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GitHubActions version GitHub: CI status Coveralls: coverage License: MIT

GitHubAction is a little tool to write GitHub actions in Elixir. This lib is an early beta and is currently experimental.

You can find the usage documentation on hexdocs.


GitHubActions can be installed as an archive.

$> mix archive.install hex git_hub_actions

Or, as a dependency.

def deps do
    {:git_hub_actions, "~> 0.2", only: :dev}

Create a workflow yml

GitHubActions comes with some default settings to create a workflow yml. You can run mix gha in a project root directory to create .github/workflows/ci.yml.

$> mix gha
* creating .github/workflows/ci.yml

The default conifg and the information to customise the workflow yml generation can be found in the documentation.