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This is a template-project for

  • generating AsciiDoc-Files to html-files and
  • deploying the html-files to gh-pages,
  • where the gh-pages are located in an branch of the repo called gh-pages.

AsciiDoctor - the software for converting the .adoc-files to .html-files - is executed in a Docker container. So you have nothing to install on your local machine, except Docker

Option 1: Run script outside Docker - in your host OS

Two scripts are available:

  • -> builds the .html-pages in the folder gh-pages
  • -> builds and deploys the gh-pages

additionally is a script for creating a pdf document.

Option 2: [preferred] Run script inside Docker-container

  • First create a .env-file with
GIT_GLOBAL_MAIL=<your email>
GIT_GLOBAL_USER_NAME=<your git - username>
  • Then run the script
  • The url of the created gh-page will be displayed.

How to use Asciidoctor

Download the latest release in your project and run the shell-scripts.

Demo Documents

You can find demo documents in the asciidocs.demo-folder:

  • System Specification (Pflichtenheft)
  • Minutes of Meeting
  • some additional demos