Java library for handling Discord interactions.
DiscordCommands requires Java 11, for the following reasons:
- salty-coffee (library used for verifying Discord's interaction signatures) requires Java 11
- We use the Java 9 HTTP Client for sending requests to Discord.
Artifacts are available from my Maven repository:
CommandManager commandManager = new CommandManager();
commandManager.registerCommandHandler("testcommand", interaction -> {
// Respond with "hello!", and add a button to the message
return InteractionCallback.of(InteractionCallbackType.CHANNEL_MESSAGE_WITH_SOURCE,
.setLabel("A button!")
commandManager.registerComponentHandler("example-button", (interaction) -> {
// Edit the original message
return InteractionCallback.of(InteractionCallbackType.UPDATE_MESSAGE,
.setContent("You pressed the button!")
// Start the HTTP server for Discord to contact us at
// You must set your interaction URL in your application dashboard.
// The HTTP server must be accessible by Discord. (You can use something such as ngrok for testing)
new CommandHttpServer(commandManager,
new InetSocketAddress("", 1337), // Listen on, with port 1337
InteractionVerifier.of("Your public key"), null); // Your public key from your Discord application dashboard
The results:
Note that this library does not handle registering commands with Discord, only handling them.
You must register your commands manually, such as with this tool.
If you ever find that your interactions are failing, you can enable debug logging by setting the system property discordcommands.debug
to true.
For example: java -Ddiscordcommands.debug=true -jar YourApplication.jar