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This repository has been archived by the owner on Nov 14, 2023. It is now read-only.


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example workflow

Getting Started

1. Install

Clone the Repo to your machine

git clone

Navigate to repo

cd galaxy-api

Install python dependencies

pip install -r requirements.txt

2. Create config.txt inside src directory.


3. Setup Underpass

Run underpass from here OR Create database "underpass" in your local postgres and insert sample dump from /tests/src/fixtures/underpass.sql

4. Setup Oauth

Login to OSM , Click on My Settings and register your local galaxy app to Oauth2applications


Check on read user preferences and Enter redirect URI as following

Grab Client ID and Client Secret and put it inside config.txt as OAUTH Block , you can generate secret key for your application by yourself

5. Put your credentials inside config.txt

Insert your config blocks with the database credentials where you have underpass ,insight and tm in your database


client_id= your client id
client_secret= your client secret


Optional Configuration

You can further customize API if you wish with API_CONFIG Block

api_host= # you can define this if you have different host
to use to for psycopg2 connections
log_level=info #options are info,debug,warning,error
env=dev # default is dev , supported values are dev and prod
Setup Tasking Manager Database for TM related development

Setup Tasking manager from here OR Create database "tm" in your local postgres and insert sample dump from TM test dump. (wget

psql -U postgres -h localhost tm < tasking-manager.sql

Add those block to config.txt with the value you use in the tasking manager configuration.


You can test it with the /mapathon/detail/ endpoint and with the following input: {"fromTimestamp":"2019-04-08 10:00:00.000000","toTimestamp":"2019-04-08 11:00:00.000000","projectIds":[1],"hashtags":[]}

8. Run server

uvicorn API.main:app --reload

9. Navigate to Fast API Docs to get details about API Endpoint

After sucessfully running server , hit this URL on your browser

Check Authetication

  1. Hit /auth/login/
  2. Hit Url returned on response
  3. You will get access_token
  4. You can use that access_token in all endpoints that requires authentication , To check token pass token in /auth/me/ It should return your osm profile

If you get a 401 response with the detail "User is not staff member", get your OSM id using, then run the following SQL on underpass database replacing ID:

INSERT INTO users_roles VALUES (ID, 1);

Repeat the steps to get a new access_token.

API has been setup successfully !

Run tests

Galaxy-API uses pytest for tests ,Navigate to root Dir, Install package in editable mode

pip install -e .

Make sure you have postgresql installed locally with postgis extension enabled , Now Run Pytest

py.test -v -s

Run Individual tests

py.test -k test function name

Galaxy Package

Local Install

python install

Now import as :

import galaxy

For database :

from galaxy import Database

For Mapathon :

from galaxy import Mapathon

New Relic

When using New Relic, save the newrelic.ini to the root of the project and run the following to start the server:

NEW_RELIC_CONFIG_FILE=newrelic.ini $PATH_TO_BIN/newrelic-admin run-program $PATH_TO_BIN/uvicorn API.main:app

Setup Documentation

Galaxy API Uses Sphinx for it's technical documentation.

To Setup :

Navigate to docs Folder and Build .rst files first

cd docs

If you want to generate documentation for src

sphinx-apidoc -o source ../src/galaxy

If you want to generate documentation for API

sphinx-apidoc -o source ../API

You can create HTML files with following

Or you can export it in other supported formats by Sphinx

make html

All exported html files are inside build/html