article number Number assigned to an article by the supplier of that article.
SG Standard group of products (mixed assortment) The item number relates to a standard group of other items (mixed) which are grouped together as a single item for identification purposes.
SK SKU (Stock keeping unit) Reference number of a stock keeping unit.
SN Serial number Identification number of an item which distinguishes this specific item out of a number of identical items.
SRS RSK number Plumbing and heating.
SRT IFLS (Institut Francais du Libre Service) 5 digit product classification code 5 digit code for product classification managed by the Institut Francais du Libre Service.
SRU IFLS (Institut Francais du Libre Service) 9 digit product classification code 9 digit code for product classification managed by the Institut Francais du Libre Service.
SRV GS1 Global Trade Item Number A unique number, up to 14-digits, assigned according to the numbering structure of the GS1 system.
SRW EDIS (Energy Data Identification System) European system for identification of meter data.
SRX Slaughter number Unique number given by a slaughterhouse to an animal or a group of animals of the same breed.
SRY Official animal number Unique number given by a national authority to identify an animal individually.
SRZ Harmonized tariff schedule The international Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTS) to classify the article for customs, statistical and other purposes.
SS Supplier's supplier article number Article number referring to a sales catalogue of supplier's supplier.
SSA 46 Level DOT Code A US Department of Transportation (DOT) code to identify hazardous (dangerous) goods, managed by the Customs and Border Protection (CBP) agency.
SSB Airline Tariff 6D A US code agreed to by the airline industry to identify hazardous (dangerous) goods, managed by the Customs and Border Protection (CBP) agency.
SSC Title 49 Code of Federal Regulations A US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) code used to identify hazardous (dangerous) goods.
SSD International Civil Aviation Administration code A US Department of Transportation/Federal Aviation Administration code used to identify hazardous (dangerous) goods, managed by the Customs and Border Protection (CBP) agency.
SSE Hazardous Materials ID DOT A US Department of Transportation (DOT) code used to identify hazardous (dangerous) goods, managed by the Customs and Border Protection (CBP) agency.
SSF Endorsement A US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) code used to identify hazardous (dangerous) goods.
SSG Air Force Regulation 71-4 A department of Defense/Air Force code used to identify hazardous (dangerous) goods, managed by the Customs and Border Protection (CBP) agency.
SSH Breed The breed of the item (e.g. plant or animal).
SSI Chemical Abstract Service (CAS) registry number A unique numerical identifier for for chemical compounds, polymers, biological sequences, mixtures and alloys.
SSJ Engine model designation A name or designation to identify an engine model.
SSK Institutional Meat Purchase Specifications (IMPS) Number A number assigned by agricultural authorities to identify and track meat and meat products.
SSL Price Look-Up code (PLU) Identification number affixed to produce in stores to retrieve price information.
SSM International Maritime Organization (IMO) Code An International Maritime Organization (IMO) code used to identify hazardous (dangerous) goods.
SSN Bureau of Explosives 600-A (rail) A Department of Transportation/Federal Railroad Administration code used to identify hazardous (dangerous) goods.
SSO United Nations Dangerous Goods List A UN code used to classify and identify dangerous goods.
SSP International Code of Botanical Nomenclature (ICBN) A code established by the International Code of Botanical Nomenclature (ICBN) used to classify and identify botanical articles and commodities.
SSQ International Code of Zoological Nomenclature (ICZN) A code established by the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature (ICZN) used to classify and identify animals.
SSR International Code of Nomenclature for Cultivated Plants (ICNCP) A code established by the International Code of Nomenclature for Cultivated Plants (ICNCP) used to classify and identify animals.
SSS Distributor’s article identifier Identifier assigned to an article by the distributor of that article.
SST Norwegian Classification system ENVA Product classification system used in the Norwegian market.
SSU Supplier assigned classification Product classification assigned by the supplier.
SSV Mexican classification system AMECE Product classification system used in the Mexican market.
SSW German classification system CCG Product classification system used in the German market.
SSX Finnish classification system EANFIN Product classification system used in the Finnish market.
SSY Canadian classification system ICC Product classification system used in the Canadian market.
SSZ French classification system IFLS5 Product classification system used in the French market.
ST Style number Number given to a specific style or form of an article, especially used for garments.
STA Dutch classification system CBL Product classification system used in the Dutch market.
STB Japanese classification system JICFS Product classification system used in the Japanese market.
STC European Union dairy subsidy eligibility classification Category of product eligible for EU subsidy (applies for certain dairy products with specific level of fat content).
STD GS1 Spain classification system Product classification system used in the Spanish market.
STE GS1 Poland classification system Product classification system used in the Polish market.
STF Federal Agency on Technical Regulating and Metrology of the Russian Federation A Russian government agency that serves as a national standardization body of the Russian Federation.
STG Efficient Consumer Response (ECR) Austria classification system Product classification system used in the Austrian market.
STH GS1 Italy classification system Product classification system used in the Italian market.
STI CPV (Common Procurement Vocabulary) Official classification system for public procurement in the European Union.
STJ IFDA (International Foodservice Distributors Association) International Foodservice Distributors Association (IFDA).
STK AHFS (American Hospital Formulary Service) pharmacologic - therapeutic classification Pharmacologic - therapeutic classification maintained by the American Hospital Formulary Service (AHFS).
STL ATC (Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical) classification system Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical classification system maintained by the World Health Organisation (WHO).
STM CLADIMED (Classification des Dispositifs Médicaux) A five level classification system for medical decvices maintained by the CLADIMED organisation used in the French market.
STN CMDR (Canadian Medical Device Regulations) classification system Classification system related to the Canadian Medical Device Regulations maintained by Health Canada.
STO CNDM (Classificazione Nazionale dei Dispositivi Medici) A classification system for medical devices used in the Italian market.
STP UK DM&D (Dictionary of Medicines & Devices) standard coding scheme A classification system for medicines and devices used in the UK market.
STQ eCl@ss Standardized material and service classification and dictionary maintained by eClass e.V.
STR EDMA (European Diagnostic Manufacturers Association) Products Classification Classification for in vitro diagnostics medical devices maintained by the European Diagnostic Manufacturers Association.
STS EGAR (European Generic Article Register) A classification system for medical devices.
STT GMDN (Global Medical Devices Nomenclature) Nomenclature system for identification of medical devices officially apprroved by the European Union.
STU GPI (Generic Product Identifier) A drug classification system managed by Medi-Span.
STV HCPCS (Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System) A classification system used with US healthcare insurance programs.
STW ICPS (International Classification for Patient Safety) A patient safety taxonomy maintained by the World Health Organisation.
STX MedDRA (Medical Dictionary for Regulatory Activities) A medical dictionary maintained by the International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers and Associations (IFPMA).
STY Medical Columbus Medical product classification system used in the German market.
STZ NAPCS (North American Product Classification System) Product classification system used in the North American market.
SUA NHS (National Health Services) eClass Product and Service classification system used in United Kingdom market.
SUB US FDA (Food and Drug Administration) Product Code Classification Database US FDA Product Code Classification Database contains medical device names and associated information developed by the Center for Devices and Radiological Health (CDRH).
SUC SNOMED CT (Systematized Nomenclature of Medicine-Clinical Terms) A medical nomenclature system developed between the NHS and the College of American Pathologists.
SUD UMDNS (Universal Medical Device Nomenclature System) A standard international nomenclature and computer coding system for medical devices maintained by the Emergency Care Research Institute (ECRI).
SUE GS1 Global Returnable Asset Identifier, non-serialised A unique, 13-digit number assigned according to the numbering structure of the GS1 system and used to identify a type of Reusable Transport Item (RTI).
SUF IMEI The International Mobile Station Equipment Identity (IMEI) is a unique number to identify mobile phones. It includes the origin, model and serial number of the device. The structure is specified in 3GPP TS 23.003.
SUG Waste Type (EMSA) Classification of waste as defined by the European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA).
SUH Ship's store classification type Classification of ship’s stores.
SUI Emergency fire code Classification for emergency response procedures related to fire.
SUJ Emergency spillage code Classification for emergency response procedures related to spillage.
SUK IMDG packing group Packing group as defined in the International Marititme Dangerous Goods (IMDG) specification.
SUL MARPOL Code IBC International Bulk Chemical (IBC) code defined by the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL).
SUM IMDG subsidiary risk class Subsidiary risk class as defined in the International Maritime Dangerous Goods (IMDG) specification.
TG Transport group number (8012) Additional number to form article groups for packing and/or transportation purposes.
TSN Taxonomic Serial Number A unique number assigned to a taxonomic entity, commonly to a species of plants or animals, providing information on their hierarchical classification, scientific name, taxonomic rank, associated synonyms and vernacular names where appropriate, data source information and data quality indicators.
TSO IMDG main hazard class Main hazard class as defined in the International Maritime Dangerous Goods (IMDG) specification.
TSP EU Combined Nomenclature The number is part of, or is generated in the context of the Combined Nomenclature classification, as developed and maintained by the European Union (EU).
TSQ Therapeutic classification number A code to specify a product's therapeutic classification.
TSR European Waste Catalogue Waste type number according to the European Waste Catalogue (EWC).
TSS Price grouping code Number assigned to identify a grouping of products based on price.
TST UNSPSC The UNSPSC commodity classification system.
TSU EU RoHS Directive European Union Directive on the restriction of hazardous substances.
UA Ultimate customer's article number Number assigned by ultimate customer to identify relevant article.
UP UPC (Universal product code) Number assigned to a manufacturer's product by the Product Code Council.
VN Vendor item number Reference number assigned by a vendor/seller identifying a product/service/article.
VP Vendor's (seller's) part number Reference number assigned by a vendor/seller identifying an article.
VS Vendor's supplemental item number The item number is a specified by the vendor as a supplemental number for the vendor's purposes.
VX Vendor specification number The item number has been allocated by the vendor as a specification number.
ZZZ Mutually defined Item type identification mutually agreed between interchanging parties.


The code list is based on code list 1001 (Document name code) of the United Trade Data Interchange Directory (UNTDID).

Code Name Description
1 Certificate of analysis Certificate providing the values of an analysis.
2 Certificate of conformity Certificate certifying the conformity to predefined definitions.
3 Certificate of quality Certificate certifying the quality of goods, services etc.
4 Test report Report providing the results of a test session.
5 Product performance report Report specifying the performance values of products.
6 Product specification report Report providing specification values of products.
7 Process data report Reports on events during production process.
8 First sample test report Document/message describes the test report of the first sample.
9 Price/sales catalogue A document/message to enable the transmission of information regarding pricing and catalogue details for goods and services offered by a seller to a buyer.
10 Party information Document/message providing basic data concerning a party.
11 Federal label approval A pre-approved document relating to federal label approval requirements.
12 Mill certificate Certificate certifying a specific quality of agricultural products.
13 Post receipt Document/message which evidences the transport of goods by post (e.g. mail, parcel, etc.).
14 Weight certificate Certificate certifying the weight of goods.
15 Weight list Document/message specifying the weight of goods.
16 Certificate Document by means of which the documentary credit applicant specifies the conditions for the certificate and by whom the certificate is to be issued.
17 Combined certificate of value and origin Document identifying goods in which the issuing authority expressly certifies that the goods originate in a specific country or part of, or group of countries. It also states the price and/or cost of the goods with the purpose of determining the customs origin.
18 Movement certificate A.TR.1 Specific form of transit declaration issued by the exporter (movement certificate).
19 Certificate of quantity Certificate certifying the quantity of goods, services etc.
20 Quality data message Usage of QALITY-message.
21 Query Request information based on defined criteria.
22 Response to query Document/message returned as an answer to a question.
23 Status information Information regarding the status of a related message.
24 Restow Message/document identifying containers that have been unloaded and then reloaded onto the same means of transport.
25 Container discharge list Message/document itemising containers to be discharged from vessel.
26 Corporate superannuation contributions advice Document/message providing contributions advice used for corporate superannuation schemes.
27 Industry superannuation contributions advice Document/message providing contributions advice used for superannuation schemes which are industry wide.
28 Corporate superannuation member maintenance message Member maintenance message used for corporate superannuation schemes.
29 Industry superannuation member maintenance message Member maintenance message used for industry wide superannuation schemes.
30 Life insurance payroll deductions advice Payroll deductions advice used in the life insurance industry.
31 Underbond request A Message/document requesting to move cargo from one Customs control point to another.
32 Underbond approval A message/document issuing Customs approval to move cargo from one Customs control point to another.
33 Certificate of sealing of export meat lockers Document / message issued by the authority in the exporting country evidencing the sealing of export meat lockers.
34 Cargo status Message identifying the status of cargo.
35 Inventory report A message specifying information relating to held inventories.
36 Identity card Official document to identify a person.
37 Response to a trade statistics message Document/message in which the competent national authorities provide a declarant with an acceptance or a rejection about a received declaration for European statistical purposes.
38 Vaccination certificate Official document proving immunisation against certain diseases.
39 Passport An official document giving permission to travel in foreign countries.
40 Driving licence (national) An official document giving permission to drive a vehicle in a given country.
41 Driving licence (international) An official document giving a native of one country permission to drive a vehicle in certain other countries.
42 Free pass A document giving free access to a service.
43 Season ticket A document giving access to a service for a determined period of time.
44 Transport status report (1125) A message to report the transport status and/or change in the transport status (i.e. event) between agreed parties.
45 Transport status request (1127) A message to request a transport status report (e.g. through the national multimodal status report message IFSTA).
46 Banking status A banking status document and/or message.
47 Extra-Community trade statistical declaration Document/message in which a declarant provides information about extra-Community trade of goods required by the body responsible for the collection of trade statistics. Trade by a country in the European Union with a country outside the European Union.
48 Written instructions in conformance with ADR article number 10385 Written instructions relating to dangerous goods and defined in the European Agreement of Dangerous Transport by Road known as ADR (Accord europeen relatif au transport international des marchandises Dangereuses par Route).
49 Damage certification Official certification that damages to the goods to be transported have been discovered.
50 Validated priced tender A validated priced tender.
51 Price/sales catalogue response A document providing a response to a previously sent price/sales catalogue.
52 Price negotiation result A document providing the result of price negotiations.
53 Safety and hazard data sheet Document or message to supply advice on a dangerous or hazardous material to industrial customers so as to enable them to take measures to protect their employees and the environment from any potential harmful effects from these material.
54 Legal statement of an account A statement of an account containing the booked items as in the ledger of the account servicing financial institution.
55 Listing statement of an account A statement from the account servicing financial institution containing items pending to be booked.
56 Closing statement of an account Last statement of a period containing the interest calculation and the final balance of the last entry date.
57 Transport equipment on-hire report Report on the movement of containers or other items of transport equipment to record physical movement activity and establish the beginning of a rental period.
58 Transport equipment off-hire report Report on the movement of containers or other items of transport equipment to record physical movement activity and establish the end of a rental period.
59 Treatment - nil outturn No shortage, surplus or damaged outturn resulting from container vessel unpacking.
60 Treatment - time-up underbond Movement type indicator: goods are moved under customs control for warehousing due to being time-up.
61 Treatment - underbond by sea Movement type indicator: goods are to move by sea under customs control to a customs office where formalities will be completed.
62 Treatment - personal effect Cargo consists of personal effects.
63 Treatment - timber Cargo consists of timber.
64 Preliminary credit assessment Document/message issued either by a factor to indicate his preliminary credit assessment on a buyer, or by a seller to request a factor's preliminary credit assessment on a buyer.
65 Credit cover Document/message issued either by a factor to give a credit cover on a buyer, or by a seller to request a factor's credit cover.
66 Current account Document/message issued by a factor to indicate the money movements of a seller's or another factor's account with him.
67 Commercial dispute Document/message issued by a party (usually the buyer) to indicate that one or more invoices or one or more credit notes are disputed for payment.
68 Chargeback Document/message issued by a factor to a seller or to another factor to indicate that the rest of the amounts of one or more invoices uncollectable from buyers are charged back to clear the invoice(s) off the ledger.
69 Reassignment Document/message issued by a factor to a seller or to another factor to reassign an invoice or credit note previously assigned to him.
70 Collateral account Document message issued by a factor to indicate the movements of invoices, credit notes and payments of a seller's account.
71 Request for payment Document/message issued by a creditor to a debtor to request payment of one or more invoices past due.
72 Unship permit A message or document issuing permission to unship cargo.
73 Statistical definitions Transmission of one or more statistical definitions.
74 Statistical data Transmission of one or more items of data or data sets.
75 Request for statistical data Request for one or more items or data sets of statistical data.
76 Call-off delivery Document/message to provide split quantities and delivery dates referring to a previous delivery instruction.
77 Consignment status report Message covers information about the consignment status.
78 Inventory movement advice Advice of inventory movements.
79 Inventory status advice Advice of stock on hand.
80 Debit note related to goods or services Debit information related to a transaction for goods or services to the relevant party.
81 Credit note related to goods or services Document message used to provide credit information related to a transaction for goods or services to the relevant party.
82 Metered services invoice Document/message claiming payment for the supply of metered services (e.g., gas, electricity, etc.) supplied to a fixed meter whose consumption is measured over a period of time.
83 Credit note related to financial adjustments Document message for providing credit information related to financial adjustments to the relevant party, e.g., bonuses.
84 Debit note related to financial adjustments Document/message for providing debit information related to financial adjustments to the relevant party.
85 Customs manifest Message/document identifying a customs manifest. The document itemises a list of cargo prepared by shipping companies from bills of landing and presented to customs for formal report of cargo.
86 Vessel unpack report A document code to indicate that the message being transmitted identifies all short and surplus cargoes off-loaded from a vessel at a specified discharging port.
87 General cargo summary manifest report A document code to indicate that the message being transmitted is summary manifest information for general cargo.
88 Consignment unpack report A document code to indicate that the message being transmitted is a consignment unpack report only.
89 Meat and meat by-products sanitary certificate Document or message issued by the competent authority in the exporting country evidencing that meat or meat by-products comply with the requirements set by the importing country.
90 Meat food products sanitary certificate Document or message issued by the competent authority in the exporting country evidencing that meat food products comply with the requirements set by the importing country.
91 Poultry sanitary certificate Document or message issued by the competent authority in the exporting country evidencing that poultry products comply with the requirements set by the importing country.
92 Horsemeat sanitary certificate Document or message issued by the competent authority in the exporting country evidencing that horsemeat products comply with the requirements set by the importing country.
93 Casing sanitary certificate Document or message issued by the competent authority in the exporting country evidencing that casing products comply with the requirements set by the importing country.
94 Pharmaceutical sanitary certificate Document or message issued by the competent authority in the exporting country evidencing that pharmaceutical products comply with the requirements set by the importing country.
95 Inedible sanitary certificate Document or message issued by the competent authority in the exporting country evidencing that inedible products comply with the requirements set by the importing country.
96 Impending arrival Notification of impending arrival details for vessel.
97 Means of transport advice Message reporting the means of transport used to carry goods or cargo.
98 Arrival information Message reporting the arrival details of goods or cargo.
99 Cargo release notification Message/document sent by the cargo handler indicating that the cargo has moved from a Customs controlled premise.
100 Excise certificate Certificate asserting that the goods have been submitted to the excise authorities before departure from the exporting country or before delivery in case of import traffic.
101 Registration document An official document providing registration details.
102 Tax notification Used to specify that the message is a tax notification.
103 Transport equipment direct interchange report Report on the movement of containers or other items of transport equipment being exchanged, establishing relevant rental periods.
104 Transport equipment impending arrival advice Advice that containers or other items of transport equipment may be expected to be delivered to a certain location.
105 Purchase order Document/message issued within an enterprise to initiate the purchase of articles, materials or services required for the production or manufacture of goods to be offered for sale or otherwise supplied to customers.
106 Transport equipment damage report Report of damaged items of transport equipment that have been returned.
107 Transport equipment maintenance and repair work estimate advice Advice providing estimates of transport equipment maintenance and repair costs.
108 Transport equipment empty release instruction Instruction to release an item of empty transport equipment to a specified party or parties.
109 Transport movement gate in report Report on the inward movement of cargo, containers or other items of transport equipment which have been delivered to a facility by an inland carrier.
110 Manufacturing instructions Document/message issued within an enterprise to initiate the manufacture of goods to be offered for sale.
111 Transport movement gate out report Report on the outward movement of cargo, containers or other items of transport equipment (either full or empty) which have been picked up by an inland carrier.
112 Transport equipment unpacking instruction Instruction to unpack specified cargo from specified containers or other items of transport equipment.
113 Transport equipment unpacking report Report on the completion of unpacking specified containers or other items of transport equipment.
114 Transport equipment pick-up availability request Request for confirmation that an item of transport equipment will be available for collection.
115 Transport equipment pick-up availability confirmation Confirmation that an item of transport equipment is available for collection.
116 Transport equipment pick-up report Report that an item of transport equipment has been collected.
117 Transport equipment shift report Report on the movement of containers or other items of transport within a facility.
118 Transport discharge instruction Instruction to unload specified cargo, containers or transport equipment from a means of transport.
119 Transport discharge report Report on cargo, containers or transport equipment unloaded from a particular means of transport.
120 Stores requisition Document/message issued within an enterprise ordering the taking out of stock of goods.
121 Transport loading instruction Instruction to load cargo, containers or transport equipment onto a means of transport.
122 Transport loading report Report on completion of loading cargo, containers or other transport equipment onto a means of transport.
123 Transport equipment maintenance and repair work authorisation Authorisation to have transport equipment repaired or to have maintenance performed.
124 Transport departure report Report of the departure of a means of transport from a particular facility.
125 Transport empty equipment advice Advice that an item or items of empty transport equipment are available for return.
126 Transport equipment acceptance order Order to accept items of transport equipment which are to be delivered by an inland carrier (rail, road or barge) to a specified facility.
127 Transport equipment special service instruction Instruction to perform a specified service or services on an item or items of transport equipment.
128 Transport equipment stock report Report on the number of items of transport equipment stored at one or more locations.
129 Transport cargo release order Order to release cargo or items of transport equipment to a specified party.
130 Invoicing data sheet Document/message issued within an enterprise containing data about goods sold, to be used as the basis for the preparation of an invoice.
131 Transport equipment packing instruction Instruction to pack cargo into a container or other item of transport equipment.
132 Customs clearance notice Notification of customs clearance of cargo or items of transport equipment.
133 Customs documents expiration notice Notice specifying expiration of Customs documents relating to cargo or items of transport equipment.
134 Transport equipment on-hire request Request for transport equipment to be made available for hire.
135 Transport equipment on-hire order Order to release empty items of transport equipment for on-hire to a lessee, and authorising collection by or on behalf of a specified party.
136 Transport equipment off-hire request Request to terminate the lease on an item of transport equipment at a specified time.
137 Transport equipment survey order Order to perform a survey on specified items of transport equipment.
138 Transport equipment survey order response Response to an order to conduct a survey of transport equipment.
139 Transport equipment survey report Survey report of specified items of transport equipment.
140 Packing instructions Document/message within an enterprise giving instructions on how goods are to be packed.
141 Advising items to be booked to a financial account A document and/or message advising of items which have to be booked to a financial account.
142 Transport equipment maintenance and repair work estimate order Order to draw up an estimate of the costs of maintenance or repair of transport equipment.
143 Transport equipment maintenance and repair notice Report of transport equipment which has been repaired or has had maintenance performed.
144 Empty container disposition order Order to make available empty containers.
145 Cargo vessel discharge order Order that the containers or cargo specified are to be discharged from a vessel.
146 Cargo vessel loading order Order that specified cargo, containers or groups of containers are to be loaded in or on a vessel.
147 Multidrop order One purchase order that contains the orders of two or more vendors and the associated delivery points for each.
148 Bailment contract A document authorizing the bailing of goods.
149 Basic agreement A document indicating an agreement containing basic terms and conditions applicable to future contracts between two parties.
150 Internal transport order Document/message giving instructions about the transport of goods within an enterprise.
151 Grant A document indicating the granting of funds.
152 Indefinite delivery indefinite quantity contract A document indicating a contract calling for the indefinite deliveries of indefinite quantities of goods.
153 Indefinite delivery definite quantity contract A document indicating a contract calling for indefinite deliveries of definite quantities.
154 Requirements contract A document indicating a requirements contract that authorizes the filling of all purchase requirements during a specified contract period.
155 Task order A document indicating an order that tasks a contractor to perform a specified function.
156 Make or buy plan A document indicating a plan that identifies which items will be made and which items will be bought.
157 Subcontractor plan A document indicating a plan that identifies the manufacturer's subcontracting strategy for a specific contract.
158 Cost data summary A document indicating a summary of cost data.
159 Certified cost and price data A document indicating cost and price data whose accuracy has been certified.
160 Wage determination A document indicating a determination of the wages to be paid.
161 Contract Funds Status Report (CFSR) A report to provide the status of funds applicable to the contract.
162 Certified inspection and test results A certification as to the accuracy of inspection and test results.
163 Material inspection and receiving report A report that is both an inspection report for materials and a receiving document.
164 Purchasing specification A document indicating a specification used to purchase an item.
165 Payment or performance bond A document indicating a bond that guarantees the payment of monies or a performance.
166 Contract security classification specification A document that indicates the specification contains the security and classification requirements for a contract.
167 Manufacturing specification A document indicating the specification of how an item is to be manufactured.
168 Buy America certificate of compliance A document certifying that more than 50 percent of the cost of an item is attributed to US origin.
169 Container off-hire notice Notice to return leased containers.
170 Cargo acceptance order Order to accept cargo to be delivered by a carrier.
171 Pick-up notice Notice specifying the pick-up of released cargo or containers from a certain address.
172 Authorisation to plan and suggest orders Document or message that authorises receiver to plan orders, based on information in this message, and send these orders as suggestions to the sender.
173 Authorisation to plan and ship orders Document or message that authorises receiver to plan and ship orders based on information in this message.
174 Drawing The document or message is a drawing.
175 Cost Performance Report (CPR) format 2 A report identifying the cost performance on a contract at specified levels of the work breakdown structure (format 2 - organizational categories).
176 Cost Schedule Status Report (CSSR) A report providing the status of the cost and schedule applicable to a contract.
177 Cost Performance Report (CPR) format 1 A report identifying the cost performance on a contract including the current month's values at specified levels of the work breakdown structure (format 1 - work breakdown structure).
178 Cost Performance Report (CPR) format 3 A report identifying the cost performance on a contract that summarizes changes to a contract over a given reporting period with beginning and ending values (format 3 - baseline).
179 Cost Performance Report (CPR) format 4 A report identifying the cost performance on a contract including forecasts of labour requirements for the remaining portion of the contract (format 4 - staffing).
180 Cost Performance Report (CPR) format 5 A report identifying the cost performance on a contract that summarizes cost or schedule variances (format 5 - explanations and problem analysis).
181 Progressive discharge report Document or message progressively issued by the container terminal operator in charge of discharging a vessel identifying containers that have been discharged from a specific vessel at that point in time.
182 Balance confirmation Confirmation of a balance at an entry date.
183 Container stripping order Order to unload goods from a container.
184 Container stuffing order Order to stuff specified goods or consignments in a container.
185 Conveyance declaration (arrival) Declaration to the public authority upon arrival of the conveyance.
186 Conveyance declaration (departure) Declaration to the public authority upon departure of the conveyance.
187 Conveyance declaration (combined) Combined declaration of arrival and departure to the public authority.
188 Project recovery plan A project plan for recovery after a delay or problem resolution.
189 Project production plan A project plan for the production of goods.
190 Statistical and other administrative internal documents Documents/messages issued within an enterprise for the for the purpose of collection of production and other internal statistics, and for other administration purposes.
191 Project master schedule A high level, all encompassing master schedule of activities to complete a project.
192 Priced alternate tender bill of quantity A priced tender based upon an alternate specification.
193 Estimated priced bill of quantity An estimate based upon a detailed, quantity based specification (bill of quantity).
194 Draft bill of quantity Document/message providing a draft bill of quantity, issued in an unpriced form.
195 Documentary credit collection instruction Instruction for the collection of the documentary credit.
196 Request for an amendment of a documentary credit Request for an amendment of a documentary credit.
197 Documentary credit amendment information Documentary credit amendment information.
198 Advice of an amendment of a documentary credit Advice of an amendment of a documentary credit.
199 Response to an amendment of a documentary credit Response to an amendment of a documentary credit.
200 Documentary credit issuance information Provides information on documentary credit issuance.
201 Direct payment valuation request Request to establish a direct payment valuation.
202 Direct payment valuation Document/message addressed, for instance, by a general contractor to the owner, in order that a direct payment be made to a subcontractor.
203 Provisional payment valuation Document/message establishing a provisional payment valuation.
204 Payment valuation Document/message establishing the financial elements of a situation of works.
205 Quantity valuation Document/message providing a confirmed assessment, by quantity, of the completed work for a construction contract.
206 Quantity valuation request Document/message providing an initial assessment, by quantity, of the completed work for a construction contract.
207 Contract bill of quantities - BOQ Document/message providing a formal specification identifying quantities and prices that are the basis of a contract for a construction project. BOQ means: Bill of quantity.
208 Unpriced bill of quantity Document/message providing a detailed, quantity based specification, issued in an unpriced form to invite tender prices.
209 Priced tender BOQ Document/message providing a detailed, quantity based specification, updated with prices to form a tender submission for a construction contract. BOQ means: Bill of quantity.
210 Enquiry Document/message issued by a party interested in the purchase of goods specified therein and indicating particular, desirable conditions regarding delivery terms, etc., addressed to a prospective supplier with a view to obtaining an offer.
211 Interim application for payment Document/message containing a provisional assessment in support of a request for payment for completed work for a construction contract.
212 Agreement to pay Document/message in which the debtor expresses the intention to pay.
213 Request for financial cancellation The message is a request for financial cancellation.
214 Pre-authorised direct debit(s) The message contains pre-authorised direct debit(s).
215 Letter of intent Document/message by means of which a buyer informs a seller that the buyer intends to enter into contractual negotiations.
216 Approved unpriced bill of quantity Document/message providing an approved detailed, quantity based specification (bill of quantity), in an unpriced form.
217 Payment valuation for unscheduled items A payment valuation for unscheduled items.
218 Final payment request based on completion of work The final payment request of a series of payment requests submitted upon completion of all the work.
219 Payment request for completed units A request for payment for completed units.
220 Order Document/message by means of which a buyer initiates a transaction with a seller involving the supply of goods or services as specified, according to conditions set out in an offer, or otherwise known to the buyer.
221 Blanket order Usage of document/message for general order purposes with later split into quantities and delivery dates and maybe delivery locations.
222 Spot order Document/message ordering the remainder of a production's batch.
223 Lease order Document/message for goods in leasing contracts.
224 Rush order Document/message for urgent ordering.
225 Repair order Document/message to order repair of goods.
226 Call off order Document/message to provide split quantities and delivery dates referring to a previous blanket order.
227 Consignment order Order to deliver goods into stock with agreement on payment when goods are sold out of this stock.
228 Sample order Document/message to order samples.
229 Swap order Document/message informing buyer or seller of the replacement of goods previously ordered.
230 Purchase order change request Change to an purchase order already sent.
231 Purchase order response Response to an purchase order already received.
232 Hire order Document/message for hiring human resources or renting goods or equipment.
233 Spare parts order Document/message to order spare parts.
234 Campaign price/sales catalogue A price/sales catalogue containing special prices which are valid only for a specified period or under specified conditions.
235 Container list Document or message issued by party identifying the containers for which they are responsible.
236 Delivery forecast A message which enables the transmission of delivery or product forecasting requirements.
237 Cross docking services order A document or message to order cross docking services.
238 Non-pre-authorised direct debit(s) The message contains non-pre-authorised direct debit(s).
239 Rejected direct debit(s) The message contains rejected direct debit(s).
240 Delivery instructions (1174) Document/message giving instruction regarding the delivery of goods.
241 Delivery schedule Usage of DELFOR-message.
242 Delivery just-in-time Usage of DELJIT-message.
243 Pre-authorised direct debit request(s) The message contains pre-authorised direct debit request(s).
244 Non-pre-authorised direct debit request(s) The message contains non-pre-authorised direct debit request(s).
245 Delivery release Document/message issued by a buyer releasing the despatch of goods after receipt of the Ready for despatch advice from the seller.
246 Settlement of a letter of credit Settlement of a letter of credit.
247 Bank to bank funds transfer The message is a bank to bank funds transfer.
248 Customer payment order(s) The message contains customer payment order(s).
249 Low value payment order(s) The message contains low value payment order(s) only.
250 Crew list declaration Declaration regarding crew members aboard the conveyance.
251 Inquiry This is a request for information.
252 Response to previous banking status message A response to a previously sent banking status message.
253 Project master plan A high level, all encompassing master plan to complete a project.
254 Project plan A plan for project work to be completed.
255 Project schedule A schedule of project activities to be completed.
256 Project planning available resources Available resources for project planning purposes.
257 Project planning calendar Work calendar information for project planning purposes.
258 Standing order An order to supply fixed quantities of products at fixed regular intervals.
259 Cargo movement event log A document detailing times and dates of events pertaining to a cargo movement.
260 Cargo analysis voyage report An analysis of the cargo for a voyage.
261 Self billed credit note A document which indicates that the customer is claiming credit in a self billing environment.
262 Consolidated credit note - goods and services Credit note for goods and services that covers multiple transactions involving more than one invoice.
263 Inventory adjustment status report A message detailing statuses related to the adjustment of inventory.
264 Transport equipment movement instruction Instruction to perform one or more different movements of transport equipment.
265 Transport equipment movement report Report on one or more different movements of transport equipment.
266 Transport equipment status change report Report on one or more changes of status associated with an item or items of transport equipment.
267 Fumigation certificate Certificate attesting that fumigation has been performed.
268 Wine certificate Certificate attesting to the quality, origin or appellation of wine.
269 Wool health certificate Certificate attesting that wool is free from specified risks to human or animal health.
270 Delivery note Paper document attached to a consignment informing the receiving party about contents of this consignment.
271 Packing list Document/message specifying the distribution of goods in individual packages (in trade environment the despatch advice message is used for the packing list).
272 New code request Requesting a new code.
273 Code change request Request a change to an existing code.
274 Simple data element request Requesting a new simple data element.
275 Simple data element change request Request a change to an existing simple data element.
276 Composite data element request Requesting a new composite data element.
277 Composite data element change request Request a change to an existing composite data element.
278 Segment request Request a new segment.
279 Segment change request Requesting a change to an existing segment.
280 New message request Request for a new message (NMR).
281 Message in development request Requesting a Message in Development (MiD).
282 Modification of existing message Requesting a change to an existing message.
283 Tracking number assignment report Report of assigned tracking numbers.
284 User directory definition Document/message defining the contents of a user directory set or parts thereof.
285 United Nations standard message request Requesting a United Nations Standard Message (UNSM).
286 Service directory definition Document/message defining the contents of a service directory set or parts thereof.
287 Status report Message covers information about the status.
288 Kanban schedule Message to describe a Kanban schedule.
289 Product data message A message to submit master data, a set of data that is rarely changed, to identify and describe products a supplier offers to their (potential) customer or buyer.
290 A claim for parts and/or labour charges A claim for parts and/or labour charges incurred .
291 Delivery schedule response A message providing a response to a previously transmitted delivery schedule.
292 Inspection request A message requesting a party to inspect items.
293 Inspection report A message informing a party of the results of an inspection.
294 Application acknowledgement and error report A message used by an application to acknowledge reception of a message and/or to report any errors.
295 Price variation invoice An invoice which requests payment for the difference in price between an original invoice and the result of the application of a price variation formula.
296 Credit note for price variation A credit note which is issued against a price variation invoice.
297 Instruction to collect A message instructing a party to collect goods.
298 Dangerous goods list Listing of all details of dangerous goods carried.
299 Registration renewal Code specifying the continued validity of previously submitted registration information.
300 Registration change Code specifying the modification of previously submitted registration information.
301 Response to registration Code specifying a response to an occurrence of a registration message.
302 Implementation guideline A document specifying the criterion and format for exchanging information in an electronic data interchange syntax.
303 Request for transfer Document/message is a request for transfer.
304 Cost performance report A report to convey cost performance data for a project or contract.
305 Application error and acknowledgement A message to inform a message issuer that a previously sent message has been received by the addressee's application, or that a previously sent message has been rejected by the addressee's application.
306 Cash pool financial statement A financial statement for a cash pool.
307 Sequenced delivery schedule Message to describe a sequence of product delivery.
308 Delcredere credit note A credit note sent to the party paying on behalf of a number of buyers.
309 Healthcare discharge report, final Final discharge report by healthcare provider.
310 Offer / quotation (1332) Document/message which, with a view to concluding a contract, sets out the conditions under which the goods are offered.
311 Request for quote Document/message requesting a quote on specified goods or services.
312 Acknowledgement message Message providing acknowledgement information at the business application level concerning the processing of a message.
313 Application error message Message indicating that a message was rejected due to errors encountered at the application level.
314 Cargo movement voyage summary A consolidated voyage summary which contains the information in a certificate of analysis, a voyage analysis and a cargo movement time log for a voyage.
315 Contract (1296) Document/message evidencing an agreement between the seller and the buyer for the supply of goods or services; its effects are equivalent to those of an order followed by an acknowledgement of order.
316 Application for usage of berth or mooring facilities Document to apply for usage of berth or mooring facilities.
317 Application for designation of berthing places Document to apply for designation of berthing places.
318 Application for shifting from the designated place in port Document to apply for shifting from the designated place in port.
319 Supplementary document for application for cargo operation of dangerous goods Supplementary document to apply for cargo operation of dangerous goods.
320 Acknowledgement of order Document/message acknowledging an undertaking to fulfil an order and confirming conditions or acceptance of conditions.
321 Supplementary document for application for transport of dangerous goods Supplementary document to apply for transport of dangerous goods.
322 Optical Character Reading (OCR) payment Payment effected by an Optical Character Reading (OCR) document.
323 Preliminary sales report Preliminary sales report sent before all the information is available.
324 Transport emergency card Official document specifying, for a given dangerous goods item, information such as nature of hazard, protective devices, actions to be taken in case of accident, spillage or fire and first aid to be given.
325 Proforma invoice Document/message serving as a preliminary invoice, containing - on the whole - the same information as the final invoice, but not actually claiming payment.
326 Partial invoice Document/message specifying details of an incomplete invoice.
327 Operating instructions Document/message describing instructions for operation.
328 Name/product plate Plates on goods identifying and describing an article.
329 Co-insurance ceding bordereau The document or message contains a bordereau describing co-insurance ceding information.
330 Request for delivery instructions Document/message issued by a supplier requesting instructions from the buyer regarding the details of the delivery of goods ordered.
331 Commercial invoice which includes a packing list Commercial transaction (invoice) will include a packing list.
332 Trade data Document/message is for trade data.
333 Customs declaration for cargo examination Declaration provided to customs for cargo examination.
334 Customs declaration for cargo examination, alternate Alternate declaration provided to customs for cargo examination.
335 Booking request Document/message issued by a supplier to a carrier requesting space to be reserved for a specified consignment, indicating desirable conveyance, despatch time, etc.
336 Customs crew and conveyance Document/message contains information regarding the crew list and conveyance.
337 Customs summary declaration with commercial detail, alternate Alternate Customs declaration summary with commercial transaction details.
338 Items booked to a financial account report A message reporting items which have been booked to a financial account.
339 Report of transactions which need further information from the receiver A message reporting transactions which need further information from the receiver.
340 Shipping instructions (1121) Document/message advising details of cargo and exporter's requirements for its physical movement.
341 Shipper's letter of instructions (air) Document/message issued by a consignor in which he gives details of a consignment of goods that enables an airline or its agent to prepare an air waybill.
342 Report of transactions for information only A message reporting transactions for information only.
343 Cartage order (local transport) Document/message giving instructions regarding local transport of goods, e.g. from the premises of an enterprise to those of a carrier undertaking further transport.
344 EDI associated object administration message A message giving additional information about the exchange of an EDI associated object.
345 Ready for despatch advice Document/message issued by a supplier informing a buyer that goods ordered are ready for despatch.
346 Summary sales report Sales report containing summaries for several earlier sent sales reports.
347 Order status enquiry A message enquiring the status of previously sent orders.
348 Order status report A message reporting the status of previously sent orders.
349 Declaration regarding the inward and outward movement of vessel Document to declare inward and outward movement of a vessel.
350 Despatch order Document/message issued by a supplier initiating the despatch of goods to a buyer (consignee).
351 Despatch advice Document/message by means of which the seller or consignor informs the consignee about the despatch of goods.
352 Notification of usage of berth or mooring facilities Document to notify usage of berth or mooring facilities.
353 Application for vessel's entering into port area in night-time Document to apply for vessel's entering into port area in night-time.
354 Notification of emergency shifting from the designated place in port Document to notify shifting from designated place in port once secured at the designated place.
355 Customs summary declaration without commercial detail, alternate Alternate Customs declaration summary without any commercial transaction details.
356 Performance bond A document that guarantees performance.
357 Payment bond A document that guarantees the payment of monies.
358 Healthcare discharge report, preliminary Preliminary discharge report by healthcare provider.
359 Request for provision of a health service Document containing request for provision of a health service.
360 Request for price quote Document/message requesting price conditions under which goods are offered.
361 Price quote Document/message confirming price conditions under which goods are offered.
362 Delivery quote Document/message confirming delivery conditions under which goods are offered.
363 Price and delivery quote Document/message confirming price and delivery conditions under which goods are offered.
364 Contract price quote Document/message confirming contractual price conditions under which goods are offered.
365 Contract price and delivery quote Document/message confirming contractual price conditions and contractual delivery conditions under which goods are offered.
366 Price quote, specified end-customer Document/message confirming price conditions under which goods are offered, provided that they are sold to the end-customer specified on the quote.
367 Price and delivery quote, specified end-customer Document/message confirming price conditions and delivery conditions under which goods are offered, provided that they are sold to the end-customer specified on the quote.
368 Price quote, ship and debit Document/message from a supplier to a distributor confirming price conditions under which goods can be sold by a distributor to the end-customer specified on the quote with compensation for loss of inventory value.
369 Price and delivery quote, ship and debit Document/message from a supplier to a distributor confirming price conditions and delivery conditions under which goods can be sold by a distributor to the end-customer specified on the quote with compensation for loss of inventory value.
370 Advice of distribution of documents Document/message in which the party responsible for the issue of a set of trade documents specifies the various recipients of originals and copies of these documents, with an indication of the number of copies distributed to each of them.
371 Plan for provision of health service Document containing a plan for provision of health service.
372 Prescription Instructions for the dispensing and use of medicine or remedy.
373 Prescription request Request to issue a prescription for medicine or remedy.
374 Prescription dispensing report Document containing information of products dispensed according to a prescription.
375 Certificate of shipment (1109) Certificate providing confirmation that a consignment has been shipped.
376 Standing inquiry on product information A product inquiry which stands until it is cancelled.
377 Party credit information Document/message providing data concerning the credit information of a party.
378 Party payment behaviour information Document/message providing data concerning the payment behaviour of a party.
379 Request for metering point information Message to request information about a metering point.
380 Commercial invoice (1334) Document/message claiming payment for goods or services supplied under conditions agreed between seller and buyer.
381 Credit note (1113) Document/message for providing credit information to the relevant party.
382 Commission note (1111) Document/message in which a seller specifies the amount of commission, the percentage of the invoice amount, or some other basis for the calculation of the commission to which a sales agent is entitled.
383 Debit note Document/message for providing debit information to the relevant party.
384 Corrected invoice Commercial invoice that includes revised information differing from an earlier submission of the same invoice.
385 Consolidated invoice Commercial invoice that covers multiple transactions involving more than one vendor.
386 Prepayment invoice An invoice to pay amounts for goods and services in advance; these amounts will be subtracted from the final invoice.
387 Hire invoice Document/message for invoicing the hiring of human resources or renting goods or equipment.
388 Tax invoice An invoice for tax purposes.
389 Self-billed invoice An invoice the invoicee is producing instead of the seller.
390 Delcredere invoice An invoice sent to the party paying for a number of buyers.
391 Metering point information response Response to a request for information about a metering point.
392 Notification of change of supplier A notification of a change of supplier.
393 Factored invoice Invoice assigned to a third party for collection.
394 Lease invoice Usage of INVOIC-message for goods in leasing contracts.
395 Consignment invoice Commercial invoice that covers a transaction other than one involving a sale.
396 Factored credit note Credit note related to assigned invoice(s).
397 Commercial account summary response A document providing a response to a previously sent commercial account summary message.
398 Cross docking despatch advice Document by means of which the supplier or consignor informs the buyer, consignee or the distribution centre about the despatch of goods for cross docking.
399 Transshipment despatch advice Document by means of which the supplier or consignor informs the buyer, consignee or the distribution centre about the despatch of goods for transshipment.
400 Exceptional order An order which falls outside the framework of an agreement.
401 Pre-packed cross docking order An order requesting the supply of products packed according to the final delivery point which will be moved across a dock in a distribution centre without further handling.
402 Intermediate handling cross docking order An order requesting the supply of products which will be moved across a dock, de-consolidated and re-consolidated according to the final delivery location requirements.
403 Means of transportation availability information Information giving the various availabilities of a means of transportation.
404 Means of transportation schedule information Information giving the various schedules of a means of transportation.
405 Transport equipment delivery notice Notification regarding the delivery of transport equipment.
406 Notification to supplier of contract termination Notification to the supplier regarding the termination of a contract.
407 Notification to supplier of metering point changes Notification to the supplier about changes regarding a metering point.
408 Notification of meter change Notification about the change of a meter.
409 Instructions for bank transfer Document/message containing instructions from a customer to his bank to pay an amount in a specified currency to a nominated party in another country by a method either specified (e.g. teletransmission, air mail) or left to the discretion of the bank.
410 Notification of metering point identification change Notification of the change of metering point identification.
411 Utilities time series message The Utilities time series message is sent between responsible parties in a utilities infrastructure for the purpose of reporting time series and connected technical and/or administrative information.
412 Application for banker's draft Application by a customer to his bank to issue a banker's draft stating the amount and currency of the draft, the name of the payee and the place and country of payment.
413 Infrastructure condition Information about components in an infrastructure.
414 Acknowledgement of change of supplier Acknowledgement of the change of supplier.
415 Data Plot Sheet Document/Message providing technical description and information of the crop production.
416 Soil analysis Soil analysis document.
417 Farmyard manure analysis Farmyard manure analysis document.
418 WCO Cargo Report Export, Rail or Road Declaration, in accordance with the WCO Customs Data Model, to Customs concerning the export of cargo carried by commercial means of transport over land, e.g. truck or train.
419 WCO Cargo Report Export, Air or Maritime Declaration, in accordance with the WCO Customs Data Model, to Customs concerning the export of cargo carried by commercial means of transport over water or through the air, e.g. vessel or aircraft.
420 Optical Character Reading (OCR) payment credit note Payment credit note effected by an Optical Character Reading (OCR) document.
421 WCO Cargo Report Import, Rail or Road Declaration, in accordance with the WCO Customs Data Model, to Customs concerning the import of cargo carried by commercial means of transport over land, e.g. truck or train.
422 WCO Cargo Report Import, Air or Maritime Declaration, in accordance with the WCO Customs Data Model, to Customs concerning the import of cargo carried by commercial means of transport over water or through the air, e.g. vessel or aircraft.
423 WCO one-step export declaration Single step declaration, in accordance with the WCO Customs Data Model, to Customs by which goods are declared for a Customs export procedure based on the 1999 Kyoto Convention.
424 WCO first step of two-step export declaration First part of a simplified declaration, in accordance with the WCO Customs Data Model, to Customs by which goods are declared for Customs export procedure based on the 1999 Kyoto Convention.
425 Collection payment advice Document/message whereby a bank advises that a collection has been paid, giving details and methods of funds disposal.
426 Documentary credit payment advice Document/message whereby a bank advises payment under a documentary credit.
427 Documentary credit acceptance advice Document/message whereby a bank advises acceptance under a documentary credit.
428 Documentary credit negotiation advice Document/message whereby a bank advises negotiation under a documentary credit.
429 Application for banker's guarantee Document/message whereby a customer requests his bank to issue a guarantee in favour of a nominated party in another country, stating the amount and currency and the specific conditions of the guarantee.
430 Banker's guarantee Document/message in which a bank undertakes to pay out a limited amount of money to a designated party, on conditions stated therein (other than those laid down in the Uniform Customs Practice).
431 Documentary credit letter of indemnity Document/message in which a beneficiary of a documentary credit accepts responsibility for non-compliance with the terms and conditions of the credit, and undertakes to refund the money received under the credit, with interest and charges accrued.
432 Notification to grid operator of contract termination Notification to the grid operator regarding the termination of a contract.
433 Notification to grid operator of metering point changes Notification to the grid operator about changes regarding a metering point.
434 Notification of balance responsible entity change Notification of a change of balance responsible entity.
435 Preadvice of a credit Preadvice indicating a credit to happen in the future.
436 Transport equipment profile report Report on the profile of transport equipment.
437 Request for price and delivery quote, specified end-user Document/message requesting price conditions and delivery conditions under which goods are offered, provided that they are sold to the end-customer specified on the request for quote.
438 Request for price quote, ship and debit Document/message from a distributor to a supplier requesting price conditions under which goods can be sold by the distributor to the end-customer specified on the request for quote with compensation for loss of inventory value.
439 Request for price and delivery quote, ship and debit Document/message from a distributor to a supplier requesting price conditions and delivery conditions under which goods can be sold by the distributor to the end-customer specified on the request for quote with compensation for loss of inventory value.
440 Delivery point list. A list of delivery point addresses.
441 Transport routing information Document specifying the routes for transport between locations.
442 Request for delivery quote Document/message requesting delivery conditions under which goods are offered.
443 Request for price and delivery quote Document/message requesting price and delivery conditions under which goods are offered.
444 Request for contract price quote Document/message requesting contractual price conditions under which goods are offered.
445 Request for contract price and delivery quote Document/message requesting contractual price conditions and contractual delivery conditions under which goods are offered.
446 Request for price quote, specified end-customer Document/message requesting price conditions under which goods are offered, provided that they are sold to the end-customer specified on the request for quote.
447 Collection order Document/message whereby a bank is instructed (or requested) to handle financial and/or commercial documents in order to obtain acceptance and/or payment, or to deliver documents on such other terms and conditions as may be specified.
448 Documents presentation form Document/message whereby a draft or similar instrument and/or commercial documents are presented to a bank for acceptance, discounting, negotiation, payment or collection, whether or not against a documentary credit.
449 Identification match Message related to conducting a search for an identification match.
450 Payment order Document/message containing information needed to initiate the payment. It may cover the financial settlement for one or more commercial trade transactions. A payment order is an instruction to the ordered bank to arrange for the payment of one specified amount to the beneficiary.
451 Extended payment order Document/message containing information needed to initiate the payment. It may cover the financial settlement for several commercial trade transactions, which it is possible to specify in a special payments detail part. It is an instruction to the ordered bank to arrange for the payment of one specified amount to the beneficiary.
452 Multiple payment order Document/message containing a payment order to debit one or more accounts and to credit one or more beneficiaries.
453 Notice that circumstances prevent payment of delivered goods Message used to inform a supplier that delivered goods cannot be paid due to circumstances which prevent payment.
454 Credit advice Document/message sent by an account servicing institution to one of its account owners, to inform the account owner of an entry which has been or will be credited to its account for a specified amount on the date indicated.
455 Extended credit advice Document/message sent by an account servicing institution to one of its account owners, to inform the account owner of an entry that has been or will be credited to its account for a specified amount on the date indicated. It provides extended commercial information concerning the relevant remittance advice.
456 Debit advice Advice on a debit.
457 Reversal of debit Reversal of debit accounting entry by bank.
458 Reversal of credit Reversal of credit accounting entry by bank.
459 Travel ticket The document is a ticket giving access to a travel service.
460 Documentary credit application Document/message whereby a bank is requested to issue a documentary credit on the conditions specified therein.
461 Payment card The document is a credit, guarantee or charge card.
462 Ready for transshipment despatch advice Document to advise that the goods ordered are ready for transshipment.
463 Pre-packed cross docking despatch advice Document by means of which the supplier or consignor informs the buyer, consignee or distribution centre about the despatch of products packed according to the final delivery point requirements which will be moved across a dock in a distribution centre without further handling.
464 Intermediate handling cross docking despatch advice Document by means of which the supplier or consignor informs the buyer, consignee or the distribution centre about the despatch of products which will be moved across a dock, de-consolidated and re-consolidated according to final delivery location requirements.
465 Documentary credit Document/message in which a bank states that it has issued a documentary credit under which the beneficiary is to obtain payment, acceptance or negotiation on compliance with certain terms and conditions and against presentation of stipulated documents and such drafts as may be specified. The credit may or may not be confirmed by another bank.
466 Documentary credit notification Document/message issued by an advising bank in order to transmit a documentary credit to a beneficiary, or to another advising bank.
467 Documentary credit transfer advice Document/message whereby a bank advises that (part of) a documentary credit is being or has been transferred in favour of a second beneficiary.
468 Documentary credit amendment notification Document/message whereby a bank advises that the terms and conditions of a documentary credit have been amended.
469 Documentary credit amendment Document/message whereby a bank notifies a beneficiary of the details of an amendment to the terms and conditions of a documentary credit.
470 Waste disposal report Document/message sent by a shipping agent to an authority for reporting information on waste disposal.
481 Remittance advice Document/message advising of the remittance of payment.
482 Port authority waste disposal report Document/message sent by a port authority to another port authority for reporting information on waste disposal.
483 Visa An endorsement on a passport or any other recognised travel document indicating that it has been examined and found correct, especially as permitting the holder to enter or leave a country.
484 Multiple direct debit request Document/message containing a direct debit request to credit one or more accounts and to debit one or more debtors.
485 Banker's draft Draft drawn in favour of a third party either by one bank on another bank, or by a branch of a bank on its head office (or vice versa) or upon another branch of the same bank. In either case, the draft should comply with the specifications laid down for cheques in the country in which it is to be payable.
486 Multiple direct debit Document/message containing a direct debit to credit one or more accounts and to debit one or more debtors.
487 Certificate of disembarkation permission Document or message issuing permission to disembark.
488 Deratting exemption certificate Document certifying that the object was free of rats when inspected and that it is exempt from a deratting statement.
489 Reefer connection order Order to connect a reefer container to a reefer point.
490 Bill of exchange Document/message, issued and signed in conformity with the applicable legislation, which contains an unconditional order whereby the drawer directs the drawee to pay a definite sum of money to the payee or to his order, on demand or at a definite time, against the surrender of the document itself.
491 Promissory note Document/message, issued and signed in conformity with the applicable legislation, which contains an unconditional promise whereby the maker undertakes to pay a definite sum of money to the payee or to his order, on demand or at a definite time, against the surrender of the document itself.
493 Statement of account message Usage of STATAC-message.
494 Direct delivery (transport) Document/message ordering the direct delivery of goods/consignment from one means of transport into another means of transport in one movement.
495 WCO second step of two-step export declaration Second part of a simplified declaration, in accordance with the WCO Customs Data Model, to Customs by which goods are declared for Customs export procedure based on the 1999 Kyoto Convention.
496 WCO one-step import declaration Single step declaration, in accordance with the WCO Customs Data Model, to Customs by which goods are declared for Customs import procedure based on the 1999 Kyoto Convention.
497 WCO first step of two-step import declaration First part of a simplified declaration, in accordance with the WCO Customs Data Model, to Customs by which goods are declared for Customs import procedure based on the 1999 Kyoto Convention.
498 WCO second step of two-step import declaration Second part of a simplified declaration, in accordance with the WCO Customs Data Model, to Customs by which goods are declared for Customs import procedure based on the 1999 Kyoto Convention.
499 Previous transport document Identification of the previous transport document.
520 Insurance certificate Document/message issued to the insured certifying that insurance has been effected and that a policy has been issued. Such a certificate for a particular cargo is primarily used when good are insured under the terms of a floating or an open policy; at the request of the insured it can be exchanged for a policy.
521 Special requirements permit related to the transport of cargo A permit related to a transport document granting the transport of cargo under the conditions as specifically required.
522 Dangerous Goods Notification for Tanker vessel Dangerous Goods Notification for a vessel carrying liquid cargo in bulk.
523 Dangerous Goods Notification for non-tanker vessel Dangerous Goods Notification for a vessel carrying cargo other than bulk liquid cargo.
524 WCO Conveyance Arrival Report Declaration, in accordance with the WCO Customs Data Model, to Customs regarding the conveyance arriving in a Customs territory.
525 WCO Conveyance Departure Report Declaration, in accordance with the WCO Customs Data Model, to Customs regarding the conveyance departing a Customs territory.
526 Accounting voucher A document/message justifying an accounting entry.
527 Self billed debit note A document which indicates that the customer is claiming debit in a self billing environment.
528 Military Identification Card The official document used for military personnel on travel orders, substituting a passport.
529 Re-Entry Permit A permit to re-enter a country.
530 Insurance policy Document/message issued by the insurer evidencing an agreement to insure and containing the conditions of the agreement concluded whereby the insurer undertakes for a specific fee to indemnify the insured for the losses arising out of the perils and accidents specified in the contract.
531 Refugee Permit Document identifying a refugee recognized by a country.
532 Forwarder’s credit note Document/message for providing credit information to the relevant party.
533 Original accounting voucher To indicate that the document/message justifying an accounting entry is original.
534 Copy accounting voucher To indicate that the document/message justifying an accounting entry is a copy.
535 Pro-forma accounting voucher To indicate that the document/message justifying an accounting entry is pro-forma.
536 International Ship Security Certificate A certificate on ship security issued based on the International code for the Security of Ships and of Port facilities (ISPS code).
537 Interim International Ship Security Certificate An interim certificate on ship security issued basis under the International code for the Security of Ships and of Port facilities (ISPS code).
538 Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) Certificate Certificate that guarantees quality manufacturing and processing of food products, medications, cosmetics, etc.
539 Framework Agreement An agreement between one or more contracting authorities and one or more economic operators, the purpose of which is to establish the terms governing contracts to be awarded during a given period, in particular with regard to price and, where appropriate, the quantity envisaged.
550 Insurance declaration sheet (bordereau) A document/message used when an insured reports to his insurer details of individual shipments which are covered by an insurance contract - an open cover or a floating policy - between the parties.
551 Transport capacity offer Offering of capacity for the transport of goods for a date and a route.
552 Ship Security Plan Ship Security Plan (SSP) is a document prepared in terms of the ISPS Code to contribute to the prevention of illegal acts against the ship and its crew.
553 Forwarder’s invoice discrepancy report Document/message reporting invoice discrepancies indentified by the forwarder.
554 Storage capacity offer Offering of capacity to store goods.
575 Insurer's invoice Document/message issued by an insurer specifying the cost of an insurance which has been effected and claiming payment therefore.
576 Storage capacity request Request for capacity to store goods.
577 Transport capacity request Request for capacity for the transport of goods for a date and a route.
578 EU Customs declaration for External Community Transit (T1) Customs declaration for goods under the external Community/common transit procedure. This applies to "non-Community goods" ("T1" under EU legislation and EC-EFTA "Transit Convention").
579 EU Customs declaration for internal Community Transit (T2) Customs declaration for goods under the internal Community/common transit procedure. This applies to "Community goods" ("T2" under EU legislation and EC-EFTA "Transit Convention").
580 Cover note Document/message issued by an insurer (insurance broker, agent, etc.) to notify the insured that his insurance have been carried out.
581 EU Customs declaration for non-fiscal area internal Community Transit (T2F) Declaration for goods under the internal Community transit procedure in the context of trade between the "VAT" territory of EU Member States and EU territories where the VAT rules do not apply, such as Canary islands, some French overseas territories, the Channel islands and the Aaland islands, and between those territories. ("T2F" under EU Legislation).
582 EU Customs declaration for internal transit to San Marino (T2SM) Customs declaration for goods under the internal Community transit procedure between the Community and San Marino. ("T2SM" under EU Legislation).
583 EU Customs declaration for mixed consignments (T) Customs declaration for goods under the Community/common transit procedure for mixed consignments (i.e. consignments that comprise goods of different statuses, like "T1" and "T2") ("T" under EU Legislation).
584 EU Document for establishing the Community status of goods (T2L) Form establishing the Community status of goods ("T2L" under EU Legislation).
585 EU Document for establishing the Community status of goods for certain fiscal purposes (T2LF) Form establishing the Community status of goods in the context of trade between the "VAT" territory of EU Member States and EU territories where the VAT rules do not apply, such as Canary islands, some French overseas territories, the Channel islands and the Aaland islands, and between those territories ("T2LF" under EU Legislation).
586 Document for establishing the Customs Status of goods for San Marino (T2LSM) Form establishing the Community status of goods ("T2L" under European Legislation) in the context of trade between the EU and San Marino. ("T2LSM" under EU Legislation).
587 Customs declaration for TIR Carnet goods A Customs declaration in which goods move under cover of TIR Carnets.
588 Transport Means Security Report A document reporting the security status and related information of a means of transport.
589 Halal Slaughtering Certificate A certificate verifying that meat has been produced from slaughter in accordance with Islamic laws and practices.
610 Forwarding instructions Document/message issued to a freight forwarder, giving instructions regarding the action to be taken by the forwarder for the forwarding of goods described therein.
621 Forwarder's advice to import agent Document/message issued by a freight forwarder in an exporting country advising his counterpart in an importing country about the forwarding of goods described therein.
622 Forwarder's advice to exporter Document/message issued by a freight forwarder informing an exporter of the action taken in fulfillment of instructions received.
623 Forwarder's invoice Invoice issued by a freight forwarder specifying services rendered and costs incurred and claiming payment therefore.
624 Forwarder's certificate of receipt Non-negotiable document issued by a forwarder to certify that he has assumed control of a specified consignment, with irrevocable instructions to send it to the consignee indicated in the document or to hold it at his disposal. E.g. FIATA-FCR.
625 Heat Treatment Certificate A certificate verifying the heat treatment of the product is in conformance with international standards to ensure the product’s healthiness and/or shows the mode of heat treatment indicating the temperature and the amount of time the product or raw material used in the product was treated (such as milk).
626 Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) Certificate A certificate used in the trade of endangered species in accordance with the CITES convention.
627 Free Sale Certificate in the Country of Origin A certificate confirming that a specified product is free for sale in the country of origin.
628 Transit license Document/message issued by the competent body in accordance with transit regulations in force, by which authorization is granted to a party to move articles under customs procedure.
629 Veterinary quarantine certificate A certification that livestock or animal products, that are either imported or entering free zones, are kept under health supervision for a time period determined by veterinary quarantine instructions.
630 Shipping note (1123) Document/message provided by the shipper or his agent to the carrier, multimodal transport operator, terminal or other receiving authority, giving information about export consignments offered for transport, and providing for the necessary receipts and declarations of liability. Sometimes a multipurpose cargo handling document also fulfilling the functions of document 632, 633, 650 and 655.
631 Forwarder's warehouse receipt Document/message issued by a forwarder acting as Warehouse Keeper acknowledging receipt of goods placed in a warehouse, and stating or referring to the conditions which govern the warehousing and the release of goods. The document contains detailed provisions regarding the rights of holders-by-endorsement, transfer of ownership, etc. E.g. FIATA-FWR.
632 Goods receipt Document/message to acknowledge the receipt of goods and in addition may indicate receiving conditions.
633 Port charges documents Documents/messages specifying services rendered, storage and handling costs, demurrage and other charges due to the owner of goods described therein.
634 Certified list of ingredients A document legalized from a competent authority that shows the components of the product (food additive, detergent, disinfectant and sanitizer).
635 Warehouse warrant Negotiable receipt document, issued by a Warehouse Keeper to a person placing goods in a warehouse and conferring title to the goods stored.
636 Health certificate A document legalized from a competent authority that shows that the product has been tested microbiologically and is free from any pathogens and fit for human consumption and/or declares that the product is in compliance with sanitary and phytosanitary measures.
637 Food grade certificate A document that shows that the product (food additive, detergent, disinfectant and sanitizer) is suitable to be used in the food industry.
638 Certificate of suitability for transport of grains and legumes Certificate of inspection for the vessel stating its readiness and suitability for transporting grains and legumes.
639 Certificate of refrigerated transport equipment inspection Inspection document shows that the container, the cooling devices and measured temperature is in good working condition.
640 Delivery order Document/message issued by a party entitled to authorize the release of goods specified therein to a named consignee, to be retained by the custodian of the goods.
641 Thermographic reading report A report of temperature readings over a period.
642 Certificate of food item transport readiness A certificate to verify readiness of a transport or transport area such as a reservoir or hold to transport food items.
643 Food packaging contact certificate A document legalized from a competent authority that shows that the food packaging product is safe to come into contact with food.
644 Packaging material composition report A document that shows the main structure that composes the packaging material.
645 Export price certificate A certification executed by the competent authority from country of exportation stating the export price of the goods.
646 Public price certificate A certification executed by the competent authority from country of production stating the price of the goods to the general public.
647 Drug shelf life study report A document containing results from the study which determines the shelf life, namely the time period of storage at a specified condition within which a drug substance or drug product still meets its established specifications; its identity, strength, quality and purity.
648 Certificate of compliance with standards of the World Organization for Animal Health (OIE) A certification that the products have been treated in a way consistent with the standards set by the World Organization for Animal Health (OIE).
649 Production facility license A license granted by a competent authority to a production facility for manufacturing specific products.
650 Handling order Document/message issued by a cargo handling organization (port administration, terminal operator, etc.) for the removal or other handling of goods under their care.
651 Manufacturing license A license granted by a competent authority to a manufacturer for production of specific products.
652 Low risk country formal letter An official letter issued by an import authority granted to the importer of goods from a low risk country which allows the importer to place its products in the local market with certain favorable considerations.
653 Previous correspondence Correspondence previously exchanged.
654 Declaration for radioactive material A declaration to be presented to the competent authority when radioactive material moves cross-border.
655 Gate pass Document/message authorizing goods specified therein to be brought out of a fenced-in port or terminal area.
656 Resale information Document/message providing information on a resale.
657 Phytosanitary Re-export Certificate A message/document consistent with the model for re-export phytosanitary certificates of the IPPC, attesting that a consignment meets phytosanitary import requirements.
658 Bayplan/stowage plan, full A full bayplan containing all occupied and/or blocked stowage locations.
659 Bayplan/stowage plan, partial A partial bayplan. containing only a selected part of the available stowage locations.
700 Waybill Non-negotiable document evidencing the contract for the transport of cargo.
701 Universal (multipurpose) transport document Document/message evidencing a contract of carriage covering the movement of goods by any mode of transport, or combination of modes, for national as well as international transport, under any applicable international convention or national law and under the conditions of carriage of any carrier or transport operator undertaking or arranging the transport referred to in the document.
702 Goods receipt, carriage Document/message issued by a carrier or a carrier's agent, acknowledging receipt for carriage of goods specified therein on conditions stated or referred to in the document, enabling the carrier to issue a transport document.
703 House waybill The document made out by an agent/consolidator which evidences the contract between the shipper and the agent/consolidator for the arrangement of carriage of goods.
704 Master bill of lading A bill of lading issued by the master of a vessel (in actuality the owner or charterer of the vessel). It could cover a number of house bills.
705 Bill of lading Negotiable document/message which evidences a contract of carriage by sea and the taking over or loading of goods by carrier, and by which carrier undertakes to deliver goods against surrender of the document. A provision in the document that goods are to be delivered to the order of a named person, or to order, or to bearer, constitutes such an undertaking.
706 Bill of lading original The original of the bill of lading issued by a transport company. When issued by the maritime industry it could signify ownership of the cargo.
707 Bill of lading copy A copy of the bill of lading issued by a transport company.
708 Empty container bill Bill of lading indicating an empty container.
709 Tanker bill of lading Document which evidences a transport of liquid bulk cargo.
710 Sea waybill Non-negotiable document which evidences a contract for the carriage of goods by sea and the taking over of the goods by the carrier, and by which the carrier undertakes to deliver the goods to the consignee named in the document.
711 Inland waterway bill of lading Negotiable transport document made out to a named person, to order or to bearer, signed by the carrier and handed to the sender after receipt of the goods.
712 Non-negotiable maritime transport document (generic) Non-negotiable document which evidences a contract for the carriage of goods by sea and the taking over or loading of the goods by the carrier, and by which the carrier undertakes to deliver the goods to the consignee named in the document. E.g. Sea waybill. Remark: Synonymous with "straight" or "non-negotiable Bill of lading" used in certain countries, e.g. Canada.
713 Mate's receipt Document/message issued by a ship's officer to acknowledge that a specified consignment has been received on board a vessel, and the apparent condition of the goods; enabling the carrier to issue a Bill of lading.
714 House bill of lading The bill of lading issued not by the carrier but by the freight forwarder/consolidator known by the carrier.
715 Letter of indemnity for non-surrender of bill of lading Document/message issued by a commercial party or a bank of an insurance company accepting responsibility to the beneficiary of the indemnity in accordance with the terms thereof.
716 Forwarder's bill of lading Non-negotiable document issued by a freight forwarder evidencing a contract for the carriage of goods by sea and the taking over or loading of the goods by the freight forwarder, and by which the freight forwarder undertakes to deliver the goods to the consignee named in the document.
717 Residence permit A document authorizing residence.
718 Seaman’s book A national identity document issued to professional seamen that contains a record of their rank and service career.
719 General message Document/message providing agreed textual information.
720 Rail consignment note (generic term) Transport document constituting a contract for the carriage of goods between the sender and the carrier (the railway). For international rail traffic, this document must conform to the model prescribed by the international conventions concerning carriage of goods by rail, e.g. CIM Convention, SMGS Convention.
721 Product data response Document/message responding to a previously received Product Data document/message.
722 Road list-SMGS Accounting document, one copy of which is drawn up for each consignment note; it accompanies the consignment over the whole route and is a rail transport document.
723 Escort official recognition Document/message which gives right to the owner to exert all functions normally transferred to a guard in a train by which an escorted consignment is transported.
724 Recharging document Fictitious transport document regarding a previous transport, enabling a carrier's agent to give to another carrier's agent (in a different country) the possibility to collect charges relating to the original transport (rail environment).
725 Manufacturer raised order Document/message providing details of an order which has been raised by a manufacturer.
726 Manufacturer raised consignment order Document/message providing details of a consignment order which has been raised by a manufacturer.
727 Price/sales catalogue not containing commercial information A price/sales catalogue message containing no commercial information, such as prices, terms or conditions.
728 Price/sales catalogue containing commercial information A price/sales catalogue message containing only commercial terms or conditions data.
729 Returns advice Document/message by means of which the buyer informs the seller about the despatch of returned goods.
730 Road consignment note Transport document/message which evidences a contract between a carrier and a sender for the carriage of goods by road (generic term). Remark: For international road traffic, this document must contain at least the particulars prescribed by the convention on the contract for the international carriage of goods by road (CMR).
731 Commercial account summary A message enabling the transmission of commercial data concerning payments made and outstanding items on an account over a period of time.
732 Announcement for returns A message by which a party announces to another party details of goods for return due to specified reasons (e.g. returns for repair, returns because of damage, etc).
733 Instruction for returns A message by which a party informs another party whether and how goods shall be returned.
734 Sales forecast report A message enabling companies to exchange or report electronically, basic sales forecast data related to products or services, including the corresponding location, time period, product identification, pricing and quantity information. It enables the recip.
735 Sales data report A message enabling companies to exchange or report electronically, basic sales data related to products or services, including the corresponding location, time period, product identification, pricing and quantity information. It enables the recipient to p.
736 Standing inquiry on complete product information A product inquiry which stands until it is cancelled. It requests not only the updates since last time, but always the complete product information of a data supplier. This means that within the standing request every time a complete download of the respe.
737 Proof of delivery A message by which a consignee provides for a carrier proof of delivery of a consignment.
738 Cargo/goods handling and movement message A message from a party to a warehouse, distribution centre, or logistics service provider identifying the handling services and where required the movement of specified goods, limited to warehouses within the jurisdiction of the distribution centre or log.
739 Metered services consumption report supporting an invoice Document/message providing metered consumption details supporiting an invoice.
740 Air waybill Document/message made out by or on behalf of the shipper which evidences the contract between the shipper and carrier(s) for carriage of goods over routes of the carrier(s) and which is identified by the airline prefix issuing the document plus a serial (IATA).
741 Master air waybill Document/message made out by or on behalf of the agent/consolidator which evidences the contract between the agent/consolidator and carrier(s) for carriage of goods over routes of the carrier(s) for a consignment consisting of goods originated by more than one shipper (IATA).
742 Metered services consumption report Document/message providing metered consumption details.
743 Substitute air waybill A temporary air waybill which contains only limited information because of the absence of the original.
744 Crew's effects declaration Declaration to Customs regarding the personal effects of crew members aboard the conveyance; equivalent to IMO FAL 4.
745 Passenger list Declaration to Customs regarding passengers aboard the conveyance; equivalent to IMO FAL 6.
746 Delivery notice (rail transport) Document/message created by the consignor or by the departure station, joined to the transport or sent to the consignee, giving the possibility to the consignee or the arrival station to attest the delivery of the goods. The document must be returned to the consignor or to the departure station.
747 Payroll deductions advice A message sent by a party (usually an employer or its representative) to a service providing organisation, to detail payroll deductions paid on behalf of its employees to the service providing organisation.
748 Consignment despatch advice Document/message by means of which the supplier informs the buyer about the despatch of goods ordered on consignment (goods to be delivered into stock with agreement on payment when goods are sold out of this stock).
749 Transport equipment gross mass verification message Message containing information regarding gross mass verification of transport equipment.
750 Despatch note (post parcels) Document/message which, according to Article 106 of the "Agreement concerning Postal Parcels" under the UPU convention, is to accompany post parcels.
751 Invoice information for accounting purposes A document / message containing accounting related information such as monetary summations, seller id and VAT information. This may not be a complete invoice according to legal requirements. For instance the line item information might be excluded.
752 Plant Passport Document/message issued by a competent body certifying the phytosanitary status of plants or plant products for international trade.
753 Certificate of sustainability Document/message issued by a competent body certifying sustainability.
754 Call for tender A document/message used by a buyer to define the procurement procedure and request suppliers to participate.
755 Invitation to tender A document/message used by a buyer to define the procurement procedure and request specific suppliers to participate.
756 European Single Procurement Document request A document/message requesting a self-declaration from the supplier, providing preliminary evidence during the tendering phase.
757 Tendering price/sales catalogue request A document/message requesting information regarding pricing and catalogue details for goods and/or services to be offered as part of a tender.
758 Tender A document/message used by a supplier to bid in a procurement procedure.
759 European Single Procurement Document A document/message containing a self-declaration by the supplier, providing preliminary evidence during the tendering phase.
760 Multimodal/combined transport document (generic) A transport document used when more than one mode of transportation is involved in the movement of cargo. It is a contract of carriage and receipt of the cargo for a multimodal transport. It indicates the place where the responsible transport company in the move takes responsibility for the cargo, the place where the responsibility of this transport company in the move ends and the conveyances involved.
761 Through bill of lading Bill of lading which evidences a contract of carriage from one place to another in separate stages of which at least one stage is a sea transit, and by which the issuing carrier accepts responsibility for the carriage as set forth in the through bill of lading.
762 Tendering price/sales catalogue A document/message providing information regarding pricing and catalogue details for goods and/or services to be offered as part of a tender.
763 Forwarder's certificate of transport Negotiable document/message issued by a forwarder to certify that he has taken charge of a specified consignment for despatch and delivery in accordance with the consignor's instructions, as indicated in the document, and that he accepts responsibility for delivery of the goods to the holder of the document through the intermediary of a delivery agent of his choice. E.g. FIATA-FCT.
764 Combined transport document (generic) Negotiable or non-negotiable document evidencing a contract for the performance and/or procurement of performance of combined transport of goods and bearing on its face either the heading "Negotiable combined transport document issued subject to Uniform Rules for a Combined Transport Document (ICC Brochure No. 298)" or the heading "Non-negotiable Combined Transport Document issued subject to Uniform Rules for a Combined Transport Document (ICC Brochure No. 298)".
765 Multimodal transport document (generic) Document/message which evidences a multimodal transport contract, the taking in charge of the goods by the multimodal transport operator, and an undertaking by him to deliver the goods in accordance with the terms of the contract. (International Convention on Multimodal Transport of Goods).
766 Combined transport bill of lading/multimodal bill of lading Document which evidences a multimodal transport contract, the taking in charge of the goods by the multimodal transport operator, and an undertaking by him to deliver the goods in accordance with the terms of the contract.
767 Acknowledgment of receipt Document/message confirming a receipt to the sending party.
768 Civil status document Document which confirms the civil status of a person.
769 Advice report Document reporting advice.
770 Booking confirmation Document/message issued by a carrier to confirm that space has been reserved for a consignment in means of transport.
771 Binding offer Document which is a binding offer from one party to another.
772 Binding customer agreement for contract Document which is a binding agreement from the customer for a contract, such as an insurance contract.
773 Coverage confirmation note Document confirming that insurance coverage is granted.
774 General terms and conditions Document specifying general terms and conditions.
775 Calling forward notice Instructions for release or delivery of goods.
776 Contract clauses Document specifying the clauses applying to a contract.
777 Specific contract conditions Document specifying the individual conditions or clauses applying to a specific contract.
778 Group insurance rules Document stating the rules of a group insurance contract.
779 Questionnaire Document consisting of a series of questions.
780 Freight invoice Document/message issued by a transport operation specifying freight costs and charges incurred for a transport operation and stating conditions of payment.
781 Arrival notice (goods) Notification from the carrier to the consignee in writing, by telephone or by any other means (express letter, message, telegram, etc.) informing him that a consignment addressed to him is being or will shortly be held at his disposal at a specified point in the place of destination.
782 Notice of circumstances preventing delivery (goods) Request made by the carrier to the sender, or, as the case may be, the consignee, for instructions as to the disposal of the consignment when circumstances prevent delivery and the return of the goods has not been requested by the consignor in the transport document.
783 Notice of circumstances preventing transport (goods) Request made by the carrier to the sender, or, the consignee as the case may be, for instructions as to the disposal of the goods when circumstances prevent transport before departure or en route, after acceptance of the consignment concerned.
784 Delivery notice (goods) Notification in writing, sent by the carrier to the sender, to inform him at his request of the actual date of delivery of the goods.
785 Cargo manifest Listing of goods comprising the cargo carried in a means of transport or in a transport-unit. The cargo manifest gives the commercial particulars of the goods, such as transport document numbers, consignors, consignees, shipping marks, number and kind of packages and descriptions and quantities of the goods.
786 Freight manifest Document/message containing the same information as a cargo manifest, and additional details on freight amounts, charges, etc.
787 Bordereau Document/message used in road transport, listing the cargo carried on a road vehicle, often referring to appended copies of Road consignment note.
788 Container manifest (unit packing list) Document/message specifying the contents of particular freight containers or other transport units, prepared by the party responsible for their loading into the container or unit.
789 Charges note Document used by the rail organization to indicate freight charges or additional charges in each case where the departure station is not able to calculate the charges for the total voyage (e.g. tariff not yet updated, part of voyage not covered by the tariff). This document must be considered as joined to the transport.
790 Advice of collection (1030) Document that is joined to the transport or sent by separate means, giving to the departure rail organization the proof that the cash-on delivery amount has been encashed by the arrival rail organization before reimbursement of the consignor.
791 Safety of ship certificate Document certifying a ship's safety to a specified date.
792 Safety of radio certificate Document certifying the safety of a ship's radio facilities to a specified date.
793 Safety of equipment certificate Document certifying the safety of a ship's equipment to a specified date.
794 Civil liability for oil certificate Document declaring a ship owner's liability for oil propelling or carried on a vessel.
795 Loadline document Document specifying the limit of a ship's legal submersion under various conditions.
796 Derat document Document certifying that a ship is free of rats, valid to a specified date.
797 Maritime declaration of health Document certifying the health condition on board a vessel, valid to a specified date.
798 Certificate of registry Official certificate stating the vessel's registry.
799 Ship's stores declaration Declaration to Customs regarding the contents of the ship's stores (equivalent to IMO FAL 3) i.e. goods intended for consumption by passengers/crew on board vessels, aircraft or trains, whether or not sold or landed; goods necessary for operation/maintenance of conveyance, including fuel/lubricants, excluding spare parts/equipment (IMO).
810 Export licence, application for Application for a permit issued by a government authority permitting exportation of a specified commodity subject to specified conditions as quantity, country of destination, etc.
811 Export licence Permit issued by a government authority permitting exportation of a specified commodity subject to specified conditions as quantity, country of destination, etc. Synonym: Embargo permit.
812 Exchange control declaration, export Document/message completed by an exporter/seller as a means whereby the competent body may control that the amount of foreign exchange accrued from a trade transaction is repatriated in accordance with the conditions of payment and exchange control regulations in force.
813 Declaration of final beneficiary Declaration document to identify the final beneficiary of an asset.
814 US, FATCA statement Statement regarding the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) of the United States of America.
815 Insured status report Document reporting (e.g. annually) to the insured the actual details of an insurance contract.
816 Group pension commitment information Information document for the group pension commitment to an individual person.
817 Claim notification Document notifying a claim.
818 Assessment report Document reporting an assessment.
819 Loss statement Document specifying the value of a loss.
820 Despatch note model T European community transit declaration.
821 Despatch note model T1 Transit declaration for goods circulating under internal community transit procedures (between European Union (EU) countries).
822 Despatch note model T2 Ascertainment that the declared goods were originally produced in an European Union (EU) country.
823 Control document T5 Control document (export declaration) used particularly in case of re-sending without use with only VAT collection, refusal, unconformity with contract etc.
824 Re-sending consignment note Rail consignment note prepared by the consignor for the facilitation of an eventual return to the origin of the goods.
825 Despatch note model T2L Ascertainment that the declared goods were originally produced in an European Union (EU) country. May only be used for goods that are loaded on one single means of transport in one single departure point for one single delivery point.
826 Guarantee of cost acceptance Document certifying the guarantee of the document issuer that he will pay for costs of the addressee, e.g. the costs for repairing a vehicle.
827 Close of claim Document reporting the closing of a claim file.
828 Refusal of claim Document stating the refusal of a claim.
829 Valuation report Document reporting a valuation.
830 Goods declaration for exportation Document/message by which goods are declared for export Customs clearance, conforming to the layout key set out at Appendix I to Annex C.1 concerning outright exportation to the Kyoto convention (CCC). Within a Customs union, "for despatch" may have the same meaning as "for exportation".
831 Claim history certificate Document which certifies the history of claims.
832 Accounting statement Document specifying an accounting statement.
833 Cargo declaration (departure) Generic term, sometimes referred to as Freight declaration, applied to the documents providing the particulars required by the Customs concerning the cargo (freight) carried by commercial means of transport (CCC).
834 Payment receipt confirmation Document confirming the receipt of a payment.
835 Certificate of paid insurance premium Document certifying the payment of the insurance premium.
836 Insured party payment report Report about payments done towards an insured party.
837 Third party payment report Report about payments done towards a third party.
838 Direct debit authorisation Document giving the addressee the right to debit from an account of the authorizing party.
839 Physician report Report issued by a medical doctor.
840 Application for goods control certificate Document/message submitted to a competent body by party requesting a Goods control certificate to be issued in accordance with national or international standards, or conforming to legislation in the importing country, or as specified in the contract.
841 Goods control certificate Document/message issued by a competent body evidencing the quality of the goods described therein, in accordance with national or international standards, or conforming to legislation in the importing country, or as specified in the contract.
842 Medical certificate Document certifying a medical condition.
843 Witness report Document containing a report of a witness.
844 Calculation note Document detailing a calculation, such as an invoice calculation or a costs calculation.
845 Communication from opposite party Document containing a communication from the opposite party, such as in legal action.
846 Amicable agreement Document specifying an amicable agreement.
847 Out of court settlement Document which specifies an out of court settlement.
848 Legal action Document specifying a legal action at court.
849 Summons Document specifying a summons to court.
850 Application for phytosanitary certificate Document/message submitted to a competent body by party requesting a Phytosanitary certificate to be issued.
851 Phytosanitary certificate A message/doucment consistent with the model for certificates of the IPPC, attesting that a consignment meets phytosanitary import requirements.
852 Sanitary certificate Document/message issued by the competent authority in the exporting country evidencing that alimentary and animal products, including dead animals, are fit for human consumption, and giving details, when relevant, of controls undertaken.
853 Veterinary certificate Document/message issued by the competent authority in the exporting country evidencing that live animals or birds are not infested or infected with disease, and giving details regarding their provenance, and of vaccinations and other treatment to which they have been subjected.
854 Court judgment Document specifying a judgment of a court.
855 Application for inspection certificate Document/message submitted to a competent body by a party requesting an Inspection certificate to be issued in accordance with national or international standards, or conforming to legislation in the country in which it is required, or as specified in the contract.
856 Inspection certificate Document/message issued by a competent body evidencing that the goods described therein have been inspected in accordance with national or international standards, in conformity with legislation in the country in which the inspection is required, or as specified in the contract.
857 Vehicle aboard document Document which must be aboard the vehicle.
858 Image Document consisting of an image.
859 Audio Document consisting of an audio recording (e.g. a telephone conversation or alike).
860 Certificate of origin, application for Document/message submitted to a competent body by an interested party requesting a Certificate of origin to be issued in accordance with relevant criteria, and on the basis of evidence of the origin of the goods.
861 Certificate of origin Document/message identifying goods, in which the authority or body authorized to issue it certifies expressly that the goods to which the certificate relates originate in a specific country. The word "country" may include a group of countries, a region or a part of a country. This certificate may also include a declaration by the manufacturer, producer, supplier, exporter or other competent person.
862 Declaration of origin Appropriate statement as to the origin of the goods, made in connection with their exportation by the manufacturer, producer, supplier, exporter or other competent person on the Commercial invoice or any other document relating to the goods (CCC).
863 Regional appellation certificate Certificate drawn up in accordance with the rules laid down by an authority or approved body, certifying that the goods described therein qualify for a designation specific to the given region (e.g. champagne, port wine, Parmesan cheese).
864 Preference certificate of origin Document/message describing a certificate of origin meeting the requirements for preferential treatment.
865 Certificate of origin form GSP Specific form of certificate of origin for goods qualifying for preferential treatment under the generalized system of preferences (includes a combined declaration of origin and certificate, form A).
866 Video Document consisting of a video.
867 Introductory letter A letter of introduction attached to, or accompanying another document such as an insurance policy.
868 Data protection regulations statement Document specifying the terms of data protection regulations.
869 Exclusive brokerage mandate Document expressing the mandate of a client for a service only by the mandated broker.
870 Consular invoice Document/message to be prepared by an exporter in his country and presented to a diplomatic representation of the importing country for endorsement and subsequently to be presented by the importer in connection with the import of the goods described therein.
871 Inquiry mandate Document expressing the mandate of a client for an inquiry service by the mandated provider.
872 Risk analysis Document specifying the analysis of risks.
873 Transport equipment movement report, partial A partial transport equipment movement report, containing only a selected part of the movements of transport equipment for a vessel in a port.
874 Conveyance declaration Declaration of the conveyance to a public authority.
875 Partial construction invoice Partial invoice in the context of a specific construction project.
876 Partial final construction invoice Invoice concluding all previous partial construction invoices of a completed partial rendered service in the context of a specific construction project.
877 Final construction invoice Invoice concluding all previous partial invoices and partial final construction invoices in the context of a specific construction project.
878 AEO Certificate of Security and/or Safety Certificate issued to business that fulfils specified criteria applied to the security and safety of the logistics chain in the flow of foreign trade operations by a national AEO recognized program (e.g. AEO-Security and Safety (AEOS) - Regulation (EU) No 952/2013).
879 AEO Certificate of Conformity or Compliance Certificate issued to business that fulfils specified criteria for compliance with tax and customs obligations, as well as financial solvency by a national AEO recognized program (e.g. AEO-Customs Simplifications (AEOC) - Regulation (EU) No 952/2013).
890 Dangerous goods declaration (1115) Document/message issued by a consignor in accordance with applicable conventions or regulations, describing hazardous goods or materials for transport purposes, and stating that the latter have been packed and labelled in accordance with the provisions of the relevant conventions or regulations.
891 AEO Certificate Full Certificate issued to business that fulfils specified criteria to both AEO Certificate of Security and/or Safety and AEO Certificate of Conformity or Compliance by a national AEO recognized program (e.g. AEO-Customs Simplifications/Security and Safety (AEOC/AEOS) - Regulation(EU) No 952/2013).
892 Purchase Order Financing Request Document enabling the Financing Requestor to initiate the financing process by the First Agent.
893 Purchase Order Financing Request Status Document enabling the First Agent to notify the Financing Requestor of the status of a purchase order financing request or the status of a purchase order financing cancellation request previously sent by the Financial Requestor itself.
894 Purchase Order Financing Request Cancellation Document enabling the Financing Requestor to request the First Agent to cancel a previously sent purchase order financing request.
895 Statistical document, export Document/message in which an exporter provides information about exported goods required by the body responsible for the collection of international trade statistics.
896 INTRASTAT declaration Document/message in which a declarant provides information about goods required by the body responsible for the collection of trade statistics.
897 Transit certificate of approval Certificate of approval for the transport of goods under customs seal
898 Pre-packed cross docking consignment order A consignment order requesting the supply of products packed according to the final delivery point which will be moved across a dock in a distribution centre without further handling.
899 Traceability event declaration Document/message declaring a traceability event.
900 Sustainability data request Document/message requesting information based on defined criteria regarding sustainability.
901 Delivery verification certificate Document/message whereby an official authority (Customs or governmental) certifies that goods have been delivered.
902 Sustainability data response Document/Message returned as an answer to a question regarding sustainability.
903 Sustainability Inspection request Document/message requesting a sustainability inspection.
904 Sustainability Inspection response Document/message reporting the results of a sustainability inspection.
910 Import licence, application for Document/message in which an interested party applies to the competent body for authorization to import either a limited quantity of articles subject to import restrictions, or an unlimited quantity of such articles during a limited period, and specifies the kind of articles, their origin and value, etc.
911 Import licence Document/message issued by the competent body in accordance with import regulations in force, by which authorization is granted to a named party to import either a limited quantity of designated articles or an unlimited quantity of such articles during a limited period, under conditions specified in the document.
913 Customs declaration without commercial detail CUSDEC transmission that does not include data from the commercial detail section of the message.
914 Customs declaration with commercial and item detail CUSDEC transmission that includes data from both the commercial detail and item detail sections of the message.
915 Customs declaration without item detail CUSDEC transmission that does not include data from the item detail section of the message.
916 Related document Document that has a relationship with the stated document/message.
917 Receipt (Customs) Receipt for Customs duty/tax/fee paid.
925 Application for exchange allocation Document/message whereby an importer/buyer requests the competent body to allocate an amount of foreign exchange to be transferred to an exporter/seller in payment for goods.
926 Foreign exchange permit Document/message issued by the competent body authorizing an importer/buyer to transfer an amount of foreign exchange to an exporter/seller in payment for goods.
927 Exchange control declaration (import) Document/message completed by an importer/buyer as a means for the competent body to control that a trade transaction for which foreign exchange has been allocated has been executed and that money has been transferred in accordance with the conditions of payment and the exchange control regulations in force.
929 Goods declaration for importation Document/message by which goods are declared for import Customs clearance [sister entry of 830].
930 Goods declaration for home use Document/message by which goods are declared for import Customs clearance according to Annex B.1 (concerning clearance for home use) to the Kyoto convention (CCC).
931 Customs immediate release declaration Document/message issued by an importer notifying Customs that goods have been removed from an importing means of transport to the importer's premises under a Customs-approved arrangement for immediate release, or requesting authorization to do so.
932 Customs delivery note Document/message whereby a Customs authority releases goods under its control to be placed at the disposal of the party concerned. Synonym: Customs release note.
933 Cargo declaration (arrival) Generic term, sometimes referred to as Freight declaration, applied to the documents providing the particulars required by the Customs concerning the cargo (freight) carried by commercial means of transport (CCC).
934 Value declaration Document/message in which a declarant (importer) states the invoice or other price (e.g. selling price, price of identical goods), and specifies costs for freight, insurance and packing, etc., terms of delivery and payment, any relationship with the trading partner, etc., for the purpose of determining the Customs value of goods imported.
935 Customs invoice Document/message required by the Customs in an importing country in which an exporter states the invoice or other price (e.g. selling price, price of identical goods), and specifies costs for freight, insurance and packing, etc., terms of delivery and payment, for the purpose of determining the Customs value in the importing country of goods consigned to that country.
936 Customs declaration (post parcels) Document/message which, according to Article 106 of the "Agreement concerning Postal Parcels" under the UPU Convention, must accompany post parcels and in which the contents of such parcels are specified.
937 Tax declaration (value added tax) Document/message in which an importer states the pertinent information required by the competent body for assessment of value-added tax.
938 Tax declaration (general) Document/message containing a general tax declaration.
940 Tax demand Document/message containing the demand of tax.
941 Embargo permit Document/message giving the permission to export specified goods.
950 Goods declaration for Customs transit Document/message by which the sender declares goods for Customs transit according to Annex E.1 (concerning Customs transit) to the Kyoto convention (CCC).
951 TIF form International Customs transit document by which the sender declares goods for carriage by rail in accordance with the provisions of the 1952 International Convention to facilitate the crossing of frontiers for goods carried by rail (TIF Convention of UIC).
952 TIR carnet International Customs document (International Transit by Road), issued by a guaranteeing association approved by the Customs authorities, under the cover of which goods are carried, in most cases under Customs seal, in road vehicles and/or containers in compliance with the requirements of the Customs TIR Convention of the International Transport of Goods under cover of TIR Carnets (UN/ECE).
953 EC carnet EC customs transit document issued by EC customs authorities for transit and/or temporary user of goods within the EC.
954 EUR 1 certificate of origin Customs certificate used in preferential goods interchanges between EC countries and EC external countries.
955 ATA carnet International Customs document (Admission Temporaire / Temporary Admission) which, issued under the terms of the ATA Convention (1961), incorporates an internationally valid guarantee and may be used, in lieu of national Customs documents and as security for import duties and taxes, to cover the temporary admission of goods and, where appropriate, the transit of goods. If accepted for controlling the temporary export and reimport of goods, international guarantee does not apply (CCC).
960 Single administrative document A set of documents, replacing the various (national) forms for Customs declaration within the EC, implemented on 01-01-1988.
961 General response (Customs) General response message to permit the transfer of data from Customs to the transmitter of the previous message.
962 Document response (Customs) Document response message to permit the transfer of data from Customs to the transmitter of the previous message.
963 Error response (Customs) Error response message to permit the transfer of data from Customs to the transmitter of the previous message.
964 Package response (Customs) Package response message to permit the transfer of data from Customs to the transmitter of the previous message.
965 Tax calculation/confirmation response (Customs) Tax calculation/confirmation response message to permit the transfer of data from Customs to the transmitter of the previous message.
966 Quota prior allocation certificate Document/message issued by the competent body for prior allocation of a quota.
970 Wagon report Document which contains consignment information concerning the wagons and their lading in a case of a multiple wagon consignment.
971 Transit Conveyor Document Document for a course of transit used for a carrier who is neither the carrier at the beginning nor the arrival. The transit carrier can directly invoice the expenses for its part of the transport.
972 Rail consignment note forwarder copy Document which is a copy of the rail consignment note printed especially for the need of the forwarder.
974 Duty suspended goods Document giving details for the carriage of excisable goods on a duty-suspended basis.
975 Proof of transit declaration A document providing proof that a transit declaration has been accepted.
976 Container transfer note Document for the carriage of containers. Syn: transfer note.
977 NATO transit document Customs transit document for the carriage of shipments of the NATO armed forces under Customs supervision.
978 Transfrontier waste shipment authorization Document containing the authorization from the relevant authority for the international carriage of waste. Syn: Transfrontier waste shipment permit.
979 Transfrontier waste shipment movement document Document certified by the carriers and the consignee to be used for the international carriage of waste.
990 End use authorization Document issued by Customs granting the end-use Customs procedure.
991 Government contract Document/message describing a contract with a government authority.
995 Statistical document, import Document/message describing an import document that is used for statistical purposes.
996 Application for documentary credit Message with application for opening of a documentary credit.
998 Previous Customs document/message Indication of the previous Customs document/message concerning the same transaction.


Code Description
1 Delivery organized by the supplier
2 Delivery organized by logistics service provider
CFR Costs and freight
CIF Costs, insurance and freight
CIP Transportation and insurance paid to (insert named place of destination)
CPT Carriage paid to (insert named place of destination)
DAP Delivered at Place (insert named place of destination)
DDP Delivered Duty Paid (insert named place of destination)
DPU Delivered at place of unloading (insert named place of unloading)
EXW Ex works (insert named place of delivery)
FAS Free alongside ship (insert named port of shipment)
FCA Free Carrier (insert named place of delivery)
FOB Free on board (insert named port of shipment)

Country codes

The code list is based on the state and territory classification of the Federal Statistical Office (DESTATIS) and the standard "Country codes" of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). The present list contains the officially assigned codes (alpha-2 and numeric) of the ISO list as well as the user assigned codes for Kosovo ("XK") and Unknown ("QU"). Short and long names of the entries listed were taken from the DESTATIS list where available. For the code entries not included in the DESTATIS list, the corresponding names were taken from the German version of the standard.

ISOAlpha2code DESTATIS code state ShortName FullName ISONumeric Status
AD 123 Andorra the Principality of Andorra 020
AE 469 United Arab Emirates the United Arab Emirates (Abu Dhabi, Ajman, Dubai, Fujairah, Ras al Khaimah, Sharjah, Umm al Kaiwain) 784
AF 423 Afghanistan the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan 004
AG 320 Antigua and Barbuda Antigua and Barbuda 028
AI Anguilla 660
AL 121 Albania the Republic of Albania 008
AM 422 Armenia the Republic of Armenia 051
AO 223 Angola the Republic of Angola 024
AQ Antarctica 010
AR 323 Argentina the Argentine Republic 032
AS American Samoa 016
AT 151 Austria the Republic of Austria 040
AU 523 Australia Australia 036
AW Aruba 533
AX Åland Islands 248
A-Z 425 Azerbaijan the Republic of Azerbaijan 031
BA 122 Bosnia and Herzegovina Bosnia and Herzegovina 070
BB 322 Barbados Barbados 052
BD 460 Bangladesh the People's Republic of Bangladesh 050
BE 124 Belgium the Kingdom of Belgium 056
BF 258 Burkina Faso Burkina Faso 854
BG 125 Bulgaria the Republic of Bulgaria 100
Bra 424 Bahrain the Kingdom of Bahrain 048
BI 291 Burundi the Republic of Burundi 108
BJ 229 Benin the Republic of Benin 204
BL St. Barthelemy 652
BM Bermuda 060
BN 429 Brunei Darussalam Brunei Darussalam 096
BO 326 Plurinational State of Bolivia the Plurinational State of Bolivia 068
BQ Bonaire, St. Eustatius and Saba 535
BR 327 Brazil the Federative Republic of Brazil 076
BS 324 Bahamas the Commonwealth of the Bahamas 044
BT 426 Bhutan the Kingdom of Bhutan 064
BV Bouvet Island 074
BW 227 Botswana the Republic of Botswana 072
BY 169 Belarus the Republic of Belarus 112
BZ 330 Belize Belize 084
CA 348 Canada Canada 124
CC Cocos Islands (Keeling) 166
CD 246 Democratic Republic of Congo the Democratic Republic of Congo 180
CF 289 Central African Republic the Central African Republic 140
CG 245 Congo the Republic of Congo 178
CH 158 Switzerland the Swiss Confederation 756
CI 231 Côte d'Ivoire the Republic of Côte d’Ivoire 384
CK Cook Islands the Cook Islands 184
CL 332 Chile the Republic of Chile 152
CM 262 Cameroon the Republic of Cameroon 120
CN 479 China the People's Republic of China 156
CO 349 Colombia the Republic of Colombia 170
CR 334 Costa Rica the Republic of Costa Rica 188
CU 351 Cuba the Republic of Cuba 192
CV 242 Cabo Verde the Republic of Cabo Verde 132
CW Curacao 531
CX Christmas Island Territory Christmas Island 162
CY 181 Cyprus the Republic of Cyprus 196
CZ 164 Czech Republic the Czech Republic 203
EN 000 Germany the Federal Republic of Germany 276
DJ 230 Djibouti the Republic of Djibouti 262
DK 126 Denmark the Kingdom of Denmark 208
DM 333 Dominica the Commonwealth of Dominica 212
DO 335 Dominican Republic the Dominican Republic 214
Double room 221 Algeria the People's Democratic Republic of Algeria 012
EC 336 Ecuador the Republic of Ecuador 218
EE 127 Estonia the Republic of Estonia 233
EC 287 Egypt the Arab Republic of Egypt 818
EH Western Sahara 732
HE 224 Eritrea the state of Eritrea 232
IT 161 Spain the Kingdom of Spain 724
ET 225 Ethiopia the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia 231
FI 128 Finland the Republic of Finland 246
FJ 526 Fiji the Republic of Fiji 242
FK Falkland Islands (Malvinas) 238
FM 545 Federated States of Micronesia the Federated States of Micronesia 583
FO Faroe Islands 234
FR 129 France the French Republic 250
GA 236 Gabon the Gabonese Republic 266
GB 168 United Kingdom the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 826
GD 340 Grenada Grenada 308
GE 430 Georgia Georgia 268
GF French Guiana 254
GG Guernsey 831
GH 238 Ghana the Republic of Ghana 288
GI Gibraltar 292
GL Greenland 304
GM 237 Gambia the Republic of Gambia 270
GN 261 Guinea the Republic of Guinea 324
GP Guadeloupe 312
GQ 274 Equatorial Guinea the Republic of Equatorial Guinea 226
GR 134 Greece the Hellenic Republic 300
GS South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands 239
GT 345 Guatemala the Republic of Guatemala 320
GU Guam 316
GW 259 Guinea Bissau the Republic of Guinea-Bissau 624
GY 328 Guyana the Cooperative Republic of Guyana 328
HK 411 Hong Kong the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region 344
HM Heard and the McDonald Islands Heard Territory and the McDonald Islands 334
HN 347 Honduras the Republic of Honduras 340
HR 130 Croatia the Republic of Croatia 191
HT 346 Haiti the Republic of Haiti 332
HU 165 Hungary Hungary 348
ID 437 Indonesia the Republic of Indonesia 360
IE 135 Ireland Ireland 372
IL 441 Israel the State of Israel 376
IN Isle of Man 833
IN 436 India the Republic of India 356
IO British Indian Ocean Territory 086
IQ 438 Iraq the Republic of Iraq 368
IR 439 Islamic Republic of Iran the Islamic Republic of Iran 364
IS 136 Iceland the Republic of Iceland 352
IT 137 Italy the Italian Republic 380
EVER Jersey 832
JM 355 Jamaica Jamaica 388
JO 445 Jordan the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan 400
JP 442 Japan Japan 392
KE 243 Kenya the Republic of Kenya 404
KG 450 Kyrgyzstan the Kyrgyz Republic 417
KH 446 Cambodia the Kingdom of Cambodia 116
AI 530 Kiribati the Republic of Kiribati 296
KM 244 Comoros the Union of the Comoros 174
KN 370 Saint Kitts and Nevis the Federation of Saint Kitts and Nevis 659
CP 434 Democratic People's Republic of Korea the Democratic People's Republic of Korea 408
KR 467 Republic of Korea the Republic of Korea 410
KW 448 Kuwait the state of Kuwait 414
KY Cayman Islands 136
Concentration camp 444 Kazakhstan the Republic of Kazakhstan 398
LA 449 Lao People's Democratic Republic the Lao People's Democratic Republic 418
LB 451 Lebanon the Lebanese Republic 422
LC 366 Saint Lucia Saint Lucia 662
LI 141 Liechtenstein the Principality of Liechtenstein 438
LK 431 Sri Lanka the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka 144
LR 247 Liberia the Republic of Liberia 430
LS 226 Lesotho the Kingdom of Lesotho 426
LT 142 Lithuania the Republic of Lithuania 440
LU 143 Luxembourg the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg 442
LV 139 Latvia the Republic of Latvia 428
LY 248 Libya the state of Libya 434
M.A. 252 Morocco the Kingdom of Morocco 504
MC 147 Monaco the Principality of Monaco 492
MD 146 Republic of Moldova the Republic of Moldova 498
ME 140 Montenegro Montenegro 499
MF St. Martin (French part) 663
MG 249 Madagascar the Republic of Madagascar 450
MH 544 Marshall Islands the Republic of Marshall Islands 584
MK 144 North Macedonia the Republic of North Macedonia 807
ML 251 Mali the Republic of Mali 466
MM 427 Myanmar the Republic of the Union of Myanmar 104
MN 457 Mongolia Mongolia 496
MO 412 Macau the Macau Special Administrative Region 446
MP Mariana Islands, Northern Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands 580
MQ Martinique 474
MR 239 Mauritania the Islamic Republic of Mauritania 478
MS Montserrat 500
MT 145 Malta the Republic of Malta 470
MU 253 Mauritius the Republic of Mauritius 480
MV 454 Maldives the Republic of Maldives 462
MW 256 Malawi the Republic of Malawi 454
MX 353 Mexico the United Mexican States 484
MY 482 Malaysia Malaysia 458
MZ 254 Mozambique the Republic of Mozambique 508
NA 267 Namibia the Republic of Namibia 516
NC New Caledonia 540
NE 255 Niger the Republic of Niger 562
NF Norfolk Island 574
NG 232 Nigeria the Federal Republic of Nigeria 566
NI 354 Nicaragua the Republic of Nicaragua 558
NL 148 Netherlands the Kingdom of the Netherlands 528
NO 149 Norway the Kingdom of Norway 578
NP 458 Nepal the Democratic Federal Republic
NO 531 Nauru the Republic of Nauru 520
NU Niue Niue 570
NZ 536 New Zealand New Zealand 554
OM 456 Oman the Sultanate of Oman 512
PA 357 Panama the Republic of Panama 591
PE 361 Peru the Republic of Peru 604
PF French Polynesia 258
PG 538 Papua New Guinea the Independent State of Papua New Guinea 598
PH 462 Philippines the Republic of the Philippines 608
PK 461 Pakistan the Islamic Republic of Pakistan 586
PL 152 Poland the Republic of Poland 616
PM St Pierre and Miquelon 666
PM Pitcairn Islands 612
PR Puerto Rico Free State of Puerto Rico 630
PS Palestinian Territories Palestinian Territories 275 In the international standard ISO 3166, the country symbols PS and PSE are assigned the country name “State of Palestine” or “État de Palestine” (in German “State of Palestine”). The Federal Republic of Germany does not recognize the Palestinian territories as a state.
PT 153 Portugal the Portuguese Republic 620
PW 537 Palau the Republic of Palau 585
PY 359 Paraguay the Republic of Paraguay 600
QA 447 Qatar the state of Qatar 634
QU Unknown Unknown user assigned code
RE Reunion 638
RO 154 Romania Romania 642
RS 170 Serbia the Republic of Serbia 688
RU 160 Russian Federation the Russian Federation 643
RW 265 Rwanda the Republic of Rwanda 646
SA 472 Saudi Arabia the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 682
SB 524 Solomon Islands the Solomon Islands 090
SC 271 Seychelles the Republic of Seychelles 690
SD 277 Sudan the Republic of Sudan 729
SE 157 Sweden the Kingdom of Sweden 752
SG 474 Singapore the Republic of Singapore 702
SH St. Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha 654
SI 131 Slovenia the Republic of Slovenia 705
SJ Svalbard and Jan Mayen 744
SK 155 Slovakia the Slovak Republic 703
SL 272 Sierra Leone the Republic of Sierra Leone 694
SM 156 San Marino the Republic of San Marino 674
SN 269 Senegal the Republic of Senegal 686
SUN 273 Somalia the Federal Republic of Somalia 706
SR 364 Suriname the Republic of Suriname 740
SS 278 South Sudan the Republic of South Sudan 728
ST 268 Sao Tome and Principe the Democratic Republic of São Tomé and Príncipe 678
SV 337 El Salvador the Republic of El Salvador 222
SX St. Martin (Dutch part) 534
SY 475 Syrian Arab Republic the Syrian Arab Republic 760
SZ 281 Eswatini the Kingdom of Eswatini 748
TC Turks and Caicos Islands 796
TD 284 Chad the Republic of Chad 148
TF French Southern and Antarctic Territories 260
TG 283 Togo the Republic of Togo 768
TH 476 Thailand the Kingdom of Thailand 764
TJ 470 Tajikistan the Republic of Tajikistan 762
TK Tokelau 772
TL 483 Timor Leste the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste 626
TM 471 Turkmenistan Turkmenistan 795
TN 285 Tunisia the Tunisian Republic 788
TO 541 Tonga the Kingdom of Tonga 776
TR 163 Türkiye the Republic of Türkiye 792
TT 371 Trinidad and Tobago the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago 780
TV 540 Tuvalu Tuvalu 798
TW 465 Taiwan Taiwan 158
TZ 282 United Republic of Tanzania the United Republic of Tanzania 834
UA 166 Ukraine the Ukraine 804
UG 286 Uganda the Republic of Uganda 800
UM American Overseas Islands, Minor Minor American Overseas Islands 581
US 368 United States the United States of America 840
UY 365 Uruguay the Republic East of Uruguay 858
UZ 477 Uzbekistan the Republic of Uzbekistan 860
VA 167 Vatican City the Vatican City State 336
VC 369 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 670
VE 367 Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela 862
VG British Virgin Islands 092
VI US Virgin Islands 850
VN 432 Viet Nam the Socialist Republic of Vietnam 704
VU 532 Vanuatu the Republic of Vanuatu 548
WF Wallis and Futuna 876
WS 543 Samoa the Independent State of Samoa 882
XK 150 Kosovo the Republic of Kosovo user assigned code
YE 421 Yemen the Republic of Yemen 887
YT Mayotte 175
ZA 263 South Africa the Republic of South Africa 710
ZM 257 Zambia the Republic of Zambia 894
ZW 233 Zimbabwe the Republic of Zimbabwe 716

VAT exemption reason code list

The code list is based on the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) VATEX (list of VAT exemption grounds) code list.

Code code-name Description Description (Add.)
vatex-eu-132 Exempt based on article 132 of Council Directive 2006/112/EC Exemptions for certain activities in public interest.
vatex-eu-132-1a Exempt based on article 132, section 1 (a) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC The supply by the public postal services of services other than passenger transport and telecommunications services, and the supply of goods incidental thereto.
vatex-eu-132-1b Exempt based on article 132, section 1 (b) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC Hospital and medical care and closely related activities undertaken by bodies governed by public law or, under social conditions comparable with those applicable to bodies governed by public law, by hospitals, centres for medical treatment or diagnosis and other duly recognised establishments of a similar nature
vatex-eu-132-1c Exempt based on article 132, section 1 (c) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC The provision of medical care in the exercise of the medical and paramedical professions as defined by the Member State concerned.
vatex-eu-132-1d Exempt based on article 132, section 1 (d) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC The supply of human organs, blood and milk.
vatex-eu-132-1e Exempt based on article 132, section 1 (e) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC The supply of services by dental technicians in their professional capacity and the supply of dental prostheses by dentists and dental technicians.
vatex-eu-132-1f Exempt based on article 132, section 1 (f) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC The supply of services by independent groups of persons, who are carrying on an activity which is exempt from VAT or in relation to which they are not taxable persons, for the purpose of rendering their members the services directly necessary for the exercise of that activity, where those groups merely claim from their members exact reimbursement of their share of the joint expenses, provided that such exemption is not likely to cause distortion of competition.
vatex-eu-132-1g Exempt based on article 132, section 1 (g) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC The supply of services and of goods closely linked to welfare and social security work, including those supplied by old people's homes, by bodies governed by public law or by other bodies recognised by the Member State concerned as being devoted to social wellbeing.
vatex-eu-132-1h Exempt based on article 132, section 1 (h) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC The supply of services and of goods closely linked to the protection of children and young persons by bodies governed by public law or by other organisations recognised by the Member State concerned as being devoted to social wellbeing;
vatex-eu-132-1i Exempt based on article 132, section 1 (i) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC The provision of children's or young people's education, school or university education, vocational training or retraining, including the supply of services and of goods closely related thereto, by bodies governed by public law having such as their aim or by other organisations recognised by the Member State concerned as having similar objects.
vatex-eu-132-1j Exempt based on article 132, section 1 (j) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC Tuition given privately by teachers and covering school or university education.
vatex-eu-132-1k Exempt based on article 132, section 1 (k) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC The supply of staff by religious or philosophical institutions for the purpose of the activities referred to in points (b), (g), (h) and (i) and with a view to spiritual welfare.
vatex-eu-132-1l Exempt based on article 132, section 1 (l) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC The supply of services, and the supply of goods closely linked thereto, to their members in their common interest in return for a subscription fixed in accordance with their rules by non-profitmaking organisations with aims of a political, trade-union, religious, patriotic, philosophical, philanthropic or civic nature, provided that this exemption is not likely to cause distortion of competition.
vatex-eu-132-1m Exempt based on article 132, section 1 (m) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC The supply of certain services closely linked to sport or physical education by non-profit-making organisations to persons taking part in sport or physical education.
vatex-eu-132-1n Exempt based on article 132, section 1 (n) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC The supply of certain cultural services, and the supply of goods closely linked thereto, by bodies governed by public law or by other cultural bodies recognised by the Member State concerned.
vatex-eu-132-1o Exempt based on article 132, section 1 (o) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC The supply of services and goods, by organisations whose activities are exempt pursuant to points (b), (g), (h), (i), (l), (m) and (n), in connection with fund-raising events organised exclusively for their own benefit, provided that exemption is not likely to cause distortion of competition.
vatex-eu-132-1p Exempt based on article 132, section 1 (p) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC The supply of transport services for sick or injured persons in vehicles specially designed for the purpose, by duly authorised bodies.
vatex-eu-132-1q Exempt based on article 132, section 1 (q) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC The activities, other than those of a commercial nature, carried out by public radio and television bodies.
vatex-eu-143 Exempt based on article 143 of Council Directive 2006/112/EC Exemptions on importation.
vatex-eu-143-1a Exempt based on article 143, section 1 (a) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC The final importation of goods of which the supply by a taxable person would in all circumstances be exempt within their respective territory.
vatex-eu-143-1b Exempt based on article 143, section 1 (b) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC The final importation of goods governed by Council Directives 69/169/EEC (1), 83/181/EEC (2) and 2006/79/EC (3).
vatex-eu-143-1c Exempt based on article 143, section 1 (c) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC The final importation of goods, in free circulation from a third territory forming part of the Community customs territory, which would be entitled to exemption under point (b) if they had been imported within the meaning of the first paragraph of Article 30
vatex-eu-143-1d Exempt based on article 143, section 1 (d) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC The importation of goods dispatched or transported from a third territory or a third country into a Member State other than that in which the dispatch or transport of the goods ends, where the supply of such goods by the importer designated or recognised under Article 201 as liable for payment of VAT is exempt under Article 138.
vatex-eu-143-1e Exempt based on article 143, section 1 (e) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC The reimportation, by the person who exported them, of goods in the state in which they were exported, where those goods are exempt from customs duties.
vatex-eu-143-1f Exempt based on article 143, section 1 (f) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC The importation, under diplomatic and consular arrangements, of goods which are exempt from customs duties.
vatex-eu-143-1fa Exempt based on article 143, section 1 (fa) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC The importation of goods by the European Community, the European Atomic Energy Community, the European Central Bank or the European Investment Bank, or by the bodies set up by the Communities to which the Protocol of 8 April 1965 on the privileges and immunities of the European Communities applies, within the limits and under the conditions of that Protocol and the agreements for its implementation or the headquarters agreements, in so far as it does not lead to distortion of competition;
vatex-eu-143-1g Exempt based on article 143, section 1 (g) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC The importation of goods by international bodies, other than those referred to in point (fa), recognised as such by the public authorities of the host Member State, or by members of such bodies, within the limits and under the conditions laid down by the international conventions establishing the bodies or by headquarters agreements;
vatex-eu-143-1h Exempt based on article 143, section 1 (h) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC The importation of goods, into Member States party to the North Atlantic Treaty, by the armed forces of other States party to that Treaty for the use of those forces or the civilian staff accompanying them or for supplying their messes or canteens where such forces take part in the common defence effort.
vatex-eu-143-1i Exempt based on article 143, section 1 (i) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC The importation of goods by the armed forces of the United Kingdom stationed in the island of Cyprus pursuant to the Treaty of Establishment concerning the Republic of Cyprus, dated 16 August 1960, which are for the use of those forces or the civilian staff accompanying them or for supplying their messes or canteens.
vatex-eu-143-1j Exempt based on article 143, section 1 (j) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC The importation into ports, by sea fishing undertakings, of their catches, unprocessed or after undergoing preservation for marketing but before being supplied.
vatex-eu-143-1k Exempt based on article 143, section 1 (k) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC The importation of gold by central banks.
vatex-eu-143-1l Exempt based on article 143, section 1 (l) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC The importation of gas through a natural gas system or any network connected to such a system or fed in from a vessel transporting gas into a natural gas system or any upstream pipeline network, of electricity or of heat or cooling energy through heating or cooling networks.
vatex-eu-148 Exempt based on article 148 of Council Directive 2006/112/EC Exemptions related to international transport.
vatex-eu-148-a Exempt based on article 148, section (a) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC Fuel supplies for commercial international transport vessels
vatex-eu-148-b Exempt based on article 148, section (b) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC Fuel supplies for fighting ships in international transport.
vatex-eu-148-c Exempt based on article 148, section (c) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC Maintenance, modification, chartering and hiring of international transport vessels.
vatex-eu-148-d Exempt based on article 148, section (d) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC Supply to of other services to commercial international transport vessels.
vatex-eu-148-e Exempt based on article 148, section (e) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC Fuel supplies for aircraft on international routes.
vatex-eu-148-f Exempt based on article 148, section (f) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC Maintenance, modification, chartering and hiring of aircraft on international routes.
vatex-eu-148-g Exempt based on article 148, section (g) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC Supply to of other services to aircraft on international routes.
vatex-eu-151 Exempt based on article 151 of Council Directive 2006/112/EC Exemptions relating to certain Transactions treated as exports.
vatex-eu-151-1a Exempt based on article 151, section 1 (a) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC The supply of goods or services under diplomatic and consular arrangements.
vatex-eu-151-1aa Exempt based on article 151, section 1 (aa) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC The supply of goods or services to the European Community, the European Atomic Energy Community, the European Central Bank or the European Investment Bank, or to the bodies set up by the Communities to which the Protocol of 8 April 1965 on the privileges and immunities of the European Communities applies, within the limits and under the conditions of that Protocol and the agreements for its implementation or the headquarters agreements, in so far as it does not lead to distortion of competition.
vatex-eu-151-1b Exempt based on article 151, section 1 (b) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC The supply of goods or services to international bodies, other than those referred to in point (aa), recognised as such by the public authorities of the host Member States, and to members of such bodies, within the limits and under the conditions laid down by the international conventions establishing the bodies or by headquarters agreements.
vatex-eu-151-1c Exempt based on article 151, section 1 (c) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC The supply of goods or services within a Member State which is a party to the North Atlantic Treaty, intended either for the armed forces of other States party to that Treaty for the use of those forces, or of the civilian staff accompanying them, or for supplying their messes or canteens when such forces take part in the common defence effort.
vatex-eu-151-1d Exempt based on article 151, section 1 (d) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC The supply of goods or services to another Member State, intended for the armed forces of any State which is a party to the North Atlantic Treaty, other than the Member State of destination itself, for the use of those forces, or of the civilian staff accompanying them, or for supplying their messes or canteens when such forces take part in the common defence effort.
vatex-eu-151-1e Exempt based on article 151, section 1 (e) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC The supply of goods or services to the armed forces of the United Kingdom stationed in the island of Cyprus pursuant to the Treaty of Establishment concerning the Republic of Cyprus, dated 16 August 1960, which are for the use of those forces, or of the civilian staff accompanying them, or for supplying their messes or canteens.
vatex-eu-309 Exempt based on article 309 of Council Directive 2006/112/EC Travel agents performed outside of EU.
vatex-eu-ae Reverse charge Supports EN 16931-1 rule BR-AE-10 Only use with VAT category code AE
vatex-eu-d Intra-Community acquisition from second hand means of transport Second-hand means of transport - Indication that VAT has been paid according to the relevant transitional arrangements Only use with VAT category code E
vatex-eu-f Intra-Community acquisition of second hand goods Second-hand goods - Indication that the VAT margin scheme for second-hand goods has been applied. Only use with VAT category code E
vatex-eu-g Export outside the EU Supports EN 16931-1 rule BR-G-10 Only use with VAT category code G
vatex-eu-i Intra-Community acquisition of works of art Works of art - Indication that the VAT margin scheme for works of art has been applied. Only use with VAT category code E
vatex-eu-ic Intra-Community supply Supports EN 16931-1 rule BR-IC-10 Only use with VAT category code K
vatex-eu-j Intra-Community acquisition of collectors items and antiques Collectors' items and antiques - Indication that the VAT margin scheme for collector’s items and antiques has been applied. Only use with VAT category code E
vatex-eu-o Not subject to VAT Supports EN 16931-1 rule BR-O-10 Only use with VAT category code O

UN/ECE Recommendation N°20

Codes for Units of Measure Used in International Trade

Code Name
10 group
11 outfit
13 ration
14 shot
15 stick, military
20 twenty foot container
21 forty foot container
22 decilitre per gram
23 gram per cubic centimetre
24 theoretical pound
25 gram per square centimetre
27 theoretical ton
28 kilogram per square metre
33 kilopascal square metre per gram
34 kilopascal per millimetre
35 millilitre per square centimetre second
37 ounce per square foot
38 ounce per square foot per 0,01inch
40 millilitre per second
41 millilitre per minute
56 sitas
57 mesh
58 net kilogram
59 part per million
60 percent weight
61 part per billion (US)
74 millipascal
77 milli-inch
80 pound per square inch absolute
81 henry
85 foot pound-force
87 pound per cubic foot
89 poise
91 stokes
1I fixed rate
2A radian per second
2B radian per second squared
2C roentgen
2G volt AC
2H volt DC
2I British thermal unit (international table) per hour
2J cubic centimetre per second
2K cubic foot per hour
2L cubic foot per minute
2M centimetre per second
2N decibel
2P kilobyte
2Q kilobecquerel
2R kilocurie
2U megagram
2X metre per minute
2Y milliroentgen
2Z millivolt
3B megajoule
3C manmonth
4C centistokes
4G microlitre
4H micrometre (micron)
4K milliampere
4L megabyte
4M milligram per hour
4N megabecquerel
4O microfarad
4P newton per metre
4Q ounce inch
4R ounce foot
4T picofarad
4U pound per hour
4W ton (US) per hour
4X kilolitre per hour
5A barrel (US) per minute
5B batch
5E MMSCF/day
5J hydraulic horse power
A10 ampere square metre per joule second
A11 angstrom
A12 astronomical unit
A13 attojoule
A14 barn
A15 barn per electronvolt
A16 barn per steradian electronvolt
A17 barn per steradian
A18 becquerel per kilogram
A19 becquerel per cubic metre
A2 ampere per centimetre
A20 British thermal unit (international table) per second square foot degree Rankine
A21 British thermal unit (international table) per pound degree Rankine
A22 British thermal unit (international table) per second foot degree Rankine
A23 British thermal unit (international table) per hour square foot degree Rankine
A24 candela per square metre
A26 coulomb metre
A27 coulomb metre squared per volt
A28 coulomb per cubic centimetre
A29 coulomb per cubic metre
A3 ampere per millimetre
A30 coulomb per cubic millimetre
A31 coulomb per kilogram second
A32 coulomb per mole
A33 coulomb per square centimetre
A34 coulomb per square metre
A35 coulomb per square millimetre
A36 cubic centimetre per mole
A37 cubic decimetre per mole
A38 cubic metre per coulomb
A39 cubic metre per kilogram
A4 ampere per square centimetre
A40 cubic metre per mole
A41 ampere per square metre
A42 curie per kilogram
A43 deadweight tonnage
A44 decalitre
A45 decametre
A47 decitex
A48 degree Rankine
A49 denier
A5 ampere square metre
A53 electronvolt
A54 electronvolt per metre
A55 electronvolt square metre
A56 electronvolt square metre per kilogram
A59 8-part cloud cover
A6 ampere per square metre kelvin squared
A68 exajoule
A69 farad per metre
A7 ampere per square millimetre
A70 femtojoule
A71 femtometre
A73 foot per second squared
A74 foot pound-force per second
A75 freight ton
A76 gal
A8 ampere second
A84 gigacoulomb per cubic metre
A85 gigaelectronvolt
A86 gigahertz
A87 gigaohm
A88 gigaohm metre
A89 gigapascal
A9 rate
A90 gigawatt
A91 gon
A93 gram per cubic metre
A94 gram per mole
A95 gray
A96 gray per second
A97 hectopascal
A98 henry per metre
A99 bit
AA ball
AB bulk pack
ACR acre
ACT activity
AD byte
AE ampere per metre
AH additional minute
AI average minute per call
AK fathom
AL access line
AMH ampere hour
AMP ampere
ANN year
APZ troy ounce or apothecary ounce
AQ anti-hemophilic factor (AHF) unit
AS assortment
ASM alcoholic strength by mass
ASU alcoholic strength by volume
ATM standard atmosphere
AWG american wire gauge
AY assembly
AZ British thermal unit (international table) per pound
B1 barrel (US) per day
B10 bit per second
B11 joule per kilogram kelvin
B12 joule per metre
B13 joule per square metre
B14 joule per metre to the fourth power
B15 joule per mole
B16 joule per mole kelvin
B17 credit
B18 joule second
B19 digit
B20 joule square metre per kilogram
B21 kelvin per watt
B22 kiloampere
B23 kiloampere per square metre
B24 kiloampere per metre
B25 kilobecquerel per kilogram
B26 kilocoulomb
B27 kilocoulomb per cubic metre
B28 kilocoulomb per square metre
B29 kiloelectronvolt
B3 batting pound
B30 gibibit
B31 kilogram metre per second
B32 kilogram metre squared
B33 kilogram metre squared per second
B34 kilogram per cubic decimetre
B35 kilogram per litre
B4 barrel, imperial
B41 kilojoule per kelvin
B42 kilojoule per kilogram
B43 kilojoule per kilogram kelvin
B44 kilojoule per mole
B45 kilomole
B46 kilomole per cubic metre
B47 kilonewton
B48 kilonewton metre
B49 kiloohm
B50 kiloohm metre
B52 kilosecond
B53 kilosiemens
B54 kilosiemens per metre
B55 kilovolt per metre
B56 kiloweber per metre
B57 light year
B58 litre per mole
B59 lumen hour
B60 lumen per square metre
B61 lumen per watt
B62 lumen second
B63 lux hour
B64 lux second
B66 megaampere per square metre
B67 megabecquerel per kilogram
B68 gigabit
B69 megacoulomb per cubic metre
B7 cycle
B70 megacoulomb per square metre
B71 megaelectronvolt
B72 megagram per cubic metre
B73 meganewton
B74 meganewton metre
B75 megaohm
B76 megaohm metre
B77 megasiemens per metre
B78 megavolt
B79 megavolt per metre
B8 joule per cubic metre
B80 gigabit per second
B81 reciprocal metre squared reciprocal second
B82 inch per linear foot
B83 metre to the fourth power
B84 microampere
B85 microbar
B86 microcoulomb
B87 microcoulomb per cubic metre
B88 microcoulomb per square metre
B89 microfarad per metre
B90 microhenry
B91 microhenry per metre
B92 micronewton
B93 micronewton metre
B94 microohm
B95 microohm metre
B96 micropascal
B97 microradian
B98 microsecond
B99 microsiemens
BAR bar [unit of pressure]
BB base box
BFT board foot
BHP brake horse power
BIL billion (EUR)
BLD dry barrel (US)
BLL barrel (US)
BP hundred board foot
BPM beats per minute
BQL becquerel
BTU British thermal unit (international table)
BUA bushel (US)
BUI bushel (UK)
C0 call
C10 millifarad
C11 milligal
C12 milligram per metre
C13 milligray
C14 millihenry
C15 millijoule
C16 millimetre per second
C17 millimetre squared per second
C18 millimole
C19 mole per kilogram
C20 millinewton
C21 kibibit
C22 millinewton per metre
C23 milliohm metre
C24 millipascal second
C25 milliradian
C26 millisecond
C27 millisiemens
C28 millisievert
C29 millitesla
C3 microvolt per metre
C30 millivolt per metre
C31 milliwatt
C32 milliwatt per square metre
C33 milliweber
C34 mole
C35 mole per cubic decimetre
C36 mole per cubic metre
C37 kilobit
C38 mole per litre
C39 nanoampere
C40 nanocoulomb
C41 nanofarad
C42 nanofarad per metre
C43 nanohenry
C44 nanohenry per metre
C45 nanometre
C46 nanoohm metre
C47 nanosecond
C48 nanotesla
C49 nanowatt
C50 neper
C51 neper per second
C52 picometre
C53 newton metre second
C54 newton metre squared per kilogram squared
C55 newton per square metre
C56 newton per square millimetre
C57 newton second
C58 newton second per metre
C59 octave
C60 ohm centimetre
C61 ohm metre
C62 one
C63 parsec
C64 pascal per kelvin
C65 pascal second
C66 pascal second per cubic metre
C67 pascal second per metre
C68 petajoule
C69 phon
C7 centipoise
C70 picoampere
C71 picocoulomb
C72 picofarad per metre
C73 picohenry
C74 kilobit per second
C75 picowatt
C76 picowatt per square metre
C78 pound-force
C79 kilovolt ampere hour
C8 millicoulomb per kilogram
C80 rad
C81 radian
C82 radian square metre per mole
C83 radian square metre per kilogram
C84 radian per metre
C85 reciprocal angstrom
C86 reciprocal cubic metre
C87 reciprocal cubic metre per second
C88 reciprocal electron volt per cubic metre
C89 reciprocal henry
C9 coil group
C90 reciprocal joule per cubic metre
C91 reciprocal kelvin or kelvin to the power minus one
C92 reciprocal metre
C93 reciprocal square metre
C94 reciprocal minute
C95 reciprocal mole
C96 reciprocal pascal or pascal to the power minus one
C97 reciprocal second
C99 reciprocal second per metre squared
CCT carrying capacity in metric ton
CDL candela
CEL degree Celsius
CEN hundred
CG card
CGM centigram
CKG coulomb per kilogram
CLF hundred leave
CLT centilitre
CMK square centimetre
CMQ cubic centimetre
CMT centimetre
CNP hundred pack
CNT cental (UK)
COU coulomb
CTG content gram
CTM metric carat
CTN content ton (metric)
CUR curie
CWA hundred pound (cwt) / hundred weight (US)
CWI hundred weight (UK)
D03 kilowatt hour per hour
D04 lot [unit of weight]
D1 reciprocal second per steradian
D10 siemens per metre
D11 mebibit
D12 siemens square metre per mole
D13 sievert
D15 sone
D16 square centimetre per erg
D17 square centimetre per steradian erg
D18 metre kelvin
D19 square metre kelvin per watt
D2 reciprocal second per steradian metre squared
D20 square metre per joule
D21 square metre per kilogram
D22 square metre per mole
D23 pen gram (protein)
D24 square metre per steradian
D25 square metre per steradian joule
D26 square metre per volt second
D27 steradian
D29 terahertz
D30 terajoule
D31 terawatt
D32 terawatt hour
D33 tesla
D34 tex
D36 megabit
D41 tonne per cubic metre
D42 tropical year
D43 unified atomic mass unit
D44 var
D45 volt squared per kelvin squared
D46 volt - ampere
D47 volt per centimetre
D48 volt per kelvin
D49 millivolt per kelvin
D5 kilogram per square centimetre
D50 volt per metre
D51 volt per millimetre
D52 watt per kelvin
D53 watt per metre kelvin
D54 watt per square metre
D55 watt per square metre kelvin
D56 watt per square metre kelvin to the fourth power
D57 watt per steradian
D58 watt per steradian square metre
D59 weber per metre
D6 roentgen per second
D60 weber per millimetre
D61 minute [unit of angle]
D62 second [unit of angle]
D63 book
D65 round
D68 number of words
D69 inch to the fourth power
D73 joule square metre
D74 kilogram per mole
D77 megacoulomb
D78 megajoule per second
D80 microwatt
D81 microtesla
D82 microvolt
D83 millinewton metre
D85 microwatt per square metre
D86 millicoulomb
D87 millimole per kilogram
D88 millicoulomb per cubic metre
D89 millicoulomb per square metre
D91 rem
D93 second per cubic metre
D94 second per cubic metre radian
D95 joule per gram
DAA decare
DAD ten day
DAY day
DB dry pound
DBM Decibel-milliwatts
DBW Decibel watt
DD degree [unit of angle]
DEC decade
DG decigram
DJ decagram
DLT decilitre
DMA cubic decametre
DMK square decimetre
DMO standard kilolitre
DMQ cubic decimetre
DMT decimetre
DN decinewton metre
DPC dozen piece
DPR dozen pair
DPT displacement tonnage
DRA dram (US)
DRI dram (UK)
DRL dozen roll
DT dry ton
DTN decitonne
DWT pennyweight
DZN dozen
DZP dozen pack
E01 newton per square centimetre
E07 megawatt hour per hour
E08 megawatt per hertz
E09 milliampere hour
E10 degree day
E12 mille
E14 kilocalorie (international table)
E15 kilocalorie (thermochemical) per hour
E16 million Btu(IT) per hour
E17 cubic foot per second
E18 tonne per hour
E19 ping
E20 megabit per second
E21 shares
E23 tyre
E25 active unit
E27 dose
E28 air dry ton
E30 strand
E31 square metre per litre
E32 litre per hour
E33 foot per thousand
E34 gigabyte
E35 terabyte
E36 petabyte
E37 pixel
E38 megapixel
E39 dots per inch
E4 gross kilogram
E40 part per hundred thousand
E41 kilogram-force per square millimetre
E42 kilogram-force per square centimetre
E43 joule per square centimetre
E44 kilogram-force metre per square centimetre
E45 milliohm
E46 kilowatt hour per cubic metre
E47 kilowatt hour per kelvin
E48 service unit
E49 working day
E50 accounting unit
E51 job
E52 run foot
E53 test
E54 trip
E55 use
E56 well
E57 zone
E58 exabit per second
E59 exbibyte
E60 pebibyte
E61 tebibyte
E62 gibibyte
E63 mebibyte
E64 kibibyte
E65 exbibit per metre
E66 exbibit per square metre
E67 exbibit per cubic metre
E68 gigabyte per second
E69 gibibit per metre
E70 gibibit per square metre
E71 gibibit per cubic metre
E72 kibibit per metre
E73 kibibit per square metre
E74 kibibit per cubic metre
E75 mebibit per metre
E76 mebibit per square metre
E77 mebibit per cubic metre
E78 petabit
E79 petabit per second
E80 pebibit per metre
E81 pebibit per square metre
E82 pebibit per cubic metre
E83 terabit
E84 terabit per second
E85 tebibit per metre
E86 tebibit per cubic metre
E87 tebibit per square metre
E88 bit per metre
E89 bit per square metre
E90 reciprocal centimetre
E91 reciprocal day
E92 cubic decimetre per hour
E93 kilogram per hour
E94 kilomole per second
E95 mole per second
E96 degree per second
E97 millimetre per degree Celcius metre
E98 degree Celsius per kelvin
E99 hectopascal per bar
EA each
EB electronic mail box
EQ equivalent gallon
F01 bit per cubic metre
F02 kelvin per kelvin
F03 kilopascal per bar
F04 millibar per bar
F05 megapascal per bar
F06 poise per bar
F07 pascal per bar
F08 milliampere per inch
F10 kelvin per hour
F11 kelvin per minute
F12 kelvin per second
F13 slug
F14 gram per kelvin
F15 kilogram per kelvin
F16 milligram per kelvin
F17 pound-force per foot
F18 kilogram square centimetre
F19 kilogram square millimetre
F20 pound inch squared
F21 pound-force inch
F22 pound-force foot per ampere
F23 gram per cubic decimetre
F24 kilogram per kilomol
F25 gram per hertz
F26 gram per day
F27 gram per hour
F28 gram per minute
F29 gram per second
F30 kilogram per day
F31 kilogram per minute
F32 milligram per day
F33 milligram per minute
F34 milligram per second
F35 gram per day kelvin
F36 gram per hour kelvin
F37 gram per minute kelvin
F38 gram per second kelvin
F39 kilogram per day kelvin
F40 kilogram per hour kelvin
F41 kilogram per minute kelvin
F42 kilogram per second kelvin
F43 milligram per day kelvin
F44 milligram per hour kelvin
F45 milligram per minute kelvin
F46 milligram per second kelvin
F47 newton per millimetre
F48 pound-force per inch
F49 rod [unit of distance]
F50 micrometre per kelvin
F51 centimetre per kelvin
F52 metre per kelvin
F53 millimetre per kelvin
F54 milliohm per metre
F55 ohm per mile (statute mile)
F56 ohm per kilometre
F57 milliampere per pound-force per square inch
F58 reciprocal bar
F59 milliampere per bar
F60 degree Celsius per bar
F61 kelvin per bar
F62 gram per day bar
F63 gram per hour bar
F64 gram per minute bar
F65 gram per second bar
F66 kilogram per day bar
F67 kilogram per hour bar
F68 kilogram per minute bar
F69 kilogram per second bar
F70 milligram per day bar
F71 milligram per hour bar
F72 milligram per minute bar
F73 milligram per second bar
F74 gram per bar
F75 milligram per bar
F76 milliampere per millimetre
F77 pascal second per kelvin
F78 inch of water
F79 inch of mercury
F80 water horse power
F81 bar per kelvin
F82 hectopascal per kelvin
F83 kilopascal per kelvin
F84 millibar per kelvin
F85 megapascal per kelvin
F86 poise per kelvin
F87 volt per litre minute
F88 newton centimetre
F89 newton metre per degree
F90 newton metre per ampere
F91 bar litre per second
F92 bar cubic metre per second
F93 hectopascal litre per second
F94 hectopascal cubic metre per second
F95 millibar litre per second
F96 millibar cubic metre per second
F97 megapascal litre per second
F98 megapascal cubic metre per second
F99 pascal litre per second
FAH degree Fahrenheit
FAR farad
FBM fibre metre
FC thousand cubic foot
FF hundred cubic metre
FH micromole
FIT failures in time
FL flake ton
FNU Formazin nephelometric unit
FOT foot
FP pound per square foot
FR foot per minute
FS foot per second
FTK square foot
FTQ cubic foot
G01 pascal cubic metre per second
G04 centimetre per bar
G05 metre per bar
G06 millimetre per bar
G08 square inch per second
G09 square metre per second kelvin
G10 stokes per kelvin
G11 gram per cubic centimetre bar
G12 gram per cubic decimetre bar
G13 gram per litre bar
G14 gram per cubic metre bar
G15 gram per millilitre bar
G16 kilogram per cubic centimetre bar
G17 kilogram per litre bar
G18 kilogram per cubic metre bar
G19 newton metre per kilogram
G2 US gallon per minute
G20 pound-force foot per pound
G21 cup [unit of volume]
G23 peck
G24 tablespoon (US)
G25 teaspoon (US)
G26 stere
G27 cubic centimetre per kelvin
G28 litre per kelvin
G29 cubic metre per kelvin
G3 Imperial gallon per minute
G30 millilitre per kelvin
G31 kilogram per cubic centimetre
G32 ounce (avoirdupois) per cubic yard
G33 gram per cubic centimetre kelvin
G34 gram per cubic decimetre kelvin
G35 gram per litre kelvin
G36 gram per cubic metre kelvin
G37 gram per millilitre kelvin
G38 kilogram per cubic centimetre kelvin
G39 kilogram per litre kelvin
G40 kilogram per cubic metre kelvin
G41 square metre per second bar
G42 microsiemens per centimetre
G43 microsiemens per metre
G44 nanosiemens per centimetre
G45 nanosiemens per metre
G46 stokes per bar
G47 cubic centimetre per day
G48 cubic centimetre per hour
G49 cubic centimetre per minute
G50 gallon (US) per hour
G51 litre per second
G52 cubic metre per day
G53 cubic metre per minute
G54 millilitre per day
G55 millilitre per hour
G56 cubic inch per hour
G57 cubic inch per minute
G58 cubic inch per second
G59 milliampere per litre minute
G60 volt per bar
G61 cubic centimetre per day kelvin
G62 cubic centimetre per hour kelvin
G63 cubic centimetre per minute kelvin
G64 cubic centimetre per second kelvin
G65 litre per day kelvin
G66 litre per hour kelvin
G67 litre per minute kelvin
G68 litre per second kelvin
G69 cubic metre per day kelvin
G70 cubic metre per hour kelvin
G71 cubic metre per minute kelvin
G72 cubic metre per second kelvin
G73 millilitre per day kelvin
G74 millilitre per hour kelvin
G75 millilitre per minute kelvin
G76 millilitre per second kelvin
G77 millimetre to the fourth power
G78 cubic centimetre per day bar
G79 cubic centimetre per hour bar
G80 cubic centimetre per minute bar
G81 cubic centimetre per second bar
G82 litre per day bar
G83 litre per hour bar
G84 litre per minute bar
G85 litre per second bar
G86 cubic metre per day bar
G87 cubic metre per hour bar
G88 cubic metre per minute bar
G89 cubic metre per second bar
G90 millilitre per day bar
G91 millilitre per hour bar
G92 millilitre per minute bar
G93 millilitre per second bar
G94 cubic centimetre per bar
G95 litre per bar
G96 cubic metre per bar
G97 millilitre per bar
G98 microhenry per kiloohm
G99 microhenry per ohm
GB gallon (US) per day
GBQ gigabecquerel
GDW gram, dry weight
GE pound per gallon (US)
GF gram per metre (gram per 100 centimetres)
GFI gram of fissile isotope
GGR great gross
GIA gill (US)
GIC gram, including container
GII gill (UK)
GIP gram, including inner packaging
GJ gram per millilitre
GL gram per litre
GLD dry gallon (US)
GLI gallon (UK)
GLL gallon (US)
GM gram per square metre
GO milligram per square metre
GP milligram per cubic metre
GQ microgram per cubic metre
GRM gram
GRN grain
GRO gross
GV gigajoule
GWH gigawatt hour
H03 henry per kiloohm
H04 henry per ohm
H05 millihenry per kiloohm
H06 millihenry per ohm
H07 pascal second per bar
H08 microbecquerel
H09 reciprocal year
H10 reciprocal hour
H11 reciprocal month
H12 degree Celsius per hour
H13 degree Celsius per minute
H14 degree Celsius per second
H15 square centimetre per gram
H16 square decametre
H18 square hectometre
H19 cubic hectometre
H20 cubic kilometre
H21 blank
H22 volt square inch per pound-force
H23 volt per inch
H24 volt per microsecond
H25 percent per kelvin
H26 ohm per metre
H27 degree per metre
H28 microfarad per kilometre
H29 microgram per litre
H30 square micrometre (square micron)
H31 ampere per kilogram
H32 ampere squared second
H33 farad per kilometre
H34 hertz metre
H35 kelvin metre per watt
H36 megaohm per kilometre
H37 megaohm per metre
H38 megaampere
H39 megahertz kilometre
H40 newton per ampere
H41 newton metre watt to the power minus 0,5
H42 pascal per metre
H43 siemens per centimetre
H44 teraohm
H45 volt second per metre
H46 volt per second
H47 watt per cubic metre
H48 attofarad
H49 centimetre per hour
H50 reciprocal cubic centimetre
H51 decibel per kilometre
H52 decibel per metre
H53 kilogram per bar
H54 kilogram per cubic decimetre kelvin
H55 kilogram per cubic decimetre bar
H56 kilogram per square metre second
H57 inch per two pi radiant
H58 metre per volt second
H59 square metre per newton
H60 cubic metre per cubic metre
H61 millisiemens per centimetre
H62 millivolt per minute
H63 milligram per square centimetre
H64 milligram per gram
H65 millilitre per cubic metre
H66 millimetre per year
H67 millimetre per hour
H68 millimole per gram
H69 picopascal per kilometre
H70 picosecond
H71 percent per month
H72 percent per hectobar
H73 percent per decakelvin
H74 watt per metre
H75 decapascal
H76 gram per millimetre
H77 module width
H79 French gauge
H80 rack unit
H81 millimetre per minute
H82 big point
H83 litre per kilogram
H84 gram millimetre
H85 reciprocal week
H87 piece
H88 megaohm kilometre
H89 percent per ohm
H90 percent per degree
H91 percent per ten thousand
H92 percent per one hundred thousand
H93 percent per hundred
H94 percent per thousand
H95 percent per volt
H96 percent per bar
H98 percent per inch
H99 percent per metre
HA hank
HAD Piece Day
HBA hectobar
HBX hundred boxes
HC hundred count
HDW hundred kilogram, dry weight
HEA head
HGM hectogram
HH hundred cubic foot
HIU hundred international unit
HKM hundred kilogram, net mass
HLT hectolitre
HM mile per hour (statute mile)
HMO Piece Month
HMQ million cubic metre
HMT hectometre
HPA hectolitre of pure alcohol
HTZ hertz
HUR hour
HWE Piece Week
IA inch pound (pound inch)
IE person
INH inch
INK square inch
INQ cubic inch
ISD international sugar degree
IU inch per second
IUG international unit per gram
IV inch per second squared
J10 percent per millimetre
J12 per mille per psi
J13 degree API
J14 degree Baume (origin scale)
J15 degree Baume (US heavy)
J16 degree Baume (US light)
J17 degree Balling
J18 degree Brix
J19 degree Fahrenheit hour square foot per British thermal unit (thermochemical)
J2 joule per kilogram
J20 degree Fahrenheit per kelvin
J21 degree Fahrenheit per bar
J22 degree Fahrenheit hour square foot per British thermal unit (international table)
J23 degree Fahrenheit per hour
J24 degree Fahrenheit per minute
J25 degree Fahrenheit per second
J26 reciprocal degree Fahrenheit
J27 degree Oechsle
J28 degree Rankine per hour
J29 degree Rankine per minute
J30 degree Rankine per second
J31 degree Twaddell
J32 micropoise
J33 microgram per kilogram
J34 microgram per cubic metre kelvin
J35 microgram per cubic metre bar
J36 microlitre per litre
J38 baud
J39 British thermal unit (mean)
J40 British thermal unit (international table) foot per hour square foot degree Fahrenheit
J41 British thermal unit (international table) inch per hour square foot degree Fahrenheit
J42 British thermal unit (international table) inch per second square foot degree Fahrenheit
J43 British thermal unit (international table) per pound degree Fahrenheit
J44 British thermal unit (international table) per minute
J45 British thermal unit (international table) per second
J46 British thermal unit (thermochemical) foot per hour square foot degree Fahrenheit
J47 British thermal unit (thermochemical) per hour
J48 British thermal unit (thermochemical) inch per hour square foot degree Fahrenheit
J49 British thermal unit (thermochemical) inch per second square foot degree Fahrenheit
J50 British thermal unit (thermochemical) per pound degree Fahrenheit
J51 British thermal unit (thermochemical) per minute
J52 British thermal unit (thermochemical) per second
J53 coulomb square metre per kilogram
J54 megabaud
J55 watt second
J56 bar per bar
J57 barrel (UK petroleum)
J58 barrel (UK petroleum) per minute
J59 barrel (UK petroleum) per day
J60 barrel (UK petroleum) per hour
J61 barrel (UK petroleum) per second
J62 barrel (US petroleum) per hour
J63 barrel (US petroleum) per second
J64 bushel (UK) per day
J65 bushel (UK) per hour
J66 bushel (UK) per minute
J67 bushel (UK) per second
J68 bushel (US dry) per day
J69 bushel (US dry) per hour
J70 bushel (US dry) per minute
J71 bushel (US dry) per second
J72 centinewton metre
J73 centipoise per kelvin
J74 centipoise per bar
J75 calorie (mean)
J76 calorie (international table) per gram degree Celsius
J78 calorie (thermochemical) per centimetre second degree Celsius
J79 calorie (thermochemical) per gram degree Celsius
J81 calorie (thermochemical) per minute
J82 calorie (thermochemical) per second
J83 clo
J84 centimetre per second kelvin
J85 centimetre per second bar
J87 cubic centimetre per cubic metre
J90 cubic decimetre per day
J91 cubic decimetre per cubic metre
J92 cubic decimetre per minute
J93 cubic decimetre per second
J95 ounce (UK fluid) per day
J96 ounce (UK fluid) per hour
J97 ounce (UK fluid) per minute
J98 ounce (UK fluid) per second
J99 ounce (US fluid) per day
JE joule per kelvin
JK megajoule per kilogram
JM megajoule per cubic metre
JNT pipeline joint
JOU joule
JPS hundred metre
JWL number of jewels
K1 kilowatt demand
K10 ounce (US fluid) per hour
K11 ounce (US fluid) per minute
K12 ounce (US fluid) per second
K13 foot per degree Fahrenheit
K14 foot per hour
K15 foot pound-force per hour
K16 foot pound-force per minute
K17 foot per psi
K18 foot per second degree Fahrenheit
K19 foot per second psi
K2 kilovolt ampere reactive demand
K20 reciprocal cubic foot
K21 cubic foot per degree Fahrenheit
K22 cubic foot per day
K23 cubic foot per psi
K26 gallon (UK) per day
K27 gallon (UK) per hour
K28 gallon (UK) per second
K3 kilovolt ampere reactive hour
K30 gallon (US liquid) per second
K31 gram-force per square centimetre
K32 gill (UK) per day
K33 gill (UK) per hour
K34 gill (UK) per minute
K35 gill (UK) per second
K36 gill (US) per day
K37 gill (US) per hour
K38 gill (US) per minute
K39 gill (US) per second
K40 standard acceleration of free fall
K41 grain per gallon (US)
K42 horsepower (boiler)
K43 horsepower (electric)
K45 inch per degree Fahrenheit
K46 inch per psi
K47 inch per second degree Fahrenheit
K48 inch per second psi
K49 reciprocal cubic inch
K50 kilobaud
K51 kilocalorie (mean)
K52 kilocalorie (international table) per hour metre degree Celsius
K53 kilocalorie (thermochemical)
K54 kilocalorie (thermochemical) per minute
K55 kilocalorie (thermochemical) per second
K58 kilomole per hour
K59 kilomole per cubic metre kelvin
K6 kilolitre
K60 kilomole per cubic metre bar
K61 kilomole per minute
K62 litre per litre
K63 reciprocal litre
K64 pound (avoirdupois) per degree Fahrenheit
K65 pound (avoirdupois) square foot
K66 pound (avoirdupois) per day
K67 pound per foot hour
K68 pound per foot second
K69 pound (avoirdupois) per cubic foot degree Fahrenheit
K70 pound (avoirdupois) per cubic foot psi
K71 pound (avoirdupois) per gallon (UK)
K73 pound (avoirdupois) per hour degree Fahrenheit
K74 pound (avoirdupois) per hour psi
K75 pound (avoirdupois) per cubic inch degree Fahrenheit
K76 pound (avoirdupois) per cubic inch psi
K77 pound (avoirdupois) per psi
K78 pound (avoirdupois) per minute
K79 pound (avoirdupois) per minute degree Fahrenheit
K80 pound (avoirdupois) per minute psi
K81 pound (avoirdupois) per second
K82 pound (avoirdupois) per second degree Fahrenheit
K83 pound (avoirdupois) per second psi
K84 pound per cubic yard
K85 pound-force per square foot
K86 pound-force per square inch degree Fahrenheit
K87 psi cubic inch per second
K88 psi litre per second
K89 psi cubic metre per second
K90 psi cubic yard per second
K91 pound-force second per square foot
K92 pound-force second per square inch
K93 reciprocal psi
K94 quart (UK liquid) per day
K95 quart (UK liquid) per hour
K96 quart (UK liquid) per minute
K97 quart (UK liquid) per second
K98 quart (US liquid) per day
K99 quart (US liquid) per hour
KA cake
KAT katal
KB kilocharacter
KBA kilobar
KCC kilogram of choline chloride
KDW kilogram drained net weight
KEL kelvin
KGM kilogram
KGS kilogram per second
KHY kilogram of hydrogen peroxide
KHZ kilohertz
KI kilogram per millimetre width
KIC kilogram, including container
KIP kilogram, including inner packaging
KJ kilosegment
KJO kilojoule
KL kilogram per metre
KLK lactic dry material percentage
KLX kilolux
KMA kilogram of methylamine
KMH kilometre per hour
KMK square kilometre
KMQ kilogram per cubic metre
KMT kilometre
KNI kilogram of nitrogen
KNM kilonewton per square metre
KNS kilogram named substance
KNT knot
KO milliequivalence caustic potash per gram of product
KPA kilopascal
KPH kilogram of potassium hydroxide (caustic potash)
KPO kilogram of potassium oxide
KPP kilogram of phosphorus pentoxide (phosphoric anhydride)
KR kiloroentgen
KSD kilogram of substance 90 % dry
KSH kilogram of sodium hydroxide (caustic soda)
KT kit
KTN kilotonne
KUR kilogram of uranium
KVA kilovolt - ampere
KVR kilovar
KVT kilovolt
KW kilogram per millimetre
KWH kilowatt hour
KWN Kilowatt hour per normalized cubic metre
KWO kilogram of tungsten trioxide
KWS Kilowatt hour per standard cubic metre
KWT kilowatt
KWY kilowatt year
KX millilitre per kilogram
L10 quart (US liquid) per minute
L11 quart (US liquid) per second
L12 metre per second kelvin
L13 metre per second bar
L14 square metre hour degree Celsius per kilocalorie (international table)
L15 millipascal second per kelvin
L16 millipascal second per bar
L17 milligram per cubic metre kelvin
L18 milligram per cubic metre bar
L19 millilitre per litre
L2 litre per minute
L20 reciprocal cubic millimetre
L21 cubic millimetre per cubic metre
L23 mole per hour
L24 mole per kilogram kelvin
L25 mole per kilogram bar
L26 mole per litre kelvin
L27 mole per litre bar
L28 mole per cubic metre kelvin
L29 mole per cubic metre bar
L30 mole per minute
L31 milliroentgen aequivalent men
L32 nanogram per kilogram
L33 ounce (avoirdupois) per day
L34 ounce (avoirdupois) per hour
L35 ounce (avoirdupois) per minute
L36 ounce (avoirdupois) per second
L37 ounce (avoirdupois) per gallon (UK)
L38 ounce (avoirdupois) per gallon (US)
L39 ounce (avoirdupois) per cubic inch
L40 ounce (avoirdupois)-force
L41 ounce (avoirdupois)-force inch
L42 picosiemens per metre
L43 peck (UK)
L44 peck (UK) per day
L45 peck (UK) per hour
L46 peck (UK) per minute
L47 peck (UK) per second
L48 peck (US dry) per day
L49 peck (US dry) per hour
L50 peck (US dry) per minute
L51 peck (US dry) per second
L52 psi per psi
L53 pint (UK) per day
L54 pint (UK) per hour
L55 pint (UK) per minute
L56 pint (UK) per second
L57 pint (US liquid) per day
L58 pint (US liquid) per hour
L59 pint (US liquid) per minute
L60 pint (US liquid) per second
L63 slug per day
L64 slug per foot second
L65 slug per cubic foot
L66 slug per hour
L67 slug per minute
L68 slug per second
L69 tonne per kelvin
L70 tonne per bar
L71 tonne per day
L72 tonne per day kelvin
L73 tonne per day bar
L74 tonne per hour kelvin
L75 tonne per hour bar
L76 tonne per cubic metre kelvin
L77 tonne per cubic metre bar
L78 tonne per minute
L79 tonne per minute kelvin
L80 tonne per minute bar
L81 tonne per second
L82 tonne per second kelvin
L83 tonne per second bar
L84 ton (UK shipping)
L85 ton long per day
L86 ton (US shipping)
L87 ton short per degree Fahrenheit
L88 ton short per day
L89 ton short per hour degree Fahrenheit
L90 ton short per hour psi
L91 ton short per psi
L92 ton (UK long) per cubic yard
L93 ton (US short) per cubic yard
L94 ton-force (US short)
L95 common year
L96 sidereal year
L98 yard per degree Fahrenheit
L99 yard per psi
LA pound per cubic inch
LAC lactose excess percentage
LBR pound
LBT troy pound (US)
LD litre per day
LEF leaf
LF linear foot
LH labour hour
LK link
LM linear metre
LN length
LO lot [unit of procurement]
LP liquid pound
LPA litre of pure alcohol
LR layer
LS lump sum
LTN ton (UK) or long ton (US)
LTR litre
LUB metric ton, lubricating oil
LUM lumen
LUX lux
LY linear yard
M1 milligram per litre
M10 reciprocal cubic yard
M11 cubic yard per degree Fahrenheit
M12 cubic yard per day
M13 cubic yard per hour
M14 cubic yard per psi
M15 cubic yard per minute
M16 cubic yard per second
M17 kilohertz metre
M18 gigahertz metre
M19 Beaufort
M20 reciprocal megakelvin or megakelvin to the power minus one
M21 reciprocal kilovolt - ampere reciprocal hour
M22 millilitre per square centimetre minute
M23 newton per centimetre
M24 ohm kilometre
M25 percent per degree Celsius
M26 gigaohm per metre
M27 megahertz metre
M29 kilogram per kilogram
M30 reciprocal volt - ampere reciprocal second
M31 kilogram per kilometre
M32 pascal second per litre
M33 millimole per litre
M34 newton metre per square metre
M35 millivolt - ampere
M36 30-day month
M37 actual/360
M38 kilometre per second squared
M39 centimetre per second squared
M4 monetary value
M40 yard per second squared
M41 millimetre per second squared
M42 mile (statute mile) per second squared
M43 mil
M44 revolution
M45 degree [unit of angle] per second squared
M46 revolution per minute
M47 circular mil
M48 square mile (based on U.S. survey foot)
M49 chain (based on U.S. survey foot)
M5 microcurie
M50 furlong
M51 foot (U.S. survey)
M52 mile (based on U.S. survey foot)
M53 metre per pascal
M55 metre per radiant
M56 shake
M57 mile per minute
M58 mile per second
M59 metre per second pascal
M60 metre per hour
M61 inch per year
M62 kilometre per second
M63 inch per minute
M64 yard per second
M65 yard per minute
M66 yard per hour
M67 acre-foot (based on U.S. survey foot)
M68 cord (128 ft3)
M69 cubic mile (UK statute)
M7 micro-inch
M70 ton, register
M71 cubic metre per pascal
M72 bel
M73 kilogram per cubic metre pascal
M74 kilogram per pascal
M75 kilopound-force
M76 poundal
M77 kilogram metre per second squared
M78 pond
M79 square foot per hour
M80 stokes per pascal
M81 square centimetre per second
M82 square metre per second pascal
M83 denier
M84 pound per yard
M85 ton, assay
M86 pfund
M87 kilogram per second pascal
M88 tonne per month
M89 tonne per year
M9 million Btu per 1000 cubic foot
M90 kilopound per hour
M91 pound per pound
M92 pound-force foot
M93 newton metre per radian
M94 kilogram metre
M95 poundal foot
M96 poundal inch
M97 dyne metre
M98 kilogram centimetre per second
M99 gram centimetre per second
MAH megavolt ampere reactive hour
MAL megalitre
MAM megametre
MAR megavar
MAW megawatt
MBE thousand standard brick equivalent
MBF thousand board foot
MBR millibar
MC microgram
MCU millicurie
MD air dry metric ton
MGM milligram
MHZ megahertz
MIK square mile (statute mile)
MIL thousand
MIN minute [unit of time]
MIO million
MIU million international unit
MKD Square Metre Day
MKM Square Metre Month
MKW Square Metre Week
MLD milliard
MLT millilitre
MMK square millimetre
MMQ cubic millimetre
MMT millimetre
MND kilogram, dry weight
MNJ Mega Joule per Normalised cubic Metre
MON month
MPA megapascal
MQD Cubic Metre Day
MQH cubic metre per hour
MQM Cubic Metre Month
MQS cubic metre per second
MQW Cubic Metre Week
MRD Metre Day
MRM Metre Month
MRW Metre Week
MSK metre per second squared
MTK square metre
MTQ cubic metre
MTR metre
MTS metre per second
MTZ millihertz
MVA megavolt - ampere
MWH megawatt hour (1000 kW.h)
N1 pen calorie
N10 pound foot per second
N11 pound inch per second
N12 Pferdestaerke
N13 centimetre of mercury (0 ºC)
N14 centimetre of water (4 ºC)
N15 foot of water (39.2 ºF)
N16 inch of mercury (32 ºF)
N17 inch of mercury (60 ºF)
N18 inch of water (39.2 ºF)
N19 inch of water (60 ºF)
N20 kip per square inch
N21 poundal per square foot
N22 ounce (avoirdupois) per square inch
N23 conventional metre of water
N24 gram per square millimetre
N25 pound per square yard
N26 poundal per square inch
N27 foot to the fourth power
N28 cubic decimetre per kilogram
N29 cubic foot per pound
N3 print point
N30 cubic inch per pound
N31 kilonewton per metre
N32 poundal per inch
N33 pound-force per yard
N34 poundal second per square foot
N35 poise per pascal
N36 newton second per square metre
N37 kilogram per metre second
N38 kilogram per metre minute
N39 kilogram per metre day
N40 kilogram per metre hour
N41 gram per centimetre second
N42 poundal second per square inch
N43 pound per foot minute
N44 pound per foot day
N45 cubic metre per second pascal
N46 foot poundal
N47 inch poundal
N48 watt per square centimetre
N49 watt per square inch
N50 British thermal unit (international table) per square foot hour
N51 British thermal unit (thermochemical) per square foot hour
N52 British thermal unit (thermochemical) per square foot minute
N53 British thermal unit (international table) per square foot second
N54 British thermal unit (thermochemical) per square foot second
N55 British thermal unit (international table) per square inch second
N56 calorie (thermochemical) per square centimetre minute
N57 calorie (thermochemical) per square centimetre second
N58 British thermal unit (international table) per cubic foot
N59 British thermal unit (thermochemical) per cubic foot
N60 British thermal unit (international table) per degree Fahrenheit
N61 British thermal unit (thermochemical) per degree Fahrenheit
N62 British thermal unit (international table) per degree Rankine
N63 British thermal unit (thermochemical) per degree Rankine
N64 British thermal unit (thermochemical) per pound degree Rankine
N65 kilocalorie (international table) per gram kelvin
N66 British thermal unit (39 ºF)
N67 British thermal unit (59 ºF)
N68 British thermal unit (60 ºF)
N69 calorie (20 ºC)
N70 quad (1015 BtuIT)
N71 therm (EC)
N72 therm (U.S.)
N73 British thermal unit (thermochemical) per pound
N74 British thermal unit (international table) per hour square foot degree Fahrenheit
N75 British thermal unit (thermochemical) per hour square foot degree Fahrenheit
N76 British thermal unit (international table) per second square foot degree Fahrenheit
N77 British thermal unit (thermochemical) per second square foot degree Fahrenheit
N78 kilowatt per square metre kelvin
N79 kelvin per pascal
N80 watt per metre degree Celsius
N81 kilowatt per metre kelvin
N82 kilowatt per metre degree Celsius
N83 metre per degree Celcius metre
N84 degree Fahrenheit hour per British thermal unit (international table)
N85 degree Fahrenheit hour per British thermal unit (thermochemical)
N86 degree Fahrenheit second per British thermal unit (international table)
N87 degree Fahrenheit second per British thermal unit (thermochemical)
N88 degree Fahrenheit hour square foot per British thermal unit (international table) inch
N89 degree Fahrenheit hour square foot per British thermal unit (thermochemical) inch
N90 kilofarad
N91 reciprocal joule
N92 picosiemens
N93 ampere per pascal
N94 franklin
N95 ampere minute
N96 biot
N97 gilbert
N98 volt per pascal
N99 picovolt
NA milligram per kilogram
NAR number of articles
NCL number of cells
NEW newton
NF message
NIL nil
NIU number of international units
NL load
NM3 Normalised cubic metre
NMI nautical mile
NMP number of packs
NPT number of parts
NT net ton
NTU Nephelometric turbidity unit
NU newton metre
NX part per thousand
OA panel
ODE ozone depletion equivalent
ODK ODS Kilograms
ODM ODS Milligrams
OHM ohm
ON ounce per square yard
ONZ ounce (avoirdupois)
OPM oscillations per minute
OT overtime hour
OZA fluid ounce (US)
OZI fluid ounce (UK)
P1 percent
P10 coulomb per metre
P11 kiloweber
P12 gamma
P13 kilotesla
P14 joule per second
P15 joule per minute
P16 joule per hour
P17 joule per day
P18 kilojoule per second
P19 kilojoule per minute
P2 pound per foot
P20 kilojoule per hour
P21 kilojoule per day
P22 nanoohm
P23 ohm circular-mil per foot
P24 kilohenry
P25 lumen per square foot
P26 phot
P27 footcandle
P28 candela per square inch
P29 footlambert
P30 lambert
P31 stilb
P32 candela per square foot
P33 kilocandela
P34 millicandela
P35 Hefner-Kerze
P36 international candle
P37 British thermal unit (international table) per square foot
P38 British thermal unit (thermochemical) per square foot
P39 calorie (thermochemical) per square centimetre
P40 langley
P41 decade (logarithmic)
P42 pascal squared second
P43 bel per metre
P44 pound mole
P45 pound mole per second
P46 pound mole per minute
P47 kilomole per kilogram
P48 pound mole per pound
P49 newton square metre per ampere
P5 five pack
P50 weber metre
P51 mol per kilogram pascal
P52 mol per cubic metre pascal
P53 unit pole
P54 milligray per second
P55 microgray per second
P56 nanogray per second
P57 gray per minute
P58 milligray per minute
P59 microgray per minute
P60 nanogray per minute
P61 gray per hour
P62 milligray per hour
P63 microgray per hour
P64 nanogray per hour
P65 sievert per second
P66 millisievert per second
P67 microsievert per second
P68 nanosievert per second
P69 rem per second
P70 sievert per hour
P71 millisievert per hour
P72 microsievert per hour
P73 nanosievert per hour
P74 sievert per minute
P75 millisievert per minute
P76 microsievert per minute
P77 nanosievert per minute
P78 reciprocal square inch
P79 pascal square metre per kilogram
P80 millipascal per metre
P81 kilopascal per metre
P82 hectopascal per metre
P83 standard atmosphere per metre
P84 technical atmosphere per metre
P85 torr per metre
P86 psi per inch
P87 cubic metre per second square metre
P88 rhe
P89 pound-force foot per inch
P90 pound-force inch per inch
P91 perm (0 ºC)
P92 perm (23 ºC)
P93 byte per second
P94 kilobyte per second
P95 megabyte per second
P96 reciprocal volt
P97 reciprocal radian
P98 pascal to the power sum of stoichiometric numbers
P99 mole per cubiv metre to the power sum of stoichiometric numbers
PAL pascal
PD pad
PFL proof litre
PGL proof gallon
PI pitch
PLA degree Plato
PO pound per inch of length
PQ page per inch
PR pair
PS pound-force per square inch
PTD dry pint (US)
PTI pint (UK)
PTL liquid pint (US)
PTN portion
Q10 joule per tesla
Q11 erlang
Q12 octet
Q13 octet per second
Q14 shannon
Q15 hartley
Q16 natural unit of information
Q17 shannon per second
Q18 hartley per second
Q19 natural unit of information per second
Q20 second per kilogramm
Q21 watt square metre
Q22 second per radian cubic metre
Q23 weber to the power minus one
Q24 reciprocal inch
Q25 dioptre
Q26 one per one
Q27 newton metre per metre
Q28 kilogram per square metre pascal second
Q29 microgram per hectogram
Q3 meal
Q30 pH (potential of Hydrogen)
Q31 kilojoule per gram
Q32 femtolitre
Q33 picolitre
Q34 nanolitre
Q35 megawatts per minute
Q36 square metre per cubic metre
Q37 Standard cubic metre per day
Q38 Standard cubic metre per hour
Q39 Normalized cubic metre per day
Q40 Normalized cubic metre per hour
Q41 Joule per normalised cubic metre
Q42 Joule per standard cubic metre
QA page - facsimile
QAN quarter (of a year)
QB page - hardcopy
QR quire
QTD dry quart (US)
QTI quart (UK)
QTL liquid quart (US)
QTR quarter (UK)
R1 pica
R9 thousand cubic metre
RH running or operating hour
RM ream
ROM room
RP pound per ream
RPM revolutions per minute
RPS revolutions per second
RT revenue ton mile
S3 square foot per second
S4 square metre per second
SAN half year (6 months)
SCO score
SCR scruple
SEC second [unit of time]
SET set
SG segment
SIE siemens
SM3 Standard cubic metre
SMI mile (statute mile)
SQ square
SQR square, roofing
SR strip
STC stick
STI stone (UK)
STK stick, cigarette
STL standard litre
STN ton (US) or short ton (UK/US)
STW straw
SW skein
SX shipment
SYR syringe
T0 telecommunication line in service
T3 thousand piece
TAH kiloampere hour (thousand ampere hour)
TAN total acid number
TI thousand square inch
TIC metric ton, including container
TIP metric ton, including inner packaging
TKM tonne kilometre
TMS kilogram of imported meat, less offal
TNE tonne (metric ton)
TP ten pack
TPI teeth per inch
TPR ten pair
TQD thousand cubic metre per day
TRL trillion (EUR)
TST ten set
TTS ten thousand sticks
U1 treatment
U2 tablet
UB telecommunication line in service average
UC telecommunication port
VA volt - ampere per kilogram
VLT volt
VP percent volume
W2 wet kilo
WA watt per kilogram
WB wet pound
WCD cord
WE wet ton
WEB weber
WEE week
WG wine gallon
WHR watt hour
WM working month
WSD standard
WTT watt
X1 Gunter's chain
YDK square yard
YDQ cubic yard
YRD yard
Z11 hanging container
Z9 nanomole
ZP page
ZZ mutually defined

UN/ECE Recommendation N°21

Codes for Passengers, Types of Cargo, Packages and Packaging Materials (with Complementary Codes for Package Names)

Code Name Description
X1A Drum, steel
X1B Drum, aluminium
X1D Drum, plywood
X1F Container, flexible A packaging container of flexible construction.
X1G Drum, fibre
X1W Drum, wooden
X2C Barrel, wooden
X3A Jerrican, steel
X3H Jerrican, plastic
X43 Bag, super bulk A cloth plastic or paper based bag having the dimensions of the pallet on which it is constructed.
X44 Bag, polybag A type of plastic bag, typically used to wrap promotional pieces, publications, product samples, and/or catalogues.
X4A Box, steel
X4B Box, aluminium
X4C Box, natural wood
X4D Box, plywood
X4F Box, reconstituted wood
X4G Box, fibreboard
X4H Box, plastic
X5H Bag, woven plastic
X5L Bag, textile
X5M Bag, paper
X6H Composite packaging, plastic receptacle
X6P Composite packaging, glass receptacle
X7A Case, car A type of portable container designed to store equipment for carriage in an automobile.
X7B Case, wooden A case made of wood for retaining substances or articles.
X8A Pallet, wooden A platform or open-ended box, made of wood, on which goods are retained for ease of mechanical handling during transport and storage.
X8B Crate, wooden A receptacle, made of wood, on which goods are retained for ease of mechanical handling during transport and storage.
X8C Bundle, wooden Loose or unpacked pieces of wood tied or wrapped together.
XAA Intermediate bulk container, rigid plastic
XAB Receptacle, fibre Containment vessel made of fibre used for retaining substances or articles.
XAC Receptacle, paper Containment vessel made of paper for retaining substances or articles.
XAD Receptacle, wooden Containment vessel made of wood for retaining substances or articles.
XAE Aerosol
XAF Pallet, modular, collars 80cms * 60cms Standard sized pallet of dimensions 80 centimeters by 60 centimeters (cms).
XAG Pallet, shrinkwrapped Pallet load secured with transparent plastic film that has been wrapped around and then shrunk tightly.
XAH Pallet, 100cms * 110cms Standard sized pallet of dimensions 100centimeters by 110 centimeters (cms).
XAI Clamshell
XAJ Cone Container used in the transport of linear material such as yarn.
XAL Ball A spherical containment vessel for retaining substances or articles.
XAM Ampoule, non-protected
XAP Ampoule, protected
XAT Atomizer
XAV Capsule
XB4 Belt A band use to retain multiple articles together.
XBA Barrel
XBB Bobbin
XBC Bottlecrate / bottlerack
XBD Board
XBE Bundle
XBF Balloon, non-protected
XBG Bag A receptacle made of flexible material with an open or closed top.
XBH Bunch
XBJ Bucket
XBK Basket
XBL Bale, compressed
XBM Basin
XBN Bale, non-compressed
XBO Bottle, non-protected, cylindrical A narrow-necked cylindrical shaped vessel without external protective packing material.
XBP Balloon, protected
XBQ Bottle, protected cylindrical A narrow-necked cylindrical shaped vessel with external protective packing material.
XBS Bottle, non-protected, bulbous A narrow-necked bulb shaped vessel without external protective packing material.
XBT Bolt
XBU Butt
XBV Bottle, protected bulbous A narrow-necked bulb shaped vessel with external protective packing material.
XBW Box, for liquids
XBY Board, in bundle/bunch/truss
XBZ Bars, in bundle/bunch/truss
XCA Can, rectangular
XCB Crate, beer
XCC Churn
XCD Can, with handle and spout
XCE Creel
XCF Coffer
XCG Cage
XCH Chest
XCI Canister
XCJ Coffin
XCK Cask
XCL Coil
XCM Card A flat package usually made of fibreboard from/to which product is often hung or attached.
XCN Container, not otherwise specified as transport equipment
XCO Carboy, non-protected
XCP Carboy, protected
XCQ Cartridge Package containing a charge such as propelling explosive for firearms or ink toner for a printer.
XCR Crate
XCS Case
XCT Carton
XCV Cover
XCW Cage, roll
XCX Can, cylindrical
XCY Cylinder
XCZ Canvas
XDA Crate, multiple layer, plastic
XDB Crate, multiple layer, wooden
XDC Crate, multiple layer, cardboard
XDG Cage, Commonwealth Handling Equipment Pool (CHEP)
XDH Box, Commonwealth Handling Equipment Pool (CHEP), Eurobox A box mounted on a pallet base under the control of CHEP.
XDI Drum, iron
XDJ Demijohn, non-protected
XDK Crate, bulk, cardboard
XDL Crate, bulk, plastic
XDM Crate, bulk, wooden
XDN Dispenser
XDP Demijohn, protected
XDR Drum
XDS Tray, one layer no cover, plastic
XDT Tray, one layer no cover, wooden
XDU Tray, one layer no cover, polystyrene
XDV Tray, one layer no cover, cardboard
XDW Tray, two layers no cover, plastic tray
XDX Tray, two layers no cover, wooden
XDY Tray, two layers no cover, cardboard
XEC Bag, plastic
XED Case, with pallet base
XEE Case, with pallet base, wooden
XEF Case, with pallet base, cardboard
XEG Case, with pallet base, plastic
XEH Case, with pallet base, metal
XEI Case, isothermic
XEN Envelope
XFB Flexibag A flexible containment bag made of plastic, typically for the transportation bulk non-hazardous cargoes using standard size shipping containers.
XFC Crate, fruit
XFD Crate, framed
XFE Flexitank A flexible containment tank made of plastic, typically for the transportation bulk non-hazardous cargoes using standard size shipping containers.
XFI Firkin
XFL Flask
XFO Footlocker
XFP Filmpack
XFR Frame
XFT Foodtainer
XFW Cart, flatbed Wheeled flat bedded device on which trays or other regular shaped items are packed for transportation purposes.
XFX Bag, flexible container
XGB Bottle, gas A narrow-necked metal cylinder for retention of liquefied or compressed gas.
XGI Girder
XGL Container, gallon A container with a capacity of one gallon.
XGR Receptacle, glass Containment vessel made of glass for retaining substances or articles.
XGU Tray, containing horizontally stacked flat items Tray containing flat items stacked on top of one another.
XGY Bag, gunny A sack made of gunny or burlap, used for transporting coarse commodities, such as grains, potatoes, and other agricultural products.
XGZ Girders, in bundle/bunch/truss
XHA Basket, with handle, plastic
XHB Basket, with handle, wooden
XHC Basket, with handle, cardboard
XHG Hogshead
XHN Hanger A purpose shaped device with a hook at the top for hanging items from a rail.
XHR Hamper
XIA Package, display, wooden
XIB Package, display, cardboard
XIC Package, display, plastic
XID Package, display, metal
XIE Package, show
XIF Package, flow A flexible tubular package or skin, possibly transparent, often used for containment of foodstuffs (e.g. salami sausage).
XIG Package, paper wrapped
XIH Drum, plastic
XIK Package, cardboard, with bottle grip-holes Packaging material made out of cardboard that facilitates the separation of individual glass or plastic bottles.
XIL Tray, rigid, lidded stackable (CEN TS 14482:2002) Lidded stackable rigid tray compliant with CEN TS 14482:2002.
XIN Ingot
XIZ Ingots, in bundle/bunch/truss
XJB Bag, jumbo A flexible containment bag, widely used for storage, transportation and handling of powder, flake or granular materials. Typically constructed from woven polypropylene (PP) fabric in the form of cubic bags.
XJC Jerrican, rectangular
XJT Jutebag
XJY Jerrican, cylindrical
XKI Kit A set of articles or implements used for a specific purpose.
XLE Luggage A collection of bags, cases and/or containers which hold personal belongings for a journey.
XLU Lug A wooden box for the transportation and storage of fruit or vegetables.
XLV Liftvan A wooden or metal container used for packing household goods and personal effects.
XLZ Logs, in bundle/bunch/truss
XMA Crate, metal Containment box made of metal for retaining substances or articles.
XMB Bag, multiply
XMC Crate, milk
XME Container, metal A type of containment box made of metal for retaining substances or articles, not otherwise specified as transport equipment.
XMR Receptacle, metal Containment vessel made of metal for retaining substances or articles.
XMS Sack, multi-wall
XMW Receptacle, plastic wrapped Containment vessel wrapped with plastic for retaining substances or articles.
XMX Matchbox
XNA Not available
XNE Unpacked or unpackaged
XNF Unpacked or unpackaged, single unit
XNG Unpacked or unpackaged, multiple units
XNS Nest
XNU Net, tube, plastic
XNV Net, tube, textile
XOA Pallet, CHEP 40 cm x 60 cm Commonwealth Handling Equipment Pool (CHEP) standard pallet of dimensions 40 centimeters x 60 centimeters.
XOB Pallet, CHEP 80 cm x 120 cm Commonwealth Handling Equipment Pool (CHEP) standard pallet of dimensions 80 centimeters x 120 centimeters.
XOC Pallet, CHEP 100 cm x 120 cm Commonwealth Handling Equipment Pool (CHEP) standard pallet of dimensions 100 centimeters x 120 centimeters.
XOD Pallet, AS 4068-1993 Australian standard pallet of dimensions 116.5 centimeters x 116.5 centimeters.
XOE Pallet, ISO T11 ISO standard pallet of dimensions 110 centimeters x 110 centimeters, prevalent in Asia - Pacific region.
XOF Platform, unspecified weight or dimension A pallet equivalent shipping platform of unknown dimensions or unknown weight.
XOK Block A solid piece of a hard substance, such as granite, having one or more flat sides.
XOT Octabin A standard cardboard container of large dimensions for storing for example vegetables, granules of plastics or other dry products.
XOU Container, outer A type of containment box that serves as the outer shipping container, not otherwise specified as transport equipment.
XOG Pallet ISO 0 - 1/2 EURO Pallet Standard pallet with dimensions 80 X 60 cm.
XOH Pallet ISO 1 - 1/1 EURO Pallet Standard pallet with dimensions 80 X 120 cm.
XOI Pallet ISO 2 – 2/1 EURO Pallet Standard pallet with dimensions 100 X 120 cm.
XOJ 1/4 EURO Pallet Standard pallet with dimensions 60 X 40 cm.
XOL 1/8 EURO Pallet Standard pallet with dimensions 40 X 30 cm.
XOM Synthetic pallet ISO 1 A standard pallet with standard dimensions 80 x 120cm made of a synthetic material for hygienic reasons.
XON Synthetic pallet ISO 2 A standard pallet with standard dimensions 100 x 120cm made of a synthetic material for hygienic reasons.
XOP Wholesaler pallet Pallet provided by the wholesaler.
XOQ Pallet 80 X 100 cm Pallet with dimensions 80 X 100 cm.
XOR Pallet 60 X 100 cm Pallet with dimensions 60 X 100 cm.
XOS Oneway pallet Pallet need not be returned to the point of expedition
XOV Returnable pallet Pallet must be returned to the point of expedition.
XOW Large bag, pallet sized A non-rigid container made of fabric, paper, plastic, etc, with an opening at the top which can be closed and which is suitable for use on pallets
XOX A wheeled pallet with raised rim (81 x 67 x 135) A wheeled pallet with raised rim for the storing and transporting of loads. Dimensions: 81 x 67 x 135 cm (length x width x height).
XOY A Wheeled pallet with raised rim (81 x 72 x 135) A wheeled pallet with raised rim for the storing and transporting of loads. Dimensions: 81 x 72 x 135 cm (length x width x height).
XOZ Wheeled pallet with raised rim ( 81 x 60 x 16) A wheeled pallet with raised rim for the storing and transporting of loads. Dimensions: 81 x 60 x 16 cm (length x width x height).
XO1 Two sided cage on wheels with fixing strap A two sided cage mounted on wheels with fixing strap. Dimensions: 900 x 770 x 1513 cm (length x width x height).
XO2 Trolley A low cart for the transportation and storage of groceries, milk, etc.
XO3 Oneway pallet ISO 0 - 1/2 EURO Pallet Oneway pallet with dimensions 80 X 60 cm.
XO4 Oneway pallet ISO 1 - 1/1 EURO Pallet Oneway pallet with dimensions 80 X 120 cm.
XO5 Oneway pallet ISO 2 - 2/1 EURO Pallet Oneway pallet with dimensions 100 X 120 cm.
XO6 Pallet with exceptional dimensions Pallet with non-standard dimensions
XO7 Wooden pallet 40 cm x 80 cm Wooden pallet with dimensions 40 cm x 80 cm.
XO8 Plastic pallet SRS 60 cm x 80 cm SRS (Svenska Retursystem) standard synthetic pallet of dimensions 60 cm x 80 cm.
XO9 Plastic pallet SRS 80 cm x 120 cm SRS (Svenska Retursystem) standard synthetic pallet of dimensions 80 cm x 120 cm.
XP1 CHEP pallet 60 cm x 80 cm Commonwealth Handling Equipment Pool (CHEP) standard pallet of dimensions 60 centimeters x 80 centimeters.
XP3 LPR pallet 60 cm x 80 cm LPR (La Pallet Rouge) standard pallet of dimensions 60 cm x 80 cm.
XP4 LPR pallet 80 cm x 120 cm LPR (La Pallet Rouge) standard pallet of dimensions 80 cm x 120 cm.
XP2 Pan A shallow, wide, open container, usually of metal.
XPA Packet Small package.
XPB Pallet, box Combined open-ended box and pallet
XPC Parcel
XPD Pallet, modular, collars 80cms * 100cms Standard sized pallet of dimensions 80 centimeters by 100 centimeters (cms).
XPE Pallet, modular, collars 80cms * 120cms Standard sized pallet of dimensions 80 centimeters by 120 centimeters (cms).
XPF Pen A small open top enclosure for retaining animals.
XPG Plate
XPH Pitcher
XPI Pipe
XPJ Punnet
XPK Package Standard packaging unit.
XPL Pail
XPN Plank
XPO Pouch
XPP Piece A loose or unpacked article.
XPR Receptacle, plastic Containment vessel made of plastic for retaining substances or articles.
XPU Tray
XPV Pipes, in bundle/bunch/truss
XPX Pallet Platform or open-ended box, usually made of wood, on which goods are retained for ease of mechanical handling during transport and storage.
XPY Plates, in bundle/bunch/truss
XPZ Planks, in bundle/bunch/truss
XQA Drum, steel, non-removable head
XQB Drum, steel, removable head
XQC Drum, aluminium, non-removable head
XQD Drum, aluminium, removable head
XQF Drum, plastic, non-removable head
XQG Drum, plastic, removable head
XQH Barrel, wooden, bung type
XQJ Barrel, wooden, removable head
XQK Jerrican, steel, non-removable head
XQL Jerrican, steel, removable head
XQM Jerrican, plastic, non-removable head
XQN Jerrican, plastic, removable head
XQP Box, wooden, natural wood, ordinary
XQQ Box, wooden, natural wood, with sift proof walls
XQR Box, plastic, expanded
XQS Box, plastic, solid
XRG Ring
XRJ Rack, clothing hanger
XRK Rack
XRL Reel Cylindrical rotatory device with a rim at each end on which materials are wound.
XRO Roll
XRT Rednet Containment material made of red mesh netting for retaining articles (e.g. trees).
XRZ Rods, in bundle/bunch/truss
XSA Sack
XSB Slab
XSC Crate, shallow
XSD Spindle
XSE Sea-chest
XSH Sachet
XSI Skid A low movable platform or pallet to facilitate the handling and transport of goods.
XSK Case, skeleton
XSL Slipsheet Hard plastic sheeting primarily used as the base on which to stack goods to optimise the space within a container. May be used as an alternative to a palletized packaging.
XSM Sheetmetal
XSO Spool A packaging container used in the transport of such items as wire, cable, tape and yarn.
XSP Sheet, plastic wrapping
XSS Case, steel
XST Sheet
XSU Suitcase
XSV Envelope, steel
XSW Shrinkwrapped Goods retained in a transparent plastic film that has been wrapped around and then shrunk tightly on to the goods.
XSY Sleeve
XSZ Sheets, in bundle/bunch/truss
XT1 Tablet A loose or unpacked article in the form of a bar, block or piece.
XTC Tea-chest
XTD Tube, collapsible
XTE Tyre A ring made of rubber and/or metal surrounding a wheel.
XTG Tank container, generic A specially constructed container for transporting liquids and gases in bulk.
XTI Tierce
XTK Tank, rectangular
XTL Tub, with lid
XTR Trunk
XTS Truss
XTT Bag, tote A capacious bag or basket.
XTU Tube
XTV Tube, with nozzle A tube made of plastic, metal or cardboard fitted with a nozzle, containing a liquid or semi-liquid product, e.g. silicon.
XTW Pallet, triwall A lightweight pallet made from heavy duty corrugated board.
XTY Tank, cylindrical
XTZ Tubes, in bundle/bunch/truss
XUC Uncaged
XUN Unit A type of package composed of a single item or object, not otherwise specified as a unit of transport equipment.
XVG Bulk, gas (at 1031 mbar and 15°C)
XVI Vial
XVK Vanpack A type of wooden crate.
XVL Bulk, liquid
XVO Bulk, solid, large particles (“nodules”)
XVP Vacuum-packed
XVQ Bulk, liquefied gas (at abnormal temperature/pressure)
XVN Vehicle A self-propelled means of conveyance.
XVR Bulk, solid, granular particles (“grains”)
XVS Bulk, scrap metal Loose or unpacked scrap metal transported in bulk form.
XVY Bulk, solid, fine particles (“powders”)
XWA Intermediate bulk container A reusable container made of metal, plastic, textile, wood or composite materials used to facilitate transportation of bulk solids and liquids in manageable volumes.
XWB Wickerbottle
XWC Intermediate bulk container, steel
XWD Intermediate bulk container, aluminium
XWF Intermediate bulk container, metal
XWG Intermediate bulk container, steel, pressurised > 10 kpa
XWH Intermediate bulk container, aluminium, pressurised > 10 kpa
XWJ Intermediate bulk container, metal, pressure 10 kpa
XWK Intermediate bulk container, steel, liquid
XWL Intermediate bulk container, aluminium, liquid
XWM Intermediate bulk container, metal, liquid
XWN Intermediate bulk container, woven plastic, without coat/liner
XWP Intermediate bulk container, woven plastic, coated
XWQ Intermediate bulk container, woven plastic, with liner
XWR Intermediate bulk container, woven plastic, coated and liner
XWS Intermediate bulk container, plastic film
XWT Intermediate bulk container, textile with out coat/liner
XWU Intermediate bulk container, natural wood, with inner liner
XWV Intermediate bulk container, textile, coated
XWW Intermediate bulk container, textile, with liner
XWX Intermediate bulk container, textile, coated and liner
XWY Intermediate bulk container, plywood, with inner liner
XWZ Intermediate bulk container, reconstituted wood, with inner liner
XXA Bag, woven plastic, without inner coat/liner
XXB Bag, woven plastic, sift proof
XXC Bag, woven plastic, water resistant
XXD Bag, plastics film
XXF Bag, textile, without inner coat/liner
XXG Bag, textile, sift proof
XXH Bag, textile, water resistant
XXJ Bag, paper, multi-wall
XXK Bag, paper, multi-wall, water resistant
XYA Composite packaging, plastic receptacle in steel drum
XYB Composite packaging, plastic receptacle in steel crate box
XYC Composite packaging, plastic receptacle in aluminium drum
XYD Composite packaging, plastic receptacle in aluminium crate
XYF Composite packaging, plastic receptacle in wooden box
XYG Composite packaging, plastic receptacle in plywood drum
XYH Composite packaging, plastic receptacle in plywood box
XYJ Composite packaging, plastic receptacle in fibre drum
XYK Composite packaging, plastic receptacle in fibreboard box
XYL Composite packaging, plastic receptacle in plastic drum
XYM Composite packaging, plastic receptacle in solid plastic box
XYN Composite packaging, glass receptacle in steel drum
XYP Composite packaging, glass receptacle in steel crate box
XYQ Composite packaging, glass receptacle in aluminium drum
XYR Composite packaging, glass receptacle in aluminium crate
XYS Composite packaging, glass receptacle in wooden box
XYT Composite packaging, glass receptacle in plywood drum
XYV Composite packaging, glass receptacle in wickerwork hamper
XYW Composite packaging, glass receptacle in fibre drum
XYX Composite packaging, glass receptacle in fibreboard box
XYY Composite packaging, glass receptacle in expandable plastic pack
XYZ Composite packaging, glass receptacle in solid plastic pack
XZA Intermediate bulk container, paper, multi-wall
XZB Bag, large
XZC Intermediate bulk container, paper, multi-wall, water resistant
XZD Intermediate bulk container, rigid plastic, with structural equipment, solids
XZF Intermediate bulk container, rigid plastic, freestanding, solids
XZG Intermediate bulk container, rigid plastic, with structural equipment, pressurised
XZH Intermediate bulk container, rigid plastic, freestanding, pressurised
XZJ Intermediate bulk container, rigid plastic, with structural equipment, liquids
XZK Intermediate bulk container, rigid plastic, freestanding, liquids
XZL Intermediate bulk container, composite, rigid plastic, solids
XZM Intermediate bulk container, composite, flexible plastic, solids
XZN Intermediate bulk container, composite, rigid plastic, pressurised
XZP Intermediate bulk container, composite, flexible plastic, pressurised
XZQ Intermediate bulk container, composite, rigid plastic, liquids
XZR Intermediate bulk container, composite, flexible plastic, liquids
XZS Intermediate bulk container, composite
XZT Intermediate bulk container, fibreboard
XZU Intermediate bulk container, flexible
XZV Intermediate bulk container, metal, other than steel
XZW Intermediate bulk container, natural wood
XZX Intermediate bulk container, plywood
XZY Intermediate bulk container, reconstituted wood
XZZ Mutually defined

EDIFICASEU AccountingAccountsClassificationType

Code Name Description
1 General account chart of accounts. The code indicates a general chart of accounts,
2 Cost accounting chart of accounts. The code indicates a cost chart of accounts.
3 Budgetary account chart of accounts. The code indicates a budget chart of accounts.
4 Payable account chart of accounts. The code indicates a payable chart of accounts.
5 Receivable account chart of accounts. The code indicates a receivable chart of accounts.
6 Job account chart of accounts. The code indicates a job chart of accounts.
7 Building site account chart of accounts. The code indicates a building site chart of accounts.
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