seccamp2018 c compiler
In case you are also making a toy C compiler, feel free to use my test cases to test yours. I also have negative test cases, a list of inputs to which a C compiler should report an error. contains non-ISO extensions commonly implemented in many C compilers. hsjoihs-c-compiler reports an error with respect to those cases only when -pedantic
is passed.
Tested on macOS (Catalina), Ubuntu (20.04.1 LTS) and Debian (10.5).
After cloning, run:
$ make
to compile.
The compiler can be run as
$ cat input.c | ./out/compiler.out -DOSX -DOVERRIDE_STD > s/output.s
or as
$ ./out/compiler.out -DOSX -DOVERRIDE_STD input.c > s/output.s
for macOS; replace -DOSX
with -DLINUX
for Ubuntu. Note that, in Ubuntu, the generated assembly requires
to be passed to gcc in order for the linking to succeed.
To self-compile, run
$ make 2ndgen
; this will overwrite ./out/compiler.out
$ make test_2ndgen_compiler
to test the self-compiled compiler. To test some more, run
$ make test_all_
Based on
$ make game_of_life
Based on
$ make pi
$ make digits_of_e
$ make donut
The following is the source code, which is greatly modified from the original to avoid floating-point calculations
int putchar();void*
memset();int m(int a,int b)
{return (a*b+5000)/10000;}void a(
int*c,int*s,int d,int t){int k=m(*c,d
)-m(*s,t);int l=m(*s,d)+m(*c,t);*c=k;*s=l
;}int usleep();int printf();int main(){int z[
1760];char b[1760];printf("\e[2J");int s=10000;
int q=s;int r=0;int u=s;int v=0;for(;;a(&q,&r,s-8
0,7040);int l=0;int p =s;for(int i=0;i<88;i
++,a(&p,&l,9974+i% 2,714)){int w=0;int
e=s;for(int j=0;j< 314;j++,a(&e,&w,s-
2,200)){int f=p+2 *s;int g=s*s/(m(m
(w,f),r)+m(l,q)+5* s);int t=m(m(w,q),
f)-m(l,r);int x=40 +30*m(g,m(m(e,u),f
)-m(t,v))/s;int y =12+15*m(g,m(m(e,
v),f)+m(t,u))/s;int o=x+80*y;int N=8*
(m(m(l,r)-m(m(w,q) ,p),u)-m(m(w,r),p)-
m(l,q)-m(m(e,v),p))/s ;if(y>0&&g>z[o]&&y<22
;}}}printf("\e[H");for(int k=0;k<1761;k++)putchar
(k%80?b[k]:10);printf("Author: @a1k0n. Rewritt"
"en by @hsjoihs so that it works without flo"
printf("ating types.\nNote that roun"
"ding errors gradually reduce th"
"e donut's size.\n");usleep
(50000);}return 0;}