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1329 lines (802 loc) · 55.5 KB

Module 0x1::AccountLimits

Module which manages account limits, like the amount of currency which can flow in or out over a given time period.

Resource AccountLimitMutationCapability

An operations capability that restricts callers of this module since the operations can mutate account states.

dummy_field: bool

Resource LimitsDefinition

A resource specifying the account limits per-currency. There is a default "unlimited" LimitsDefinition resource for accounts published at CoreAddresses::DIEM_ROOT_ADDRESS(), but other accounts may have different account limit definitons. In such cases, they will have a LimitsDefinition published under their (root) account.

resource struct LimitsDefinition<CoinType>
max_inflow: u64
The maximum inflow allowed during the specified time period.
max_outflow: u64
The maximum outflow allowed during the specified time period.
time_period: u64
Time period, specified in microseconds
max_holding: u64
The maximum amount that can be held
invariant max_inflow > 0;
invariant max_outflow > 0;
invariant time_period > 0;
invariant max_holding > 0;

Resource Window

A struct holding account transaction information for the time window starting at window_start and lasting for the time_period specified in the limits definition at limit_address.

resource struct Window<CoinType>
window_start: u64
Time window start in microseconds
window_inflow: u64
The inflow during this time window
window_outflow: u64
The inflow during this time window
tracked_balance: u64
The balance that this account has held during this time period.
limit_address: address
address storing the LimitsDefinition resource that governs this window


const MAX_U64: u64 = 18446744073709551615;

The LimitsDefinition resource is in an invalid state

const ELIMITS_DEFINITION: u64 = 0;

The Window resource is in an invalid state

const EWINDOW: u64 = 1;

24 hours in microseconds

const ONE_DAY: u64 = 86400000000;

Function grant_mutation_capability

Grant a capability to call this module. This does not necessarily need to be a unique capability.

include DiemTimestamp::AbortsIfNotGenesis;
include Roles::AbortsIfNotDiemRoot{account: dr_account};

Function update_deposit_limits

Determines if depositing amount of CoinType coins into the account at addr is amenable with their account limits. Returns false if this deposit violates the account limits.

public fun update_deposit_limits<CoinType>(amount: u64, addr: address, _cap: &AccountLimits::AccountLimitMutationCapability): bool
public fun update_deposit_limits<CoinType>(
    amount: u64,
    addr: address,
    _cap: &AccountLimitMutationCapability,
): bool acquires LimitsDefinition, Window {
    assert(exists<Window<CoinType>>(addr), Errors::not_published(EWINDOW));
pragma opaque;
modifies global<Window<CoinType>>(addr);
include UpdateDepositLimitsAbortsIf<CoinType>;
include CanReceiveEnsures<CoinType>{receiving: global<Window<CoinType>>(addr)};

schema UpdateDepositLimitsAbortsIf<CoinType> {
    amount: u64;
    addr: address;
    include AbortsIfNoWindow<CoinType>;
    include CanReceiveAbortsIf<CoinType>{receiving: global<Window<CoinType>>(addr)};

schema AbortsIfNoWindow<CoinType> {
    addr: address;
    aborts_if !exists<Window<CoinType>>(addr) with Errors::NOT_PUBLISHED;

define spec_update_deposit_limits<CoinType>(amount: u64, addr: address): bool {
   spec_receiving_limits_ok(global<Window<CoinType>>(addr), amount)

Function update_withdrawal_limits

Determine if withdrawing amount of CoinType coins from the account at addr would violate the account limits for that account. Returns false if this withdrawal violates account limits.

public fun update_withdrawal_limits<CoinType>(amount: u64, addr: address, _cap: &AccountLimits::AccountLimitMutationCapability): bool
public fun update_withdrawal_limits<CoinType>(
    amount: u64,
    addr: address,
    _cap: &AccountLimitMutationCapability,
): bool acquires LimitsDefinition, Window {
    assert(exists<Window<CoinType>>(addr), Errors::not_published(EWINDOW));
pragma opaque;
modifies global<Window<CoinType>>(addr);
include UpdateWithdrawalLimitsAbortsIf<CoinType>;
include CanWithdrawEnsures<CoinType>{sending: global<Window<CoinType>>(addr)};

schema UpdateWithdrawalLimitsAbortsIf<CoinType> {
    amount: u64;
    addr: address;
    include AbortsIfNoWindow<CoinType>;
    include CanWithdrawAbortsIf<CoinType>{sending: global<Window<CoinType>>(addr)};

define spec_update_withdrawal_limits<CoinType>(amount: u64, addr: address): bool {
   spec_withdrawal_limits_ok(global<Window<CoinType>>(addr), amount)

Function publish_window

All accounts that could be subject to account limits will have a Window for each currency they can hold published at the top level. Root accounts for multi-account entities will hold this resource at their root/parent account.

public fun publish_window<CoinType>(dr_account: &signer, to_limit: &signer, limit_address: address)
public fun publish_window<CoinType>(
    dr_account: &signer,
    to_limit: &signer,
    limit_address: address,
) {
    assert(exists<LimitsDefinition<CoinType>>(limit_address), Errors::not_published(ELIMITS_DEFINITION));
        Window<CoinType> {
            window_start: current_time(),
            window_inflow: 0,
            window_outflow: 0,
            tracked_balance: 0,
include PublishWindowAbortsIf<CoinType>;

schema PublishWindowAbortsIf<CoinType> {
    dr_account: signer;
    to_limit: signer;
    limit_address: address;

Only ParentVASP and ChildVASP can have the account limits [E1][E2][E3][E4][E5][E6][E7].

schema PublishWindowAbortsIf<CoinType> {
    include Roles::AbortsIfNotParentVaspOrChildVasp{account: to_limit};
    include Roles::AbortsIfNotDiemRoot{account: dr_account};
    aborts_if !exists<LimitsDefinition<CoinType>>(limit_address) with Errors::NOT_PUBLISHED;
    aborts_if exists<Window<CoinType>>(Signer::spec_address_of(to_limit)) with Errors::ALREADY_PUBLISHED;

Function publish_unrestricted_limits

Unrestricted limits are represented by setting all fields in the limits definition to MAX_U64. Anyone can publish an unrestricted limits since no windows will point to this limits definition unless the TC account, or a caller with access to a &AccountLimitMutationCapability points a window to it. Additionally, the TC controls the values held within this resource once it's published.

public fun publish_unrestricted_limits<CoinType>(publish_account: &signer)
public fun publish_unrestricted_limits<CoinType>(publish_account: &signer) {
        LimitsDefinition<CoinType> {
            max_inflow: MAX_U64,
            max_outflow: MAX_U64,
            max_holding: MAX_U64,
            time_period: ONE_DAY,

TODO: turned off verification until we solve the generic type/specific invariant issue. Similar to in DiemConfig, this function violates an invariant in XUS about LimitsDefinition.

pragma verify = false;
include PublishUnrestrictedLimitsAbortsIf<CoinType>;

schema PublishUnrestrictedLimitsAbortsIf<CoinType> {
    publish_account: signer;
    aborts_if exists<LimitsDefinition<CoinType>>(Signer::spec_address_of(publish_account))
        with Errors::ALREADY_PUBLISHED;

schema PublishUnrestrictedLimitsEnsures<CoinType> {
    publish_account: signer;
    ensures exists<LimitsDefinition<CoinType>>(Signer::spec_address_of(publish_account));

Function update_limits_definition

Updates the LimitsDefinition<CoinType> resource at limit_address. If any of the field arguments is 0 the corresponding field is not updated.

TODO: This should be specified.

public fun update_limits_definition<CoinType>(tc_account: &signer, limit_address: address, new_max_inflow: u64, new_max_outflow: u64, new_max_holding_balance: u64, new_time_period: u64)
public fun update_limits_definition<CoinType>(
    tc_account: &signer,
    limit_address: address,
    new_max_inflow: u64,
    new_max_outflow: u64,
    new_max_holding_balance: u64,
    new_time_period: u64,
) acquires LimitsDefinition {
    // As we don't have Optionals for txn scripts, in update_account_limit_definition.move
    // we use 0 value to represent a None (ie no update to that variable)
    assert(exists<LimitsDefinition<CoinType>>(limit_address), Errors::not_published(ELIMITS_DEFINITION));
    let limits_def = borrow_global_mut<LimitsDefinition<CoinType>>(limit_address);
    if (new_max_inflow > 0) { limits_def.max_inflow = new_max_inflow };
    if (new_max_outflow > 0) { limits_def.max_outflow = new_max_outflow };
    if (new_max_holding_balance > 0) { limits_def.max_holding = new_max_holding_balance };
    if (new_time_period > 0) { limits_def.time_period = new_time_period };

Function update_window_info

Update either the tracked_balance or limit_address fields of the Window<CoinType> stored under window_address.

  • Since we don't track balances of accounts before they are limited, once they do become limited the approximate balance in CoinType held by the entity across all of its accounts will need to be set by the association. if aggregate_balance is set to zero the field is not updated.
  • This updates the limit_address in the window resource to a new limits definition at new_limit_address. If the aggregate_balance needs to be updated but the limit_address should remain the same, the current limit_address needs to be passed in for new_limit_address. TODO(wrwg): specify
public fun update_window_info<CoinType>(tc_account: &signer, window_address: address, aggregate_balance: u64, new_limit_address: address)
public fun update_window_info<CoinType>(
    tc_account: &signer,
    window_address: address,
    aggregate_balance: u64,
    new_limit_address: address,
) acquires Window {
    let window = borrow_global_mut<Window<CoinType>>(window_address);
    if (aggregate_balance != 0)  { window.tracked_balance = aggregate_balance };
    assert(exists<LimitsDefinition<CoinType>>(new_limit_address), Errors::not_published(ELIMITS_DEFINITION));
    window.limit_address = new_limit_address;

Function reset_window

If the time window starting at window.window_start and lasting for limits_definition.time_period has elapsed, resets the window and the inflow and outflow records.

fun reset_window<CoinType>(window: &mut AccountLimits::Window<CoinType>, limits_definition: &AccountLimits::LimitsDefinition<CoinType>)
fun reset_window<CoinType>(window: &mut Window<CoinType>, limits_definition: &LimitsDefinition<CoinType>) {
    let current_time = DiemTimestamp::now_microseconds();
    assert(window.window_start <= MAX_U64 - limits_definition.time_period, Errors::limit_exceeded(EWINDOW));
    if (current_time > window.window_start + limits_definition.time_period) {
        window.window_start = current_time;
        window.window_inflow = 0;
        window.window_outflow = 0;
pragma opaque;
include ResetWindowAbortsIf<CoinType>;
include ResetWindowEnsures<CoinType>;

schema ResetWindowAbortsIf<CoinType> {
    window: Window<CoinType>;
    limits_definition: LimitsDefinition<CoinType>;
    include DiemTimestamp::AbortsIfNotOperating;
    aborts_if window.window_start + limits_definition.time_period > max_u64() with Errors::LIMIT_EXCEEDED;

schema ResetWindowEnsures<CoinType> {
    window: Window<CoinType>;
    limits_definition: LimitsDefinition<CoinType>;
    ensures window == old(spec_window_reset_with_limits(window, limits_definition));

define spec_window_expired<CoinType>(
    window: Window<CoinType>,
    limits_definition: LimitsDefinition<CoinType>
): bool {
    DiemTimestamp::spec_now_microseconds() > window.window_start + limits_definition.time_period

define spec_window_reset_with_limits<CoinType>(
    window: Window<CoinType>,
    limits_definition: LimitsDefinition<CoinType>
): Window<CoinType> {
    if (spec_window_expired<CoinType>(window, limits_definition)) {
            limit_address: window.limit_address,
            tracked_balance: window.tracked_balance,
            window_start: DiemTimestamp::spec_now_microseconds(),
            window_inflow: 0,
            window_outflow: 0
    } else {

Function can_receive_and_update_window

Verify that the receiving account tracked by the receiving window can receive amount funds without violating requirements specified the limits_definition passed in. If the receipt of amount doesn't violate the limits amount of CoinType is recorded as received in the given receiving window.

fun can_receive_and_update_window<CoinType>(amount: u64, receiving: &mut AccountLimits::Window<CoinType>): bool
fun can_receive_and_update_window<CoinType>(
    amount: u64,
    receiving: &mut Window<CoinType>,
): bool acquires LimitsDefinition {
    assert(exists<LimitsDefinition<CoinType>>(receiving.limit_address), Errors::not_published(ELIMITS_DEFINITION));
    let limits_definition = borrow_global<LimitsDefinition<CoinType>>(receiving.limit_address);
    // If the limits are unrestricted then don't do any more work.
    if (is_unrestricted(limits_definition)) return true;

    reset_window(receiving, limits_definition);
    // Check that the inflow is OK
    // TODO(wrwg): instead of aborting if the below additions overflow, we should perhaps just have ok false.
    assert(receiving.window_inflow <= MAX_U64 - amount, Errors::limit_exceeded(EWINDOW));
    let inflow_ok = (receiving.window_inflow + amount) <= limits_definition.max_inflow;
    // Check that the holding after the deposit is OK
    assert(receiving.tracked_balance <= MAX_U64 - amount, Errors::limit_exceeded(EWINDOW));
    let holding_ok = (receiving.tracked_balance + amount) <= limits_definition.max_holding;
    // The account with `receiving` window can receive the payment so record it.
    if (inflow_ok && holding_ok) {
        receiving.window_inflow = receiving.window_inflow + amount;
        receiving.tracked_balance = receiving.tracked_balance + amount;
    inflow_ok && holding_ok
pragma opaque;
include CanReceiveAbortsIf<CoinType>;
include CanReceiveEnsures<CoinType>;

schema CanReceiveAbortsIf<CoinType> {
    amount: num;
    receiving: Window<CoinType>;
    aborts_if !exists<LimitsDefinition<CoinType>>(receiving.limit_address) with Errors::NOT_PUBLISHED;
    include !spec_window_unrestricted<CoinType>(receiving) ==> CanReceiveRestrictedAbortsIf<CoinType>;

schema CanReceiveRestrictedAbortsIf<CoinType> {
    amount: num;
    receiving: Window<CoinType>;
    include ResetWindowAbortsIf<CoinType>{
        window: receiving,
        limits_definition: spec_window_limits<CoinType>(receiving)
    aborts_if spec_window_reset(receiving).window_inflow + amount > max_u64() with Errors::LIMIT_EXCEEDED;
    aborts_if spec_window_reset(receiving).tracked_balance + amount > max_u64() with Errors::LIMIT_EXCEEDED;

schema CanReceiveEnsures<CoinType> {
    amount: num;
    receiving: Window<CoinType>;
    result: bool;
    ensures result == spec_receiving_limits_ok(old(receiving), amount);
        if (result && !spec_window_unrestricted(old(receiving)))
            receiving == spec_update_inflow(spec_window_reset(old(receiving)), amount)
            receiving == spec_window_reset(old(receiving)) || receiving == old(receiving);

Returns the limits associated with this window.

define spec_window_limits<CoinType>(window: Window<CoinType>): LimitsDefinition<CoinType> {

Returns true of the window has unrestricted limits.

define spec_window_unrestricted<CoinType>(window: Window<CoinType>): bool {

Resets wrapping variables of the given window.

define spec_window_reset<CoinType>(window: Window<CoinType>): Window<CoinType> {
   spec_window_reset_with_limits(window, spec_window_limits<CoinType>(window))

Checks whether receiving limits are satisfied.

define spec_receiving_limits_ok<CoinType>(receiving: Window<CoinType>, amount: u64): bool {
   spec_window_unrestricted(receiving) ||
       spec_window_reset(receiving).window_inflow + amount
               <= spec_window_limits(receiving).max_inflow &&
       spec_window_reset(receiving).tracked_balance + amount
               <= spec_window_limits(receiving).max_holding

define spec_update_inflow<CoinType>(receiving: Window<CoinType>, amount: u64): Window<CoinType> {
       window_inflow, receiving.window_inflow + amount),
       tracked_balance, receiving.tracked_balance + amount)

Function can_withdraw_and_update_window

Verify that amount can be withdrawn from the account tracked by the sending window without violating any limits specified in its limits_definition. If the withdrawal of amount doesn't violate the limits amount of CoinType is recorded as withdrawn in the given sending window.

fun can_withdraw_and_update_window<CoinType>(amount: u64, sending: &mut AccountLimits::Window<CoinType>): bool
fun can_withdraw_and_update_window<CoinType>(
    amount: u64,
    sending: &mut Window<CoinType>,
): bool acquires LimitsDefinition {
    assert(exists<LimitsDefinition<CoinType>>(sending.limit_address), Errors::not_published(ELIMITS_DEFINITION));
    let limits_definition = borrow_global<LimitsDefinition<CoinType>>(sending.limit_address);
    // If the limits are unrestricted then don't do any more work.
    if (is_unrestricted(limits_definition)) return true;

    reset_window(sending, limits_definition);
    // Check outflow is OK
    assert(sending.window_outflow <= MAX_U64 - amount, Errors::limit_exceeded(EWINDOW));
    let outflow_ok = sending.window_outflow + amount <= limits_definition.max_outflow;
    // Flow is OK, so record it.
    if (outflow_ok) {
        sending.window_outflow = sending.window_outflow + amount;
        sending.tracked_balance = if (amount >= sending.tracked_balance) 0
                                   else sending.tracked_balance - amount;
pragma opaque;
include CanWithdrawAbortsIf<CoinType>;
include CanWithdrawEnsures<CoinType>;

schema CanWithdrawAbortsIf<CoinType> {
    amount: u64;
    sending: &mut Window<CoinType>;
    aborts_if !exists<LimitsDefinition<CoinType>>(sending.limit_address) with Errors::NOT_PUBLISHED;
    include !spec_window_unrestricted(sending) ==> CanWithdrawRestrictedAbortsIf<CoinType>;

schema CanWithdrawRestrictedAbortsIf<CoinType> {
    amount: u64;
    sending: &mut Window<CoinType>;
    include ResetWindowAbortsIf<CoinType>{
        window: sending,
        limits_definition: spec_window_limits<CoinType>(sending)
    aborts_if spec_window_reset(sending).window_outflow + amount > MAX_U64 with Errors::LIMIT_EXCEEDED;

schema CanWithdrawEnsures<CoinType> {
    result: bool;
    amount: u64;
    sending: &mut Window<CoinType>;
    ensures result == spec_withdrawal_limits_ok(old(sending), amount);
        if (result && !spec_window_unrestricted(old(sending)))
            sending == spec_update_outflow(spec_window_reset(old(sending)), amount)
            sending == spec_window_reset(old(sending)) || sending == old(sending);

Check whether withdrawal limits are satisfied.

define spec_withdrawal_limits_ok<CoinType>(sending: Window<CoinType>, amount: u64): bool {
   spec_window_unrestricted(sending) ||
   spec_window_reset(sending).window_outflow + amount <= spec_window_limits(sending).max_outflow

Update outflow.

define spec_update_outflow<CoinType>(sending: Window<CoinType>, amount: u64): Window<CoinType> {
       window_outflow, sending.window_outflow + amount),
       tracked_balance, if (amount >= sending.tracked_balance) 0
                        else sending.tracked_balance - amount)

Function is_unrestricted

Determine whether the LimitsDefinition resource has no restrictions.

fun is_unrestricted<CoinType>(limits_def: &AccountLimits::LimitsDefinition<CoinType>): bool
fun is_unrestricted<CoinType>(limits_def: &LimitsDefinition<CoinType>): bool {
    limits_def.max_inflow == MAX_U64 &&
    limits_def.max_outflow == MAX_U64 &&
    limits_def.max_holding == MAX_U64 &&
    limits_def.time_period == ONE_DAY
pragma opaque;
aborts_if false;
ensures result == spec_is_unrestricted(limits_def);

Checks whether the limits definition is unrestricted.

define spec_is_unrestricted<CoinType>(limits_def: LimitsDefinition<CoinType>): bool {
    limits_def.max_inflow == max_u64() &&
    limits_def.max_outflow == max_u64() &&
    limits_def.max_holding == max_u64() &&
    limits_def.time_period == 86400000000

Function limits_definition_address

public fun limits_definition_address<CoinType>(addr: address): address
public fun limits_definition_address<CoinType>(addr: address): address acquires Window {

Function has_limits_published

public fun has_limits_published<CoinType>(addr: address): bool
public fun has_limits_published<CoinType>(addr: address): bool {

Function has_window_published

public fun has_window_published<CoinType>(addr: address): bool
public fun has_window_published<CoinType>(addr: address): bool {
ensures result == spec_has_window_published<CoinType>(addr);

define spec_has_window_published<CoinType>(addr: address): bool {

Function current_time

fun current_time(): u64

Module Specification

LimitsDefinition<CoinType> persists after publication.

invariant update [global]
    forall addr: address, coin_type: type where old(exists<LimitsDefinition<coin_type>>(addr)):

Window<CoinType> persists after publication

invariant update [global]
    forall window_addr: address, coin_type: type where old(exists<Window<coin_type>>(window_addr)):

Invariant that LimitsDefinition exists if a Window exists.

invariant [global]
   forall window_addr: address, coin_type: type where exists<Window<coin_type>>(window_addr):