Use 3rd party REST APIs with confidence.
Twilio SMS, SendGrid, Postmark, … show more
- Type Safety: Fully typed request and response bodies.
- Easy Migration: Uses the API's request body format.
- Small in Size: Mostly types. Minimum runtime code.
- Error Handling without using a
block. - Fetch API ❤️ with a custom
function support.
npm i new-request -D
All modules have a similar structure.
// Pseudocode using TypeScript type names.
const response = await moduleName(RequestBody, Options);
// Response body type can be easily narrowed.
if (response.ok) response.body; // ResponseBody
if (!response.ok) response.body; // ResponseBody4xx
Reference the services section for the specific types.
// Example using the SendGrid mail send API v3.
// Rename the imported module for better readability.
import { SendGridSendEmail3 as sendEmail } from 'new-request';
// Everything is typed and autocompleted.
const response = await sendEmail(
// First parameter closely matches the API's request body.
// In this example, reference the SendGrid API documentation.
personalizations: [{ to: [{ email: '' }] }],
subject: 'title',
content: [{ type: 'text/plain', value: 'body' }],
from: { email: '' }, // optional, override
// ...
// Second parameter `options` can be modularized and reused.
apiKey: 'SG.this_is_a_secret_api_key.do_not_expose',
from: { email: '' }, // required
// Custom `fetch` function can be provided here.
if (response instanceof Error) {
// Handle fetch error, which is most-likely a network issue.
} else if (!response.ok) {
response.status; // 400 | 401 | 403 | 404 | 413 | 500
// The response body can be narrowed based on the status.
if (response.status !== 500) response.body; // ResponseBody4xx
if (response.status === 500) response.body; // ResponseBody5xx
} else {
response.status; // 202, Successfully sent the mail.
Click the module name to view the TypeScript type.
Category | Service | Module Name |
SendGrid | SendGridSendEmail3 |
Postmark | PostmarkSendEmail |
SMS | Twilio SMS | TwilioSendSms2010 |
SMS | NHN Cloud SMS | NhnSendSms3 |
TTS | CLOVA Voice | NaverTextToSpeech1 |
Webhook | NHN Dooray! | DooraySendMessage |
Service | Module Name |
NEIS 학교 기본 정보 | NeisSearchSchool |