filename: filename of network (no '.txt' suffix), e.g., input 'network' for 'network.txt';
d: number of dimensions, n/500 by default;
thre: parameter thre, used in AScore for detecting anomalies;
eps: parameter eps, stop condition of gradient descent, 0.001 by default;
pa: binary number, 1 print anomaly, 0 not;
rg: binary number, 1 rewrite graph by deleting anomalies, 0 not;
first line: n m (#nodes & #edges)
following m lines: s t (end points of an edge) (The indices of nodes start with 0. Only one edge of each node pair needs to be included in the edge list.)
If networks have ground-truth of anomalies, the filename of the ground-truth should by [filename]-anomaly.txt
E.g., the network filename is 'network.txt', the ground-truth should be 'network-anomaly.txt'
first line: #anomalies
following k lines: node id of an anomaly
The format is the same to network file.
The node indices are reordered, i.e., indices of anomalies are used by other nodes.
E.g., original network has 3 edges: <0,1> <0,2> <1,2>
if 0 is detected as an anomaly, the rg network should only have 1 edge: <0,1>, where the remaining nodes are reordered.
We use the METIS library for graph partitioning.
The deployment of METIS for MS Visual Studio in x64 platform under Release mode is as follows:
Open project Property Page;
Configuration Properties -> VC++ Directories, add the directory containing 'metis.h' & 'metis.lib' into "Include Directories" and "Library Directories";
Configuration Properties -> Linker -> Input, add metis.lib into "Additional Dependencies"
if MSVS reports the unresolved external symbol error, please refer to the following page for help.
For Linux OS users, please follow the guides in the homepage of METIS.
- ABC: Adaptive Betweenness Centrality
Reference: Yuichi Yoshada. Almost Linear-Time Algorithms for Adaptive Betweenness Centrality using Hupergraph Sketches. In KDD, 2014.
- OddBall
Reference: Leman Akoglu, Mary McGlohon, Christos Faloutsos. oddball: Spotting Anomalies in Weighted Graphs. In PAKDD, 2010.
Reference: V. de Silva and J. B. Tenenbaum. Global versus local methods in nonlinear dimensionality reduction. In NIPS, 2002.