This small OTP application aims to bring together several utilities to provide
fast and efficient logging support for Erlang/OTP applications. It is primarily
intended as a wrapper around error_logger
, so you can continue to take
advantage of enhancements for SASL logging provided by tools like
riak_err. Support for disk_log based
logging, and choice between sync and async is in the pipeline.
Include it in your deps (or stick on your ERL_LIBS
path) and use at your leisure.
%% rebar.config
{deps, [{fastlog, ".*", {git, "", "master"}}]}.
Please consult the wiki for more details.
demo() ->
%% start the app
%% configure your own application
%% add a new (named) logger
fastlog:add_logger('net.kit.event.*', debug),
%% update the level of an existing logger
fastlog:set_level(my.logger, warn),
%% log statements....
fastlog:warn("it is ~p~n", [alive]),
%% log statements to a specific logger....
fastlog:debug(my.logger, "foobar"),
%% log using wildcard - this will hit the 'net.kit.event.*'
%% logger we defined earlier....
fastlog:warn(net.kit.event.consumer, "I am the consumer....~n"),
%% use macros (with fastlog_parse_trans these will be expanded
%% to include lots of additional details)
?DEBUG("Hello ~s~n", ["World"]),
There are many more features available, which are documented on the wiki.
You can configure fastlog in your application (or release) config and load it
using the fastlog:configure/1
function. Here's an example:
%% in app.config
{webapp, [
{webconfig, [
{ip, ""},
{port, 8080}
{fastlog, [
{'web.*', [{level, warn}]},
{'*', [{level, debug}]}
There are other configuration elements and options, which are documented on the wiki.
This project will use semantic versioning. API stability will be provided from version 1.0.0 onwards.