- Quick Start: Covers the basics on how to include the framework into your web application.
- Tutorials: Starting with a simple "hello world", the tutorials walk through the basics of instantiating the visualizations, fetching data and creating dashboards.
- Gallery + Indexed Gallery (new): Many many samples (and growing weekly), includes an interactive playgound + property editor for discovering the capabilities of each visualization.
- Chat: Join us in our chat room - all questions and suggestions welcomed!
The "@hpcc-js" repository contains several packages which fall into two main categories:
- Visualizations
- HPCC Platform browser/node.js connectors and utilities
All packages are available for use independently and are published to the NPM repository under the @hpcc-js scope name.
They support all modern browsers including:
- IE 11
- Chrome
- Firefox
- Edge
They support the following module formats:
- iife
- commonjs
- es6
- unpkg
And work well with JavaScript bundlers:
- WebPack
- Rollup.js
The simplest example pulls the pre-built packages directly from NPM via unpkg and loads them into the the global namespace ("IIFE" style), when used this way you have to manually include all dependencies and need to be careful about global namespace pollution...
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>Simple Bar Chart</title>
<script src="https://unpkg.com/@hpcc-js/common"></script>
<script src="https://unpkg.com/@hpcc-js/api"></script>
<script src="https://unpkg.com/@hpcc-js/chart"></script>
var hpccChart = window["@hpcc-js/chart"];
<div id="placeholder" style="width:800px; height:600px;"></div>
var chart = new hpccChart.Bar()
.columns(["Subject", "Year 1", "Year 2", "Year 3"])
["Geography", 75, 68, 65],
["English", 45, 55, -52],
["Math", 98, 92, 90],
["Science", 66, 60, 72]
To explore this example see Dermatology-Bar and enable the "Properties" option (top right).
To install via npm, simply use npm install
as you would normally. Each package is "scoped" with "@hpcc-js" and you will need to specify each required package specifically, for example:
npm install @hpcc-js/chart @hpcc-js/map
You can see the current status of each package here: https://www.npmjs.com/
@hpcc-js is written using TypeScript and generates ES2015 + UMD JavaScript modules which can be included into your normal development flow as is (this includes compatibility with both WebPack + Rollup.js).
To import @hpcc-js packages into an ES2015 application, simply import the required symbols from any @hpcc-js package:
import { Bar } from "@hpcc-js/chart";
const chart = new Bar()
.columns(["Subject", "Year 1", "Year 2", "Year 3"])
["Geography", 75, 68, 65],
["English", 45, 55, -52],
["Math", 98, 92, 90],
["Science", 66, 60, 72]
Using AMD
require(["@hpcc-js/chart"], function(hpccChart) {
var chart = new hpccChart.Bar()
.columns(["Subject", "Year 1", "Year 2", "Year 3"])
["Geography", 75, 68, 65],
["English", 45, 55, -52],
["Math", 98, 92, 90],
["Science", 66, 60, 72]
- NodeJS LTS (10.x at time of writing)
These are the recommended steps for creating a development environment.
git clone https://github.com/hpcc-systems/Visualization.git hpcc-js
cd hpcc-js
npm install
npm run build-dev
At which point the "demos" should now load.
Note: In this development mode, there is no need to create any webpack or rollupjs bundles, but you will need to ensure that any modifications to the TypeScript files are re-compiled into JavaScript. The simplest way to do this is to run the TypeScript compiler in "watch" mode for the package you are editing:
cd ./packages/chart
tsc -w
Building a local release with min files
npm run build
npm run minimize
npm run lint
npm run build-all
npm run test
Publishing a full release to NPM (require admin rights on https://github.com/hpcc-systems/Visualization)
npm run tag
npm run clean
npm run uninstall
rm -rf ./node_modules