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Road segmentation of aerial imagery by fusing custom deep learning U-Nets with traditional computer vision algorithms.

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CleanRoad: Road Segmentation of Aerial Images by Fusing Modern and Traditional Methods

2020 - Sebastian Winberg, Steven Stalder, Niklaus Houska and Kenan Bešić


Table of Contents

About The Project

This repository contains the source code for the graded semester project for the Computational Intelligence Lab 2020 lecture at ETH Zurich. Please follow the instructions below to get started and reproduce our results. Read the paper for more information about our experiments and design decisions.

Our final model is a dilated U-Net with transposed convolutional layers and has the following structure:

U-Net Dilated v2 Transposed

Furthermore, we constructed the following dedicated post-processing pipeline to further refine and cleanup the results.

Dedicated Post-Processing Pipeline

Folder Structure

├── data                                             
│   ├── test                                          - 94 test images provided for the project
│   │   └── images
│   ├── training                                      - 199 training images (provided and additional data)
│   │   ├── groundtruth
│   │   └── images
│   ├── training_original                             - 90 of the 100 training images provided for the project
│   │   ├── groundtruth
│   │   └── images
│   ├── validation                                    - 22 validation images (provided and additional data)
│   │   ├── groundtruth
│   │   └── images
│   └── validation_original                           - 10 validation images taken from the 100 training images provided for the project
│       ├── groundtruth
│       └── images
├── final_experiments                                 - Results of experiments in report       
│   ├── architectures                                      - Model architecture experiments
│   ├── models                                             - Directory for model weights of models (see README in directory for download instructions)
│   └── refinements                                        - Refinement experiments
├── notebook                                          
│   ├── post_processing.ipynb                         - Jupyter notebook for the visualization of post-processing steps
│   └── test_results_comparison.ipynb                 - Jupyter notebook for the comparison of different predictions
├── plots                                             - Figures in report
│   ├── comparisons                                        - Comparison figures
│   └── diagrams                                           - Illustrations diagrams 
├── environment.yml                                   - YAML file for conda environment setup
├── out                                               - Created directory. Contains model weights, predictions, config file and submission file after completed run
└── src
    ├──                                  - Argumentparser for command line arguments
    ├── baselines                                     - Separate baseline architectures
    │   ├── basic_cnn                                 - Baseline from CIL 2020 exercise 9 (results not included in report)
    │   │   ├──                        - Code to execute for this baseline
    │   │   ├──             - Creates submission file for this baseline (is called from
    │   │   └── training                                   - 100 provided training images for the project 
    │   │       ├── groundtruth
    │   │       └── images
    │   └── keras_segmentation                        - Baseline from (using resnet50_unet model)
    │       ├──                               - Code to execute for this baseline
    │       └──                    - Creates submission file for this baseline (is called from
    ├── data
    │   ├──                      - Creates predictions of test images
    │   ├──                                   - Prepares data for all models except patch-based
    │   ├──                             - Prepares data for patch-based U-Net
    │   ├──                                 - Helper functions for the other files in this directory
    │   ├──                        - Post-processing functions
    │   └──                      - TensorBoard Callback
    ├──                                       - Main function for all models except patch-based
    ├──                                 - Main function for patch-based U-Net
    ├── models
    │   ├──                         - Custom loss functions and callback metrics
    │   ├──                                   - Original U-Net model from (serves as baseline in the report)
    │   ├──                        - U-Net dilated v1
    │   ├──             - U-Net dilated v1 with transposed convolutions
    │   ├──                        - U-Net dilated v2
    │   ├──             - U-Net dilated v2 with transposed convolutions
    │   ├──       - U-Net dilated v2 with transposed convolutions, adapted for patch-based model
    │   └──                             - Original U-Net model, adapted for patch-based model
    └── submission
        ├──                         - Prepares submission directory (see 'out' directory)
        ├──                     - Provided code to create submission file from binary mask
        └──                     - Provided code to create binary mask from submission file


All training and validation images are from the chicago dataset from Out of the total 221 images, 100 have been provided for the project and 121 have been selected by us. They all have been thoroughly investigated to not contain any parts of the test images.

Getting Started

Download missing data

Due to the size limit for the final submission, the content of the data/ and final_experiments/ directories has been moved to polybox. Please download them from the following polybox link (password: CIL2020). If you want to also make predictions on our trained models, please also download the two folders from this link (password: CIL2020) and put them into the final_experiments/models/ directory. More information is also provided here.


  • Please consult the Conda Installation Guide for more information. If you want to run this code on the Leonhard Cluster, please follow the relevant parts of this tutorial
  • Create and activate the virtual environment
    conda env create -f environment.yml
    conda activate tf2
    Of course, you can give the environment a custom name with the -- name flag.


Run the code

Once the virtual environment is activated you can run the code as follows:

  • Go into the src directory.
    cd src/
  • Run the program
  • Setting parameters with flags
    • Getting help
      python --help
    • Example: Start a run with 30 training epochs
      python --epochs=30
    • However, we recommend using the config template by modifying it. Edit the file and set the parameters accordingly. To start a run with a config file as input type
      python -c <PATH_TO_CONFIG>
  • If you want to run this code on the Leonhard cluster submit your jobs with 8GB of memory. Examples:
    bsub -W 8:30 -R "rusage[ngpus_excl_p=1,mem=8192]" "python -c config.cfg"
    or alternatively, if you have a longer <PATH_TO_CONFIG> with e.g. whitespaces
    bsub -W 8:30 -R "rusage[ngpus_excl_p=1,mem=8192]" "python -c \"<PATH_TO_CONFIG>\""

To run the models for our patch-based approaches and the keras_segmentation baseline, follow the steps below:

  • For our patch-based approach, please follow the steps from above and replace with
  • For keras_segmentation, please call cd src/baselines/keras_segmentation instead and then submit the following job (Note that the results will be under src/baselines/keras_segmentation/results):
    bsub -W 8:30 -R "rusage[ngpus_excl_p=1,mem=8192]" "python"

Reproduce our results

Reproducing the results of our paper can be done easily. We provide predefined config files that we used for our runs. These include fixed random seeds that worked well in our experiments. While exact reproduction of results is not possible when executing tensorflow code on a GPU, they should still be very similar when taking the same seed in different runs.

Train and predict results

Pick the experiment you want to reproduce and select the corresponding config file. Under final_experiments/architectures and final_experiments/refinements you will find directories that are named like our experiments in the report along with number of epochs and steps per epoch. For all experiments you will find config files named config.cfg that you can use (except for the keras_segmentation baseline that runs without config file). Follow the above instructions on how to use config files with our code and let the job run.

Predict using pretrained models

To download the model weights please follow the instructions from Follow the above instructions on how to use config files with our code. Now modify the corresponding config file and set the train-model parameter to False and set the model-path parameter to the model weights you want to use. Now, let the job run.

Find the results

The directory out in the root folder will be created and will contain a summary of all your submitted runs. You can check the date, as well as the description in the directory name to identify a specific run/submission. Each submission directory will have the following structure:

- config.cfg            - Config file with all relevant parameter information
- discrete/             - Binary masks of results without post-processing
- continuous/           - Probabiliy masks of results without post-processing
- discrete_post/        - Binary masks of results with post-processing
- continuous_post/      - Probabiliy masks of results with post-processing
- submission.csv        - Submission file for Kaggle without post-processing
- submission_post.csv   - Submission file for Kaggle with post-processing
- tensorboard/fit/      - Tensorboard plot and intermediate image result data
- <MODEL_NAME>.h5       - Trained model weights file in .h5 format

The result binary masks in discrete and discrete_post can then be compared with the respective results within the final_experiments folder. Note that a markdown file within each experiment hints at which results and .csv file should be used, the one without or with post-processing.


Road segmentation of aerial imagery by fusing custom deep learning U-Nets with traditional computer vision algorithms.






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  • Python 83.3%
  • Jupyter Notebook 16.7%