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Merge pull request #17534 from hrydgard/drawpixels-performance
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Add a cache for MakePixelsTexture
  • Loading branch information
hrydgard authored May 30, 2023
2 parents 12acafc + 25662a7 commit 487d785
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Showing 10 changed files with 319 additions and 140 deletions.
216 changes: 141 additions & 75 deletions Common/GPU/D3D11/thin3d_d3d11.cpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -92,6 +92,7 @@ class D3D11DrawContext : public DrawContext {
Framebuffer *CreateFramebuffer(const FramebufferDesc &desc) override;

void UpdateBuffer(Buffer *buffer, const uint8_t *data, size_t offset, size_t size, UpdateBufferFlags flags) override;
void UpdateTextureLevels(Texture *texture, const uint8_t **data, TextureCallback initDataCallback, int numLevels) override;

void CopyFramebufferImage(Framebuffer *src, int level, int x, int y, int z, Framebuffer *dst, int dstLevel, int dstX, int dstY, int dstZ, int width, int height, int depth, int channelBits, const char *tag) override;
bool BlitFramebuffer(Framebuffer *src, int srcX1, int srcY1, int srcX2, int srcY2, Framebuffer *dst, int dstX1, int dstY1, int dstX2, int dstY2, int channelBits, FBBlitFilter filter, const char *tag) override;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -795,35 +796,83 @@ class D3D11Texture : public Texture {
width_ = desc.width;
height_ = desc.height;
depth_ = desc.depth;
format_ = desc.format;
mipLevels_ = desc.mipLevels;
~D3D11Texture() {
if (tex)
if (stagingTex)
if (view)
if (tex_)
if (stagingTex_)
if (view_)

ID3D11Texture2D *tex = nullptr;
ID3D11Texture2D *stagingTex = nullptr;
ID3D11ShaderResourceView *view = nullptr;
bool Create(ID3D11DeviceContext *context, ID3D11Device *device, const TextureDesc &desc, bool generateMips);

bool CreateStagingTexture(ID3D11Device *device);
void UpdateTextureLevels(ID3D11DeviceContext *context, ID3D11Device *device, Texture *texture, const uint8_t *const *data, TextureCallback initDataCallback, int numLevels);

ID3D11ShaderResourceView *View() { return view_; }

bool FillLevel(ID3D11DeviceContext *context, int level, int w, int h, int d, const uint8_t *const *data, TextureCallback initDataCallback);

ID3D11Texture2D *tex_ = nullptr;
ID3D11Texture2D *stagingTex_ = nullptr;
ID3D11ShaderResourceView *view_ = nullptr;
int mipLevels_ = 0;

Texture *D3D11DrawContext::CreateTexture(const TextureDesc &desc) {
if (!(GetDataFormatSupport(desc.format) & FMT_TEXTURE)) {
// D3D11 does not support this format as a texture format.
return nullptr;
bool D3D11Texture::FillLevel(ID3D11DeviceContext *context, int level, int w, int h, int d, const uint8_t *const *data, TextureCallback initDataCallback) {
HRESULT hr = context->Map(stagingTex_, level, D3D11_MAP_WRITE, 0, &mapped);
if (!SUCCEEDED(hr)) {
tex_ = nullptr;
return false;

D3D11Texture *tex = new D3D11Texture(desc);
if (!initDataCallback((uint8_t *)mapped.pData, data[level], w, h, d, mapped.RowPitch, mapped.DepthPitch)) {
for (int s = 0; s < d; ++s) {
for (int y = 0; y < h; ++y) {
void *dest = (uint8_t *)mapped.pData + mapped.DepthPitch * s + mapped.RowPitch * y;
uint32_t byteStride = w * (uint32_t)DataFormatSizeInBytes(format_);
const void *src = data[level] + byteStride * (y + h * d);
memcpy(dest, src, byteStride);
context->Unmap(stagingTex_, level);
return true;

bool generateMips = desc.generateMips;
if (desc.generateMips && !(GetDataFormatSupport(desc.format) & FMT_AUTOGEN_MIPS)) {
// D3D11 does not support autogenerating mipmaps for this format.
generateMips = false;
bool D3D11Texture::CreateStagingTexture(ID3D11Device *device) {
if (stagingTex_)
return true;
D3D11_TEXTURE2D_DESC descColor{};
descColor.Width = width_;
descColor.Height = height_;
descColor.MipLevels = mipLevels_;
descColor.ArraySize = 1;
descColor.Format = dataFormatToD3D11(format_);
descColor.SampleDesc.Count = 1;
descColor.SampleDesc.Quality = 0;
descColor.Usage = D3D11_USAGE_STAGING;
descColor.BindFlags = 0;
descColor.MiscFlags = 0;
descColor.CPUAccessFlags = D3D11_CPU_ACCESS_WRITE;

HRESULT hr = device->CreateTexture2D(&descColor, nullptr, &stagingTex_);
if (!SUCCEEDED(hr)) {
stagingTex_ = nullptr;
return false;
return true;

bool D3D11Texture::Create(ID3D11DeviceContext *context, ID3D11Device *device, const TextureDesc &desc, bool generateMips) {
D3D11_TEXTURE2D_DESC descColor{};
descColor.Width = desc.width;
descColor.Height = desc.height;
Expand All @@ -832,25 +881,16 @@ Texture *D3D11DrawContext::CreateTexture(const TextureDesc &desc) {
descColor.Format = dataFormatToD3D11(desc.format);
descColor.SampleDesc.Count = 1;
descColor.SampleDesc.Quality = 0;

if (desc.initDataCallback) {
descColor.Usage = D3D11_USAGE_STAGING;
descColor.BindFlags = 0;
descColor.MiscFlags = 0;
descColor.CPUAccessFlags = D3D11_CPU_ACCESS_WRITE;

HRESULT hr = device_->CreateTexture2D(&descColor, nullptr, &tex->stagingTex);
if (!SUCCEEDED(hr)) {
delete tex;
return nullptr;

descColor.Usage = D3D11_USAGE_DEFAULT;
descColor.MiscFlags = generateMips ? D3D11_RESOURCE_MISC_GENERATE_MIPS : 0;
descColor.CPUAccessFlags = 0;

// Make sure we have a staging texture if we'll need it.
if (desc.initDataCallback && !CreateStagingTexture(device)) {
return false;

D3D11_SUBRESOURCE_DATA *initDataParam = nullptr;
D3D11_SUBRESOURCE_DATA initData[12]{};
std::vector<uint8_t> initDataBuffer[12];
Expand All @@ -870,62 +910,39 @@ Texture *D3D11DrawContext::CreateTexture(const TextureDesc &desc) {
initDataParam = initData;

HRESULT hr = device_->CreateTexture2D(&descColor, initDataParam, &tex->tex);
HRESULT hr = device->CreateTexture2D(&descColor, initDataParam, &tex_);
if (!SUCCEEDED(hr)) {
delete tex;
return nullptr;
tex_ = nullptr;
return false;
hr = device_->CreateShaderResourceView(tex->tex, nullptr, &tex->view);
hr = device->CreateShaderResourceView(tex_, nullptr, &view_);
if (!SUCCEEDED(hr)) {
delete tex;
return nullptr;
return false;

auto populateLevelCallback = [&](int level, int w, int h, int d) {
hr = context_->Map(tex->stagingTex, level, D3D11_MAP_WRITE, 0, &mapped);
if (!SUCCEEDED(hr)) {
return false;

if (!desc.initDataCallback((uint8_t *)mapped.pData, desc.initData[level], w, h, d, mapped.RowPitch, mapped.DepthPitch)) {
for (int s = 0; s < d; ++s) {
for (int y = 0; y < h; ++y) {
void *dest = (uint8_t *)mapped.pData + mapped.DepthPitch * s + mapped.RowPitch * y;
uint32_t byteStride = w * (uint32_t)DataFormatSizeInBytes(desc.format);
const void *src = desc.initData[level] + byteStride * (y + h * d);
memcpy(dest, src, byteStride);
context_->Unmap(tex->stagingTex, level);
return true;

if (generateMips && desc.initData.size() >= 1) {
if (desc.initDataCallback) {
if (!populateLevelCallback(0, desc.width, desc.height, desc.depth)) {
delete tex;
return nullptr;
if (!FillLevel(context, 0, desc.width, desc.height, desc.depth,, desc.initDataCallback)) {
return false;

context_->CopyResource(tex->stagingTex, tex->stagingTex);
tex->stagingTex = nullptr;
context->CopyResource(tex_, stagingTex_);
stagingTex_ = nullptr;
} else {
uint32_t byteStride = desc.width * (uint32_t)DataFormatSizeInBytes(desc.format);
context_->UpdateSubresource(tex->tex, 0, nullptr, desc.initData[0], byteStride, 0);
context->UpdateSubresource(tex_, 0, nullptr, desc.initData[0], byteStride, 0);
} else if (desc.initDataCallback) {
int w = desc.width;
int h = desc.height;
int d = desc.depth;
for (int i = 0; i < (int)desc.initData.size(); i++) {
if (!populateLevelCallback(i, desc.width, desc.height, desc.depth)) {
if (!FillLevel(context, i, w, h, d,, desc.initDataCallback)) {
if (i == 0) {
delete tex;
return nullptr;
return false;
} else {
Expand All @@ -936,13 +953,62 @@ Texture *D3D11DrawContext::CreateTexture(const TextureDesc &desc) {
d = (d + 1) / 2;

context_->CopyResource(tex->tex, tex->stagingTex);
tex->stagingTex = nullptr;
context->CopyResource(tex_, stagingTex_);
stagingTex_ = nullptr;
return true;

void D3D11Texture::UpdateTextureLevels(ID3D11DeviceContext *context, ID3D11Device *device, Texture *texture, const uint8_t * const*data, TextureCallback initDataCallback, int numLevels) {
if (!CreateStagingTexture(device)) {

int w = width_;
int h = height_;
int d = depth_;
for (int i = 0; i < (int)numLevels; i++) {
if (!FillLevel(context, i, w, h, d, data, initDataCallback)) {

w = (w + 1) / 2;
h = (h + 1) / 2;
d = (d + 1) / 2;

context->CopyResource(tex_, stagingTex_);
stagingTex_ = nullptr;

Texture *D3D11DrawContext::CreateTexture(const TextureDesc &desc) {
if (!(GetDataFormatSupport(desc.format) & FMT_TEXTURE)) {
// D3D11 does not support this format as a texture format.
return nullptr;

D3D11Texture *tex = new D3D11Texture(desc);
bool generateMips = desc.generateMips;
if (desc.generateMips && !(GetDataFormatSupport(desc.format) & FMT_AUTOGEN_MIPS)) {
// D3D11 does not support autogenerating mipmaps for this format.
generateMips = false;
if (!tex->Create(context_, device_, desc, generateMips)) {
return nullptr;

return tex;

void D3D11DrawContext::UpdateTextureLevels(Texture *texture, const uint8_t **data, TextureCallback initDataCallback, int numLevels) {
D3D11Texture *tex = (D3D11Texture *)texture;
tex->UpdateTextureLevels(context_, device_, texture, data, initDataCallback, numLevels);

ShaderModule *D3D11DrawContext::CreateShaderModule(ShaderStage stage, ShaderLanguage language, const uint8_t *data, size_t dataSize, const char *tag) {
if (language != ShaderLanguage::HLSL_D3D11) {
ERROR_LOG(G3D, "Unsupported shader language");
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1411,7 +1477,7 @@ void D3D11DrawContext::BindTextures(int start, int count, Texture **textures, Te
_assert_(start + count <= ARRAY_SIZE(views));
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
D3D11Texture *tex = (D3D11Texture *)textures[i];
views[i] = tex ? tex->view : nullptr;
views[i] = tex ? tex->View() : nullptr;
context_->PSSetShaderResources(start, count, views);
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1771,7 +1837,7 @@ uint64_t D3D11DrawContext::GetNativeObject(NativeObject obj, void *srcObject) {
case NativeObject::FEATURE_LEVEL:
return (uint64_t)(uintptr_t)featureLevel_;
case NativeObject::TEXTURE_VIEW:
return (uint64_t)(((D3D11Texture *)srcObject)->view);
return (uint64_t)(((D3D11Texture *)srcObject)->View());
return 0;
Expand Down
37 changes: 24 additions & 13 deletions Common/GPU/D3D9/thin3d_d3d9.cpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -308,14 +308,14 @@ class D3D9Texture : public Texture {
return nullptr;
void UpdateTextureLevels(const uint8_t * const *data, int numLevels, TextureCallback initDataCallback);

void SetImageData(int x, int y, int z, int width, int height, int depth, int level, int stride, const uint8_t *data, TextureCallback callback);
void SetImageData(int x, int y, int z, int width, int height, int depth, int level, int stride, const uint8_t *data, TextureCallback initDataCallback);
bool Create(const TextureDesc &desc);
TextureType type_;
DataFormat format_;
D3DFORMAT d3dfmt_;
LPDIRECT3DTEXTURE9 tex_ = nullptr;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -374,27 +374,31 @@ bool D3D9Texture::Create(const TextureDesc &desc) {
if (FAILED(hr)) {
ERROR_LOG(G3D, "Texture creation failed");
ERROR_LOG(G3D, "D3D9 Texture creation failed");
return false;

if (desc.initData.size()) {
// In D3D9, after setting D3DUSAGE_AUTOGENMIPS, we can only access the top layer. The rest will be
// automatically generated.
int maxLevel = desc.generateMips ? 1 : (int)desc.initData.size();
int w = desc.width;
int h = desc.height;
int d = desc.depth;
for (int i = 0; i < maxLevel; i++) {
SetImageData(0, 0, 0, w, h, d, i, 0, desc.initData[i], desc.initDataCallback);
w = (w + 1) / 2;
h = (h + 1) / 2;
d = (d + 1) / 2;
int numLevels = desc.generateMips ? 1 : (int)desc.initData.size();
UpdateTextureLevels(, numLevels, desc.initDataCallback);
return true;

void D3D9Texture::UpdateTextureLevels(const uint8_t * const *data, int numLevels, TextureCallback initDataCallback) {
int w = width_;
int h = height_;
int d = depth_;
for (int i = 0; i < numLevels; i++) {
SetImageData(0, 0, 0, w, h, d, i, 0, data[i], initDataCallback);
w = (w + 1) / 2;
h = (h + 1) / 2;
d = (d + 1) / 2;

// Just switches R and G.
inline uint32_t Shuffle8888(uint32_t x) {
return (x & 0xFF00FF00) | ((x >> 16) & 0xFF) | ((x << 16) & 0xFF0000);
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -532,6 +536,7 @@ class D3D9Context : public DrawContext {
Framebuffer *CreateFramebuffer(const FramebufferDesc &desc) override;

void UpdateBuffer(Buffer *buffer, const uint8_t *data, size_t offset, size_t size, UpdateBufferFlags flags) override;
void UpdateTextureLevels(Texture *texture, const uint8_t **data, TextureCallback initDataCallback, int numLevels) override;

void CopyFramebufferImage(Framebuffer *src, int level, int x, int y, int z, Framebuffer *dst, int dstLevel, int dstX, int dstY, int dstZ, int width, int height, int depth, int channelBits, const char *tag) override {
// Not implemented
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -934,6 +939,12 @@ Texture *D3D9Context::CreateTexture(const TextureDesc &desc) {
return tex;

void D3D9Context::UpdateTextureLevels(Texture *texture, const uint8_t **data, TextureCallback initDataCallback, int numLevels) {
D3D9Texture *tex = (D3D9Texture *)texture;
tex->UpdateTextureLevels(data, numLevels, initDataCallback);

void D3D9Context::BindTextures(int start, int count, Texture **textures, TextureBindFlags flags) {
_assert_(start + count <= MAX_BOUND_TEXTURES);
for (int i = start; i < start + count; i++) {
Expand Down

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