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Releases: hzambran/RFmerge


12 May 05:22
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0.1-9 12-May-2020
o Updated version after CRAN reported an error in the vignette ("Invalid argument: 'cov' and 'mask' have different CRS !!"). this error was previously undetected because the package was tested with R-devel in combination with GEOS 3.5.1, GDAL 2.2.2, PROJ 4.9.2, while CRAN uses GEOS 3.8.1, GDAL 3.0.4, PROJ 7.0.0.


28 Apr 22:13
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Updated version after CRAN reported a problem with the vignette when tested against R-devel


28 Apr 07:52
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0.1-7 27-Apr-2020
o 'rfmerge': sf::st_crs(x])[["epsg"]] was changed to 'sf::st_crs(x)$proj4string' for identifying the projection of a vectorial or raster object. This was due to a report from Edzer Pebema mentioning that the old call used a legacy 'crc' structure, which was changed in the new verison of the 'sf' package.

0.1-6 07-Jan-2020
o 'rmarkdown' was added to 'Suggests' after failing a new CRAN test.
o the minimal vignette was modified to automatically set the 'parallel' argumento to 'paralell' or 'parallelWin' depending whether the OS is based on GNU/Linux or Windows, respectively.


04 Jan 18:30
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o 'RFmerge-package.Rd': now the example correctly uses 2 cores as maximum when package is tested with the "--run-donttest" option


04 Jan 15:52
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o DOI was added to the CITATION file and all the references within the package (the article was available online in January 2nd).
o A maximum of two cores is used in all examples (fixed, with respect to the previous version).
o Improved vignettes (minor details).


24 Dec 02:52
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-) new argument 'write2disk' to allow the user to choose wheter the output merged layers should be written to disk or not.

-) 'RFmerge.R': new argument 'write2disk' to allow the user to choose whether the output merged layers should be written to disk or not. Default value is 'FALSE'.

-) 'RFmerge.R': 'installed.packages()' was replaced by 'find.package', for increasing efficiency to find out if a named package is installed or not.

-) examples are now run within a 'donttest{}' piece of code instead of a '\dontrun{}' one.

-) a maximum of two cores is used in all examples, even if the number of cores available is much larger than that (required by CRAN)

-) RFmerge.Rd: '\value' tag was added, explaining the returning object of the function

-) Hengl et al. (2018) was added as a reference' did not match any file(s) known to git


18 Dec 03:17
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Initial release of the RFmerge R package, just before submitting to CRAN


18 Dec 21:30
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This new release just use compression for building the package, after a CRAN comment:

R CMD build --compact-vignettes="gs+qpdf" RFmerge


18 Dec 21:07
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This is the second attempt to submit to CRAN, after getting some comments related to the vignette