A command-line tool for validating filesystem trees against a Greenfox schema.
Introduction: An introduction to Greenfox
Schema examples:
IMPORTANT: Greenfox requires BaseX version 9.4.3 or newer - please download from BaseX
Notes for participants of the Greenfox Tutorial at Declarative Amsterdam 2020:
The tutorial material will be completed in the following days. Frequent updates to be expected. Another note follows when completion is done.
Where to find what:
- Tutorial material here: $greenfox/declarative-amsterdam-2020
- Installation hints here: $greenfox/declarative-amsterdam-2020/install/README.INSTALL.txt
A Greenfox schema is a set of conditions constraining a file system tree. The file system tree can be validated against the schema, using gfox, the greenfox processor. The result of validation is a validation report. A validation report indicates conformance - whether the file system tree conforms to the schema - and it supplies validation results or result statistics.
Use options -[123rw]
in order to select a report type:
= report type "Statistics short" (no resources listed)-2
= report type "Statistics standard" (red resources listed)-3
= report type "Statistics long" (red and green resources listed)-r
= report type "Red" (all validation results for red resources, grouped by resource)-w
= report type "White" (all validation results, grouped by resource)
Use options -[CR]
in order to filter validation results:
-C constraintFilter
= report only results matching the specified constraint name filters-R resourceFilter
= report only results matching the specified resource name filters
gfox path-to-schema [path-to-domain] [-123rw] [-C constraintFilter] [-R resourceFilter]
- relative or absolute path of the Greenfox schema filepath-to-domain
- relative or absolute path of the root folder of the file system tree to be validated
Example calls:
gfox ../schema/air01.gfox.xml
gfox ../schema/air01.gfox.xml -1
gfox ../schema/air01.gfox.xml -3
gfox ../schema/air01.gfox.xml -r
gfox ../schema/air01.gfox.xml -r -C "*count closed ~target*"
gfox ../schema/air01.gfox.xml -r -R "*.json *.csv ~*log*"
gfox ../schema/air01.gfox.xml /path/to/domain
gfox ../schema/air01.gfox.xml /path/to/domain -r
For further introductory material see in the xmlprague2020 folder:
- greenfox-xmlprague-2020.pdf
- greenfox-xmlprague-2020.pptx