Lightweight header-only C++17 websocket client library. The plan is for this to be fully compliant with RFC6455 eventually.
- C++17 or higher
- Boost (Boost.Pool)
- OpenSSL
Make sure you init and update all the git submodules.
Use the included CMakeLists.txt, the single header version in single_header/
, or just point your compiler to the fastws headers, ext/plf_nanotimer
and ext/websocket-frame-utility/include
, Boost headers, OpenSSL headers, and link with OpenSSL.
There are two clients, fastws::TLSClient
and fastws::NoTLSClient
(which are specializations of fastws::WSClient
), which are class templates that take a frame handler as the template argument (see below). Should be pretty obvious what the difference between these guys is.
To use fastws, you need to define a frame handler that responds to various WebSocket events, such as connection open, message received, connection close, etc. For example:
struct FrameHandler {
void on_open(fastws::TLSClient<FrameHandler>& client) {}
void on_close(fastws::TLSClient<FrameHandler>& client, bool success) {}
void on_text(fastws::TLSClient<FrameHandler>& client, wsframe::Frame frame) {}
void on_binary(fastws::TLSClient<FrameHandler>& client, wsframe::Frame frame) {}
void on_continuation(fastws::TLSClient<FrameHandler>& client, wsframe::Frame frame) {}
All methods (on_open
,...) need to be defined.
A wsframe::Frame
looks like. The payload string_view
is only valid for the duration of the FrameHandler method call, so if you want to keep it around you should copy it somewhere.
struct Frame{
enum class Opcode : uint8_t {
TEXT = 0x1,
BINARY = 0x2,
CLOSE = 0x8,
PING = 0x9,
PONG = 0xA,
bool fin;
bool mask;
Opcode opcode;
std::array<std::uint8_t, 4> masking_key;
std::string_view payload;
We first create a FrameHandler instance, then pass a reference to this to the client (along with the url, path and port to connect to). Then just call client.poll()
in a loop to handle incoming packets.
int main() {
FrameHandler handler;
fastws::TLSClient<FrameHandler> client(handler, "", "/", 443);
while (true)
if (client.poll() != fastws::ConnectionStatus::HEALTHY)
return 0;
The constructor for fastws::WSCLient
(and so fastws::TLSClient
and fastws::NoTLSCLient
) has the signature
WSClient(FrameHandler& handler, const std::string& host,
const std::string& path, const long port = 443,
const std::string& extra_headers = "",
int connection_timeout = 10 /*seconds*/,
int ping_frequency = 60 /*seconds*/,
int ping_timeout = 10 /*seconds*/);
where connection_timeout
is how long the client will wait to recieve the open connection handshake, ping_frequency
is how often the client sends a ping to the server, and ping_timeout
is how long the client will wait to receive a pong from the server before giving up.
(which is passed to all of the handler functions) has the public methods
// get current status of the connection
ConnectionStatus fastws::WSClient::status() const;
// closes the connection
bool fastws::WSClient::close(int timeout = 10 /*seconds*/);
// sends text
void fastws::WSClient::send_text(std::string_view payload);
// sends binary
void fastws::WSClient::send_binary(std::string_view payload);
// handles incoming packets and returns current status of the connection
ConnectionStatus fastws::WSClient::poll();
This is a minimal example that connects to
, sends a message, and then closes the connection once the echo is recieved.
#include <fastws/fastws.hpp>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <string_view>
struct FrameHandler {
using Client = fastws::TLSClient<FrameHandler>;
void on_open(Client& client) {
std::cout << "Connection Opened!" << std::endl;
client.send_text("Hello, World!");
void on_close(Client& client, bool success) {
std::cout << "Connection Closed (success = " << success << ")"
<< std::endl;
void on_text(Client& client, wsframe::Frame frame) {
std::cout << " > text: " << frame << std::endl;
if (frame.payload == "Hello, World!") {
void on_binary(Client& client, wsframe::Frame frame) {
std::cout << " > binary: " << frame << std::endl;
void on_continuation(Client& client, wsframe::Frame frame) {
std::cout << " > continuation: " << frame << std::endl;
int main() {
FrameHandler handler;
FrameHandler::Client client(handler, "", "/", 443);
while (true)
if (client.poll() != fastws::ConnectionStatus::HEALTHY)
return 0;