Multi-person pose estimation with PyTorch based on:
Associative Embedding: End-to-end Learning for Joint Detection and Grouping. Alejandro Newell, Zhiao Huang, and Jia Deng. Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS), 2017.
(A pretrained model in TensorFlow is also available here:
This repository provides everything necessary to train and evaluate a multi-person pose estimation model on COCO keypoints. If you plan on training your own model from scratch, we highly recommend using multiple GPUs. We also provide a pretrained model.
- Python 3 (code has been tested on Python 3.6)
- PyTorch
- CUDA and cuDNN
- Python packages (not exhaustive): opencv-python, cffi, munkres, tqdm, json
Before using the repository there are a couple of setup steps:
First, you must compile the C implementation of the associative embedding loss. Go to extensions/AE/
and call python install
. If you run into errors with missing include files for CUDA, this can be addressed by first calling export CPATH=/path/to/cuda/include
Next, set up the COCO dataset. You can download it from here, and update the paths in data/coco_pose/
to the correct directories for both images and annotations. After that, make sure to install the COCO PythonAPI from here.
You should be all set after that! For reference, the code is organized as follows:
: data loading and data augmentation codemodels/
: network architecture definitionstask/
: task-specific functions and training configurationutils/
: image processing code and miscellaneous helper functionsextensions/
: custom C code that needs to be
: code for model
: code for model evaluation
To train a network, call:
python -e test_run_001
allows you to specify an experiment name)
To continue an experiment where it left off, you can call:
python -c test_run_001
All training hyperparameters are defined in task/
, and you can modify __config__
to test different options. It is likely you will have to change the batchsize to accommodate the number of GPUs you have available.
Once a model has been trained, you can evaluate it with:
python -c test_run_001 -m [single|multi]
The argument -m,--mode
indicates whether to do single- or multi-scale evaluation. Single scale evaluation is faster, but multiscale evaluation is responsible for large gains in performance. You can edit
to evaluate at more scales for further improvements.
This repository includes a predefined training/validation split that we use in our experiments, data/coco_pose/valid_id
lists all images used for validation.
To evaluate on the pretrained model, you can download it from here and unpack the file into exp/
. Then call:
python -c pretrained -m single
That should return a mAP of about 0.59 for single scale evaluation, and .66 for multiscale (performance can be improved further by evaluating at more than the default 3 scales). Results will not necessarily be the same on the COCO test sets.
To use this model for your own images, you can set up code to pass your own data to the multiperson
function in