simple, fun 3d engine
Workspace for Radii physics engine
This is where I will work on my 3d engine and eventually publish under this name.
Learning 3d engines
Using Biskwit methodolgy, 2d maps are converted into a a 3d viewpoint, "Creating a Doom-style 3D engine in C"
traditional gpu/rendering ---> raytracing ----> physics/"wave energy" engine.
tbh, what I noticed is that backlighting on traditional displays is static. most objects are lit "dark" IRL and overly bright when rendered. Perhaps something similar to HDR is needed. Other theory that I found is wave forms collapsing into particles ("radii") when observed. So this would be something like waves collapsing/being rendered when observed. guyessing it will be procedurely generated within a given area.
Pre rendered as waves (light, rays, object are all same class (photons) until they are in cammra
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"in camera" field / observed: wave for collapsing/rendered
way easier to blur and stitch low res videos than simulate this. (ninevid)