On 2015-03-24, Germanwings flight 9525 from Barcelona to Dusseldorf crashed in the French Alps, killing all 150 aboard. Over the course of several days, evidence emerged that indicated that the crash was caused intentionally by the copilot.
The interest in the story was high from the start but the progress of the story (with the gradual revelation of the copilot's suicide) captured the world's interest over several days. Breaking news on the story caused spikes in internet traffic over this period.
Examination of the global interest cannot be captured from a single website. Instead, data from bit.ly's url shortening service can serve as a proxy for the global activity.
To examine global interest in this air crash, bit.ly provided three days of data (2015-03-25 to 2015-03-27 inclusive) with 10 minutes of traffic from each of the 72 hours.
- Data visualization
- Topic modeling
Bit.ly has two major types of data:
- encodes: when a bit.ly user creates a shortened url, the action is recorded as an encode
- decodes: when a user opens a bit.ly shortened url in a browser, the shortened url and expanded long url are recorded as a decode
The data I worked with was exclusively decodes.
9187392 JSON documents that are the entire collection of data from bit.ly. The documents look like this:
"_id" : ObjectId("55f22000d18938208d9ab3d5"),
"timezone" : "America/Argentina/Cordoba",
"country" : "AR",
"timestamp" : ISODate("2015-03-25T00:00:00Z"),
"short_url" : "1GRjv1C"
6208615 JSON documents that summarize unique short_url
links. The documents look like this:
"_id" : ObjectId("55ef4220c430767caa20d3da"),
"count" : 6500,
"short_url" : "1i1KcE0",
"long_url" : "http://w-tutorials.info/wp-content/",
"text" : "<meta HTTP-EQUIV=\"REFRESH\" content=\"0; url=http://w-tutorials.info/\">"
: count of hits for URL over 72 hour sampleshort_url
: bit.ly short url for the storylong_url
: the full URL that story expands totext
: if the HTML was downloadable, then this field is present and contains the HTML for the storyexc
: if the HTML was not downloadable/was not downloaded, then this field is present and contains an explanation of why thetext
is missing
24482 JSON documents (1.98 GB) that have story on Germanwings crash. These are used for topic modeling.Documents in this collection have either:
"germanwings or air crash or copilot" in either the long_url
or the text
"_id" : ObjectId("55ef4c90c430767ceea30100"),
"count" : 2286,
"short_url" : "1bwwkVd",
"long_url" : "http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/world/2015/03/26/germanwings-plane-crash/70473800/",
"exc" : "HTTPConnectionPool(host='www.usatoday.com', port=80): Read timed out. (read timeout=12)"
: count of hits for URL over 72 hour sampleshort_url
: bit.ly short url for the storylong_url
: the full URL that story expands totext
: if the HTML was downloadable, then this field is present and contains the HTML for the storyexc
: if the HTML was not downloadable/was not downloaded, then this field is present and contains an explanation of why thetext
is missing
- AWS, EC2, S3
- mongo
- ipython
- pymongo (for working with mongo)
- requests (for all web requests)
- simplejson (for all JSON)
- awscli (for working with AWS)
- docopt (for sane command line options)
- flask (for web servers and website)
- six (for python 2.7 and 3.x compatibility)
- scikit-learn (for topic modeling)
- BeautifulSoup (for cleaning up HTML)
- wordcloud (for creating word clouds)
- scipy (for linear algebra)
- pandas (for data science)
- numpy (for general numerics and linear algebra)
- nltk (for natural language)
- world traffic vs. germanwings traffic
- US-IT-ES-DE traffic
- US-CA traffic
Topic modeling
US topics by hour
IT topics by hour
DE topics by hour
ES topics by hour