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PyDTNN - Python Distributed Training of Neural Networks


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Python Distributed Training of Neural Networks


PyDTNN is a light-weight library developed at Universitat Jaume I (Spain) for distributed Deep Learning training and inference that offers an initial starting point for interaction with distributed training of (and inference with) deep neural networks. PyDTNN prioritizes simplicity over efficiency, providing an amiable user interface which enables a flat accessing curve. To perform the training and inference processes, PyDTNN exploits distributed inter-process parallelism (via MPI) for clusters and intra-process (via multi-threading) parallelism to leverage the presence of multicore processors and GPUs at node level. For that, PyDTNN uses MPI4Py/NCCL for message-passing, BLAS calls via NumPy/Cython for multicore processors and PyCUDA+cuDNN+cuBLAS for NVIDIA GPUs.

Supported layers:

  • Fully-connected
  • Convolutional 2D
  • Max pooling 2D
  • Average pooling 2D
  • Dropout
  • Flatten
  • Batch normalization
  • Addition block (for residual nets, e.g., ResNet)
  • Concatenation block (for channel concatenation-based nets, e.g., Inception, GoogleNet, DenseNet, etc.)

Supported datasets:

  • MNIST handwritten digit database. This dataset is included into the project.

  • CIFAR10 database of the 80 million tiny images dataset. This dataset is not included into the project. Its binary version can be downloaded from:

  • ImageNet: the PyDTNN module for this dataset requires a preprocessed ImageNet dataset split into 1,024 files in the NPZ Numpy compressed array format containing the images/labels, similar to what TensorFlow uses. Each of these files should store the images in the key 'x' with the shape NCHW = (1251, 3, 227, 227), and the labels in the key 'y' with the shape NL = (1251, 1). Images shall be stored in np.uint8 data type in the range [0..255] while the labels can be stored in np.int16 in the range [1..1000]:

    >>> import numpy as np
    >>> data = np.load("/scratch/imagenet/train/train-00000-of-01024.npz")
    >>> data['x'].shape
    (1251, 3, 227, 227)
    >>> data['y'].shape
    (1251, 1)

    PyDTNN comes with the utility datasets/ that reads the preprocessed ImageNet TensorFlow training/validation files in TFRecord format and converts them into NPZ format.

Installing PyDTNN from source

Download PyDTNN source code from its GitHub repository and enter the PyDTNN directory:

$ git clone
$ cd PyDTNN

The required Python packages are listed in the requirements.txt file, to install them, type:

$ pip install -r requirements.txt

Then, the PyDTNN package itself must be installed:

$ pip install .

If you plan to modify the PyDTNN code, instead of using the previous line, you can install PyDTNN in editable mode (see DEVELOPMENT.rst for more details):

$ pip install -e .

Optionally, if you are going to use either MPI or CUDA, you should have installed the corresponding system libraries, and install the required Python packages with:

$ pip install -r requirements_mpi.txt       # If MPI is going to be used
$ pip install -r requirements_cuda_1.txt    # If CUDA is going to be used
$ pip install -r requirements_cuda_2.txt

Launcher options

The PyDTNN framework comes with a utility launcher called that supports the following options:

  • Model parameters:
    • --model: Neural network model: simplemlp, simplecnn, alexnet, vgg11, vgg16, etc.
    • --tensor_format: Data format to be used: NHWC or NCHW. Optionally, the AUTO value sets NCHW when the option --enable_gpu is set and NHWC otherwise. Default: AUTO.
    • --enable_best_of: Enable the BestOf auto-tuner.
    • --flip_images: Enable horizontal flip of images in the dataset. Default: False
    • --flip_images_prob: Probability of horizontal flip of images in the dataset. Default: 0.5
    • --crop_images: Enable random cropping of images in the dataset. Default: False
    • --crop_images_prob: Probability of random cropping of images in the dataset. Default: 0.5
    • --batch_size: Batch size per MPI rank.
    • --steps_per_epoch: Trims the training data depending on the given number of steps per epoch. Default: 0, i.e., do not trim.
    • --num_epochs: Number of epochs to perform. Default value: 1.
    • --evaluate: Evaluate the model before and after training the model. Default: False.
    • --evaluate_only: Only evaluate the model. Default: False.
    • --weights_and_bias_filename: Load weights and bias from file. Default: None.
    • --shared_storage: If true only rank 0 can dump weights and bias onto a file. Default: True.
    • --dtype: Datatype to use: float32, float64.
    • --history_file: Filename to save training loss and metrics.
    • --enable_fused_bn_relu: Fuse BatchNormalization and Relu layers. True if specified
    • --enable_fused_conv_relu: Fuse Conv2D and Relu layers. True if specified
    • --enable_fused_conv_bn: Fuse Conv2D and BatchNormalization layers. True if specified
    • --enable_fused_conv_bn_relu: Fuse Conv2D and BatchNormalization and Relu layers. Default: False
    • --enable_best_of: Enable BestOf optimization. True if specified
  • Dataset parameters:
    • --dataset: Dataset to train: mnist, cifar10, imagenet.
    • --dataset_train_path: Path to the training dataset.
    • --dataset_test_path: Path to the training dataset.
    • --use_synthetic_data: Use synthetic data. Default: False.
    • --test_as_validation: Prevent making partitions on training data for training+validation data, use test data for validation. True if specified.
    • --flip_images: Flip horizontally training images. Default: False
    • --flip_images_prob: Probability to flip training images. Default: 0.5
    • --crop_images: Crop training images. Default: False
    • --crop_images_size: Size to crop training images Default: 16
    • --crop_images_prob: Probability to crop training images. Default: 0.5
    • --validation_split: Split between training and validation data.
  • Optimizer parameters:
    • --optimizer: Optimizers: sgd, rmsprop, adam, nadam. Default: sgd.
    • --learning_rate: Learning rate. Default: 0.01.
    • --learning_rate_scaling: Scale learning rate in data parallelism: new_lr = lr * num_procs.
    • --momentum: Decay rate for sgd optimizer. Default: 0.9.
    • --rho: Variable for rmsprop optimizers. Default: 0.99.
    • --epsilon: Variable for rmsprop, adam, nadam optimizers. Default: 1e-8.
    • --beta1: Variable for adam, nadam optimizers. Default: 0.99.
    • --beta2: Variable for adam, nadam optimizers. Default: 0.999.
    • --nesterov: Whether to apply Nesterov momentum. Default: False.
    • --loss_func: Loss functions that is evaluated on each trained batch: categorical_cross_entropy, binary_cross_entropy.
    • --metrics: List of comma-separated metrics that are evaluated on each trained batch: categorical_accuracy, categorical_hinge, categorical_mse, categorical_mae, regression_mse, regression_mae.
  • Learning rate schedulers parameters:
    • --lr_schedulers: List of comma-separated LR schedulers: warm_up, early_stopping, reduce_lr_on_plateau, reduce_lr_every_nepochs, model_checkpoint
    • --warm_up_batches: Number of batches (ramp up) that the LR is scaled up from 0 until LR.
    • --early_stopping_metric: Loss metric monitored by early_stopping LR scheduler.
    • --early_stopping_patience: Number of epochs with no improvement after which training will be stopped.
    • --reduce_lr_on_plateau_metric: Loss metric monitored by reduce_lr_on_plateau LR scheduler.
    • --reduce_lr_on_plateau_factor: Factor by which the learning rate will be reduced. new_lr = lr * factor.
    • --reduce_lr_on_plateau_patience: Number of epochs with no improvement after which LR will be reduced.
    • --reduce_lr_on_plateau_min_lr: Lower bound on the learning rate.
    • --reduce_lr_every_nepochs_factor: Factor by which the learning rate will be reduced. new_lr = lr * factor.
    • --reduce_lr_every_nepochs_nepochs: Number of epochs after which LR will be periodically reduced.
    • --reduce_lr_every_nepochs_min_lr: Lower bound on the learning rate.
    • --model_checkpoint_metric: Loss metric monitored by model_checkpoint LR scheduler.
    • --model_checkpoint_save_freq: Frequency (in epochs) at which the model weights and bias will be saved by the model_checkpoint LR scheduler.
  • Convolution operation parameters:
    • --enable_conv_gemm: Use ConvGemm (implicit gemm) module to realize convolutions in Conv2D layers. True if specified.
    • --enable_conv_winograd: Use the Winograd algorithm to realize convolutions in Conv2D layers. True if specified.
    • --enable_memory_cache: Enable the memory cache module to use persistent memory.
  • Parallelization and other performance-related parameters:
    • --parallel: Data parallelization modes: sequential, data. Default: sequential.
    • --non_blocking_mpi: Enable non-blocking MPI primitives.
    • --enable_gpu: Enable GPU, use cuDNN library.
    • --enable_gpudirect: Enable GPU pinned memory for gradients when using a CUDA-aware MPI version.
    • --enable_cudnn_auto_conv_alg: Let cuDNN to select the best performing convolution algorithm.
    • --enable_nccl: Enable the use of the NCCL library for collective communications on GPUs. This option can only be set with --enable_gpu.
    • --enable_conv_gemm: Enables the use of libconvGemm to replace im2col and gemm operations.
  • Tracing and profiling parameters:
    • --tracing: Obtain Simple/Extrae-based traces.
    • --tracer_output: Output file to store the Simple/Extrae-based traces.
    • --profile: Obtain cProfile profiles.

Example: distributed training of a CNN for the MNIST dataset

In this example, we train a simple CNN for the MNIST dataset using data parallelism and 12 MPI ranks each using 4 OpenMP threads:

$ export OMP_NUM_THREADS=4
$ mpirun -np 12 \
    python3 -Ou \
      --model=simplecnn \
      --dataset=mnist \
      --dataset_train_path=datasets/mnist \
      --dataset_test_path=datasets/mnist \
      --test_as_validation=False \
      --flip_images=True \
      --batch_size=64 \
      --validation_split=0.2 \
      --num_epochs=50 \
      --evaluate=True \
      --optimizer=adam \
      --learning_rate=0.01 \
      --loss_func=categorical_cross_entropy \
      --lr_schedulers=warm_up,reduce_lr_every_nepochs \
      --reduce_lr_every_nepochs_factor=0.5 \
      --reduce_lr_every_nepochs_nepochs=30 \
      --reduce_lr_every_nepochs_min_lr=0.001 \
      --early_stopping_metric=val_categorical_cross_entropy \
      --early_stopping_patience=20 \
      --parallel=sequential \
      --tracing=False \
      --profile=False \
      --enable_gpu=True \

**** simplecnn model...
| Layer |           Type           | #Params | Output shape  |   Weights shape   |       Parameters       |
|   0   |          Input           |    0    |  (1, 28, 28)  |                   |                        |
|   1   |          Conv2D          |   40    |  (4, 28, 28)  |   (4, 1, 3, 3)    |padd=(1,1), stride=(1,1)|
|   2   |          Conv2D          |   148   |  (4, 28, 28)  |   (4, 4, 3, 3)    |padd=(1,1), stride=(1,1)|
|   3   |        MaxPool2D         |    0    |  (4, 14, 14)  |      (2, 2)       |padd=(0,0), stride=(2,2)|
|   4   |         Flatten          |    0    |    (784,)     |                   |                        |
|   5   |            FC            | 100480  |    (128,)     |    (784, 128)     |                        |
|   6   |           Relu           |    0    |    (128,)     |                   |                        |
|   7   |         Dropout          |    0    |    (128,)     |                   |       rate=0.50        |
|   8   |            FC            |  1290   |     (10,)     |     (128, 10)     |                        |
|   9   |         Softmax          |    0    |     (10,)     |                   |                        |
|             Total parameters       101958    398.27 KBytes                                              |
**** Loading mnist dataset...
**** Parameters:
  model                          : simplecnn
  dataset                        : mnist
  dataset_train_path             : datasets/mnist
  dataset_test_path              : datasets/mnist
  test_as_validation             : False
  flip_images                    : True
  flip_images_prob               : 0.5
  crop_images                    : False
  crop_images_size               : 16
  crop_images_prob               : 0.5
  batch_size                     : 64
  global_batch_size              : None
  validation_split               : 0.2
  steps_per_epoch                : 0
  num_epochs                     : 50
  evaluate                       : True
  weights_and_bias_filename      : None
  shared_storage                 : True
  history_file                   : None
  optimizer                      : adam
  learning_rate                  : 0.01
  learning_rate_scaling          : True
  momentum                       : 0.9
  decay                          : 0.0
  nesterov                       : False
  beta1                          : 0.99
  beta2                          : 0.999
  epsilon                        : 1e-07
  rho                            : 0.9
  loss_func                      : categorical_cross_entropy
  metrics                        : categorical_accuracy
  lr_schedulers                  : warm_up,reduce_lr_every_nepochs
  warm_up_epochs                 : 5
  early_stopping_metric          : val_categorical_cross_entropy
  early_stopping_patience        : 20
  reduce_lr_on_plateau_metric    : val_categorical_cross_entropy
  reduce_lr_on_plateau_factor    : 0.1
  reduce_lr_on_plateau_patience  : 5
  reduce_lr_on_plateau_min_lr    : 0
  reduce_lr_every_nepochs_factor : 0.5
  reduce_lr_every_nepochs_nepochs: 30
  reduce_lr_every_nepochs_min_lr : 0.001
  stop_at_loss_metric            : val_accuracy
  stop_at_loss_threshold         : 0
  model_checkpoint_metric        : val_categorical_cross_entropy
  model_checkpoint_save_freq     : 2
  mpi_processes                  : 12
  threads_per_process            : 4
  parallel                       : data
  non_blocking_mpi               : False
  tracing                        : False
  profile                        : False
  gpus_per_node                  : 0
  enable_conv_gemm               : False
  enable_gpu                     : False
  enable_gpudirect               : False
  enable_nccl                    : False
  dtype                          : float32
**** Evaluating on test dataset...
Testing: 100%|████████████████████| 10000/10000 [00:00<00:00, 29732.29 samples/s, test_acc: 12.50%, test_cro: 2.3008704]
**** Training...
Epoch  1/50: 100%|████████████████| 48000/48000 [00:04<00:00, 11184.77 samples/s, acc: 71.35%, cro: 1.2238941, val_acc: 88.49%, val_cro: 0.4369879]
Epoch  2/50: 100%|████████████████| 48000/48000 [00:04<00:00, 10691.66 samples/s, acc: 88.87%, cro: 0.4051699, val_acc: 91.10%, val_cro: 0.3070377]
Epoch  3/50: 100%|████████████████| 48000/48000 [00:04<00:00, 10617.42 samples/s, acc: 90.98%, cro: 0.3086980, val_acc: 92.56%, val_cro: 0.2624177]
Epoch  4/50: 100%|████████████████| 48000/48000 [00:04<00:00, 10874.49 samples/s, acc: 92.43%, cro: 0.2576146, val_acc: 93.83%, val_cro: 0.2232232]
Epoch  5/50: 100%|████████████████| 48000/48000 [00:04<00:00, 10451.37 samples/s, acc: 93.48%, cro: 0.2159374, val_acc: 94.76%, val_cro: 0.1868786]
Epoch  6/50: 100%|████████████████| 48000/48000 [00:04<00:00, 10756.92 samples/s, acc: 94.81%, cro: 0.1748247, val_acc: 95.63%, val_cro: 0.1544418]
Epoch  7/50: 100%|████████████████| 48000/48000 [00:04<00:00, 10901.69 samples/s, acc: 95.77%, cro: 0.1417673, val_acc: 96.25%, val_cro: 0.1331401]
Epoch  8/50: 100%|████████████████| 48000/48000 [00:04<00:00, 11046.87 samples/s, acc: 96.55%, cro: 0.1164078, val_acc: 96.80%, val_cro: 0.1134956]
Epoch  9/50: 100%|████████████████| 48000/48000 [00:04<00:00, 10944.06 samples/s, acc: 97.05%, cro: 0.0992564, val_acc: 96.98%, val_cro: 0.1033213]
Epoch 10/50: 100%|████████████████| 48000/48000 [00:04<00:00, 11017.46 samples/s, acc: 97.48%, cro: 0.0866701, val_acc: 97.28%, val_cro: 0.0972526]
Epoch 11/50: 100%|████████████████| 48000/48000 [00:04<00:00, 10871.28 samples/s, acc: 97.67%, cro: 0.0769905, val_acc: 97.58%, val_cro: 0.0862264]
Epoch 12/50: 100%|████████████████| 48000/48000 [00:04<00:00, 10982.79 samples/s, acc: 97.99%, cro: 0.0682642, val_acc: 97.55%, val_cro: 0.0828536]
Epoch 13/50: 100%|████████████████| 48000/48000 [00:04<00:00, 11115.45 samples/s, acc: 98.16%, cro: 0.0616423, val_acc: 97.77%, val_cro: 0.0782390]
Epoch 14/50: 100%|████████████████| 48000/48000 [00:04<00:00, 10783.11 samples/s, acc: 98.30%, cro: 0.0562393, val_acc: 97.91%, val_cro: 0.0716845]
Epoch 15/50: 100%|████████████████| 48000/48000 [00:04<00:00, 10642.71 samples/s, acc: 98.49%, cro: 0.0515601, val_acc: 97.93%, val_cro: 0.0696817]
Epoch 16/50: 100%|████████████████| 48000/48000 [00:04<00:00, 10643.74 samples/s, acc: 98.62%, cro: 0.0468920, val_acc: 97.98%, val_cro: 0.0688842]
Epoch 17/50: 100%|████████████████| 48000/48000 [00:04<00:00, 10726.90 samples/s, acc: 98.70%, cro: 0.0434075, val_acc: 98.10%, val_cro: 0.0675637]
Epoch 18/50: 100%|████████████████| 48000/48000 [00:04<00:00, 10558.22 samples/s, acc: 98.71%, cro: 0.0424472, val_acc: 98.25%, val_cro: 0.0641221]
Epoch 19/50: 100%|████████████████| 48000/48000 [00:04<00:00, 10809.42 samples/s, acc: 98.86%, cro: 0.0382850, val_acc: 98.19%, val_cro: 0.0646157]
Epoch 20/50: 100%|████████████████| 48000/48000 [00:04<00:00, 10712.11 samples/s, acc: 98.95%, cro: 0.0348660, val_acc: 98.25%, val_cro: 0.0617139]
Epoch 21/50: 100%|████████████████| 48000/48000 [00:04<00:00, 11068.46 samples/s, acc: 99.05%, cro: 0.0323043, val_acc: 98.14%, val_cro: 0.0658118]
Epoch 22/50: 100%|████████████████| 48000/48000 [00:04<00:00, 11436.88 samples/s, acc: 99.06%, cro: 0.0306285, val_acc: 98.17%, val_cro: 0.0648578]
Epoch 23/50: 100%|████████████████| 48000/48000 [00:04<00:00, 11093.08 samples/s, acc: 99.17%, cro: 0.0282567, val_acc: 98.22%, val_cro: 0.0661603]
Epoch 24/50: 100%|████████████████| 48000/48000 [00:04<00:00, 11058.23 samples/s, acc: 99.14%, cro: 0.0275220, val_acc: 98.28%, val_cro: 0.0638472]
Epoch 25/50: 100%|████████████████| 48000/48000 [00:04<00:00, 11362.12 samples/s, acc: 99.27%, cro: 0.0242397, val_acc: 98.32%, val_cro: 0.0616558]
Epoch 26/50: 100%|████████████████| 48000/48000 [00:04<00:00, 10929.57 samples/s, acc: 99.33%, cro: 0.0228250, val_acc: 98.41%, val_cro: 0.0614293]
Epoch 27/50: 100%|████████████████| 48000/48000 [00:04<00:00, 10582.72 samples/s, acc: 99.33%, cro: 0.0218627, val_acc: 98.30%, val_cro: 0.0647660]
Epoch 28/50: 100%|████████████████| 48000/48000 [00:04<00:00, 11540.73 samples/s, acc: 99.40%, cro: 0.0202375, val_acc: 98.31%, val_cro: 0.0653990]
Epoch 29/50: 100%|████████████████| 48000/48000 [00:04<00:00, 11089.71 samples/s, acc: 99.47%, cro: 0.0187735, val_acc: 98.33%, val_cro: 0.0642570]
Epoch 30/50: 100%|████████████████| 48000/48000 [00:04<00:00, 11112.27 samples/s, acc: 99.51%, cro: 0.0166023, val_acc: 98.40%, val_cro: 0.0630408]
Epoch 31/50: 100%|████████████████| 48000/48000 [00:04<00:00, 11004.81 samples/s, acc: 99.56%, cro: 0.0154129, val_acc: 98.24%, val_cro: 0.0669048]
LRScheduler ReduceLROnPlateau: metric val_categorical_cross_entropy did not improve for 5 epochs, setting learning rate to 0.01000000
Epoch 32/50: 100%|████████████████| 48000/48000 [00:04<00:00, 11015.29 samples/s, acc: 99.70%, cro: 0.0122010, val_acc: 98.39%, val_cro: 0.0635789]
Epoch 33/50: 100%|████████████████| 48000/48000 [00:04<00:00, 11166.31 samples/s, acc: 99.74%, cro: 0.0111252, val_acc: 98.44%, val_cro: 0.0624000]
Epoch 34/50: 100%|████████████████| 48000/48000 [00:04<00:00, 11112.63 samples/s, acc: 99.74%, cro: 0.0108013, val_acc: 98.44%, val_cro: 0.0627380]
Epoch 35/50: 100%|████████████████| 48000/48000 [00:04<00:00, 10914.84 samples/s, acc: 99.76%, cro: 0.0105415, val_acc: 98.47%, val_cro: 0.0627000]
Epoch 36/50: 100%|████████████████| 48000/48000 [00:04<00:00, 11017.57 samples/s, acc: 99.76%, cro: 0.0103665, val_acc: 98.50%, val_cro: 0.0628462]
LRScheduler EarlyStopping: metric val_categorical_cross_entropy did not improve for 10 epochs, stop training!
LRScheduler ReduceLROnPlateau: metric val_categorical_cross_entropy did not improve for 5 epochs, setting learning rate to 0.00100000
**** Done...
Time: 173.59 s
Throughput: 17282.50 samples/s
**** Evaluating on test dataset...
Testing: 100%|███████████████████| 10000/10000 [00:00<00:00, 28720.12 samples/s, test_acc: 100.00%, test_cro: 0.0000443]

Example: inference of the VGG16 CNN for the CIFAR-10 dataset

In this example, we perform inference with the CNN VGG16 for the CIFAR-10 dataset using 4 OpenMP threads:

$ export OMP_NUM_THREADS=4
$ python3 -Ou \
    --model=vgg16_cifar10 \
    --dataset=cifar10 \
    --dataset_train_path=datasets/cifar-10/cifar-10-batches-bin \
    --dataset_test_path=datasets/cifar-10/cifar-10-batches-bin \
    --evaluate_only=True \
    --batch_size=64 \
    --validation_split=0.2 \
    --weights_and_bias_filename=vgg16-weights-nhwc.npz \
    --tracing=False \
    --profile=False \
    --enable_gpu=True \

**** vgg16_cifar10 model...
| Layer |           Type           | #Params | Output shape  |   Weights shape   |             Parameters              |
|   0   |         InputCPU         |    0    |  (32, 32, 3)  |                   |                                     |
|   1   |        Conv2DCPU         |  1792   | (32, 32, 64)  |   (3, 3, 3, 64)   |padd=(1,1), stride=(1,1), dilat=(1,1)|
|   2   |         ReluCPU          |    0    | (32, 32, 64)  |                   |                                     |
|   3   |        Conv2DCPU         |  36928  | (32, 32, 64)  |  (64, 3, 3, 64)   |padd=(1,1), stride=(1,1), dilat=(1,1)|
|   4   |         ReluCPU          |    0    | (32, 32, 64)  |                   |                                     |
|   5   |       MaxPool2DCPU       |    0    | (16, 16, 64)  |      (2, 2)       |padd=(0,0), stride=(2,2), dilat=(1,1)|
|   6   |        Conv2DCPU         |  73856  | (16, 16, 128) |  (64, 3, 3, 128)  |padd=(1,1), stride=(1,1), dilat=(1,1)|
|   7   |         ReluCPU          |    0    | (16, 16, 128) |                   |                                     |
|   8   |        Conv2DCPU         | 147584  | (16, 16, 128) | (128, 3, 3, 128)  |padd=(1,1), stride=(1,1), dilat=(1,1)|
|   9   |         ReluCPU          |    0    | (16, 16, 128) |                   |                                     |
|  10   |       MaxPool2DCPU       |    0    |  (8, 8, 128)  |      (2, 2)       |padd=(0,0), stride=(2,2), dilat=(1,1)|
|  11   |        Conv2DCPU         | 295168  |  (8, 8, 256)  | (128, 3, 3, 256)  |padd=(1,1), stride=(1,1), dilat=(1,1)|
|  12   |         ReluCPU          |    0    |  (8, 8, 256)  |                   |                                     |
|  13   |        Conv2DCPU         | 590080  |  (8, 8, 256)  | (256, 3, 3, 256)  |padd=(1,1), stride=(1,1), dilat=(1,1)|
|  14   |         ReluCPU          |    0    |  (8, 8, 256)  |                   |                                     |
|  15   |        Conv2DCPU         | 590080  |  (8, 8, 256)  | (256, 3, 3, 256)  |padd=(1,1), stride=(1,1), dilat=(1,1)|
|  16   |         ReluCPU          |    0    |  (8, 8, 256)  |                   |                                     |
|  17   |       MaxPool2DCPU       |    0    |  (4, 4, 256)  |      (2, 2)       |padd=(0,0), stride=(2,2), dilat=(1,1)|
|  18   |        Conv2DCPU         | 1180160 |  (4, 4, 512)  | (256, 3, 3, 512)  |padd=(1,1), stride=(1,1), dilat=(1,1)|
|  19   |         ReluCPU          |    0    |  (4, 4, 512)  |                   |                                     |
|  20   |        Conv2DCPU         | 2359808 |  (4, 4, 512)  | (512, 3, 3, 512)  |padd=(1,1), stride=(1,1), dilat=(1,1)|
|  21   |         ReluCPU          |    0    |  (4, 4, 512)  |                   |                                     |
|  22   |        Conv2DCPU         | 2359808 |  (4, 4, 512)  | (512, 3, 3, 512)  |padd=(1,1), stride=(1,1), dilat=(1,1)|
|  23   |         ReluCPU          |    0    |  (4, 4, 512)  |                   |                                     |
|  24   |       MaxPool2DCPU       |    0    |  (2, 2, 512)  |      (2, 2)       |padd=(0,0), stride=(2,2), dilat=(1,1)|
|  25   |        Conv2DCPU         | 2359808 |  (2, 2, 512)  | (512, 3, 3, 512)  |padd=(1,1), stride=(1,1), dilat=(1,1)|
|  26   |         ReluCPU          |    0    |  (2, 2, 512)  |                   |                                     |
|  27   |        Conv2DCPU         | 2359808 |  (2, 2, 512)  | (512, 3, 3, 512)  |padd=(1,1), stride=(1,1), dilat=(1,1)|
|  28   |         ReluCPU          |    0    |  (2, 2, 512)  |                   |                                     |
|  29   |        Conv2DCPU         | 2359808 |  (2, 2, 512)  | (512, 3, 3, 512)  |padd=(1,1), stride=(1,1), dilat=(1,1)|
|  30   |         ReluCPU          |    0    |  (2, 2, 512)  |                   |                                     |
|  31   |       MaxPool2DCPU       |    0    |  (1, 1, 512)  |      (2, 2)       |padd=(0,0), stride=(2,2), dilat=(1,1)|
|  32   |        FlattenCPU        |    0    |    (512,)     |                   |                                     |
|  33   |          FCCPU           | 262656  |    (512,)     |    (512, 512)     |                                     |
|  34   |         ReluCPU          |    0    |    (512,)     |                   |                                     |
|  35   |        DropoutCPU        |    0    |    (512,)     |                   |              rate=0.50              |
|  36   |          FCCPU           | 262656  |    (512,)     |    (512, 512)     |                                     |
|  37   |         ReluCPU          |    0    |    (512,)     |                   |                                     |
|  38   |        DropoutCPU        |    0    |    (512,)     |                   |              rate=0.50              |
|  39   |          FCCPU           |  5130   |     (10,)     |     (512, 10)     |                                     |
|  40   |        SoftmaxCPU        |    0    |     (10,)     |                   |                                     |
|             Total parameters      15245130   58.16 MBytes                                                            |
**** Loading cifar10 dataset...
**** Parameters:
  model_name                     : vgg16_cifar10
  batch_size                     : 64
  global_batch_size              : None
  dtype                          : <class 'numpy.float32'>
  num_epochs                     : 400
  steps_per_epoch                : 0
  evaluate_on_train              : True
  evaluate_only                  : True
  weights_and_bias_filename      : vgg16-weights-nhwc.npz
  history_file                   : None
  shared_storage                 : False
  enable_fused_bn_relu           : False
  enable_fused_conv_relu         : False
  enable_fused_conv_bn           : False
  enable_fused_conv_bn_relu      : False
  tensor_format                  : NHWC
  enable_best_of                 : False
  dataset_name                   : cifar10
  use_synthetic_data             : False
  dataset_train_path             : datasets/cifar-10/cifar-10-batches-bin
  dataset_test_path              : datasets/cifar-10/cifar-10-batches-bin
  test_as_validation             : True
  flip_images                    : True
  flip_images_prob               : 0.5
  crop_images                    : True
  crop_images_size               : 16
  crop_images_prob               : 0.5
  validation_split               : 0.2
  optimizer_name                 : sgd
  learning_rate                  : 0.01
  learning_rate_scaling          : True
  momentum                       : 0.9
  decay                          : 0.0001
  nesterov                       : False
  beta1                          : 0.99
  beta2                          : 0.999
  epsilon                        : 1e-07
  rho                            : 0.9
  loss_func                      : categorical_cross_entropy
  metrics                        : categorical_accuracy
  lr_schedulers_names            : warm_up,reduce_lr_on_plateau,model_checkpoint,early_stopping
  warm_up_epochs                 : 5
  early_stopping_metric          : val_categorical_cross_entropy
  early_stopping_patience        : 20
  reduce_lr_on_plateau_metric    : val_categorical_cross_entropy
  reduce_lr_on_plateau_factor    : 0.1
  reduce_lr_on_plateau_patience  : 15
  reduce_lr_on_plateau_min_lr    : 1e-05
  reduce_lr_every_nepochs_factor : 0.5
  reduce_lr_every_nepochs_nepochs: 50
  reduce_lr_every_nepochs_min_lr : 0.001
  stop_at_loss_metric            : val_categorical_accuracy
  stop_at_loss_threshold         : 70.0
  model_checkpoint_metric        : categorical_accuracy
  model_checkpoint_save_freq     : 2
  enable_conv_gemm               : False
  enable_memory_cache            : True
  enable_conv_winograd           : False
  mpi_processes                  : 1
  threads_per_process            : 4
  parallel                       : sequential
  non_blocking_mpi               : False
  gpus_per_node                  : 2
  enable_gpu                     : False
  enable_gpudirect               : False
  enable_nccl                    : False
  enable_cudnn_auto_conv_alg     : True
  tracing                        : True
  tracer_output                  : prueba.trc
  profile                        : False
**** Evaluating on test dataset...
Testing: 100%|██████████████████████| 10000/10000 [00:13<00:00, 715.46 samples/s, test_cce: 0.4376189, test_acc: 89.24%]

Citing PyDTNN

If you use PyDTNN, and you would like to acknowledge the project in your academic publication, we suggest citing the following paper:

  • PyDTNN: A user-friendly and extensible framework for distributed deep learning. Sergio Barrachina, Adrián Castelló, Mar Catalán, Manuel F. Dolz, Jose I. Mestre. Journal of Supercomputing 77(9), pp. 9971-9987 (2021) ISSN: 1573-0484. DOI: 10.1007/s11227-021-03673-z.

Other references:

  • A Flexible Research-Oriented Framework for Distributed Training of Deep Neural Networks. Sergio Barrachina, Adrián Castelló, Mar Catalán, Manuel F. Dolz and Jose I. Mestre. 2021 IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium Workshops (IPDPSW), pp. 730-739 (2021) DOI: 10.1109/IPDPSW52791.2021.00110.


The PyDTNN library has been partially supported by:

  • Project TIN2017-82972-R "Algorithmic Techniques for Energy-Aware and Error-Resilient High Performance Computing" funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (2018-2020).
  • Project RTI2018-098156-B-C51 "Innovative Technologies of Processors, Accelerators and Networks for Data Centers and High Performance Computing" funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities.
  • Project CDEIGENT/2017/04 "High Performance Computing for Neural Networks" funded by the Valencian Government.
  • Project UJI-A2019-11 "Energy-Aware High Performance Computing for Deep Neural Networks" funded by the Universitat Jaume I.