This is under heavy development.
is a natural language processing toolkit in Julia based on a deep learning framework: Merlin.
First, install Merlin. Then,
julia> Pkg.clone("")
julia> Pkg.clone("")
using JukaiNLP
using JukaiNLP.Tokenization
using JLD
# setup tokenizer
dirpath = Pkg.dir("JukaiNLP")
t = Tokenizer()
# training
trainpath = "$(dirpath)/corpus/mini-training-set.conll"
data = readconll(trainpath, [2,11])
train(t, 100, data)
#modelpath = "C:/Users/shindo/Desktop/tokenizer_20.jld", "tokenizer", t)
# testing
#t = JLD.load(modelpath, "tokenizer")
str = "Pierre Vinken, 61 years old, will join the board.\nI have a pen.\n"
result = t(str)
join(map(r -> str[r], result), " ")
This is alpha version.
using JukaiNLP: Perceptron FeedForward, DepParser, Unlabeled, Labeled
using JukaiNLP: readconll, train!, decode, evaluate
# parser for unlabeled dependency tree
parser = DepParser(Unlabeled, "dict/en-word_nyt.dict")
# parser for labeled dependency tree
parser = DepParser(Labeled, "dict/en-word_nyt.dict")
sents = readconll(parser, "corpus/mini-training-set.conll")
# supports structured perceptron and feedforward
# neural network (Chen and Manning, 2014) models
initmodel!(parser, FeedForward)
initmodel!(parser, Perceptron)
n = div(length(sents), 10) * 8
trainsents, testsents = sents[1:n], sents[n+1:end]
train!(parser, trainsents)
actually train! has many keyword arguments
train!(parser, trainsents, nonlinear=tanh, hiddensizes=[200])
res = parser(testsents)
evaluate(parser, res)