This repository will contain STIG remediation scripts that I've created. Every time I add a new script I will add an entry here with a bit of an explanation/description.
11/05/2024 - 11/09/2024
added 'before_report.html' --> a report detailing an OpenScap scan done on a rocky 9 container.
added 'after_report.html' --> a re-scan of the container containing the results of my mitigation scripts. some hits still show as failed even though the required settings are inside the specified file.
added ' --> a bash script that fixes the stig hits reported by 'before_report.html'.
on you can use the STIGREF 'Rule ID' number from the OpenScap report to look up the corresponding STIG ID on the Stigviewer website. To accomplish this just grab the 'V-' and the following six digits to look up on the Stigviewer website.
for example: SV-258096r926275_rule will match V-258096 in's RHEL 9 OS STIG listings.