build openwrt packages for miZy
mkdir /tmp/zero_builder
cd /tmp/zero_builder
git clone
cd miZy-openwrt-sdk
wget -O- | sh -
openwrt sdk require this packages
bison make flex time ash bc python gettext
ncurses-dev u-boot-tools squashfs-tools zlib1g-dev xsltproc
bzip2 lzma lzop lbzip2 gawk xz-utils aufs-tools
subversion git mercurial
compilation / cross-compilation its painfull process sometimes! try special prepared and tested VM with preinstalled all necessary packages
# working tested vm
ver=jessie ./miZy_builder_vm_generate yes # debian jessie
# or
ver=xenial ./miZy_builder_vm_generate yes # ubuntu xenial
if building process failed try run make again, maybe problem will be solve
./dl - download src packages
./bin - compiled packages
./openwrt/scripts/feeds install libgme
./openwrt.sdk.make package/libgme/configure
./openwrt.sdk.make package/libgme/install
- busybox-mizy
- fluidsynth
- libgme
- libmodplug
- markdown
- html2text
- sunxi-tools
- vorbis-tools
- mkexfat
miZy - open source minimalistic tiny fast embedded Linux system, (for sunxi Orange Pi Zero, another sunxi boards maybe work too )