This is an Ansible playbook for deploying PGBouncer
This playbook was tested on Ubuntu 12.04 x86_64.
- Install PGBouncer
- Installs newrelic monitoring for PGBouncer
- Installs monit monitoring and alerting for PGBouncer
This playbook requires Ansible 1.2 or higher.
ansible-playbook -i ./tasks/main.yml
We recommend using a proper newrelic plugin like as well if you go the newrelic route
Monit needs to be configured fully in order for you to receive email alerts etc.
Configure databases like this
pgbouncer_aliases: - name: balanced_integration host: port: 5432 db_name: balanced - name: balanced_live host: balanced-db-03 port: 5432
Connect to the stats interface like this
psql -p 6432 -h host pgbouncer -U pgbouncer
One of the most useful things about PGBouncer is the ability to pause and resume database connections.
This makes it easier for you to do DB maintenance and other work while minimising interruption to clients of the databases.
This playbook includes some ad-hoc commands that can be run to pause and resume database connectivity as part of this process.
You can now invoke this across your bouncer cluster like so:
ansible-playbook -i ansible.inventory ops.yml -e pgbouncer_command=pause -e pgbouncer_command_db=db_name
ansible-playbook -i ansible.inventory ops.yml -e pgbouncer_command=resume -e pgbouncer_command_db=db_name
This playbook is distributed under the Apache 2.0 license.