Make & Play Quiz WebApp, built in Laravel for Mobile Web Application Course at Harbour Space University
Play a quiz, answering its questions
See your results, how many answers are correct
See the scoreboard of a quiz
Create a quiz, create questions and answers for it
Upload and use photos in questions
Creates answered quizzes and answered questions when playing a quiz
Check if a quiz is a draft, using a dispatched job and deleting cache (of the quizzes list) after updates the quiz
First make sure you have php and composer installed
- Clone the project and cd into the folder
git clone
cd lauquiz
- Copy .env.example to .env
cp .env.example .env
- Run composer install
composer install
- Build the container
./vendor/bin/sail build --no-cache
- Run the container
./vendor/bin/sail up -d
- Migrate and seed the database
./vendor/bin/sail artisan migrate:fresh --seed