A tool to compare the result set difference of the same query in TiDB/MySQL
Command Line Mode
tidiff 'create database demo charset utf8mb4 collate utf8mb4_general_ci' tidiff 'create table demo.tt10000 (a bigint(20) not null auto_increment primary key, b varchar(20) not null, c bigint(20))' # OR # tidiff --mysql.db demo --tidb.db demo 'create table tt10000 (a bigint(20) not null auto_increment primary key, b varchar(20) not null, c bigint(20))' tidiff '! {{$count:=count 10000}} insert into demo.tt10000 values {{range $index := $count}} (NULL, "{{varchar 20}}", "{{int 100000 100000000}}"){{if head $index $count}},{{end}}{{end}}' tidiff 'select count(*) as count, sum(c) from demo.tt10000' tidiff 'select * from demo.tt10000 order by rand() limit 5'
The results of above commands
You can use the command line mode as downstream pipeline, e.g:
randgen | xargs tididff
. The SQL statement should be quote with'
instead of"
. -
UI Mode Shortcuts
switch focus in different panelESC
focus on SQL input panelUP
focus on the previous history itemDOWN
focus on the next history itemENTER
select current selected history item
Record the histories
Highlight the diff in result sets
directive, which enable the template support for a query, e.g:! {{$count:=count 10}} insert into t values {{range $index := $count}}({{int 10 100}}){{if head $index $count}},{{end}}{{end}}
!! select period_add({{ int 10000 200000}}, {{int 100 10000}})
will show the generated sql, e.g:period_add(108081, 7987)
Template functions
count n
returns a slice containsn
elementsfirst index slice
returns true ifindex
is the first element of theslice
last index slice
returns true ifindex
is the last element of theslice
head index slice
returns true ifindex
is the head element of theslice
tail index slice
returns true ifindex
is the tail element of theslice
int min max
returns a rand integer which in the range[min, max)
char length
returns a rand string which length islength
varchar length
returns a rand string which length in[length/2, length)
create table ttt(a bigint(20) not null auto_increment primary key, b bigint(20), c varchar(10))
! {{$count:=count 20}} insert into ttt values {{range $index := $count}} (NULL, '{{int 10 100}}', '{{varchar 10}}'){{if head $index $count}},{{end}}{{end}}
You can provide default values from config file ~/.config/tidiff/config
mysql.host =
mysql.port = 3306
mysql.user = root
mysql.password = 12345678
mysql.db = test
mysql.options = charset=utf8mb4
tidb.host =
tidb.port = 4000
tidb.user = root
tidb.password = 1111
tidb.db = test
tidb.options = charset=utf8mb4