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Module 0x1::Diem

The Diem module describes the concept of a coin in the Diem framework. It introduces the resource Diem::Diem<CoinType>, representing a coin of given coin type. The module defines functions operating on coins as well as functionality like minting and burning of coins.

Resource Diem

The Diem resource defines the Diem coin for each currency in Diem. Each "coin" is coupled with a type CoinType specifying the currency of the coin, and a value field specifying the value of the coin (in the base units of the currency CoinType and specified in the CurrencyInfo resource for that CoinType published under the CoreAddresses::CURRENCY_INFO_ADDRESS() account address).

resource struct Diem<CoinType>
value: u64
The value of this coin in the base units for CoinType

Resource MintCapability

The MintCapability resource defines a capability to allow minting of coins of CoinType currency by the holder of this capability. This capability is held only either by the CoreAddresses::TREASURY_COMPLIANCE_ADDRESS() account or the 0x1::XDX module (and CoreAddresses::DIEM_ROOT_ADDRESS() in testnet).

resource struct MintCapability<CoinType>
dummy_field: bool

Resource BurnCapability

The BurnCapability resource defines a capability to allow coins of CoinType currency to be burned by the holder of it.

resource struct BurnCapability<CoinType>
dummy_field: bool

Struct MintEvent

A MintEvent is emitted every time a Diem coin is minted. This contains the amount minted (in base units of the currency being minted) along with the currency_code for the coin(s) being minted, and that is defined in the currency_code field of the CurrencyInfo resource for the currency.

struct MintEvent
amount: u64
Funds added to the system
currency_code: vector<u8>
ASCII encoded symbol for the coin type (e.g., "XDX")

Struct BurnEvent

A BurnEvent is emitted every time a non-synthetic Diem coin (i.e., a Diem coin with false is_synthetic field) is burned. It contains the amount burned in base units for the currency, along with the currency_code for the coins being burned (and as defined in the CurrencyInfo resource for that currency). It also contains the preburn_address from which the coin is extracted for burning.

struct BurnEvent
amount: u64
Funds removed from the system
currency_code: vector<u8>
ASCII encoded symbol for the coin type (e.g., "XDX")
preburn_address: address
Address with the Preburn resource that stored the now-burned funds

Struct PreburnEvent

A PreburnEvent is emitted every time an amount of funds with a coin type currency_code are moved to a Preburn resource under the account at the address preburn_address.

struct PreburnEvent
amount: u64
The amount of funds waiting to be removed (burned) from the system
currency_code: vector<u8>
ASCII encoded symbol for the coin type (e.g., "XDX")
preburn_address: address
Address with the Preburn resource that now holds the funds

Struct CancelBurnEvent

A CancelBurnEvent is emitted every time funds of amount in a Preburn resource at preburn_address is canceled (removed from the preburn, but not burned). The currency of the funds is given by the currency_code as defined in the CurrencyInfo for that currency.

amount: u64
The amount of funds returned
currency_code: vector<u8>
ASCII encoded symbol for the coin type (e.g., "XDX")
preburn_address: address
Address of the Preburn resource that held the now-returned funds.

Struct ToXDXExchangeRateUpdateEvent

An ToXDXExchangeRateUpdateEvent is emitted every time the to-XDX exchange rate for the currency given by currency_code is updated.

currency_code: vector<u8>
The currency code of the currency whose exchange rate was updated.
new_to_xdx_exchange_rate: u64
The new on-chain to-XDX exchange rate between the currency_code currency and XDX. Represented in conversion between the (on-chain) base-units for the currency and microdiem.

Resource CurrencyInfo

The CurrencyInfo<CoinType> resource stores the various pieces of information needed for a currency (CoinType) that is registered on-chain. This resource must be published under the address given by CoreAddresses::CURRENCY_INFO_ADDRESS() in order for the registration of CoinType as a recognized currency on-chain to be successful. At the time of registration, the MintCapability<CoinType> and BurnCapability<CoinType> capabilities are returned to the caller. Unless they are specified otherwise the fields in this resource are immutable.

resource struct CurrencyInfo<CoinType>
total_value: u128
The total value for the currency represented by CoinType. Mutable.
preburn_value: u64
Value of funds that are in the process of being burned. Mutable.
to_xdx_exchange_rate: FixedPoint32::FixedPoint32
The (rough) exchange rate from CoinType to XDX. Mutable.
is_synthetic: bool
Holds whether or not this currency is synthetic (contributes to the off-chain reserve) or not. An example of such a synthetic currency would be the XDX.
scaling_factor: u64
The scaling factor for the coin (i.e. the amount to divide by to get to the human-readable representation for this currency). e.g. 10^6 for XUS
fractional_part: u64
The smallest fractional part (number of decimal places) to be used in the human-readable representation for the currency (e.g. 10^2 for XUS cents)
currency_code: vector<u8>
The code symbol for this CoinType. ASCII encoded. e.g. for "XDX" this is x"584458". No character limit.
can_mint: bool
Minting of new currency of CoinType is allowed only if this field is true. We may want to disable the ability to mint further coins of a currency while that currency is still around. This allows us to keep the currency in circulation while disallowing further creation of coins in the CoinType currency. Mutable.
mint_events: Event::EventHandle<Diem::MintEvent>
Event stream for minting and where MintEvents will be emitted.
burn_events: Event::EventHandle<Diem::BurnEvent>
Event stream for burning, and where BurnEvents will be emitted.
preburn_events: Event::EventHandle<Diem::PreburnEvent>
Event stream for preburn requests, and where all PreburnEvents for this CoinType will be emitted.
cancel_burn_events: Event::EventHandle<Diem::CancelBurnEvent>
Event stream for all cancelled preburn requests for this CoinType.
exchange_rate_update_events: Event::EventHandle<Diem::ToXDXExchangeRateUpdateEvent>
Event stream for emiting exchange rate change events

Data structure invariant for CurrencyInfo. Asserts that CurrencyInfo.scaling_factor is always greater than 0 and not greater than MAX_SCALING_FACTOR

invariant 0 < scaling_factor && scaling_factor <= MAX_SCALING_FACTOR;

Resource Preburn

A holding area where funds that will subsequently be burned wait while their underlying assets are moved off-chain. This resource can only be created by the holder of a BurnCapability. An account that contains this address has the authority to initiate a burn request. A burn request can be resolved by the holder of a BurnCapability by either (1) burning the funds, or (2) returning the funds to the account that initiated the burn request. Concurrent preburn requests are not allowed, only one request (in to_burn) can be handled at any time.

resource struct Preburn<CoinType>
to_burn: Diem::Diem<CoinType>
A single pending burn amount. There is no pending burn request if the value in to_burn is 0


Maximum u64 value.

const MAX_U64: u64 = 18446744073709551615;

Maximum u128 value.

const MAX_U128: u128 = 340282366920938463463374607431768211455;

A property expected of a CurrencyInfo resource didn't hold

const ECURRENCY_INFO: u64 = 1;

A withdrawal greater than the value of the coin was attempted.


A BurnCapability resource is in an unexpected state.

const EBURN_CAPABILITY: u64 = 0;

A property expected of the coin provided didn't hold

const ECOIN: u64 = 7;

The destruction of a non-zero coin was attempted. Non-zero coins must be burned.

The currency specified is a synthetic (non-fiat) currency


Minting is not allowed for the specified currency

const EMINTING_NOT_ALLOWED: u64 = 5;

A property expected of MintCapability didn't hold

const EMINT_CAPABILITY: u64 = 9;

A property expected of a Preburn resource didn't hold

const EPREBURN: u64 = 2;

A burn was attempted on Preburn resource that cointained no coins

const EPREBURN_EMPTY: u64 = 4;

The preburn slot is already occupied with coins to be burned.

const EPREBURN_OCCUPIED: u64 = 3;

The maximum value for CurrencyInfo.scaling_factor

const MAX_SCALING_FACTOR: u64 = 10000000000;

Function initialize

Initialization of the Diem module. Initializes the set of registered currencies in the 0x1::RegisteredCurrencies on-chain config, and publishes the CurrencyRegistrationCapability under the CoreAddresses::DIEM_ROOT_ADDRESS(). This can only be called from genesis.

public fun initialize(dr_account: &signer)
public fun initialize(
    dr_account: &signer,
) {
    // Operational constraint

Function publish_burn_capability

Publishes the BurnCapability cap for the CoinType currency under account. CoinType must be a registered currency type. The caller must pass a treasury compliance account.

public fun publish_burn_capability<CoinType>(tc_account: &signer, cap: Diem::BurnCapability<CoinType>)
public fun publish_burn_capability<CoinType>(
    tc_account: &signer,
    cap: BurnCapability<CoinType>,
) {
    move_to(tc_account, cap)
aborts_if !spec_is_currency<CoinType>();
include PublishBurnCapAbortsIfs<CoinType>;

schema PublishBurnCapAbortsIfs<CoinType> {
    tc_account: &signer;

Must abort if tc_account does not have the TreasuryCompliance role. Only a TreasuryCompliance account can have the BurnCapability [H3].

schema PublishBurnCapAbortsIfs<CoinType> {
    include Roles::AbortsIfNotTreasuryCompliance{account: tc_account};
    aborts_if exists<BurnCapability<CoinType>>(Signer::spec_address_of(tc_account)) with Errors::ALREADY_PUBLISHED;

schema PublishBurnCapEnsures<CoinType> {
    tc_account: &signer;
    ensures exists<BurnCapability<CoinType>>(Signer::spec_address_of(tc_account));

Function mint

Mints amount of currency. The account must hold a MintCapability<CoinType> at the top-level in order for this call to be successful.

public fun mint<CoinType>(account: &signer, value: u64): Diem::Diem<CoinType>
public fun mint<CoinType>(account: &signer, value: u64): Diem<CoinType>
acquires CurrencyInfo, MintCapability {
    let addr = Signer::address_of(account);
    assert(exists<MintCapability<CoinType>>(addr), Errors::requires_capability(EMINT_CAPABILITY));
modifies global<CurrencyInfo<CoinType>>(CoreAddresses::CURRENCY_INFO_ADDRESS());
ensures exists<CurrencyInfo<CoinType>>(CoreAddresses::CURRENCY_INFO_ADDRESS());

Must abort if the account does not have the MintCapability [H1].

aborts_if !exists<MintCapability<CoinType>>(Signer::spec_address_of(account)) with Errors::REQUIRES_CAPABILITY;
include MintAbortsIf<CoinType>;
include MintEnsures<CoinType>;

Function burn

Burns the coins currently held in the Preburn resource held under preburn_address. Calls to this functions will fail if the account does not have a published BurnCapability for the CoinType published under it.

public fun burn<CoinType>(account: &signer, preburn_address: address)
public fun burn<CoinType>(
    account: &signer,
    preburn_address: address
) acquires BurnCapability, CurrencyInfo, Preburn {
    let addr = Signer::address_of(account);
    assert(exists<BurnCapability<CoinType>>(addr), Errors::requires_capability(EBURN_CAPABILITY));
include BurnAbortsIf<CoinType>;
include BurnEnsures<CoinType>;

schema BurnAbortsIf<CoinType> {
    account: signer;
    preburn_address: address;

Must abort if the account does not have the BurnCapability [H3].

schema BurnAbortsIf<CoinType> {
    aborts_if !exists<BurnCapability<CoinType>>(Signer::spec_address_of(account)) with Errors::REQUIRES_CAPABILITY;
    include AbortsIfNoPreburn<CoinType>;
    include BurnWithResourceCapAbortsIf<CoinType>{preburn: global<Preburn<CoinType>>(preburn_address)};

schema BurnEnsures<CoinType> {
    account: signer;
    preburn_address: address;
    include BurnWithResourceCapEnsures<CoinType>{preburn: global<Preburn<CoinType>>(preburn_address)};

schema AbortsIfNoPreburn<CoinType> {
    preburn_address: address;
    aborts_if !exists<Preburn<CoinType>>(preburn_address) with Errors::NOT_PUBLISHED;

Function cancel_burn

Cancels the current burn request in the Preburn resource held under the preburn_address, and returns the coins. Calls to this will fail if the sender does not have a published BurnCapability<CoinType>, or if there is no preburn request outstanding in the Preburn resource under preburn_address.

public fun cancel_burn<CoinType>(account: &signer, preburn_address: address): Diem::Diem<CoinType>
public fun cancel_burn<CoinType>(
    account: &signer,
    preburn_address: address
): Diem<CoinType> acquires BurnCapability, CurrencyInfo, Preburn {
    let addr = Signer::address_of(account);
    assert(exists<BurnCapability<CoinType>>(addr), Errors::requires_capability(EBURN_CAPABILITY));

Must abort if the account does not have the BurnCapability [H3].

aborts_if !exists<BurnCapability<CoinType>>(Signer::spec_address_of(account)) with Errors::REQUIRES_CAPABILITY;
include CancelBurnWithCapAbortsIf<CoinType>;
include CancelBurnWithCapEnsures<CoinType>;

Function mint_with_capability

Mint a new Diem coin of CoinType currency worth value. The caller must have a reference to a MintCapability<CoinType>. Only the treasury compliance account or the 0x1::XDX module can acquire such a reference.

public fun mint_with_capability<CoinType>(value: u64, _capability: &Diem::MintCapability<CoinType>): Diem::Diem<CoinType>
public fun mint_with_capability<CoinType>(
    value: u64,
    _capability: &MintCapability<CoinType>
): Diem<CoinType> acquires CurrencyInfo {
    let currency_code = currency_code<CoinType>();
    // update market cap resource to reflect minting
    let info = borrow_global_mut<CurrencyInfo<CoinType>>(CoreAddresses::CURRENCY_INFO_ADDRESS());
    assert(info.can_mint, Errors::invalid_state(EMINTING_NOT_ALLOWED));
    assert(MAX_U128 - info.total_value >= (value as u128), Errors::limit_exceeded(ECURRENCY_INFO));
    info.total_value = info.total_value + (value as u128);
    // don't emit mint events for synthetic currenices as this does not
    // change the total value of fiat currencies held on-chain.
    if (!info.is_synthetic) {
            &mut info.mint_events,
                amount: value,

    Diem<CoinType> { value }
pragma opaque;
modifies global<CurrencyInfo<CoinType>>(CoreAddresses::CURRENCY_INFO_ADDRESS());
ensures exists<CurrencyInfo<CoinType>>(CoreAddresses::CURRENCY_INFO_ADDRESS());

let currency_info = global<CurrencyInfo<CoinType>>(CoreAddresses::CURRENCY_INFO_ADDRESS());
include MintAbortsIf<CoinType>;
include MintEnsures<CoinType>;

schema MintAbortsIf<CoinType> {
    value: u64;
    include AbortsIfNoCurrency<CoinType>;
    aborts_if !spec_currency_info<CoinType>().can_mint with Errors::INVALID_STATE;
    aborts_if spec_currency_info<CoinType>().total_value + value > max_u128() with Errors::LIMIT_EXCEEDED;

schema MintEnsures<CoinType> {
    value: u64;
    result: Diem<CoinType>;
    let currency_info = global<CurrencyInfo<CoinType>>(CoreAddresses::CURRENCY_INFO_ADDRESS());
    ensures exists<CurrencyInfo<CoinType>>(CoreAddresses::CURRENCY_INFO_ADDRESS());
    ensures currency_info
        == update_field(old(currency_info), total_value, old(currency_info.total_value) + value);
    ensures result.value == value;

Function preburn_with_resource

Add the coin to the preburn.to_burn field in the Preburn resource held at the address preburn_address if it is empty, otherwise raise a PendingPreburn Error (code 6). Emits a PreburnEvent to the preburn_events event stream in the CurrencyInfo for the CoinType passed in. However, if the currency being preburned has true is_synthetic then no PreburnEvent event will be emitted.

public fun preburn_with_resource<CoinType>(coin: Diem::Diem<CoinType>, preburn: &mut Diem::Preburn<CoinType>, preburn_address: address)
public fun preburn_with_resource<CoinType>(
    coin: Diem<CoinType>,
    preburn: &mut Preburn<CoinType>,
    preburn_address: address,
) acquires CurrencyInfo {
    let coin_value = value(&coin);
    // Throw if already occupied
    assert(value(&preburn.to_burn) == 0, Errors::invalid_state(EPREBURN_OCCUPIED));
    deposit(&mut preburn.to_burn, coin);
    let currency_code = currency_code<CoinType>();
    let info = borrow_global_mut<CurrencyInfo<CoinType>>(CoreAddresses::CURRENCY_INFO_ADDRESS());
    assert(MAX_U64 - info.preburn_value >= coin_value, Errors::limit_exceeded(ECOIN));
    info.preburn_value = info.preburn_value + coin_value;
    // don't emit preburn events for synthetic currenices as this does not
    // change the total value of fiat currencies held on-chain, and
    // therefore no off-chain movement of the backing coins needs to be
    // performed.
    if (!info.is_synthetic) {
            &mut info.preburn_events,
                amount: coin_value,
include PreburnWithResourceAbortsIf<CoinType>{amount: coin.value};
include PreburnEnsures<CoinType>{amount: coin.value};

schema PreburnWithResourceAbortsIf<CoinType> {
    amount: u64;
    preburn: Preburn<CoinType>;
    aborts_if preburn.to_burn.value != 0 with Errors::INVALID_STATE;
    include PreburnAbortsIf<CoinType>;

schema PreburnAbortsIf<CoinType> {
    amount: u64;
    include AbortsIfNoCurrency<CoinType>;
    aborts_if spec_currency_info<CoinType>().preburn_value + amount > MAX_U64 with Errors::LIMIT_EXCEEDED;

schema PreburnEnsures<CoinType> {
    amount: u64;
    preburn: Preburn<CoinType>;
    ensures spec_currency_info<CoinType>().preburn_value
                == old(spec_currency_info<CoinType>().preburn_value) + amount;

Function create_preburn

Create a Preburn<CoinType> resource

public fun create_preburn<CoinType>(tc_account: &signer): Diem::Preburn<CoinType>
public fun create_preburn<CoinType>(
    tc_account: &signer
): Preburn<CoinType> {
    Preburn<CoinType> { to_burn: zero<CoinType>() }
include CreatePreburnAbortsIf<CoinType>;

schema CreatePreburnAbortsIf<CoinType> {
    tc_account: signer;
    include Roles::AbortsIfNotTreasuryCompliance{account: tc_account};
    include AbortsIfNoCurrency<CoinType>;

Function publish_preburn_to_account

Publishes a Preburn resource under account. This function is used for bootstrapping the designated dealer at account-creation time, and the association TC account creator (at CoreAddresses::TREASURY_COMPLIANCE_ADDRESS()) is creating this resource for the designated dealer.

public fun publish_preburn_to_account<CoinType>(account: &signer, tc_account: &signer)
public fun publish_preburn_to_account<CoinType>(
    account: &signer,
    tc_account: &signer
) acquires CurrencyInfo {
    assert(!is_synthetic_currency<CoinType>(), Errors::invalid_argument(EIS_SYNTHETIC_CURRENCY));
    assert(!exists<Preburn<CoinType>>(Signer::address_of(account)), Errors::already_published(EPREBURN));
    move_to(account, create_preburn<CoinType>(tc_account))
modifies global<Preburn<CoinType>>(Signer::spec_address_of(account));

The premission "PreburnCurrency" is granted to DesignatedDealer [H4]. Must abort if the account does not have the DesignatedDealer role.

Preburn is published under the DesignatedDealer account.

ensures exists<Preburn<CoinType>>(Signer::spec_address_of(account));
include Roles::AbortsIfNotTreasuryCompliance{account: tc_account};
include AbortsIfNoCurrency<CoinType>;
aborts_if is_synthetic_currency<CoinType>() with Errors::INVALID_ARGUMENT;
aborts_if exists<Preburn<CoinType>>(Signer::spec_address_of(account)) with Errors::ALREADY_PUBLISHED;

Function preburn_to

Sends coin to the preburn queue for account, where it will wait to either be burned or returned to the balance of account. Calls to this function will fail if account does not have a Preburn<CoinType> resource published under it.

public fun preburn_to<CoinType>(account: &signer, coin: Diem::Diem<CoinType>)
public fun preburn_to<CoinType>(
    account: &signer,
    coin: Diem<CoinType>
) acquires CurrencyInfo, Preburn {
    let sender = Signer::address_of(account);
    assert(exists<Preburn<CoinType>>(sender), Errors::not_published(EPREBURN));
    preburn_with_resource(coin, borrow_global_mut<Preburn<CoinType>>(sender), sender);

let preburn = global<Preburn<CoinType>>(Signer::spec_address_of(account));
include PreburnToAbortsIf<CoinType>{amount: coin.value};
include PreburnEnsures<CoinType>{preburn: preburn, amount: coin.value};

schema PreburnToAbortsIf<CoinType> {
    account: signer;
    amount: u64;
    let account_addr = Signer::spec_address_of(account);
    let preburn = global<Preburn<CoinType>>(account_addr);

Must abort if the account does have the Preburn resource [H4].

schema PreburnToAbortsIf<CoinType> {
    include Roles::AbortsIfNotDesignatedDealer;
    include AbortsIfNoPreburn<CoinType>{preburn_address: account_addr};
    include PreburnWithResourceAbortsIf<CoinType>{preburn: preburn};

Function burn_with_capability

Permanently removes the coins held in the Preburn resource (in to_burn field) stored at preburn_address and updates the market cap accordingly. This function can only be called by the holder of a BurnCapability<CoinType>. Calls to this function will fail if the there is no Preburn<CoinType> resource under preburn_address, or, if the preburn.to_burn area for CoinType is empty.

public fun burn_with_capability<CoinType>(preburn_address: address, capability: &Diem::BurnCapability<CoinType>)
public fun burn_with_capability<CoinType>(
    preburn_address: address,
    capability: &BurnCapability<CoinType>
) acquires CurrencyInfo, Preburn {
    // destroy the coin in the preburn to_burn area
    assert(exists<Preburn<CoinType>>(preburn_address), Errors::not_published(EPREBURN));
include AbortsIfNoPreburn<CoinType>;
include BurnWithResourceCapAbortsIf<CoinType>{preburn: global<Preburn<CoinType>>(preburn_address)};
include BurnWithResourceCapEnsures<CoinType>{preburn: global<Preburn<CoinType>>(preburn_address)};

Function burn_with_resource_cap

Permanently removes the coins held in the Preburn resource (in to_burn field) stored at preburn_address and updates the market cap accordingly. This function can only be called by the holder of a BurnCapability<CoinType>. Calls to this function will fail if the there is no Preburn<CoinType> resource under preburn_address, or, if the preburn to_burn area for CoinType is empty (error code 7).

fun burn_with_resource_cap<CoinType>(preburn: &mut Diem::Preburn<CoinType>, preburn_address: address, _capability: &Diem::BurnCapability<CoinType>)
fun burn_with_resource_cap<CoinType>(
    preburn: &mut Preburn<CoinType>,
    preburn_address: address,
    _capability: &BurnCapability<CoinType>
) acquires CurrencyInfo {
    let currency_code = currency_code<CoinType>();
    // Abort if no coin present in preburn area
    assert(preburn.to_burn.value > 0, Errors::invalid_state(EPREBURN_EMPTY));
    // destroy the coin in Preburn area
    let Diem { value } = withdraw_all<CoinType>(&mut preburn.to_burn);
    // update the market cap
    let info = borrow_global_mut<CurrencyInfo<CoinType>>(CoreAddresses::CURRENCY_INFO_ADDRESS());
    assert(info.total_value >= (value as u128), Errors::limit_exceeded(ECURRENCY_INFO));
    info.total_value = info.total_value - (value as u128);
    assert(info.preburn_value >= value, Errors::limit_exceeded(EPREBURN));
    info.preburn_value = info.preburn_value - value;
    // don't emit burn events for synthetic currenices as this does not
    // change the total value of fiat currencies held on-chain.
    if (!info.is_synthetic) {
            &mut info.burn_events,
            BurnEvent {
                amount: value,
include BurnWithResourceCapAbortsIf<CoinType>;
include BurnWithResourceCapEnsures<CoinType>;

schema BurnWithResourceCapAbortsIf<CoinType> {
    preburn: Preburn<CoinType>;
    include AbortsIfNoCurrency<CoinType>;
    let to_burn = preburn.to_burn.value;
    let info = spec_currency_info<CoinType>();
    aborts_if to_burn == 0 with Errors::INVALID_STATE;
    aborts_if info.total_value < to_burn with Errors::LIMIT_EXCEEDED;
    aborts_if info.preburn_value < to_burn with Errors::LIMIT_EXCEEDED;

schema BurnWithResourceCapEnsures<CoinType> {
    preburn: Preburn<CoinType>;
    ensures spec_currency_info<CoinType>().total_value
            == old(spec_currency_info<CoinType>().total_value) - old(preburn.to_burn.value);
    ensures spec_currency_info<CoinType>().preburn_value
            == old(spec_currency_info<CoinType>().preburn_value) - old(preburn.to_burn.value);

Function cancel_burn_with_capability

Cancels the burn request in the Preburn resource stored at preburn_address and return the coins to the caller. This function can only be called by the holder of a BurnCapability<CoinType>, and will fail if the Preburn<CoinType> resource at preburn_address does not contain a pending burn request.

public fun cancel_burn_with_capability<CoinType>(preburn_address: address, _capability: &Diem::BurnCapability<CoinType>): Diem::Diem<CoinType>
public fun cancel_burn_with_capability<CoinType>(
    preburn_address: address,
    _capability: &BurnCapability<CoinType>
): Diem<CoinType> acquires CurrencyInfo, Preburn {
    // destroy the coin in the preburn area
    assert(exists<Preburn<CoinType>>(preburn_address), Errors::not_published(EPREBURN));
    let preburn = borrow_global_mut<Preburn<CoinType>>(preburn_address);
    let coin = withdraw_all<CoinType>(&mut preburn.to_burn);
    // update the market cap
    let currency_code = currency_code<CoinType>();
    let info = borrow_global_mut<CurrencyInfo<CoinType>>(CoreAddresses::CURRENCY_INFO_ADDRESS());
    let amount = value(&coin);
    assert(info.preburn_value >= amount, Errors::limit_exceeded(EPREBURN));
    info.preburn_value = info.preburn_value - amount;
    // Don't emit cancel burn events for synthetic currencies. cancel_burn
    // shouldn't be be used for synthetic coins in the first place.
    if (!info.is_synthetic) {
            &mut info.cancel_burn_events,
            CancelBurnEvent {

include CancelBurnWithCapAbortsIf<CoinType>;
include CancelBurnWithCapEnsures<CoinType>;

schema CancelBurnWithCapAbortsIf<CoinType> {
    preburn_address: address;
    let info = global<CurrencyInfo<CoinType>>(CoreAddresses::CURRENCY_INFO_ADDRESS());
    let amount = global<Preburn<CoinType>>(preburn_address).to_burn.value;
    aborts_if !exists<Preburn<CoinType>>(preburn_address) with Errors::NOT_PUBLISHED;
    include AbortsIfNoCurrency<CoinType>;
    aborts_if info.preburn_value < amount with Errors::LIMIT_EXCEEDED;

schema CancelBurnWithCapEnsures<CoinType> {
    preburn_address: address;
    let preburn_value = global<Preburn<CoinType>>(preburn_address).to_burn.value;
    let total_preburn_value =
    ensures preburn_value == 0;
    ensures total_preburn_value == old(total_preburn_value) - old(preburn_value);

Function burn_now

A shortcut for immediately burning a coin. This calls preburn followed by a subsequent burn, and is used for administrative burns, like unpacking an XDX coin or charging fees.

public fun burn_now<CoinType>(coin: Diem::Diem<CoinType>, preburn: &mut Diem::Preburn<CoinType>, preburn_address: address, capability: &Diem::BurnCapability<CoinType>)
public fun burn_now<CoinType>(
    coin: Diem<CoinType>,
    preburn: &mut Preburn<CoinType>,
    preburn_address: address,
    capability: &BurnCapability<CoinType>
) acquires CurrencyInfo {
    assert(coin.value > 0, Errors::invalid_argument(ECOIN));
    preburn_with_resource(coin, preburn, preburn_address);
    burn_with_resource_cap(preburn, preburn_address, capability);
include BurnNowAbortsIf<CoinType>;
ensures preburn.to_burn.value == 0;

let info = spec_currency_info<CoinType>();
ensures info.total_value == old(info.total_value) - coin.value;

schema BurnNowAbortsIf<CoinType> {
    coin: Diem<CoinType>;
    preburn: Preburn<CoinType>;
    aborts_if coin.value == 0 with Errors::INVALID_ARGUMENT;
    include PreburnWithResourceAbortsIf<CoinType>{amount: coin.value};
    let info = spec_currency_info<CoinType>();
    aborts_if info.total_value < coin.value with Errors::LIMIT_EXCEEDED;

Function remove_burn_capability

Removes and returns the BurnCapability<CoinType> from account. Calls to this function will fail if account does not have a published BurnCapability<CoinType> resource at the top-level.

public fun remove_burn_capability<CoinType>(account: &signer): Diem::BurnCapability<CoinType>
public fun remove_burn_capability<CoinType>(account: &signer): BurnCapability<CoinType>
acquires BurnCapability {
    let addr = Signer::address_of(account);
    assert(exists<BurnCapability<CoinType>>(addr), Errors::requires_capability(EBURN_CAPABILITY));
include AbortsIfNoBurnCapability<CoinType>;

schema AbortsIfNoBurnCapability<CoinType> {
    account: signer;
    aborts_if !exists<BurnCapability<CoinType>>(Signer::spec_address_of(account)) with Errors::REQUIRES_CAPABILITY;

Function preburn_value

Returns the total value of Diem<CoinType> that is waiting to be burned throughout the system (i.e. the sum of all outstanding preburn requests across all preburn resources for the CoinType currency).

public fun preburn_value<CoinType>(): u64
public fun preburn_value<CoinType>(): u64 acquires CurrencyInfo {

Function zero

Create a new Diem<CoinType> with a value of 0. Anyone can call this and it will be successful as long as CoinType is a registered currency.

public fun zero<CoinType>(): Diem::Diem<CoinType>
public fun zero<CoinType>(): Diem<CoinType> {
    Diem<CoinType> { value: 0 }

Function value

Returns the value of the passed in coin. The value is represented in the base units for the currency represented by CoinType.

public fun value<CoinType>(coin: &Diem::Diem<CoinType>): u64
public fun value<CoinType>(coin: &Diem<CoinType>): u64 {

Function split

Removes amount of value from the passed in coin. Returns the remaining balance of the passed in coin, along with another coin with value equal to amount. Calls will fail if amount > Diem::value(&coin).

public fun split<CoinType>(coin: Diem::Diem<CoinType>, amount: u64): (Diem::Diem<CoinType>, Diem::Diem<CoinType>)
public fun split<CoinType>(coin: Diem<CoinType>, amount: u64): (Diem<CoinType>, Diem<CoinType>) {
    let other = withdraw(&mut coin, amount);
    (coin, other)
aborts_if coin.value < amount with Errors::LIMIT_EXCEEDED;
ensures result_1.value == coin.value - amount;
ensures result_2.value == amount;

Function withdraw

Withdraw amount from the passed-in coin, where the original coin is modified in place. After this function is executed, the original coin will have value = original_value - amount, and the new coin will have a value = amount. Calls will abort if the passed-in amount is greater than the value of the passed-in coin.

public fun withdraw<CoinType>(coin: &mut Diem::Diem<CoinType>, amount: u64): Diem::Diem<CoinType>
public fun withdraw<CoinType>(coin: &mut Diem<CoinType>, amount: u64): Diem<CoinType> {
    // Check that `amount` is less than the coin's value
    assert(coin.value >= amount, Errors::limit_exceeded(EAMOUNT_EXCEEDS_COIN_VALUE));
    coin.value = coin.value - amount;
    Diem { value: amount }
pragma opaque;
include WithdrawAbortsIf<CoinType>;
ensures coin.value == old(coin.value) - amount;
ensures result.value == amount;

schema WithdrawAbortsIf<CoinType> {
    coin: Diem<CoinType>;
    amount: u64;
    aborts_if coin.value < amount with Errors::LIMIT_EXCEEDED;

Function withdraw_all

Return a Diem<CoinType> worth coin.value and reduces the value of the input coin to zero. Does not abort.

public fun withdraw_all<CoinType>(coin: &mut Diem::Diem<CoinType>): Diem::Diem<CoinType>
public fun withdraw_all<CoinType>(coin: &mut Diem<CoinType>): Diem<CoinType> {
    let val = coin.value;
    withdraw(coin, val)
pragma opaque;
aborts_if false;
ensures result.value == old(coin.value);
ensures coin.value == 0;

Function join

Takes two coins as input, returns a single coin with the total value of both coins. Destroys on of the input coins.

public fun join<CoinType>(coin1: Diem::Diem<CoinType>, coin2: Diem::Diem<CoinType>): Diem::Diem<CoinType>
public fun join<CoinType>(coin1: Diem<CoinType>, coin2: Diem<CoinType>): Diem<CoinType>  {
    deposit(&mut coin1, coin2);
pragma opaque;
aborts_if coin1.value + coin2.value > max_u64() with Errors::LIMIT_EXCEEDED;
ensures result.value == coin1.value + coin2.value;

Function deposit

"Merges" the two coins. The coin passed in by reference will have a value equal to the sum of the two coins The check coin is consumed in the process

public fun deposit<CoinType>(coin: &mut Diem::Diem<CoinType>, check: Diem::Diem<CoinType>)
public fun deposit<CoinType>(coin: &mut Diem<CoinType>, check: Diem<CoinType>) {
    let Diem { value } = check;
    assert(MAX_U64 - coin.value >= value, Errors::limit_exceeded(ECOIN));
    coin.value = coin.value + value;
pragma opaque;
include DepositAbortsIf<CoinType>;
ensures coin.value == old(coin.value) + check.value;

schema DepositAbortsIf<CoinType> {
    coin: Diem<CoinType>;
    check: Diem<CoinType>;
    aborts_if coin.value + check.value > MAX_U64 with Errors::LIMIT_EXCEEDED;

Function destroy_zero

Destroy a zero-value coin. Calls will fail if the value in the passed-in coin is non-zero so it is impossible to "burn" any non-zero amount of Diem without having a BurnCapability for the specific CoinType.

public fun destroy_zero<CoinType>(coin: Diem::Diem<CoinType>)
public fun destroy_zero<CoinType>(coin: Diem<CoinType>) {
    let Diem { value } = coin;
    assert(value == 0, Errors::invalid_argument(EDESTRUCTION_OF_NONZERO_COIN))
pragma opaque;
aborts_if coin.value > 0 with Errors::INVALID_ARGUMENT;

Function register_currency

Register the type CoinType as a currency. Until the type is registered as a currency it cannot be used as a coin/currency unit in Diem. The passed-in dr_account must be a specific address (CoreAddresses::CURRENCY_INFO_ADDRESS()) and dr_account must also have the correct DiemRoot account role. After the first registration of CoinType as a currency, additional attempts to register CoinType as a currency will abort. When the CoinType is registered it publishes the CurrencyInfo<CoinType> resource under the CoreAddresses::CURRENCY_INFO_ADDRESS() and adds the currency to the set of RegisteredCurrencies. It returns MintCapability<CoinType> and BurnCapability<CoinType> resources.

public fun register_currency<CoinType>(dr_account: &signer, to_xdx_exchange_rate: FixedPoint32::FixedPoint32, is_synthetic: bool, scaling_factor: u64, fractional_part: u64, currency_code: vector<u8>): (Diem::MintCapability<CoinType>, Diem::BurnCapability<CoinType>)
public fun register_currency<CoinType>(
    dr_account: &signer,
    to_xdx_exchange_rate: FixedPoint32,
    is_synthetic: bool,
    scaling_factor: u64,
    fractional_part: u64,
    currency_code: vector<u8>,
): (MintCapability<CoinType>, BurnCapability<CoinType>)
    // Operational constraint that it must be stored under a specific address.
    assert(0 < scaling_factor && scaling_factor <= MAX_SCALING_FACTOR, Errors::invalid_argument(ECURRENCY_INFO));
    move_to(dr_account, CurrencyInfo<CoinType> {
        total_value: 0,
        preburn_value: 0,
        currency_code: copy currency_code,
        can_mint: true,
        mint_events: Event::new_event_handle<MintEvent>(dr_account),
        burn_events: Event::new_event_handle<BurnEvent>(dr_account),
        preburn_events: Event::new_event_handle<PreburnEvent>(dr_account),
        cancel_burn_events: Event::new_event_handle<CancelBurnEvent>(dr_account),
        exchange_rate_update_events: Event::new_event_handle<ToXDXExchangeRateUpdateEvent>(dr_account)
    (MintCapability<CoinType>{}, BurnCapability<CoinType>{})
include RegisterCurrencyAbortsIf<CoinType>;
include RegisterCurrencyEnsures<CoinType>;

schema RegisterCurrencyAbortsIf<CoinType> {
    dr_account: signer;
    currency_code: vector<u8>;
    scaling_factor: u64;

Must abort if the signer does not have the DiemRoot role [H8].

schema RegisterCurrencyAbortsIf<CoinType> {
    include Roles::AbortsIfNotDiemRoot{account: dr_account};
    aborts_if scaling_factor == 0 || scaling_factor > MAX_SCALING_FACTOR with Errors::INVALID_ARGUMENT;
    include CoreAddresses::AbortsIfNotCurrencyInfo{account: dr_account};
    aborts_if exists<CurrencyInfo<CoinType>>(Signer::spec_address_of(dr_account))
        with Errors::ALREADY_PUBLISHED;
    include RegisteredCurrencies::AddCurrencyCodeAbortsIf;

schema RegisterCurrencyEnsures<CoinType> {
    ensures spec_is_currency<CoinType>();
    ensures spec_currency_info<CoinType>().total_value == 0;

Function register_SCS_currency

Registers a stable currency (SCS) coin -- i.e., a non-synthetic currency. Resources are published on two distinct accounts: The CoinInfo is published on the Diem root account, and the mint and burn capabilities are published on a treasury compliance account. This code allows different currencies to have different treasury compliance accounts.

public fun register_SCS_currency<CoinType>(dr_account: &signer, tc_account: &signer, to_xdx_exchange_rate: FixedPoint32::FixedPoint32, scaling_factor: u64, fractional_part: u64, currency_code: vector<u8>)
public fun register_SCS_currency<CoinType>(
    dr_account: &signer,
    tc_account: &signer,
    to_xdx_exchange_rate: FixedPoint32,
    scaling_factor: u64,
    fractional_part: u64,
    currency_code: vector<u8>,
) {
    let (mint_cap, burn_cap) =
            false,   // is_synthetic
    move_to(tc_account, mint_cap);
    publish_burn_capability<CoinType>(tc_account, burn_cap);
include RegisterSCSCurrencyAbortsIf<CoinType>;
include RegisterSCSCurrencyEnsures<CoinType>;

schema RegisterSCSCurrencyAbortsIf<CoinType> {
    tc_account: signer;
    dr_account: signer;
    currency_code: vector<u8>;
    scaling_factor: u64;

Must abort if tc_account does not have the TreasuryCompliance role. Only a TreasuryCompliance account can have the MintCapability [H1]. Only a TreasuryCompliance account can have the BurnCapability [H3].

schema RegisterSCSCurrencyAbortsIf<CoinType> {
    include Roles::AbortsIfNotTreasuryCompliance{account: tc_account};
    aborts_if exists<MintCapability<CoinType>>(Signer::spec_address_of(tc_account)) with Errors::ALREADY_PUBLISHED;
    include RegisterCurrencyAbortsIf<CoinType>;
    include PublishBurnCapAbortsIfs<CoinType>;

schema RegisterSCSCurrencyEnsures<CoinType> {
    tc_account: signer;
    ensures spec_has_mint_capability<CoinType>(Signer::spec_address_of(tc_account));

Function market_cap

Returns the total amount of currency minted of type CoinType.

public fun market_cap<CoinType>(): u128
public fun market_cap<CoinType>(): u128
acquires CurrencyInfo {

Function approx_xdx_for_value

Returns the value of the coin in the FromCoinType currency in XDX. This should only be used where a rough approximation of the exchange rate is needed.

public fun approx_xdx_for_value<FromCoinType>(from_value: u64): u64
public fun approx_xdx_for_value<FromCoinType>(from_value: u64): u64
acquires CurrencyInfo {
    let xdx_exchange_rate = xdx_exchange_rate<FromCoinType>();
    FixedPoint32::multiply_u64(from_value, xdx_exchange_rate)
pragma opaque;
include ApproxXdmForValueAbortsIf<FromCoinType>;
ensures result == spec_approx_xdx_for_value<FromCoinType>(from_value);

schema ApproxXdmForValueAbortsIf<CoinType> {
    from_value: num;
    include AbortsIfNoCurrency<CoinType>;
    let xdx_exchange_rate = spec_xdx_exchange_rate<CoinType>();
    include FixedPoint32::MultiplyAbortsIf{val: from_value, multiplier: xdx_exchange_rate};

Function approx_xdx_for_coin

Returns the value of the coin in the FromCoinType currency in XDX. This should only be used where a rough approximation of the exchange rate is needed.

public fun approx_xdx_for_coin<FromCoinType>(coin: &Diem::Diem<FromCoinType>): u64
public fun approx_xdx_for_coin<FromCoinType>(coin: &Diem<FromCoinType>): u64
acquires CurrencyInfo {
    let from_value = value(coin);

Function is_currency

Returns true if the type CoinType is a registered currency. Returns false otherwise.

public fun is_currency<CoinType>(): bool
public fun is_currency<CoinType>(): bool {

Function is_SCS_currency

public fun is_SCS_currency<CoinType>(): bool
public fun is_SCS_currency<CoinType>(): bool acquires CurrencyInfo {
    is_currency<CoinType>() &&

Function is_synthetic_currency

Returns true if CoinType is a synthetic currency as defined in its CurrencyInfo. Returns false otherwise.

public fun is_synthetic_currency<CoinType>(): bool
public fun is_synthetic_currency<CoinType>(): bool
acquires CurrencyInfo {
    let addr = CoreAddresses::CURRENCY_INFO_ADDRESS();
    exists<CurrencyInfo<CoinType>>(addr) &&

Function scaling_factor

Returns the scaling factor for the CoinType currency as defined in its CurrencyInfo.

public fun scaling_factor<CoinType>(): u64
public fun scaling_factor<CoinType>(): u64
acquires CurrencyInfo {

Function fractional_part

Returns the representable (i.e. real-world) fractional part for the CoinType currency as defined in its CurrencyInfo.

public fun fractional_part<CoinType>(): u64
public fun fractional_part<CoinType>(): u64
acquires CurrencyInfo {

Function currency_code

Returns the currency code for the registered currency as defined in its CurrencyInfo resource.

public fun currency_code<CoinType>(): vector<u8>
public fun currency_code<CoinType>(): vector<u8>
acquires CurrencyInfo {
pragma opaque;
include AbortsIfNoCurrency<CoinType>;
ensures result == spec_currency_info<CoinType>().currency_code;

Function update_xdx_exchange_rate

Updates the to_xdx_exchange_rate held in the CurrencyInfo for FromCoinType to the new passed-in xdx_exchange_rate.

public fun update_xdx_exchange_rate<FromCoinType>(tc_account: &signer, xdx_exchange_rate: FixedPoint32::FixedPoint32)
public fun update_xdx_exchange_rate<FromCoinType>(
    tc_account: &signer,
    xdx_exchange_rate: FixedPoint32
) acquires CurrencyInfo {
    let currency_info = borrow_global_mut<CurrencyInfo<FromCoinType>>(CoreAddresses::CURRENCY_INFO_ADDRESS());
    currency_info.to_xdx_exchange_rate = xdx_exchange_rate;
        &mut currency_info.exchange_rate_update_events,
        ToXDXExchangeRateUpdateEvent {
            currency_code: *¤cy_info.currency_code,
            new_to_xdx_exchange_rate: FixedPoint32::get_raw_value(*¤cy_info.to_xdx_exchange_rate),
include UpdateXDXExchangeRateAbortsIf<FromCoinType>;
include UpdateXDXExchangeRateEnsures<FromCoinType>;

schema UpdateXDXExchangeRateAbortsIf<FromCoinType> {
    tc_account: signer;

Must abort if the account does not have the TreasuryCompliance Role [H5].

schema UpdateXDXExchangeRateAbortsIf<FromCoinType> {
    include Roles::AbortsIfNotTreasuryCompliance{account: tc_account};
    include AbortsIfNoCurrency<FromCoinType>;

schema UpdateXDXExchangeRateEnsures<FromCoinType> {
    xdx_exchange_rate: FixedPoint32;
    ensures spec_currency_info<FromCoinType>().to_xdx_exchange_rate == xdx_exchange_rate;

Function xdx_exchange_rate

Returns the (rough) exchange rate between CoinType and XDX

public fun xdx_exchange_rate<CoinType>(): FixedPoint32
acquires CurrencyInfo {

Function update_minting_ability

There may be situations in which we disallow the further minting of coins in the system without removing the currency. This function allows the association treasury compliance account to control whether or not further coins of CoinType can be minted or not. If this is called with can_mint = true, then minting is allowed, if can_mint = false then minting is disallowed until it is turned back on via this function. All coins start out in the default state of can_mint = true.

public fun update_minting_ability<CoinType>(tc_account: &signer, can_mint: bool)
public fun update_minting_ability<CoinType>(
    tc_account: &signer,
    can_mint: bool,
acquires CurrencyInfo {
    let currency_info = borrow_global_mut<CurrencyInfo<CoinType>>(CoreAddresses::CURRENCY_INFO_ADDRESS());
    currency_info.can_mint = can_mint;
include UpdateMintingAbilityAbortsIf<CoinType>;
include UpdateMintingAbilityEnsures<CoinType>;

schema UpdateMintingAbilityAbortsIf<CoinType> {
    tc_account: signer;
    include AbortsIfNoCurrency<CoinType>;

Only the TreasuryCompliance role can enable/disable minting [H2].

schema UpdateMintingAbilityAbortsIf<CoinType> {
    include Roles::AbortsIfNotTreasuryCompliance{account: tc_account};

schema UpdateMintingAbilityEnsures<CoinType> {
    tc_account: signer;
    can_mint: bool;
    ensures spec_currency_info<CoinType>().can_mint == can_mint;

Function assert_is_currency

Asserts that CoinType is a registered currency.

public fun assert_is_currency<CoinType>()
public fun assert_is_currency<CoinType>() {
    assert(is_currency<CoinType>(), Errors::not_published(ECURRENCY_INFO));
pragma opaque;
include AbortsIfNoCurrency<CoinType>;

schema AbortsIfNoCurrency<CoinType> {
    aborts_if !spec_is_currency<CoinType>() with Errors::NOT_PUBLISHED;

Function assert_is_SCS_currency

public fun assert_is_SCS_currency<CoinType>()
public fun assert_is_SCS_currency<CoinType>() acquires CurrencyInfo {
    assert(is_SCS_currency<CoinType>(), Errors::invalid_state(ECURRENCY_INFO));

Module Specification

Returns the market cap of CoinType.

define spec_market_cap<CoinType>(): u128 {

define spec_scaling_factor<CoinType>(): u64 {

Access Control

Only mint functions can increase the total amount of currency [H1].

apply TotalValueNotIncrease<CoinType> to *<CoinType>
    except mint<CoinType>, mint_with_capability<CoinType>;

In order to successfully call mint and mint_with_capability, MintCapability is required. MintCapability must be only granted to a TreasuryCompliance account [H1]. Only register_SCS_currency creates MintCapability, which must abort if the account does not have the TreasuryCompliance role [H1].

apply PreserveMintCapAbsence<CoinType> to *<CoinType> except register_SCS_currency<CoinType>;
apply Roles::AbortsIfNotTreasuryCompliance{account: tc_account} to register_SCS_currency<CoinType>;

Only TreasuryCompliance can have MintCapability [H1]. If an account has MintCapability, it is a TreasuryCompliance account.

invariant [global] forall coin_type: type:
    forall mint_cap_owner: address where exists<MintCapability<coin_type>>(mint_cap_owner):

MintCapability is not transferrable [J1].

apply PreserveMintCapExistence<CoinType> to *<CoinType>;

The permission "MintCurrency" is unique per currency [I1]. At most one address has a mint capability for SCS CoinType

invariant [global, isolated]
    forall coin_type: type where is_SCS_currency<coin_type>():
        forall mint_cap_owner1: address, mint_cap_owner2: address
             where exists<MintCapability<coin_type>>(mint_cap_owner1)
                        && exists<MintCapability<coin_type>>(mint_cap_owner2):
                  mint_cap_owner1 == mint_cap_owner2;

If an address has a mint capability, it is an SCS currency.

invariant [global]
    forall coin_type: type, addr3: address where spec_has_mint_capability<coin_type>(addr3):


The total amount of currency does not increase.

schema TotalValueNotIncrease<CoinType> {
    ensures old(spec_is_currency<CoinType>())
        ==> spec_currency_info<CoinType>().total_value <= old(spec_currency_info<CoinType>().total_value);

The existence of MintCapability is preserved.

schema PreserveMintCapExistence<CoinType> {
    ensures forall addr: address:
        old(exists<MintCapability<CoinType>>(addr)) ==>

The absence of MintCapability is preserved.

schema PreserveMintCapAbsence<CoinType> {
    ensures forall addr: address:
        old(!exists<MintCapability<CoinType>>(addr)) ==>


The total amount of currency does not decrease.

schema TotalValueNotDecrease<CoinType> {
    ensures old(spec_is_currency<CoinType>())
        ==> spec_currency_info<CoinType>().total_value >= old(spec_currency_info<CoinType>().total_value);

The existence of BurnCapability is preserved.

schema PreserveBurnCapExistence<CoinType> {
    ensures forall addr: address:
        old(exists<BurnCapability<CoinType>>(addr)) ==>

The absence of BurnCapability is preserved.

schema PreserveBurnCapAbsence<CoinType> {
    ensures forall addr: address:
        old(!exists<BurnCapability<CoinType>>(addr)) ==>

Only burn functions can decrease the total amount of currency [H3].

apply TotalValueNotDecrease<CoinType> to *<CoinType>
    except burn<CoinType>, burn_with_capability<CoinType>, burn_with_resource_cap<CoinType>,

In order to successfully call the burn functions, BurnCapability is required. BurnCapability must be only granted to a TreasuryCompliance account [H3]. Only register_SCS_currency and publish_burn_capability publish BurnCapability, which must abort if the account does not have the TreasuryCompliance role [H8].

apply PreserveBurnCapAbsence<CoinType> to *<CoinType>
    except register_SCS_currency<CoinType>, publish_burn_capability<CoinType>;
apply Roles::AbortsIfNotTreasuryCompliance{account: tc_account} to register_SCS_currency<CoinType>;

Only TreasuryCompliance can have BurnCapability [H3]. If an account has BurnCapability, it is a TreasuryCompliance account.

invariant [global] forall coin_type: type:
    forall addr1: address:
        exists<BurnCapability<coin_type>>(addr1) ==>

BurnCapability is not transferrable [J3]. BurnCapability can be extracted from an account, but is always moved back to the original account. This is the case in TransactionFee::burn_fees which is the only user of remove_burn_capability and publish_burn_capability.

apply PreserveBurnCapExistence<CoinType> to *<CoinType> except remove_burn_capability<CoinType>;


The preburn value of currency does not increase.

schema PreburnValueNotIncrease<CoinType> {
    ensures old(spec_is_currency<CoinType>())
        ==> spec_currency_info<CoinType>().preburn_value <= old(spec_currency_info<CoinType>().preburn_value);

The the preburn value of currency does not decrease.

schema PreburnValueNotDecrease<CoinType> {
    ensures old(spec_is_currency<CoinType>())
        ==> spec_currency_info<CoinType>().preburn_value >= old(spec_currency_info<CoinType>().preburn_value);

The existence of Preburn is preserved.

schema PreservePreburnExistence<CoinType> {
    ensures forall addr: address:
        old(exists<Preburn<CoinType>>(addr)) ==>

The absence of Preburn is preserved.

schema PreservePreburnAbsence<CoinType> {
    ensures forall addr: address:
        old(!exists<Preburn<CoinType>>(addr)) ==>

Only burn functions can decrease the preburn value of currency [H4].

apply PreburnValueNotDecrease<CoinType> to *<CoinType>
    except burn<CoinType>, burn_with_capability<CoinType>, burn_with_resource_cap<CoinType>,
    burn_now<CoinType>, cancel_burn<CoinType>, cancel_burn_with_capability<CoinType>;

Only preburn functions can increase the preburn value of currency [H4].

apply PreburnValueNotIncrease<CoinType> to *<CoinType>
    except preburn_to<CoinType>, preburn_with_resource<CoinType>;

In order to successfully call the preburn functions, Preburn is required. Preburn must be only granted to a DesignatedDealer account [H4]. Only publish_preburn_to_account publishes Preburn, which must abort if the account does not have the DesignatedDealer role [H4].

apply Roles::AbortsIfNotDesignatedDealer to publish_preburn_to_account<CoinType>;
apply PreservePreburnAbsence<CoinType> to *<CoinType> except publish_preburn_to_account<CoinType>;

Only DesignatedDealer can have Preburn [H3]. If an account has Preburn, it is a DesignatedDealer account.

invariant [global] forall coin_type: type:
    forall addr1: address:
        exists<Preburn<coin_type>>(addr1) ==>

Preburn is not transferrable [J4].

apply PreservePreburnExistence<CoinType> to *<CoinType>;

resource struct CurrencyInfo is persistent

invariant update [global] forall coin_type: type, dr_addr: address
    where old(exists<CurrencyInfo<coin_type>>(dr_addr)):

resource struct Preburn<CoinType> is persistent

invariant update [global] forall coin_type: type, tc_addr: address
    where old(exists<Preburn<coin_type>>(tc_addr)):

resource struct MintCapability<CoinType> is persistent

invariant update [global] forall coin_type: type, tc_addr: address
    where old(exists<MintCapability<coin_type>>(tc_addr)):

Update Exchange Rates

The exchange rate to XDX stays constant.

schema ExchangeRateRemainsSame<CoinType> {
    ensures old(spec_is_currency<CoinType>())
        ==> spec_currency_info<CoinType>().to_xdx_exchange_rate
            == old(spec_currency_info<CoinType>().to_xdx_exchange_rate);

The permission "UpdateExchangeRate(type)" is granted to TreasuryCompliance [H5].

apply Roles::AbortsIfNotTreasuryCompliance{account: tc_account} to update_xdx_exchange_rate<FromCoinType>;

Only update_xdx_exchange_rate can change the exchange rate [H5].

apply ExchangeRateRemainsSame<CoinType> to *<CoinType>
    except update_xdx_exchange_rate<CoinType>;

Helper Functions

Checks whether currency is registered. Mirrors Self::is_currency<CoinType>.

define spec_is_currency<CoinType>(): bool {

Returns currency information.

define spec_currency_info<CoinType>(): CurrencyInfo<CoinType> {

Specification version of Self::approx_xdx_for_value.

define spec_approx_xdx_for_value<CoinType>(value: num):  num {
    FixedPoint32::spec_multiply_u64(value, spec_xdx_exchange_rate<CoinType>())

define spec_xdx_exchange_rate<CoinType>(): FixedPoint32 {

Checks whether the currency has a mint capability. This is only relevant for SCS coins

define spec_has_mint_capability<CoinType>(addr: address): bool {

Returns true if a BurnCapability for CoinType exists at addr.

define spec_has_burn_capability<CoinType>(addr: address): bool {