The Business Partner Agent allows organizations to verify, hold, and issue verifiable credentials.
This chart will install a business partner agent (bpa-core & bpa-acapy) and Postgres.
helm repo add bpa
helm repo update
helm upgrade \
--set \
mybpa bpa/bpa -i -n mynamespace
Find the chart source and further documentation in subfolder ./charts/bpa.
See Issues labled with helm
and Publishing docu in our main repository.
The tool helm-docs parses metadata from charts and generates a number of sub-templates that can be referenced in a template file
If you work in a gitpod workspace, helm-docs runs automatically if the templates have changed via pre-commit-hook. On your local machine run
docker run --rm --volume "$(pwd):/helm-docs" -u $(id -u) jnorwood/helm-docs:latest
In the gitpod workspace or on your local machine run
docker run -it --rm --name ct --volume $(pwd):/data sh -c "cd /data; ct lint --config ct.yaml"
- k8s cluster, you can used
so to install a local cluster - Add the bitnami-full-index repository to helm:
helm repo add bitnami-full-index
Install ct
locally (in the gitpod workspace it is installed already).
Configure kubectl
to work with a cluster (in the gitpod workspace add a context to the kubeconfig or use an existing one).
The following call will create an ephemeral namespace, install the chart with default values and run the helm tests.
ct install --config ct.yaml --all