Utility for chaning laptop backlight brightness, supporting different stepping modes.
--device-name <DEVICE_NAME> The backlight class device from sysfs to act on. E.g.
intel_backlight If no device name is supplied and unless any
other related flag is set licht will attempt to discover a
backlight device in sysfs
-h, --help Print help information
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
--device-name <DEVICE_NAME>
The backlight class device from sysfs to act on. E.g. intel_backlight If no device name
is supplied and unless any other related flag is set licht will attempt to discover a
backlight device in sysfs
--min-brightness <MIN_BRIGHTNESS>
Clamps the brightness to a minimum value [default: 0]
Use verbose output
Do not write the new brightness value to the backlight device. dry-run implies verbose
Operate on all backlight devices
-h, --help
Print help information
absolute Sets the current brightness value to <STEP>%
blend Maps the current birghtness value onto the function ratio*x^a + (1-m) *
(1-(1-x)^(1/b) and advances it <STEP>% on that function. Recommended parameters
for this function are ratio = 0.75, a = 1.8, b = 2.2. The argument for that
would be --blend (0.75,1.8,2.2) Enter the above function into e.g. desmos or
geogebra and change the parameters to your liking
geometric Multiplies the current brightness value by <STEP>%
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
linear Adds <STEP>% to the current brightness value
parabolic Maps the current brightness value onto a the parabolic function x^exponent and
advances it <STEP>% on that function
licht get info [OPTIONS] <--name|--class|--brightness|--percent|--max-brightness|--everything>
--device-name <DEVICE_NAME> The backlight class device from sysfs to act on. E.g.
intel_backlight If no device name is supplied and unless any
other related flag is set licht will attempt to discover a
backlight device in sysfs
-h, --help Print help information
List availble backlight devices
licht get list [OPTIONS]
--device-name <DEVICE_NAME> The backlight class device from sysfs to act on. E.g.
intel_backlight If no device name is supplied and unless any
other related flag is set licht will attempt to discover a
backlight device in sysfs
-h, --help Print help information
// Reduces brightness by 10%
licht set linear -10
// Reduces brigthness by 20% on the parabolic brightness curve x^exponent.
// Actual brightness progression: 100% -> 64% -> 36% -> 16% -> 4%
licht set parabolic 2 -20
// Increases brightness of intel_backlight by 10% on the custom blend function 0.75*x^1.8 + (1-0.75)*(1-(1-x)^(1/2.2))
licht --device-name intel_backlight set blend 0.75 1.8 2.2 -10
// List all backlight deices
licht get list
// Get current brightness of default backlight
licht get info --brightness
// Get name, class, brightness, brightness percent and maximum brightness of intel_backlight
licht --device-name intel_backlight get info --everything