- Alibaba Cloud Account
- Terraform
- Access Key and secret key
- Login in to your Alibaba Cloud Account
- Go To menu (upper right corner)
- Navigate to [Resource Access Management]
- Click to the user which will appear in users table, eu_admin@...etc
- Create a AccessKey and save the keys (You can not copy secret key after closing pop-up tab)
Needed Terraform Commands
- Terraform init [To start using Terraform with alicloud]
- Terraform plan [To see your configurations]
- Terraform apply [To apply your configurations]
- Terraform destroy [To destroy your ECS]
[link] (https://registry.terraform.io/providers/aliyun/alicloud/latest/docs "alicloud terraform docs") [link] (https://www.alibabacloud.com/help/en/basics-for-beginners/latest/regions-and-zones "Region and Zones")