Authors: Haoyang Ye, Yuying Chen, and Ming Liu from RAM-LAB.
[Paper], [Project], [Bib]. ICRA 2019.
Video: [More indoor and outdoor tests].
See Dockerfile as a reference:
- ROS with Ubuntu 18.04 or Ubuntu 16.04.
- Ceres-solver.
- PCL, the default version accompanying by ROS.
- OpenCV, the default version accompanying by ROS.
git clone
into thesrc
folder of your catkin workspace.catkin build -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release lio
orcatkin_make -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
Some sample data.
source devel/setup.zsh
, orsetup.bash
if your preferbash
.roslaunch lio test_indoor.launch &
.roslaunch lio map_4D_indoor.launch &
.rosbag play fast1.bag
Try it out using docker:
- Run
. - Run
. - Run
rosbag play fast1.bag
, in your host machine or in the running container.
Note: Visualization (rviz) can run in the running container with nvidia-docker. The Dockerfile is compatible with nvidia-docker 2.0; 1.Dockerfile with nvidia-docker 1.0.
The feature extraction, lidar-only odometry and baseline implemented were heavily derived or taken from the original LOAM and its modified version (the point_processor in our project), and one of the initialization methods and the optimization pipeline from VINS-mono. The copyright headers are retained for the relevant files.
The source code is released under GPL-3.0.