This is a MERN Stack E-commerce Web Application. If you visit the home page here, you will see some featured products and categories. And if you visit the products page, you will see total products.
Live Link: Preview
In the products page, you can filter product with:
- filter by category.
- filter by ratting.
- filter by product price range.
- search product by category and product title.
if you want to sort product? you can sort with:
- A to Z (product title)
- Z to A (product title)
- Low to High (product price)
- Heigh to Low (product price)
and clear the all filter and sorts. and anyone can free register in this application.
There are 2 roles in here: admin & user.
- admin can create, update and delete a post and category.
- admin can make an user with admin and remove anyone from admin. but he cannot remove himself.
- admin can see order list.
Admin is also a user
- user can order product.
- user can update his profile.
- user can change and forgot password
- user can see his order list.
- user can review product.
- admin can change status order.
- chart add in Dashboard.
- ReactJS
- React-Bootstrap
- Redux-Toolkit
- Redux-Persist
- SwiperJS
- Cloudinary
- Mongoose
- ExpressJS