Tap your functions into method chains for near-seamless interoperability.
Functions give us flexibility about granularity and locality, but they can be awkward to compose with an value's methods. tap
makes using functions & methods together idiomatic, natural, and very easy to read. See here for a fuller discussion.
var add = function(a, b){ return a + b },
divide = function(a, b){ return a / b }
var people = [
{ name: 'bob', age: 55 },
{ name: 'susan', age: 44 },
{ name: 'charles', age: 20 },
{ name: 'bex', age: 30 }
var averageAge = people.map(function(p){ return p.age })
.tap(divide, people.length)
//= 37
This is equivalent to:
var averageAge = Math.round(people.map(function(p){ return p.age }).reduce(add) / people.length)
### tap.mixin (object, [objects]) -> object
Mixes the .tap
method into any number of objects. If the environment supports es5, then the property will be set to non-enumerable.
var tap = require('tap-chain')
// mix in to base backbone prototypes
// mix in to a newly created object
var player = tap.mixin({ name: 'scott pilgrim', health: 100 })
// mix in to a 'blank' object (one with no [[Prototype]])
var map = tap.mixin(Object.create(null))
// mix in to everything inheriting from Object.prototype
// making .tap work on all non-null/undefined values,
// including primitives
### .tap (fn, [secondary-args]) -> anyValue
The mixed-in .tap
method calls a function, using the context of the method as the first argument:
var inc = function(v){ return v + 1 },
num = 5
//= 6
also takes optional secondary arguments:
var divide = function(a, b){ return a / b },
num = 10
num.tap(divide, 2)
//= 5
npm install tap-chain
or download. Creates a CommonJS module if available, otherwise exports a global named tap