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On The Fly Framework : OTF²

OTF² is a Node.js development Framework which aims to simplify front end application development. It's designed over a finite-state machine model. Modules are loaded dynamically by otf.js, they are defined into a "flight plan" named "otf_default.json" for public interfaces and "otf_admin.json" for private interfaces.

Also, OTF² has some generic modules to produce specific actions : writing / reading / deleting / updating mongoDB collection, files uploading, signup account, demo application.


You need to install Node.js, npm, mongoDB and Redis to use OTF². For example, on Ubuntu 14.04 you just need to make :

$ sudo apt-get install nodejs npm redis-server build-essential python2.7 nodejs-legacy

You need to install graphicsmagic library for images work :

$ sudo apt-get install graphicsmagick

And you to install mongoDB v2.6.10 :

$ sudo apt-key adv --keyserver --recv 7F0CEB10
$ echo 'deb dist 10gen' | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mongodb.list
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install mongodb-org

It's possible to define the version number like below :

$ apt-get install mongodb-org=2.6.0 mongodb-org-server=2.6.0 mongodb-org-shell=2.6.0 mongodb-org-mongos=2.6.0 mongodb-org-tools=2.6.0

Create « /data/db/ » folder , on your system's root. (cd /) In sudoer mode

$ sudo -s
# mkdir /data
# mkdir /data/db

After mongoDB installation, you can restore the database of the demo application by opening a terminal, go into your workspace directory to get source code and type :

$ git clone

Change the current directory to name "otf" :

$ mv OTF- otf
$ cd otf

You need to start mongoDB with a ReplicatSet,

1st, in a new Terminal, go to /data/db folder

$ sudo mongod --replSet otf_demo

2sd, in a new Terminal, run mongo shell you need to configure replicatSet like this :

Open Mongo DB

$ mongo
MongoDB shell version: 2.4.9
connecting to: test
Change the db
> use otf_demo
>var config = {_id: "otf_demo", members: [{_id: 0, host: ""}]}

You should have this result : { "info" : "Config now saved locally. Should come online in about a minute.", "ok" : 1 }

> exit

And return into dump directory (cd /workspace/otf/) :

$ cd dump

Restore database MongoDB like this :

$ mongorestore ./otf_demo

You should have this result in your Terminal:

connected to:
Mon Apr 27 10:33:17.133 ./otf_demo/logs.bson
Mon Apr 27 10:33:17.133 	going into namespace [otf_demo.logs]
262 objects found
Mon Apr 27 10:33:17.135 	Creating index: { key: { _id: 1 }, ns: "otf_demo.logs", name: "id" }
Mon Apr 27 10:33:17.154 ./otf_demo/users.bson
Mon Apr 27 10:33:17.154 	going into namespace [otf_demo.users]
Mon Apr 27 10:33:17.157 	Created collection otf_demo.users with options: { "create" : "users", "autoIndexId" : true, "size" : 0, "capped" : false, "max" : 0, "strict" : true }
2 objects found
Mon Apr 27 10:33:17.157 	Creating index: { key: { _id: 1 }, ns: "otf_demo.users", name: "id" }
Mon Apr 27 10:33:17.158 ./otf_demo/accounts.bson
Mon Apr 27 10:33:17.158 	going into namespace [otf_demo.accounts]
Mon Apr 27 10:33:17.160 	Created collection otf_demo.accounts with options: { "create" : "accounts", "autoIndexId" : true, "size" : 0, "capped" : false, "max" : 0, "strict" : true }
1 objects found
Mon Apr 27 10:33:17.160 	Creating index: { key: { _id: 1 }, ns: "otf_demo.accounts", name: "id" }
Mon Apr 27 10:33:17.160 ./otf_demo/accountsuuid.bson
Mon Apr 27 10:33:17.160 	going into namespace [otf_demo.accountsuuid]
Mon Apr 27 10:33:17.162 	Created collection otf_demo.accountsuuid with options: { "create" : "accountsuuid", "autoIndexId" : true, "size" : 0, "capped" : false, "max" : 0, "strict" : true }
1 objects found
Mon Apr 27 10:33:17.162 	Creating index: { key: { _id: 1 }, ns: "otf_demo.accountsuuid", name: "id" }
Mon Apr 27 10:33:17.163 ./otf_demo/log.bson
Mon Apr 27 10:33:17.163 	going into namespace [otf_demo.log]
40 objects found
Mon Apr 27 10:33:17.164 	Creating index: { key: { _id: 1 }, ns: "otf_demo.log", name: "id" }

Create log directory Go back to the OTF's root directory.

$ cd ..
$ mkdir log

Quick Start

Open a terminal, Go back to the OTF's root directory. :

$ cd otf

Get all the dependancies by npm :

$ npm install

Wait a moment for dependancies

Before launching OTF²,

In new Terminal, Start "redis-server" in 'sudo' mode

Go back to the OTF's root directory.

/otf$ sudo redis-server

Stand "redis-server" start into the Terminal.

Now in the otf directory you can start the demo application :

$ ./
sudoer password : 

OTF² cluster is OFF by default, if you like to use cluster mode, you must change config.json into conf directory :

    "ENV": {
        "mode": "TEST"
    "WWW": {
        "port": "3000",
        "host": ""
    "LOGS": {
        "path": "/../../conf/log4js.json",
        "reload": "300",
        "mongodb": "localhost:27017/log",
        "level": "ERROR"
    "MONGO": {
        "url": "mongodb://@",
        "options": {
            "server": {
                "poolSize": 5
    "WEBSOCK": {
        "log": false

    "SESSION": {
        "secret": "7m62cnP9rgVh7hH9NyUAdRNwTSHWDsfWFLeMMD7n4vUEuREJtyWbfzsTMFSeqzmYnng6CRd4yBYTCesJdDkNX4SjDmYWqZLcSscHw5Nh256b4wWjdjSdxr7rrsAU7RWZ",
        "cookie_name": "connect.sid",
        "ttl": "900",
        "prefix": "sess:",
        "store": "MEMORY"

    "GLANCES": {
        "host": ""
    "CLUSTER": {
        "mode": "OFF",
        "nb_cpu": "3"

Put to "ON" the mode attribute of CLUSTER entry to run OTF over multi CPU.

NB : We conducted a test on a 24-cpu server, we allocated 23 CPU OTF² and we launch 10 million authentications per 5000 simultaneously. The test lasted 40 minutes, no errors and little RAM used

Now you can fire up your browser and access your OTF app with the following url :


You can see authenticaton page of otf_demo application :

You can access backend by giving the login "admin" and the password "otf" into the authentication page of the demo application. You can now see a menu bar at the top of the index page.

How to ?

You can see in demo application the menu "users" which displays the list of users authorized to connect to the backend.

What happens when you click on "users" link in the top menu :

1- You send a pathname "/users" from GET HTTP method
2- You request the server to read into the accounts collection of MongoDB,
3- You need to display the data into a JQuery DataTable

How can we do this into OTF² ? Follow the rabbit ;-) :

You need to set the "conf/profiles/otf_admin.json" file. It defines actions (pathnames) which can be used by the user account :

   "GET/users": {
        "module": "finder",
        "methode": "list",
        "screen": "user_list",
        "auth": true,
        "params_names": [],
        "data_model": "Accounts"

Nb : OTF² is listening the changes of conf files and charging them by the module "otf globals.js"

To understand the "Flight Plan", we need to explore all the attributes in the json file "otf_admin.json" :

  • module : define the name of the module to load (i.e : "finder"),
  • methode : define the name of the function which will be called to make the action (i.e. : "list"),
  • screen : define the template page which will be displayed once the action is done ("i.e. : "user_list),
  • auth : define if the action requires an authentication : (i.e. : "true),
  • params_names : define into an array the "params" which can be used to filter the reading into MongoDB.
    Data can be used to be inserted into a collection. The result depends on the generic component used : finder => filter / inserter => params to insert
  • datas_model : define the name of the mongoose schema which maps the data of MongoDB's collections.
    You can see some examples of schema into the file named "directory_schema.json"

Extract of "directory_schema.json" :

"Accounts": {
        "collection": "accounts",
        "schema": {
                "login": "String",
                "password": "String",
                "profile": []

To generate a view, OTF² is using the template ["Handlebars"] ( Now we'll see the template which is displaying for the users list when a click is happening on Users's menu :
Extract of "views/user_list.hbs" :

{{#content "head"}}
    {{> head}}
{{#content "header"}}
    {{> header}}
{{#content "body"}}
<div class="container-fluid">
    <div class="row-fluid">
        <div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-12 col-md-12">
            <h3>List Users</h3>
    <button id="suppr" type="button" class="btn btn-primary btn-lg btn-block">Delete Row</button>
        $(document).ready(function() {
            setDataTable({{{json result}}}, "/updateuser", "/deleteuser");
    <div class="row">
        <div class="col-lg-12">
            <div id="monitor" class="panel panel-default"></div>
        </div><!-- /.col-lg-12 -->
    {{#content "footer"}}
        {{> footer}}

For convenience we have implemented a javascript function to create dynamically a JQuery DataTable :

setDataTable({{{json result}}}, "/updateuser", "/deleteuser");
  • The first parameter is an Handlebars expression to get json data from the OTF² module,
  • The second parameter is a String which defined the pathname of modification's action,
  • The third parameter is a String which defined the pathname of delete's action, it is using the first column to get the Id of the row sent to delete.

Bootstrap's Interface

OTF use bootstrap interface. The default Components are located into /public/

If you want to customise the Front-End, use the "custom_css" directory, and "style.css" file.

For add a new css file's link into "head" document, please use /views/partials/head.hbs file.

(to be continued...)


OTF² is under LGPL V3 licence, you can see the licence file into the repository