Flashcard is a web application that helps users create, edit, delete, and study flashcards for enhanced learning and memory retention. The platform presents a question with the answer hidden behind a blur, which users can reveal with a click. There's also a feature to randomize the order of flashcards to make studying more engaging and efficient.
- Create, Edit, and Delete Flashcards: Easily manage your flashcards with customizable questions and answers.
- Question and Answer Display: The answer to each question is hidden, and users can click to reveal it.
- Randomized Study Mode: A "Next" button to shuffle through flashcards for dynamic studying.
- Smooth Animations: Engaging and visually appealing animations to enhance the user experience.
This project uses the following technologies:
- React – A JavaScript library for building interactive and dynamic user interfaces.
- Vite – A modern and fast build tool for an optimized development experience.
- TailwindCSS – A utility-first CSS framework for fast and responsive design.
- rombo.co – A tool that powers animations within the TailwindCSS framework, giving the app smooth transitions and interactive effects.
- @vitejs/plugin-react uses Babel for Fast Refresh
- @vitejs/plugin-react-swc uses SWC for Fast Refresh