Maked by Godot
for showing squere image like any normal web manga reader
- setting
- Regular View
- file system
- color panels
- navigate
- setting file
- Background Color panel
- change background color
make file on user://
directory of godot by name config.cfg
for saving:
- background colors
- recent folder
- some signal system for data changed
config file for images in folder location for sorting image
store setting for opening image
control + R
for toggle view.
- beautiful background
- costing fps
- choising image path
- set host of images file
- check before path exist
- bookmark path
for set color for background
- store and edit colors
- undo
move easer between image's
- goto image by number
- goto image by scroll
full reset view
control + shift + R
center of view
control + R
go to the first
go to the end
movement with keyboard
- normal move
orarrow keys
- long move with
page down
andpage up
movement with mouse movement with
left click
zoom withscroll
use number for move on every 10 persend like key one is 10%
- show summery view of image's
- ?
navigate to another image by number
- SharePoint: Observer System for control data
- config wraper: for use config file to save setting
use Obserever pattern to reacte when exact data changed
similar to signal but for variable and when changed call function that set with variable
backlog: like model binding is can extend to a script and save setting
- ?save file should be a exact name?
- ?need a core?
- it work.
- set fullwidth screen on current image
- system for navigate to any image by number
- making short path to 100 char
- add vertical mode
- scroll bar
- undo delete color for back color to ex position on the color list
- improve movement
- config file on image folder ( for sorting images and set custom setting )
- load on thread or courotine
- refresh anything that need when opening new folder
- clean code for scrolling
- clean code on imagePlace and imageHolder
- clean and add ability of navigate to core of program