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Getting started

Hugo ATTAL edited this page Dec 14, 2020 · 6 revisions

Darker Nodes allow you to customize the Unreal Editor and give it a more modern look.

Unreal Editor default theme Darker Nodes theme
image image

WARNING: All the screenshots has been taken with Electronic Nodes enabled. Darker Nodes does not modify the way wires are displayed in blueprint.

WARNING: Note that every modification will require a restart of the engine. A small window should appear at the bottom right for you to do so quickly.


Accessing the settings

You can access the settings under Edit/Editor Preferences/Plugins/Darker Nodes Plugin


Changing the light

You can change the lighting of the theme under the Theme Light setting.

Theme Light: Dark Theme Light: Darker Theme Light: Darkest
image image image

Changing the temperature

You can change the temperature of the theme under the Theme Temperature setting. The Warm temperature give the background a slight orange shade, whereas the cool one gives it a blue one.

Theme Dark

Theme Temperature: Warm Theme Temperature: Normal Theme Temperature: Cool
image image image

Theme Darker

Theme Temperature: Warm Theme Temperature: Normal Theme Temperature: Cool
image image image

Theme Darkest

Theme Temperature: Warm Theme Temperature: Normal Theme Temperature: Cool
image image image

Changing the primary color

You can change the primary color of the theme under the Primary Color setting. This will affect hover color mainly. The modification of this setting might require 2 editor restarts to take full effect.

Primary color: Orange Primary color: White Primary color: Cyan
image image image


  • If you don't like the thin icons introduced by Darker Nodes, you can still use the Unreal Editor default icons by unchecking the Use Custom Icons setting.

  • If you want to hide the blueprint grid, you can uncheck the Use Blueprint Grid.


This section is there only if you want to fine tune the theme of your editor.

Here are the background part that are affect by each parameter.

Grey Dark Grey Base Grey Light
image image image

You can also change the primary color and the text color. Be aware that the primary color won't affect the buttons/text outline as it uses an image texture.