Spotlight is a simple .NET application to copy Microsoft Spotlight images to your My Pictures directory.
Simple program, simple to use. Just double-click Spotlight.exe to run the application. It will copy all files 1920 x 1080 or higher to My Pictures\SpotlightPictures.
It is recommended to create a scheduled task to run Spotlight. This will ensure you always have the most recent Microsoft Spotlight images available. You can learn about creating scheduled tasks here. Alternatively, run CreateSpotlightTask.bat
to create a task that will run weekly.
Couldn't this be done with a script?
Why didn't you just write a script?
Because I didn't want to.
Seriously though, why didn't you?
I wanted to keep all the Spotlight images and it was easier for me to write a .NET application to copy them for me than to write a script to do it.