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refactor: remove code to get a minimal Hypercrx so we can refactor it…
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… without too much burden (#547)

* temporarily remove hypertrons button

* temporarily remove code for reading hypertron-crx config in `.github/hypertrons.json`

* temporarily remove version check and notification

* temporarily remove github token related code

* temporarily remove mock related code

* remove DynamicRadar

* temporarily clear Popup page

* remove utils.test.ts

* remove code or packages that are not used

* temporarily remove TeachingBubble
  • Loading branch information
tyn1998 authored Dec 5, 2022
1 parent e5e8df9 commit be9a7d6
Show file tree
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Showing 36 changed files with 13 additions and 4,837 deletions.
2 changes: 0 additions & 2 deletions package.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -21,10 +21,8 @@
"@fluentui/react": "^8.62.0",
"@fluentui/react-hooks": "^8.3.13",
"@hot-loader/react-dom": "^17.0.2",
"@octokit/core": "^3.5.1",
"@uifabric/icons": "^7.6.2",
"buffer": "^6.0.3",
"delegated-events": "^1.1.2",
"echarts": "^5.3.0",
"github-url-detection": "^5.8.0",
"jquery": "^3.6.0",
Expand Down
5 changes: 0 additions & 5 deletions scripts/bump-version.cjs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -19,11 +19,6 @@ async function bump({ version, deploy }) {
update_info.develop.latest_version = version;
writeJson(infoPath, update_info);

// update
processFile('src/mock/', (content) =>
content.replace(/(latest_version)\:.*?,/g, `$1: '${version}',`)

module.exports = { bump };
18 changes: 3 additions & 15 deletions src/Perceptor.tsx
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,13 +1,11 @@
import { utils, isRepo } from 'github-url-detection';
import { loadSettings, mergeSettings } from './utils/settings';
import { getConfigFromGithub } from './api/github';
import { loadSettings } from './utils/settings';
import PerceptorBase from './PerceptorBase';
import logger from './utils/logger';

export class Perceptor extends PerceptorBase {
public static Features: Map<string, any> = new Map();
public settings: any;
public hypertronsConfig: any;

public async run(): Promise<void> {'start.');
Expand All @@ -19,19 +17,9 @@ export class Perceptor extends PerceptorBase {
private async checkSettings(): Promise<void> {'loading settings ...');
if (isRepo()) {
'Detected that this is a repo page, trying to load configuration file from the repo ...'
const owner = utils.getRepositoryInfo(window.location)!.owner;
const repo = utils.getRepositoryInfo(window.location)!.name;
const configHypertrons = await getConfigFromGithub(owner, repo);'The configurations are: ', configHypertrons);
this.hypertronsConfig = configHypertrons;
if ('hypertrons-crx' in configHypertrons) {
this.settings = await mergeSettings(configHypertrons['hypertrons-crx']);
} else {
this.settings = await loadSettings();
this.settings = await loadSettings();
} else {
this.settings = await loadSettings();
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -61,7 +49,7 @@ export class Perceptor extends PerceptorBase {
}'running ', featureId);
const feature = new Feature();
}, this);
Expand Down
46 changes: 0 additions & 46 deletions src/anchors/HypertronsAnchor.tsx

This file was deleted.

8 changes: 0 additions & 8 deletions src/anchors/PerceptorTabAnchor.tsx
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,9 +2,6 @@ import $ from 'jquery';
import { utils } from 'github-url-detection';
import { isPerceptor, runsWhen, isPublicRepo } from '../utils/utils';
import PerceptorBase from '../PerceptorBase';
import { render } from 'react-dom';
import React from 'react';
import TeachingBubbleWrapper from '../views/TeachingBubbleWrapperView/TeachingBubbleWrapperView';
import logger from '../utils/logger';

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -74,10 +71,6 @@ class PerceptorTabAnchor extends PerceptorBase {

// Deal with teaching bubble
const teaching_bubble = document.createElement('div');

// Update
Expand All @@ -92,7 +85,6 @@ class PerceptorTabAnchor extends PerceptorBase {
'<path xmlns="" fill-rule="evenodd" d="M 14.253906 0 C 13.292969 0 12.507812 0.78125 12.507812 1.746094 C 12.507812 2.046875 12.585938 2.328125 12.71875 2.578125 L 9.859375 5.4375 C 9.464844 5.128906 8.972656 4.945312 8.4375 4.945312 C 7.898438 4.945312 7.40625 5.128906 7.011719 5.4375 L 4.78125 3.207031 C 4.882812 3.03125 4.945312 2.832031 4.945312 2.617188 C 4.945312 1.976562 4.421875 1.453125 3.78125 1.453125 C 3.140625 1.453125 2.617188 1.976562 2.617188 2.617188 C 2.617188 3.261719 3.140625 3.78125 3.78125 3.78125 C 3.996094 3.78125 4.195312 3.71875 4.371094 3.617188 L 6.601562 5.847656 C 6.292969 6.242188 6.109375 6.734375 6.109375 7.273438 C 6.109375 7.808594 6.292969 8.304688 6.601562 8.699219 L 2.917969 12.382812 C 2.605469 12.101562 2.195312 11.925781 1.746094 11.925781 C 0.78125 11.925781 0 12.710938 0 13.671875 C 0 14.636719 0.78125 15.417969 1.746094 15.417969 C 2.707031 15.417969 3.492188 14.636719 3.492188 13.671875 C 3.492188 13.371094 3.414062 13.089844 3.28125 12.839844 L 7.011719 9.109375 C 7.332031 9.359375 7.722656 9.527344 8.144531 9.578125 L 8.144531 12.535156 C 7.320312 12.675781 6.691406 13.390625 6.691406 14.253906 C 6.691406 15.21875 7.472656 16 8.4375 16 C 9.398438 16 10.183594 15.21875 10.183594 14.253906 C 10.183594 13.390625 9.550781 12.675781 8.726562 12.535156 L 8.726562 9.578125 C 9.152344 9.527344 9.539062 9.359375 9.863281 9.109375 L 12.09375 11.339844 C 11.988281 11.511719 11.925781 11.710938 11.925781 11.925781 C 11.925781 12.570312 12.449219 13.089844 13.089844 13.089844 C 13.734375 13.089844 14.253906 12.570312 14.253906 11.925781 C 14.253906 11.285156 13.734375 10.761719 13.089844 10.761719 C 12.875 10.761719 12.675781 10.828125 12.503906 10.929688 L 10.273438 8.699219 C 10.578125 8.304688 10.761719 7.808594 10.761719 7.273438 C 10.761719 6.734375 10.578125 6.242188 10.273438 5.847656 L 13.085938 3.035156 C 13.394531 3.316406 13.804688 3.492188 14.253906 3.492188 C 15.21875 3.492188 16 2.707031 16 1.746094 C 16 0.78125 15.21875 0 14.253906 0 Z M 3.199219 2.617188 C 3.199219 2.296875 3.460938 2.035156 3.78125 2.035156 C 4.101562 2.035156 4.363281 2.296875 4.363281 2.617188 C 4.363281 2.9375 4.101562 3.199219 3.78125 3.199219 C 3.460938 3.199219 3.199219 2.9375 3.199219 2.617188 Z M 1.746094 14.835938 C 1.105469 14.835938 0.582031 14.316406 0.582031 13.671875 C 0.582031 13.03125 1.105469 12.507812 1.746094 12.507812 C 2.386719 12.507812 2.910156 13.03125 2.910156 13.671875 C 2.910156 14.316406 2.386719 14.835938 1.746094 14.835938 Z M 9.601562 14.253906 C 9.601562 14.894531 9.078125 15.417969 8.4375 15.417969 C 7.792969 15.417969 7.273438 14.894531 7.273438 14.253906 C 7.273438 13.613281 7.792969 13.089844 8.4375 13.089844 C 9.078125 13.089844 9.601562 13.613281 9.601562 14.253906 Z M 8.4375 9.019531 C 7.472656 9.019531 6.691406 8.234375 6.691406 7.273438 C 6.691406 6.308594 7.472656 5.527344 8.4375 5.527344 C 9.398438 5.527344 10.183594 6.308594 10.183594 7.273438 C 10.183594 8.234375 9.398438 9.019531 8.4375 9.019531 Z M 13.671875 11.925781 C 13.671875 12.25 13.410156 12.507812 13.089844 12.507812 C 12.769531 12.507812 12.507812 12.25 12.507812 11.925781 C 12.507812 11.605469 12.769531 11.34375 13.089844 11.34375 C 13.410156 11.34375 13.671875 11.605469 13.671875 11.925781 Z M 14.253906 2.910156 C 13.613281 2.910156 13.089844 2.386719 13.089844 1.746094 C 13.089844 1.105469 13.613281 0.582031 14.253906 0.582031 C 14.894531 0.582031 15.417969 1.105469 15.417969 1.746094 C 15.417969 2.386719 14.894531 2.910156 14.253906 2.910156 Z M 14.253906 2.910156 "/>'

render(<TeachingBubbleWrapper target="#perceptor_tab" />, teaching_bubble);
Expand Down
18 changes: 5 additions & 13 deletions src/api/developer.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,9 +1,5 @@
import request, { mockSuccessRes } from '../utils/request';
import {
} from '../mock/';
import request from '../utils/request';

// metric names and their implementation names in OpenDigger
const metricNameMap = new Map([
Expand All @@ -30,17 +26,13 @@ export const getOpenrank = async (user: string) => {

// the two requests below will be deprecated once their OpenDigger implementations are ready
export const getDeveloperCollabration = async (developer: string) => {
return (
mockSuccessRes(developerCollabrationData) ||
(await request(`${HYPERTRONS_OSS_XLAB_ENDPOINT}/actor/${developer}.json`))
return await request(

export const getParticipatedProjects = async (developer: string) => {
return (
mockSuccessRes(participatedProjectsData) ||
(await request(
return await request(
24 changes: 0 additions & 24 deletions src/api/github.ts

This file was deleted.

13 changes: 3 additions & 10 deletions src/api/repo.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
import request, { mockSuccessRes } from '../utils/request';
import { repoCorrelationData, developersByRepo } from '../mock/';
import request from '../utils/request';

// metric names and their implementation names in OpenDigger
const metricNameMap = new Map([
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -87,15 +86,9 @@ export const getMergedCodeSum = async (repo: string) => {

// the two requests below will be deprecated once their OpenDigger implementations are ready
export const getRepoCorrelation = async (repo: string) => {
return (
mockSuccessRes(repoCorrelationData) ||
(await request(`${HYPERTRONS_OSS_XLAB_ENDPOINT}/repo/${repo}.json`))
return await request(`${HYPERTRONS_OSS_XLAB_ENDPOINT}/repo/${repo}.json`);

export const getDevelopersByRepo = async (repo: string) => {
return (
mockSuccessRes(developersByRepo) ||
(await request(`${HYPERTRONS_OSS_XLAB_ENDPOINT}/repo/${repo}_top.json`))
return await request(`${HYPERTRONS_OSS_XLAB_ENDPOINT}/repo/${repo}_top.json`);
94 changes: 0 additions & 94 deletions src/components/DynamicRadar/ControlBar/ControlBar.tsx

This file was deleted.


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