- 能寫中文就寫中文, 除了專有名詞跟大家都有共識的詞彙,否則一律使用中文
- 包含commit, 註解...etc
- Code 盡量寫的簡潔,否則一定要寫註解,不寫沒有人看得懂你在衝三小
- 每次在 Colab 上改完一個段落,就更新上傳到 GitHub
- 訓練好的Model請放到Models的資料夾下面,傳上來的model請務必要用commit來記錄訓練資訊
- Model命名規則: Base on 哪篇paper的架構_000n ex.Visualattention_0001
- 訓練資訊包含: 使用多少資料, epochs
import pickle
with open('output_500.pkl', 'rb') as fp:
data = pickle.load(fp)
'filename': '000000415840.jpg',
'feature': NUMPY_ARRAY,
'captions': [
'A silver and red train traveling down a busy city street.',
'A grey train passes on a city street.',
'Electric rail cars move along a track between automobile traffic lanes. ',
'A silver and orange bus is on a city street.',
'The trolley for the San Francisco Zoo is on its tracks.'