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Simplify.Web configuration

Alexanderius edited this page Jan 1, 2019 · 1 revision

You can configure Simplify.Web via Web.config or App.config configuration file.

To configure, just simply create SimplifyWebSettingssection in your config file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
		<section name="SimplifyWebSettings" type="System.Configuration.NameValueSectionHandler, System, Version=1.0.5000.0,Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089" />


Possible options

	<!-- Default web-site language (default value is: en) -->
	<add key="DefaultLanguage" value="en" />

	<!-- Indicates what if no language is specified in cookie (by LanguageManager class), then a user browser language will be set as a current language for request (default value is: false) -->
	<add key="AcceptBrowserLanguage" value="true" />

	<!-- Default HTML templates path (default value is: Templates) -->
	<add key="DefaultTemplatesPath" value="MyTemplates/Templates" />

	<!-- Indicates what HTML templates files should be loaded from assembly instead of templates folder (default value is: false) -->
	<add key="LoadTemplatesFromAssembly" value="true" />

	<!-- Default master template file name (default value is: Master.tpl) -->
	<add key="DefaultMasterTemplateFileName" value="Master.tpl" />

	<!-- Default main сontent variable name (variable to store current page data, default value is: MainContent) -->
	<add key="DefaultMainContentVariableName" value="MainContent" />

	<!-- Default site title variable name (default value is: Title) -->
	<add key="DefaultTitleVariableName" value="Title" />

	<!-- Default site style name (default value is: Main) -->
	<add key="DefaultStyle" value="Main" />

	<!-- Data path (default value is: App_Data) -->
	<add key="DataPath" value="App_Data" />

	<!-- Allowed static files paths (default value is: styles, scripts, images, content, fonts) -->
	<add key="StaticFilesPaths" value="Content, Scripts, Images" />

	<!-- String table files (default value is: StringTable.xml) -->
	<add key="StringTableFiles" value="Titles.xml, Messages.xml" />

	<!-- Indicates what framework should not automatically set a site title (defaut value is: false) -->
	<add key="DisableAutomaticSiteTitleSet" value="true" />

	<!-- Indicates what exception details should not be shown in case when framework catches and displays any exception (default value is: false) -->
	<add key="HideExceptionDetails" value="true" />

	<!-- Enables HTML templates in-memory cache (default value is: false) -->
	<add key="TemplatesMemoryCache" value="true" />

	<!-- Enables string table in-memory cache (default value is: false) -->
	<add key="StringTableMemoryCache" value="true" />

	<!-- Globally disables file read caching (default value is: false) -->
	<add key="DisableFileReaderCache" value="true" />

	<!-- Logs HTTP requests info to the console (default value is: false) -->
	<add key="ConsoleTracing" value="true" />

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