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Releases: huawei-noah/bolt


08 Jul 02:50
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  • Fix GPU resize bug


13 Jun 07:14
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  • Support Python API
  • Support AVX-VNNI and ARMv9 instruction set
  • Support Intel Desktop GPU (float16 and float32)
  • Support Windows on arm platform
  • Support more operators : Random, Sin, Cos, Einsum, Elu, UnPooling, Flatten, ConvertColor, BilateralSliceApply, Lut
  • Support more networks : ViTAE, CMT, EfficientFormer, ConvTT, Wenet, NFM, AFM, ONN, wide&deep, DeepFM, MMOE, etc
  • Improve multi-threads parallel inference performance on CPU
  • Add simple chinese deployment guide
  • Support model file compatibility
  • Support using outer memory(CPU array or OpenCL cl_mem) by using SetInputOutput API
  • Support data type and format transform by using C API


  • TensorDesc's dim array is changed to 20.
  • Remove FILE macro usage and warning log under release mode
  • change enum data and operator parameter size


  • Fix GPU resize bug
  • Fix GPU concurrent inference bug
  • Fix ONNX converter bug
  • Add missed chinese automatic speech recognition model


16 Apr 01:21
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  • Support on-device training for MLP, CNN(lenet, resnet50, mobilnetv1), transformer/bert(text to speech)
  • Support change model input and output names in X2bolt
  • Support more graph optimizations : Transpose+Convolution, Swish, Quantization, Power+Scale
  • Support dynamic output related operators : Shape, ConstantOfShape, GenerateProposals, NonZero, NonMaxSuppression, Reshape, etc
  • Support more operators : GridSample, CumSum, OneHot, Round, Floor, Ceil
  • Support more networks on CPU : yolov2, yolov3, yolov4, yolov5, faster-rcnn, mask-rcnn, retinanet, dfsmn, frill, conformer, unet, etc
  • Support Armv8 int8 to accelerate NLP network
  • Improve inference performance on avx2 CPU
  • Support netron to visualize bolt model
  • Support not to bind CPU core
  • Add C API MemoryCheck to check bolt memory leak


  • X2bolt add -I and -O options to change model input and output names.
  • X2bolt add -t option to convert model for on-device training.
  • C API CreateModel and AllocAllResultHandle return value is set to NULL when unsuccessful.
  • add --neon option to close arm neon acceleration on old platform.
  • some operator parameter defination


  • Fix GPU depth2space and deconv bug
  • Fix GPU preprocess tool on armv8 platform bug
  • Fix x86 Sigmoid precision
  • Fix C API CloneResultHandle bug
  • Fix mobilnetv1 int8 inference
  • Fix Java API build bug on Windows
  • Fix ONNX converter deconv, pooling parameter bug


  • Equal operator is replaced with Check.


01 Oct 15:45
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  • Support more graph optimizations : Convolution+Convolution, LayerNorm
  • Support more operators: ROIAlign, GenerateProposals, Reciprocal, Not, Log, ReductionL2, InstanceNorm, Expand, Gather, Scatter
  • Support more operators(PReLU) process NCHW input data.
  • Support ONNX share weight between Linear, MatMul, Gemm and Gather
  • Support more networks on CPU: vision transformer(ViT, TNT), recommendation networks
  • Support more networks on GPU : ASR, Faster_RCNN
  • Support Armv7 int8 to accelerate NLP network(50%+ speed-up)
  • Support X86 AVX512 int8 to accelerate NLP network(3x+ speed-up)
  • Support using image on Qualcomm GPU, add GPU image manage methods
  • Improve inference performance on Qualcomm GPU
  • Add more kit android/iOS demos : Chinese ASR, Face Detection, Sentiment Analysis
  • Try to bind core when using GPU


  • Replace mali option with gpu in install shell script, and remove default target option setting
  • Change data format NCWHC4 TO NCHWC4 for GPU
  • Simplified tensor padding method with OclMemory for GPU
  • Tool preprocess_ocl produces algofile and before, for now algofile has been packaged into this
  • Add BNN_FP16 option in X2bolt tool to convert ONNX 1-bit model
  • Replace original INT8 option with INT8_FP16 in post_training_quantization tool to convert int8+float16 hybrid inference model, and add INT8_FP32 option to convert int8+float32 hybrid inference model.
  • Add shell environment variable BOLT_INT8_STORAGE_ERROR_THRESHOLD to control post_training_quantization convert int8 model, default value is 0.002. post_training_quantization will use int8 storage when when quantization error lower than BOLT_INT8_STORAGE_ERROR_THRESHOLD.


  • Fix PReLU 2d, 3d support
  • Fix Resize bug on some mode
  • Fix ONNX converter read Squeeze, UnSqueeze, Deconv parameter bug
  • Fix Arm Sigmoid precision
  • Fix ONNX RNN optimizer, and add support for NCHWC8 input data
  • Fix Concat with weight tensor in onnx converter
  • Simplify C API example


07 Apr 06:34
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  • Support x86 compilation and cross-compialtion for ios/android on MacOs
  • Support x86 compilation and cross-compilation for android on Windows
  • Support MTK armv7 cross compilation toolchains on Linux by using linux-armv7_blank target
  • Add Gitbook for user reference
  • Support image nearest Resize and align_corners Resize
  • Support more graph optimizations : Transpose+Concat+Transpose, Padding+Transpose, HardSwish-Fusion, Relu6-Fusion, Resize-Fusion, SwapTransposeEltwise, SwapPadTranspose, Convolution+Eltwise, Transpose+Matmul
  • Support more operators: 3D-convolution, Where, SoftPlus, Exp, Split, Tdnn, Dropout, TopK, SpaceToBatchNd, BatchToSpaceNd, Abs, Equal, Sign, Resize(more mode)
  • Support more networks on CPU: Reactnet, Tdnn, ShuffleNet, DenseNet, Hrnet, Efficientnet, Noah KWS2.0
  • Support more networks on mali GPU : TinyBert, nmt
  • Add more kit android/iOS demos : Simple-Image-Classification, Image-SuperResolution, Image-Classification
  • Support float16, int8 model storage on any hardware
  • Add Flow Java API


  • Change install, GPU library process shell script
  • Optimize TfSlice with 75%+ speed-up on cpu
  • Optimize Concat with 50%+ speed-up on cpu
  • Optimize Deconvolution with 10%+ speed-up on cpu
  • Optimize YoloDetection network with 15%+ speed-up on cpu
  • Optimize resnet50 from 90ms+ to 70ms+ on x86, faster than openvino
  • Optimize mobilenet v1/v2 with 10%+ speed-up on x86
  • Optimize tts-melgan network from 200ms+ to 160ms on x86
  • Optimize model read time
  • Change Java API package name and use com.huawei.noah, split single API file to 6 files.


  • Fix length of op/tensor name > 128 not-supporting bug
  • Fix Caffe input dims extraction bug
  • Fix Concat with single input in onnx converter
  • Fix padding(nhwc) not-supporting bug
  • Fix relu6 insertion in tflite converter
  • Fix GRU, LSTM LBR_GRU model converter and inference bug
  • Fix X86 convolution, fully connected operators inference bug


  • Remove third party library FFTW and using FFTS for ASR example


29 Jan 13:03
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  • Update the installation script on linux


22 Nov 10:35
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  • Support fp32 on X86 AVX2 CPU
  • Support partial fp32 operator(convolution, lstm) multi-threads parallel
  • Support Tensorflow model
  • Support more networks(Pointnet, ...)
  • Support more networks int8 inference(TinyBert, NMT, ASR)
  • Support time-series data acceleration
  • Support Apple IOS phone


08 Jun 05:14
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Release v0.3.0

  • Optimized fp16 on ARM MALI GPU
  • Support fp32 on ARMv7 CPU
  • Support int8 PTQ calibration
  • Support more networks(SSD, ASR, TTS)
  • Support image classification task on ARM MALI GPU

Bolt v0.2.0

05 Jun 15:09
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Release v0.2.0

  • Support fp32 on ARM CPU
  • Support fp16 on ARM MALI GPU
  • Support memory reuse for feature maps and weight-sharing between operators
  • Support dynamic input size
  • Support CPU affinity setting
  • Support convolution algorithm auto-tuning (runtime or full parameter space search)
  • Support Java and C API

Bolt v0.1.0

10 Mar 15:17
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Release v0.1.0

  • Support Caffe/ ONNX/ Tflite
  • Support fp16/int8/binary
  • Support Sequential/CNN/LSTM (common models of CV and NLP)