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5. Utility Functions

cenkentimist edited this page Mar 22, 2017 · 3 revisions

Classes for mapping data properties to Leaflet style values


Used to map a data property from one scale to another


L.LinearFunction(<Number[]|Point> minPoint, <Number[]|Point> maxPoint, <LinearFunction options> options?);

// Map a data property that ranges from 0 to 100 to a value between 5 and 20 (e.g. marker radius)
var linearFunction = new L.LinearFunction(new L.Point(0, 5), new L.Point(100, 20));

// OR - In addition to L.Point objects, you can also use arrays
var linearFunction = new L.LinearFunction([0, 5], [100, 20]);

console.log(linearFunction.evaluate(10));  // prints 6.5



Type: Function

Default: null

A function for pre-processing an input value


Type: Function

Default: null

A function for post-processing an output value

Key Methods



Interpolates an output value based on the passed in input value

Color Functions

Used to map a data property to a color. The framework includes tools for mapping color using Hue, Saturation, and Lightness/Luminosity (HSL) or Red, Green, Blue (RGB) color. See the Colors example.


Change the output hue dynamically based on the input data property Useful for producing colors along a rainbow scale (or subset) L.HSLHueFunction(<Number[]|Point> minPoint, <Number[]|Point> maxPoint, <HSL options> options?);

Change the output saturation dynamically based on the input data property Useful for varying between a color and gray L.HSLSaturationFunction(<Number[]|Point> minPoint, <Number[]|Point> maxPoint, <HSL options> options?);

Change the output luminosity dynamically based on the input data property Useful for varying between a color and white L.HSLLuminosityFunction(<Number[]|Point> minPoint, <Number[]|Point> maxPoint, <HSL options> options?);

Change the output red value dynamically based on the input data property L.RGBRedFunction(<Number[]|Point> minPoint, <Number[]|Point> maxPoint, <RGB options> options?);

Change the output blue value dynamically based on the input data property L.RGBBlueFunction(<Number[]|Point> minPoint, <Number[]|Point> maxPoint, <RGB options> options?);

Change the output green value dynamically based on the input data property L.RGBGreenFunction(<Number[]|Point> minPoint, <Number[]|Point> maxPoint, <RGB options> options?);

Vary the output color dynamically between two RGB colors L.RGBColorBlendFunction(<Number> minX, <Number> maxX, <RGB array> minColor, <RGB array> maxColor);

Vary the output color dynamically using the colors specified in the colors array. Use with L.ColorBrewer color scales

L.CustomColorFunction(<Number> minX, <Number> maxX, <RGB/HSL Array> colors, <CustomColorFunction options> options?);

// Map a data property that ranges from 0 to 100 to a color between green (hue of 120) and red (hue of 0)
var colorFunction = new L.HSLHueFunction(new L.Point(0, 120), new L.Point(100, 20));

colorFunction.evaluate(10); // prints 'hsl(110.00, 100%, 50%)'


HSL Options

Type: Number

Default: 0

The desired output hue NOTE: use with L.HSLSaturationFunction and L.HSLLuminosityFunction


Type: String

Default: '100%'

The desired output saturation NOTE: use with L.HSLHueFunction and L.HSLLuminosityFunction


Type: String

Default: '50%'

The desired width of the legend element NOTE: use with L.HSLHueFunction and L.HSLSaturationFunction

RGB Options

Type: Number (0..255)

Default: 0

The desired output red value NOTE: use with L.RGBGreenFunction and L.RGBBlueFunction


Type: Number (0..255)

Default: 0

The desired output green value NOTE: use with L.RGBRedFunction and L.RGBBlueFunction


Type: Number (0..255)

Default: 0

The desired output blue value NOTE: use with L.RGBRedFunction and L.RGBGreenFunction


Used to combine L.LinearFunction instances for cases where one instance won't suffice


L.PiecewiseFunction(<LinearFunction[]> functions, <LinearFunction options> options?);

// Map a data property that ranges from 0 to 100 to a color that ranges from white to yellow, yellow to red
// To vary a color between white and that color, use an HSLLuminosityFunction.  In this case we'll vary
// the color from white to yellow until the value reaches 50
var whiteToYellow = new L.HSLLuminosityFunction(new L.Point(0, 1), new L.Point(50, 0.5), {
	outputHue: 60

// We'll then vary the color from yellow to red from 50 to 100
var yellowToRed = new L.HSLHueFunction(new L.Point(50, 60), new L.Point(100, 0));

// Create a new PiecewiseFunction and use this as you would any other LinearFunction
var colorFunction = new L.PiecewiseFunction([whiteToYellow, yellowToRed]);
