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Narrative browser game made by students at Gobelins (Paris) for the class project of narrative storytelling.

  • Platform: PC
  • Mode: Single player
  • Genre: Narrative, point-and-click, terminal simulation

Text available in English and French. However, text in the terminal is currently hardcoded in either French or English. To switch to English, click on the red circle on the right of the screen to open the settings window, select English and Apply. From there, further text will be written in English, but previous text will remain in French.

More information is available at

Stay tuned for updates on the game!

Running the game

Playing on GitHub Pages (recommended for non-developers)

You can directly play the game on GitHub Pages at

We push the last stable version of the game to GitHub Pages, so you may not have access to the latest features. Note that the game will need more time to load than when playing locally.

Playing locally

To play the game locally you need to download or clone this repository, and to run a local server on your computer. If you download the repository, make sure you chose the version you want by switching branches on GitHub. If you clone the repository, you may checkout another branch later.

The two main folders in the project are src and dist. The src folder always contain the last version of the game, but has not been compiled, i.e. Coffeescript has not been compiled to Javascript and SASS has not been compiled to CSS. Therefore, it is easier to play from the dist folder (which is actually the part of the code that is pushed to GitHub Pages), but the dist folder may miss a few of the last features added, depending on the lsat time we distributed a copy of the project to dist.

Compile from source

If you work from src, you need to compile those files first. First, install the following tools:

Then, from the root of the project run in the terminal:

  • npm install
  • bower install

Since npm and bower packages are used for front-end development only, they are not required to play from dist but still useful to run a local server. We will likely use only one package manager in the future.

To compile the game's source code, you can use the copy of Coffeescript installed with npm install earlier (in node_modules/coffee-script/bin or node_modules/.bin), or use your own Coffeescript command (coffee or coffee.cmd on Windows).

From the root, run coffee -o src/js/ -c src/coffee/

To compile the SASS stylesheets, install SASS (

From the src/stylesheets directory, run sass main.sass:css/main.css

If you want to distribute the game from src to dist from here, run the gulpfile with node node_modules/gulp/bin/gulp.js --gulpfile gulpfile.js build or gulp build if you have installed gulp-cli globally.

Use distributed version

To use the distributed version just go to the dist folder, which has the same kind of content as the GitHub Pages and may be missing a few features but is stable, except if you have compiled and distributed the project from src to dist earlier.

Run the local server

Finally run the local server from either src or dist depending on your method. Possible methods are explained at, and are written again below.

In the dist folder:

# Python 2.x python -m SimpleHTTPServer

# Python 3.x python -m http.server

Or install Node then install HTTP server:

npm install http-server -g http-server .

Playing instructions

Play with the mouse for most actions and use the keyboard to type in the terminal. We are currently improving the interface to make it more intuitive for players not familiar with computer development, so we will put more direct instructions and cues inside the game from now on.

For now, just remember that the item on the left of the desk is a smartphone, the center screen is the terminal and the red circle on the right gives access to game settings (currently only localization).


  • Médéric Hénin
  • Long Nguyen Huu
  • Timothée Marnat


Close icon made by Pavel Kozlov from is licensed by CC 3.0 BY