The project has 2 parts: frontend and backend
Development is done by:
cd ./frontend
npm install
npm start
Development is done by: (Tutorial from moodle minikube,...)
cd ./backend
podman machine start
minikube start --driver=podman
And: (use from 'get pods' name instead "pos<tab>-<tab>")
cd ./k8s
kubectl get pods
kubectl port-forward pos<tab>-<tab> 5433:5432
ssh drivus
im k8s ordner
kubectl apply -f postgresql.yaml
kubectl delete -f postgresql.yaml
kubectl port-forward pods/postgres-78cdcdcc55-486sw 5432:5432 -n default
kubectl port-forward postgres-78cdcdcc55-zxbdm 5432:5432
###password/user/ (Quarkus) Fehler kann sicht nicht verbinden / connection refused: podman / minikube löschen und nochmal installieren muss dann auch kubectl installieren
cd. backend
minikube delete
podman machine stop
podman machine rm podman-machine-default
podman machine init --cpus 2
podman machine set --rootful
podman machine start
minikube start
minikube --driver=podman start
minikube addons enable dashboard
minikube addons enable metrics-server
minikube stop
podman machine stop