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Nsscash (a pun on cache) is a simple file-based cache for NSS similar to nsscache [1]. The goal is to distribute users/groups/etc. to multiple systems without having to rely on a (single) stable server. Traditional systems like LDAP or NIS require a stable server or users/groups cannot be resolved. By distributing the data to all systems, temporary outages of the server cause no issues on the clients. In addition the local storage is much faster than remote network access. To update the local caches polling via HTTP/HTTPS is performed, for example every minute, only downloading new data if anything has changed.

Nsscash consists of two parts: nsscash, written in Go, which downloads files via HTTP or HTTPS, parses them, creates indices and writes the result to a local file. The second part is the NSS module (, written in C, which provides integration via /etc/nsswitch.conf. It’s specifically designed to be very simple and uses the data prepared by nsscash for lookups. To support quick lookups, in O(log n), the files utilize indices.

Nsscash can also be used separately from the NSS module to deploy arbitrary files to many hosts and keep them up-to-date.

Nsscash is very careful when deploying the changes:

  • All files are updated using the standard "write to temporary file", "sync", "rename" steps which is atomic on UNIX file systems. The indices are stored in the same file preventing stale data during the update.

  • All errors cause an immediate abort ("fail fast") with a proper error message and a non-zero exit status. This prevents hiding possibly important errors. In addition all files are fetched first and then deployed to try to prevent inconsistent state if only one file can be downloaded. The state file (containing last file modification and content hash) is only updated when all operations were successful.

  • To prevent unexpected permissions, nsscash does not create new files. The user must create them first and nsscash will then re-use the permissions (without the write bits to discourage manual modifications) and owner/group when updating the file (see examples below).

  • To prevent misconfigurations, empty files (no users/groups) are not permitted and will not be written to disk. This is designed to prevent the accidental loss of all users/groups on a system.

  • To detect file corruption a hash of all deployed files is stored separately and verified on each nsscash run.

The passwd/group files have the following size restrictions:

  • maximum number of entries: '2^64-1' (uint64_t)

  • maximum passwd entry size: 65543 bytes (including newline)

  • maximum group entry size: 65535 bytes (including newline, only one member)

  • maximum members per group: depends on the user name length, with 9 bytes per user: 5460 users

  • nsscash checks for these restrictions and aborts with an error if they are violated

Nsscash has an extensive test suite for both the Go and C part testing general requirements and various corner cases. See TODO.adoc for a list of known issues and possible improvements.

Nsscash was created as replacement for nsscache [1] because nsscache has very complex code, especially the parts written in C, uses multiple files for data and indices and has had severe bugs (including temporary loss of all users and race conditions when updating data and index files).

Nsscash is licensed under AGPL version 3 or later.


  • Go, for nsscash




  • C compiler, for

  • HTTP(S) server to provide the passwd/group/etc. files

  • NSS module is only supported on Little-endian systems (for now)

Tested on Debian Buster, but should work on any GNU/Linux system. With adaptations to the NSS module it should work on any UNIX-like system which uses NSS.


Install somewhere in your library search path (see /etc/, e.g. /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/.

Update /etc/nsswitch.conf to include the cash module; passwd and group are currently supported. For example:

passwd:         files cash
group:          files cash

Create the cache files with the proper permissions (nsscash fetch won’t create new files to prevent using incorrect permissions):

touch /etc/passwd.nsscash
touch /etc/group.nsscash
chmod 0644 /etc/passwd.nsscash
chmod 0644 /etc/group.nsscash

Configure the nsscash configuration file nsscash.toml, see below.

Then start nsscash:

nsscash fetch /path/to/config/nsscash.toml

This will fetch the configured files and update the local caches. The files are atomically overwritten (via temporary file, sync, and rename).

Verify the users/groups are available, e.g. with getent. If everything works, remember to reboot the host as changes to nsswitch.conf don’t affect running processes!

Now configure nsscash to run regularly, for example via cron or a systemd timer.

To monitor nsscash for errors one can use the last modification time of the state file (see below). It’s written on each successful run and not modified if an error occurs.


Nsscash is configured through a simple configuration file written in TOML. A typical configuration looks like this:

statepath = "/var/lib/nsscash/state.json"
type = "passwd"
url = ""
path = "/etc/passwd.nsscash"
type = "group"
url = ""
path = "/etc/group.nsscash"
# Optional, but useful to deploy files which are not supported by the
# nsscash NSS module, but by libc's "files" NSS module. nsscash takes care
# of the atomic replacement and updates; an "netgroup: files" entry in
# "/etc/nsswitch.conf" makes the netgroups available.
type = "plain"
url = ""
path = "/etc/netgroup"

The following global keys are available:

  • statepath: Path to a JSON file which stores the last modification time and hash of each file; automatically updated by nsscash. Used to fetch data only when something has changed to reduce the required traffic, via If-Modified-Since. When the hash of a file has changed the download is forced.

Each file block describes a single file to download/write. The following keys are available (all keys are required unless marked as optional):

  • type: Type of this file; can be either passwd (for files in /etc/passwd format), group (for files in /etc/group format), or plain (arbitrary format). Only passwd and group files are supported by the nsscash NSS module. But, as explained above, plain can be used to distribute arbitrary files. The type is required as the .nsscash files are preprocessed for faster lookups and simpler C code which requires a known format.

  • url: URL to fetch the file from; HTTP and HTTPS are supported

  • ca: Path to a custom CA in PEM format. Restricts HTTPS requests to accept only certificates signed by this CA. Defaults to the system’s certificate store when omitted. (optional)

  • username/password: Username and password sent via HTTP Basic-Auth to the webserver. The configuration file must not be readable by other users when this key is used. (optional)

  • path: Path to store the retrieved file


Written by Simon Ruderich <>.


This program is licensed under AGPL version 3 or later.

Copyright © 2019-2021 Simon Ruderich

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program. If not, see