Releases: hpcsi/grvy
Releases · hpcsi/grvy
v0.38.0 (12 July 2023)
v0.37.0 (20 January 2022)
- update boost.m4 macro to only check for desired libraries in path
specified with BOOST_ROOT - update GetPot to support compilation with intel compilers
- update hdf5 routines to be compatible with current GetPot version
v0.36.0 (07 January 2022)
- extend C++ parsing API to include a
function to read from a
. Function is intended for use by distributed MPI
applications where only one task reads the file, and then broadcasts contents to
the remaining children so that all tasks can access input vars.
v0.35.0 (29 November 2021)
- update smart pointer usage: prefer unique_ptr over auto_ptr
- updated boost macro version
- add build option to separate out MPI out-of-core functionality (#4)
- migrate CI from Travis -> GitHub actions (#5)
- update Doxygen configuration and publish with GitHub pages
- update input parsing to use newer version of GetPot to resolve compiler warnings