This project contains 2 modules:
- The "Fetch" library
- A sample application using the "Fetch" library
The sample application was developped using the MVP (Model View Presenter) pattern
- RxJava2 and RxAndroid2
- ButterKnife
- Gson
- Parceler
- Picasso
- Gradle Retrolambda plugin
- RecyclerView and CardView (DesignLibrary)
- HttpUrlConnection
Just as its name indicates, "Fetch" is a library that fetches for data over the network. The idea behind this library is to centralise loading different types of data (be it images, videos, files, text -Json, xml, etc-).
So far, the supported data types are images and text.
This is an sample application based on the Master/Detail navigation flow.
- The master displays a list of images. The images and all their information are fetched using the "Fetch" library.
- The detail view displays the details of a photo.