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2021 12 10

Sebastian Schmittner edited this page Dec 10, 2021 · 1 revision

2021-12-10 Indy Docker Container WG Meeting #25


  • Sebastian (EECC)
  • Niclas (Spherity)
  • Guido (MGM)
  • Sebastian (Köln)
  • Hakan (TUB)
  • Artur (EECC)
  • Christian (IFIS)


We change from MIT to APAche 2.0 License.

In Progress

Fixing current images write consensus

Indy 1.13 on Ubuntu 20 image

  • Robin created Ubuntu 20 image based on artifactory debs
  • Interesting Test: libsodium issue (see "Fixing current images" for test setup)
  • IFIS is running the Ubuntu20 (indy 1.13.0~dev) in IDU
    • In consensus ✔️

Upstream Contribution

  • Whom to talk to?
  • Change License to Apache 2!
  • What else?
    • CLA?
    • Commit Sign Off




The node keys handling is currently sub optimal (env variable). Should be improved to e.g. file based setup:

Release automation / Scans


Helm Charts

  • Might geht interesting at some point in the future 😉
    • Potential Clients Spherity/MGM

Next Meeting

  • Weekly Fri 9:15-10:00 (UTC+1)
  • Last meeting this year 17-12-2021